Amy's letter to her dying father: 'Daddy, I don't know what I would do without you'

Last updated at 20:25 13 August 2007

This is the full text of 12-year-old Amy's letter to her dying father Garry Newlove, who confronted a gang of youths.

"To Daddy,

"I am unable to see you right now as you are too ill but I know you can fight this as you are a strong, loving man who I know loves me no matter what.

"I am asking you to be strong and don't give in as I love you too much to believe that you won't go without a fight.

"I had a dream last night that you woke up and you were fine except you didn't know me at all.

"If that did happen and you didn't know me I would still try to help you remember. I will stick by you while you are in hospital and I will take care of mummy.

"I can't get across to you how much I will miss you and I don't know what I would do without you.

"You have always been there for me when I am down and you always put a smile on my face (even if it is a rubbish joke).

"You mean the world to me and I wouldn't change you for the world. When you get out of here I will be there with a big smile on my face.

"I hope you can hear me right now as I hope it will give you more strength and determination as to wake up.

"I thought I saw nanna Newlove's face in the TV last night and I keep seeing her. I know she is here with you looking out for you and is probably offering cornflakes or Thorntons toffee.

"I love you with all my heart so please don't give in.

"We are all taking care of you and mummy.

"We will deeply miss you and I want you to know you are the best dad anyone can ask for.

"I love you so much and I do hope you can fight this. I love you!

"From your darling daughter who loves you so much and from the whole family.

"WE LOVE YOU!! AND DON'T GIVE IN!! xxxxxooooxxx"