Judge: 'Pointless' to deport Pole who raped woman a week after he arrived in Britain

Last updated at 22:37 31 August 2007

A Polish migrant subjected a British woman to a violent rape only one week after he arrived in Britain, a court heard.

Michal Piotr Kwidzinski, 22, seized a 38-year-old barmaid as she walked home from work in the early hours.

The burly 6ft 5in Pole dragged his petite 5ft 2in victim into a builder's van where he raped her three times whilst holding her down by the neck and beating her head on the floor.

A policeman who arrived at the scene in Newquay, Cornwall, after a member of the public heard the woman's screams was confronted by the "enormous" frame of Kwidzinski and the victim slumped in the corner, drenched in blood.

The officer sprayed CS gas into Kwidzinski's eyes but the rapist threw him to the ground and he hit his head. However, he was rugby-tackled by builder Timothy Miller who held him down until more police arrived.

Kwidzinski pleaded guilty to rape and assaulting a police officer.

Sentencing him to nine years in prison, of which he will serve half, Judge John Neligan said it was "pointless" for him to recommend deportation after he has served his sentence because of "the current state of the law".

The court heard that Kwidzinski arrived in Cornwall in February to start work as a flower picker.

Robert Linford, prosecuting, said: "He had been in Newquay with friends and had been drinking a considerable amount.

"He became separated from his friend which annoyed him a lot.

"He was on his way to a disco when he bumped into a Russian man who gave him some white powder that he said was to help him have the energy and strength to work the next day.

"Clearly these were amphetamines. He tried to find a disco and it was then he saw the victim in an alleyway."

He pulled at her sleeve and demanded sex and when she refused he attacked her.

He found a van belonging to a builder parked nearby and forced the victim into the back where he started to beat her.

Mr Linford went on: "Afterwards the victim was helped from the van by police and paramedics. She said to one police officer: 'I thought he was going to kill me. Thank you for saving my life'.

"She was covered from head to toe in blood and bruises, she had a bruised eye, swollen lip and cuts to the back of her head."

Malcolm Clarke, mitigating, said Kwidzinski had had an argument on the phone with his partner in Poland that evening and was drinking heavily, as well as taking drugs and medication.

He added: "He is someone of good character who suddenly turned into a monster.

"He comes from a small village in Poland and wasn't used to the bright lights of Newquay.

"He is a Catholic man who prays every day for forgiveness and the forgiveness of his victim."

The judge recommended that Mr Miller, who went to investigate after his 15-year-old son heard screams near his home, should receive a commendation for bravery and also awarded him £100 in recognition of his public-spirited action.

The victim said after the hearing: "This has changed my life for ever. I always thought rape happened to someone else but it can happen to anyone, young or old.

Please be careful and have your wits about you."

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