Broadband switching failing customers


The broadband switching process is failing customers and should be made as simple as changing gas or electricity supplier, according to a new report.

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People looking to change providers are finding that broadband companies have the upper hand due to the current system, which requires customers to go through a complicated process, says comparison website

It has urged watchdog Ofcom to treat broadband as a basic utility and create a similar switching process to that enjoyed by energy customers, whose switching requests must be lodged on a central database and dealt with during a fixed period.

Despite new rules introduced by Ofcom six months ago to make switching broadband easier, many customers are still waiting months for a new connection, according to Firsthelpline.

At present, customers must ask their supplier for a special migration authorisation code (Mac code), pass it onto their supplier and then oversee the switch.

On the other hand, gas and electricity firms must log switching requests on a central clearing database and deal with them. At the same time, new rules have been introduced that should lead to mobile phone customers being able to switch numbers in just two days.

Aamir Baloch at Firsthelpline said: 'At present, the broadband switching process is left up to the consumer. It's the sole responsibility of the customer to oversee the switch – and this is affording providers more leeway to delay the process.

'Broadband has become a domestic utility – just like energy. Ofcom needs to apply the same logic to switching. Until then, broadband suppliers have the upper hand over consumers.

'The ability to switch supplier is excellent for competition and we welcome any move which makes it easier for the average internet user.'

Customers who run into problems moving broadband are finding fixing them can be an expensive business, with many helplines now charging for calls for help.

Research by comparison website has shown that while charges for helpline calls vary between free and 50p per minute, the average cost is 9p per minute. It said helpline calls were adding £31m per year to the £2.8bn per year spent on broadband services.

Customers spend an average of 9p per minute on calls that take an average of 17 minutes to deal with – six of which tend to be spent on hold – and only four out of ten have had problems solved in one call.

Steve Weller at of said: 'Customers have found themselves having to make numerous calls to get their problems fixed so it's no wonder satisfaction is at an all-time low. To rake in an additional £31m just for helping customers to resolve technical hitches is just wrong.'

And he added: 'It's interesting that sales lines are free to call.'