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foot poppin kiss

12 reasons why The Princess Diaries is an extremely important film

But not the second one. We must never speak of that.

IF YOU’RE LOOKING for something to curl up on the sofa with this weekend, might we suggest revisiting The Princess Diaries? Because it’s the best.


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Literally the nicest thing you can watch at any time. Such comfort!

2. It contains some of now-Serious Actress Anne Hathaway’s best work

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Give her the Oscar for this, TBH.

3. And Julie Freaking Andrews gets to play the queen we all know she is

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Isn’t she just fantastic?

4. Mia has the best bedroom of all time

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A fireman’s pole? A tower? Various stairs and ladders leading up to all sorts of extra cubby holes? Gimme.

5. The ‘princess lessons’ gave us some excellent advice

brrt8 / YouTube

Sitting with your ankles crossed does look very elegant. And of course, the wave. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TODAY.

6. And we learned all about ‘foot pops’

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How many of us dreamed of having a ‘real foot-popping kiss’ thanks to Mia Thermopolis?

7. It has one of the best makeover scenes of any teen movie

“I love your eyebrows. We’ll call them Frieda and Kahlo.”

Disney Movies Anywhere / YouTube

And when she takes off her hat in class! SUCK IT LANA.

8. Everything about Joe

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Or Joseph. But not Joey.

9. And Lilly

OK, so she’s the worst. She tells Mia that she should be “over” her dad’s death after two whole months. But then there’s this:

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And this:

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We just can’t help but enjoy her in spite of her jerk tendencies.

10. This scene was just the HEIGHT of romance

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That dress! His sideburns!

11. It’s not very deep, but it does have a lovely message

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Mia lets herself be bossed around by the Queen, Lilly, her mam, Lana – but by the end of the film she’s standing up for herself and making her own choices.

12. And it’s still very close to Anne’s heart

So sweet. Genovia, the land we call our home <3

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