Don't mess with me! Giggling baby goes from all smiles to giving a death stare after getting sprayed with water

  • A nine-second video shows a baby getting sprayed with water
  • It starts out by smiling and in an instant gives the camera a death stare
  • The culprit breaks out in laughter, causing the baby to crack a smile
  • It gives an evil smile at the camera until the video cuts off

Watch the moment a precious baby goes from cheerful and happy to giving the death stare after being sprayed with water.

The nine-second video starts with the baby clapping its hands and giggling.

That's when a spray bottle appears from the right side of the screen. It lets out a single spray at the unassuming baby. 

Video shows the moment a baby goes from giggling and cheerful to giving the death stare at the person who sprayed water 
Video shows the moment a baby goes from giggling and cheerful to giving the death stare at the person who sprayed water 

Video shows the moment a baby goes from giggling and cheerful to giving the death stare at the person who sprayed water 

The blue spray bottle emerges from the right side of the screen and sprays the baby
The blue spray bottle emerges from the right side of the screen and sprays the baby

The blue spray bottle emerges from the right side of the screen and sprays the baby

The baby then moves its head away and when the tot turns back to the camera its eyes are piercing and is giving a look of death.

The cameraman giggles at the baby's reaction. 

Upon hearing the culprits laugh, the baby cracks a smile once again. 

The youngster continues staring a the camera with an evil smile as the video cuts out.

If there is one thing the water sprayer learned, it's not to mess with this baby.  

In an instant the baby's smile turns to the death stare 
In an instant the baby's smile turns to the death stare 

In an instant the baby's smile turns to the death stare 

When the culprit starts laughing at the baby's reaction, the tot cracks an evil smile at the camera
When the culprit starts laughing at the baby's reaction, the tot cracks an evil smile at the camera

When the culprit starts laughing at the baby's reaction, the tot cracks an evil smile at the camera

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