Police chief on £110,000-a-year admits visiting Ashley Madison adultery website but says it was only 'out of interest in data protection issues'

  • Kenneth Hogg's visit to the adultery site was revealed following a leak by hackers
  • Police chief said he visited Ashley Madison in interest of 'data protection issues'
  • In May this year, the site revealed it had reached 52.7million members worldwide

Kenneth Hogg, the Scottish Police Authority's interim chief officer, admitted going on the site after his log-in details were revealed
Kenneth Hogg, the Scottish Police Authority's interim chief officer, admitted going on the site after his log-in details were revealed

Kenneth Hogg, the Scottish Police Authority's interim chief officer, admitted going on the site after his log-in details were revealed

A top police boss was caught visiting the Ashley Madison adultery website but claimed it was only 'out of interest in data protection'.

Kenneth Hogg, the Scottish Police Authority's interim chief officer, admitted going on the site after his log-in details were revealed by hackers.

Ashley Madison, which reached 52.7million members worldwide in May, helps people seeking to cheat on their partners, with the motto: 'Life is short. Have an affair'.

It is alleged that Mr Hogg's email address, postcode and credit card details were captured by hackers after a one-off payment of $15 was made in April 2015, reports the Sunday Herald.

But the civil servant, who starts his new £110,000 role at the Scottish police watchdog this week, said he had visited the website out of curiosity, following its collapse in 2015.

The site, which promises his members complete 'anonymity', was temporarily suspended due to a mass hacking that saw 9.7 gigabytes of data stolen - with the details of millions of users released.  

Ashley Madison, which reached 52.7million members worldwide in May, helps people seeking to cheat on their partners, with the motto: 'Life is short. Have an affair'
Ashley Madison, which reached 52.7million members worldwide in May, helps people seeking to cheat on their partners, with the motto: 'Life is short. Have an affair'

Ashley Madison, which reached 52.7million members worldwide in May, helps people seeking to cheat on their partners, with the motto: 'Life is short. Have an affair'

In a statement, Mr Hogg said: 'I have never used the service provided by Ashley Madison nor any services provided by any companies akin to it. 

'I had never heard of the company until then [when it became an international news story] and looked at its website out of interest in data protection issues.'



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