Pupils act out 'chav hunt' - hunting pinks on horseback, their prey in Burberry caps

Last updated at 13:21 13 August 2007

Pupils at a public school set up a "chav hunt" for the video camera - and now images of the chase in the grounds of Glenalmond College been posted to the internet.

Class Wars shows current and former pupils at the school in Perthshire dressed in hunting pinks and on horseback chasing their "prey" across country before "shooting" them.

The prey is a group of chavs dressed in the "uniform" that marks them out - Burberry caps, tracksuits and designer trainers.

The video - which has been posted to YouTube - reaches a finale as "chavs" running across the school lawn are "shot" by a wax-jacketed hunter with a double-barrelled shotgun.

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scenes from Class Wars video

scenes from Class Wars video

scenes from Class Wars video

The whole video is set to Clockwork Orange-style classical music.

Roseanna Cunningham, the Scottish National Party MSP for the area, told the Times: "I suppose this video could be billed as the revent of Monty Python's upper-class twits.

"Doubtless it is intended as humour and irony but it comes across as brash, crass and arrogant."

The school, which charges up to £22,500 a year for boarders and was attended by Robbie Coltrane, the Duke of Argyll and Lord Falconer, has said any action would be taken when pupils return after the summer holidays.

But Ms Cunningham added: "Is that really what their parents are paying for when they send their privileged offspring to an exclusive school like Glenalmond?"