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My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding

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David Duke's autobiography.

717 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

David Duke

8 books76 followers
Former Louisiana State Representative, PhD.D. in history and international relations, and former KKK-member.

David Duke ran for public office on various occasions and spoke in Syria and Iran on Zionism and holocaust-revisionism.

Currently David Duke runs an internet radio station and is a frequent speaker on conferences.

Rumors are that David Duke also wrote two books under different names "African Atto" as Mohammed X, and Finders Keepers as Dorothy Vanderbilt

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews
Profile Image for Vagabond of Letters, DLitt.
594 reviews340 followers
April 25, 2021

I stayed away from this book even when it wasn't banned because of my impression of Duke as a fraud and huckster. However, as I've aged and consumed almost every available piece of racialist and Rightist literature from the centuries since the French revolution, I decided to give this one a try. Because of the widespread ban, I got a copy directly from Duke (sold, not given), as a bonus inscribed to me in what appears to be blue ballpoint with an apropos quotation from one of my own writings.

I found this book to be the best primer available on the New Right. Of the hundreds of books of New Right theory and praxis I've read, and of the dozens of books giving our program its scientific, psychological, and sociological backing, none equals this as a place to start. It's framed as a biography, but except for the first and penultimate chapters, it's an exposition of political theory. In it, Duke introduces and gives quite good overviews of Judaic supremacism and Talmudic double ethics; Judaic media and economic power; race differences in IQ and personality; sex differences in the same; environmental conservation; Rushton's differential r/K theory (published just three years before); evolution and miscegenation; immigration; free speech; the holocaust (on which his two chapters are possibly the most balanced exposition I've read); Jews and communism; crime; and more.

He gives in capsule form enough to whet the appetite for more knowledge, and in these thousand pages manages to at least mention almost everything I've spent the majority of the last half-decade researching.

The list of issues he tackles on the JQ is pretty much identical to that in Kevin MacDonald's The Culture of Critique, but where Duke gives them about 150 pages, MacDonald gives them 800, and with far better documentation; Duke is obviously heavily influenced by the good professor's work.

Duke's book is adequately sourced, with very few errors in the citations, but he fails in providing a list of further reading to build the library of the newly awakening. This alongside superficiality (necessitated by the length and breadth of the topics covered, as each chapter in this book could easily be a book, for a series of 17 volumes of equal length), editorial errors and sometimes rough prose keep the book from achieving my eighth perfect rating.

As to the lack of further reading, I will rectify Duke's oversight below and for the first time list the New Nationalist's Library. Important titles starred. Necessary titles double-starred.

1. On the Jews
--1.1 Overview: A People That Shall Dwell Alone, Separation and its Discontents, **The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald; The Ordeal of Civility by John Murray Cuddihy; *The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E Michael Jones.
--1.2 On Media Power: An Empire of Their Own by Gabler; Understanding Jewish Influence by MacDonald.
--1.3 On Jewish Supremacism and Palestine: The Jewish Century by Slezkine; *Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak; The Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict by Finkelstein
--1.4 On 'Jewish' Religion: *Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman; The Lies of the Jews by Martin Luther; On the Inveterate Obduracy of the Jews by Peter the Venerable; St Paul's letter to the Romans; Chrysostom's Adversus Judaeos; The Catholic Church and the Jews by E Michael Jones.
--1.5 On Jews and Communism: The House of Government by Slezkine; *Two Centuries Together and **The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn.
--1.6 On the Holocaust and Persecution Complex: You Gentiles by Samuel; **Jews Must Live by Roth; The Giant with the Feet of Clay by Graf; *The Holocaust Industry by Finkelstein; The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State by Ginsburg.

Individualism and Collectivism by Triandis, The Foundations of the 19th Century, the Myth of the 20th Century, and plenty of works by older authors (especially ones from, ahem, fallen regimes) don't fit in those categories easily.

My finger tires from typing the format tags on a phone, so I'll add them below later.

2. The Racial Question.
--2.1 Overview: **Why Race Matters by Levin; Race: The Reality of Human Differences by Sarich and Miele; **Race, Evolution, Behavior by JP Rushton; Human Differences by Murray; Paved with Good Intentions by Taylor.
--2.2 Race Causes Culture: Toynbee's Study of History, vols 1-3; The Uniqueness of Western Civilization by Duchesne; The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant; Which Way Western Man? by Simpson; Race and the American Proposition by Sam Francis.
--2.3 Race and IQ/Personality: **The Bell Curve; **Modernity and Cultural Decline by Sarraf et al; Race Differences in Intelligence by Lynn; Bias in Mental Testing, Educability and Group Differences, The G Factor, all by Jensen; Race Differences in Ethnocentrism by Dutton
--2.4 Evolution and Heterogeneity: **On Genetic Interests by Salter; The Perils of Diversity by Roth
--2.5 Anti-White Racism: The Affirmative Action Hoax by Farron; No Campus for White Men by Greer; White Identity by Taylor; Confessions of A Reluctant Hater, Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country, both by Greg Johnson.

3. Politics:
--3.1 Constructive Politics: *Democracy by Hoppe; On Power by de Jouvenel; A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism and the Ethics of Private Property, both by Hoppe; White Nationalist Manifesto by Greg Johnson; the Northwest books by Covington (A Mighty Fortress, A Distant Thunder, The Brigade, Freedom's Sons)... many more.
3.2 TBD...

4. Sex and Feminism:
Domestic Tranquility by Graglia; *Sexual Utopia in Power by Devlin; *Sex and Deviance by Faye; Sexual Desire by Scruton; Feminism and Freedom by Levin; the Second Sexism by Benatar; The Privileged Sex by van Creveld; *Libido Dominandi by Jones; Sex and Character by Weininger.

...to be continued. The list is too long; I should try my hand at a book...
1 review1 follower
February 25, 2012
Evil purpose behind the curtain. Propagates genocidal, racist and prejudicial propaganda in the name of science.
478 reviews
July 29, 2012
**2nd reading of this book**

Occasionally, I like to read a book because I expect it to challenge my beliefs and cause me to think. This is the second time I've read this book and it is hard to read it without nodding your head to some of what Dr. Duke says and saying yes, this makes sense.

Dr. Duke is a White Nationist, which is a political ideology which advocates a distinct identity for white people and a separate all-white nation state. This is not necessarily the same as a white supremacist although some people may be identified as both.

This book really challenged my views. Far from being a stereotypical uneducated hick in a white sheet, Dr. Duke educates the reader in various misrepresentations of the beliefs of our founding fathers, presents evidence on racial differences, and expounds on his beliefs about a Jewish conspiracy to radically change our country. The book is full of footnotes and there are over 1000 sources listed in the back of the book, all from neutral sources or from groups that would be considered his opposition.

Because I learned a lot about the rationale for Dr. Duke's views, I give this book 4 stars and I can concede that there are some differences that are related to race or culture and that our founding fathers views on racial issues are not as egalitarian as one might believe.

But, I do not buy all the conclusions of the author hook, line, and sinker. The separatist white state utopia that Dr. Duke yearns for cannot ever exist and that is probably a good thing. I think we may not all be the same, but part of our challenge on earth is to learn to live with each other and co-exist. I think our time is best spent focusing on the best way to do that.
Profile Image for Shea Mastison.
189 reviews28 followers
January 25, 2014
There's something vicariously exhilarating about spending time with heretics and outcasts. There are few people who fit the bill better than David Duke. Sure, this books could have been two or three hundred pages shorter, with a good editor--but he makes his case clearly and consistently.

I am familiar with hatemongers, and while the media seems to have a vested interest in painting Duke as one; he's clearly not. His ideas are difficult to classify, but they most certainly do not bear the reactionary emotionalism most associated with open hate. Essentially, Duke just really seems to love white people and Western European culture. Ironically, Malcolm X left me with a very similar impression after reading his autobiography.

Duke is not the Devil. He's not an aspiring dictator; and for a politician, he seems minimally narcissistic. Obviously, this book isn't going to be for everyone. However, if you're curious, you should read it.
Profile Image for Pat Schakelvoort.
598 reviews27 followers
December 17, 2008
Good book on white nationalism. Although it`s a bit too defensive, too obsessed with the media image of being bigoted and hateful. This book aims at the sympathy of it`s readers and not at guts and balls.

It doesn`t agitate you to take a stand. It just gives the idea that white separatism isn`t that bad. Especially when non-whites complain of being oppressed by white supremacy. So why not separate and leave each other alone.
Profile Image for Wendy.
Author 2 books7 followers
May 24, 2008
This book was written by David Duke, ex leader of the KKK. It's not at all what you expect, especially in the beginning. David starts the story attempting to appeal to the human side of a would be racist by telling stories about his nanny, who was a black woman, and how he loved her, and how she didn't like the idea of integration.

This leads into Davids battle with himself and his confusion where racial concerns were becoming a problem in his daily life and as he grew into a man and into politics.

As the book goes on, it opens up some food for thought on conspiracy and separatism. The books facts are a bit jumbled, but do lead into things that if you do your own research, will definitely be eye-opening and educational. A good start for exploring racial conspiracy theories if you are intelligent enough to get past the agendas of the author and the subsequent agendas of what you discover in your own research.

Not the best story teller, David Duke, but handy with references.
Profile Image for Salma.
400 reviews1,280 followers
November 7, 2010
الحقيقة أن الكتاب يقدم معلومات و وثائق عن مدى نفوذ اليهود في العالم و يميط اللثام عن أشياء رهيبة... و قد تفاجأت كثيرا
إلا أن ما جعلني أعطيه نجمتين فقط أنه كتاب عنصري، فهو ينطلق من مواقفه من اليهود ليس احقاقا للحق و انتصارا للعدالة بسبب جرائم الصهاينة في فلسطين، و إنما بسبب عرقي... و هذه العنصرية تجعل المرء لا يستسيغ الكلام كثيرا
لأن سبب كراهيتي للصهاينة هو كونهم ظالمين و مجرمي حرب و قتلة و عنصريين و ليس كونهم يهود
و أنا لا أحب العنصرية و لا أقبلها حتى تجاه العنصريين أنفسهم لأن الله تعالى يقول
و لا يجرمنكم شنآن قوم على ألا تعدلوا، اعدلوا هو أقرب للتقوى

و مشكلة الدار الناشرة أنها لم تترجم إلا الفصول المتعلقة باليهود، و هذا ما يجعل الحكم على الكتاب و أفكار المؤلف غير كامل و دقيق، و لذلك أظن أن ربما الفصول المجتزأة هي حديث عن الأعراق و تفوق العرق الأبيض الخ الخ

بأية حال كانت تجربة مختلفة، و المؤلف لديه منطق، و هو في كل زاوية من الكتاب يلمح إلى أن كل ما يطلبه هو أن يكون كاليهود، يعني و كأن لسان حاله يقول، دعوهم يكونو عنصريين و دعوني أيضا أكون عنصريا مثلهم

ملاحظة، إن اراد أحدكم زيارة موقع المؤلف، فلينتبه لأنه موقع مليء بالفيروسات، و قد امتلأ كمبيوتري منها حين زرته
و ملاحظة أخرى، المؤلف ليس عضوا سابقا في الكونغرس الأمريكي كما تدعي دار النشر بالخط العريض
و لكن يعني اعتدنا على ألاعيب دور النشر


Profile Image for Mucius Scaevola.
259 reviews44 followers
May 22, 2023
My friend asked me what would an “anti-Semitism” of the left would look like. After thinking about it, I think it would mesh nicely with certain leftist concerns.

1. Wealth inequality: generally and between Jews and blacks.

2. Economic exploitation of blacks by Jews. (I’m told that this is something that’s understood in the black community, especially by black artists with Jewish lawyers/handlers.)

3. Palestinians qualify as POC that is being victimized by an aggressor, and the oppression has a racial basis.

4. Jews are the quintessential hegemony willing and able to exert its might—financial, political, cultural—against marginal opponents.

5. The perpetual warmongering of neocons is objectionable on leftists grounds, as is their Islamophobia and victimization of Israel’s adversaries.

6. The outperform of Jews (model minority) undercuts the certain leftist political narratives that focus on the underperformance of minorities.

7. Jewish privilege (wealth, legacy admissions, etc.) is opposed to the leftist sanctification of the dispossessed.

8. Jewish endogamous marriage practices and Israeli apartheid are, to leftists, vile and racist.

9. Jewish participation in the slave trade.

And there are other, more graphic things that one could list regarding that malfeasance of intel and the exploitation of the most vulnerable among us. But some things are best left unsaid.
Profile Image for Steve Scott.
1,088 reviews51 followers
December 30, 2021
I just finished this rather ponderous work. It’s over six hundred pages, albeit in a large font. An autographed copy was loaned to me by a woman who had been given the book by a friend.

Duke, a convicted felon, Neo-Nazi and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, wrote this in 1998, when the Internet was in its infancy. He’s quite enthusiastic about the Internet, stating on page 653 that it “allows cross examination on every issue!”

I share that enthusiasm, and keeping with the spirit of it I used the internet to cross reference some of the claims in his book. I’ll cite just two examples (of quite a few) that I delved into.

On page 41 Duke provides a “quote” from Abraham Lincoln which he footnotes as being from “The Collected Works Of Abraham Lincoln,” Roy P. Basler’s 1953 work. The quote is as follows:

“There is no room for two distinct races of white men in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks. I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life as an equal... Within twenty years we can peacefully colonize the Negro in the tropics and give him our language, literature, religion, and system of government under conditions in which he can rise to the full measure of manhood. This he can never do here. We can never attain the ideal Union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable.”

The quote may or may not be in Basler’s 1953 work, but it originated in “The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan.” This was a novel published in 1905. It was the second work in the Ku Klux Klan trilogy by Thomas Dixon Jr. It is a work of fiction. The words themselves, never uttered by Lincoln, were framed by Dixon in a fictional conversation between Lincoln and a fictional character, Austin Stoneman.

(Note: I have a copy of the Dixon book. I downloaded it for free from archive.org. I’ve read the passage in question. Duke makes mention of Dixon’s work later in his book and cites it.)

Duke eliminates the third person omniscient narrator of Dixon’s novel, eliminates the fictional character of Stoneman, eliminates the imagined dialogue between him and Lincoln, and presents portions of the passage as a Lincoln “quote” that was first conceived forty years after Lincoln’s death.

On page 339 he makes mention of a book he read (which he doesn’t name or cite) that told him of early 19th century Jewish financier Amschel Mayer Rothschild’s “most famous financial coup”.

The British Rothschild, Duke relates, learned of the victory of the British General Wellington over Emperor Napoleon’s French forces at the Battle of Waterloo. Rothschild, we read, attained the information early, before anyone else in Great Britain had heard the news. We’re told he planned this, having agents with messenger pigeons placed to send him information on the outcome of the battle.

Leaking word to the British public that the British had lost, the stock market crashed. Duke says that Rothschild then bought up huge volumes of the stock at a bargain. When the truth of the battle came to be known, the market recovered. Rothschild was then a very rich man.

Or so the story goes.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild died on 19 September 1812 at the age of 68.

The Battle of Waterloo was fought on the 18th of June, 1815.

Do the math.

Profile Image for Ignacio.
482 reviews97 followers
March 18, 2019
Nunca me convenció mucho eso de leer ciertos libros sólo para “entender cómo piensa el enemigo”. Nada tiene para aportarnos esa lectura estratégica si ya decidimos de antemano la condena de un libro, o si ya tenemos preparado nuestro arsenal dialéctico para refutar todos sus argumentos. Por mi parte, si ya sé que un libro no puede aportarme nada, si me considero del todo inmune a él, creo que no tiene sentido leerlo.

El fenómeno que llamamos suspensión de la incredulidad es uno de los grandes aportes que la ficción puede otorgarle a nuestra forma de leer -y de pensar. Cuando aprendemos a sumergirnos en una historia, en una psicología, a comprender sus reglas y su funcionamiento desde adentro, a empatizar con ellos incluso, nuestro espíritu se ensancha. Durante el tiempo de lectura podemos ser otras personas, y gracias a ello disfrutar de una experiencia vital multiplicada al precio de perder, parcialmente, nuestra individualidad y sus convicciones. Cuando leemos, podemos comprender a personajes que en la esfera de la realidad nos resultarían repulsivos, como Raskólnikov o Humbert Humbert, y hasta ponernos de su lado frente a un mundo que nos incluye a nosotros mismos.

Al transitar un libro de no ficción, trato de hacerlo con la misma actitud, sin importar lo extrañas o violentas que, a priori, me resulten las ideas que contiene. Claro que esta predisposición entraña más riesgos cuando se trata de ideas y no sólo de historias, ya que la credulidad durante la lectura puede resultar en una conversión al terminar el libro. Es un riesgo que asumo, y que en al menos un caso notorio -el de Liberación animal, de Peter Singer- se concretó y trajo consigo un cambio trascendente en mi forma de vida. En ningún caso creo que haya que leer con miedo. Y tampoco con miedo del qué dirán. Como afirmó Derrida, la literatura es la institución democrática por excelencia, la que se reserva el derecho a decirlo todo; también debería ser la que se reserva el derecho a oírlo todo. Antes me excusaba de ciertas lecturas afirmando que no compartía las ideas que ellas expresaban. Pero ahora soy un adulto, y no siento la necesidad de justificarme (¿ante quién, por otra parte?) para cuidar una imagen de bienpensador que de todas formas va a arruinarse en cualquier momento, y por cualquier nimiedad.

Continúa: https://parresia2016.wordpress.com/20...
Profile Image for Eric.
63 reviews4 followers
November 21, 2018
This was a fascinating read. It's basically 3 books in one, all interconnected; a thesis and an autobiography.

The 3 parts are: an autobiography of David Duke, an overview of race science, and an overview of the JQ. The latter two parts are very well-cited, and I don't recall finding anything immediately factually objectionable in either of them.

The autobiography was the most interesting part for me. Duke is maybe the most attacked and misrepresented individual in the American media, and yet still managed to be elected to Congress. Clearly the people of the 81st district of Louisiana saw something in Duke, and reading about his life from childhood to political prominence was very engaging. Was Duke always racially aware? Why did he join the KKK? Basically any question you have had is answered.

The race science stuff was good, but a bit boring to me as someone who is familiar with the material. It's a good introduction to the science, however, and is integrated decently into the story of Duke's life.

The JQ part was really the first I had ever read about the topic in detail. Some of the things quoted from the Talmudic literature are indeed quite disturbing, and I need to do further reading before I can give a statement of the accuracy of this section. I'll note that this part was the least interesting to read, for me, and seemed to go on for a very long time.

If there's one gripe I had with the book overall, it's that sometimes the thoughts meander a bit. Usually interesting tangents, but sometimes off the point.

Overall, an intriguing autobiography by a fascinating character. Highly recommended to everyone to get a perspective from the other side of one of the most contentious American characters alive.

The entire book can be downloaded for free in audiobook form, here: https://archive.org/details/MyAwakeni...

Or as a pdf, here:
24 reviews1 follower
November 29, 2017
David Duke is a controversial character, but it doesn't mean you can't learn something from his life and thoughts. As of his writing, he was a passionate Nationalist and had some extreme views on race. He follows a social and evolutionary viewpoint to the (quite natural) conclusion of discernible differences between black and white, gentile and Jew, hetero- and homosexual, which informed his hard stances on things in areas of immigration and national politics. He describes the harsh realities he bravely faced in the path of resisting evils and pursuing political power. I even cried when I read of the brutalities of his (and his soon-to-be wife's) brief and unjust stay in a mostly-black prison. I may not agree with his methods, or with all of his conclusions, but I did find him an intelligent and persuasive writer, and easy to connect to.

Read this book if you want to discover how reasonable an extreme viewpoint can be from the inside perspective.
47 reviews10 followers
June 27, 2020
When people call David Duke a you know what, I know they haven't read My Awakening. Even the KKK issue is dealt with by Duke with elegance and good humor! Seriously, read what the man says without rampaging like running undead corpses on keyboards thinking they are winning arguments by shouting and mentally burning this blond haired and blue eyed man at the stake.

Above I wrote running undead corpses because the word zombie is so overused that it turns the brain of the reader off. Other brain dead words we tend to use are racist, whatever-phobis, nazi, fascist, white supremacy and,, you know the script.

It's sad that we all know the script. Even Google is posting hysteria about this white walker!
34 reviews1 follower
August 20, 2019
Pretty much considered "the bible" of the white nationalist movement, this is a brilliant, epic work. Whatever you think of the author, this book is a fascinating personal story, meticulously researched, and most powerfully argued. Duke brilliantly articulates, with irrefutable logic, preecisely the need for white people to regain a sense of racial consciousness, and to break the taboos.
Profile Image for Khalid.
10 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2020
كتاب جيد ولكن انا أستغرب من عدم ترجمة الكتاب كاملاً كما كتبه المؤلف لدرجة عدم ترجمة العنوان الصحيح للكتاب؟! يبدو ان المترجم ركز فقط على ترجمة النصوص التي تتكلم عن اليهود فقط!! لذلك أنصح من يتقن اللغة الانجليزية ان يقرأه باللغة الانجليزية بغض النظر عن عنصرية ديفيد ديوك
Profile Image for Ernest.
255 reviews55 followers
November 26, 2016
ebook review : A very detailed accounting of the formation of his political views and reasoning for his activism. Gives a detailed narration of the political issues of white nationalism.
Profile Image for swampeater.
27 reviews4 followers
April 24, 2022
Good information pertaining to the nationalist movement in the States and well written autobiography of Duke at the time of his writing.
Profile Image for Da1tonthegreat.
32 reviews2 followers
April 30, 2024
"I hated you before I really knew what you stood for, and I am ashamed of that." This is in a letter David Duke received during his time in the Louisiana State House of Representatives, and it feels personally relevant. In My Awakening, Dr. Duke reveals who he really is, and it's a far cry from the bigoted, ignorant, hate-filled monster portrayed by the media.

Though the title implies autobiography, this is a magisterial work. If you were to only ever read ONE book on race science and the Jewish Question, you couldn't go wrong with My Awakening. However, in his grand survey of the topics, Duke points you in the direction of numerous other texts and subjects and leaves you with a thirst to learn more and DO more. His life story is fascinating as well.

It speaks to the power of this book and its message that, despite the widespread notoriety of its author, physical copies of this book are virtually unobtainable. Fortunately it can be found online, including a complete audiobook recording read by the man himself, which I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Paolo Aguas.
165 reviews2 followers
July 9, 2019
This was a very long read and to be honest it’s not because the book is deep or anything it’s a combination of length and bad writing. I am going to be honest when I heard about this book I got really intrigued, as a Political Science Major I wanted to see what David Duke had to say maybe it is different from a lot of extremists or racists out there and well I was disappointed.

To be fair to him in his book he has over one thousand references and if the reader doesn’t do his research or questions what he says you will think he is always telling the truth and well that’s not the case as these sources have been proven wrong.

Now I am not going to make this a long review (this book was almost 700 pages of content and several of references damn) there are 4 parts to this book: first his early life, second about African Americans, Third about the Jews and lastly what he wants to happen now.

David Duke when writing about his early life is very boring, he whole thing is so boring I honestly was thinking to myself “This is the book people are saying shows evil?” But I continued then when I read parts 2 and 3 I got it already. So here is my analyze I don’t think David Duke is evil but I think he is racist and believes he is the smartest man in there room. He tries to sound intelligent by comparing the size of noses, heads, etc of African Americans and white people and how supposedly African Americans are more violent than white peoples, my point being really? You are saying these things and saying that African Americans aren’t as smart as the supposed Aryan Race by giving supposed sources? Look at Dr. Ben Carson he is a neurosurgeon and he is black how is he not as intelligent as any other neurosurgeon?

Here’s the thing David Duke is a very likable guy but he isn’t a good guy, he makes his beliefs sound scientific and source based that anyone can believe him, but here is the hard hitting truth we are all equal, we are all different in terms of personalities, beliefs, and other things but we are equal in aspects of intelligence and what not, no one race is better than the other.

I saw interviews of Topher Grace calling him evil and that this book is like the Mein Kampf, I honestly haven’t read the Mein Kampf but I feel that this book can not compare to that book, it is badly written and in my opinion does not make much sense unless you are a racist.

I am glad I read this book because at least now I see that racist people are all the same, the only difference is some are better at hiding their racism compared to others.

Now why am I giving this book 2 stars, first one star is the lowest score and second there is a part of the book wherein David Duke talks about children with special needs and that really pulled my heart strings I appreciate the fact that at least that he cares about kids with handicaps and all so that’s where the other comes from but honestly this book isn’t even worth reading. It took me close to a whole month to finish this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
July 25, 2020
Honestly I'm impressed. I came into reading this book with a lot of preconceived notions regarding Duke, his ideas and the kind of person that he is. This book is a refreshing, fun, sad, interesting and contemplative account of his childhood and his development. I recommend.

Still reading though. Maybe it will take a turn. :)
Profile Image for James Robert Clark.
46 reviews6 followers
November 1, 2019
An insight into the mind of one of the most intelligent, well spoken, & influential leaders of White racialism & proponent of White Civil Rights.
Once you read it your view will change regarding this influential & intelligent individual.
1 review
October 16, 2020
Awesome and totally a must read about hard questions one faces today. I was amazed at his consistent unbiased review and opinion of things while teaching and letting you come to your own conclusions. If you don't own this buy it NOW!
Profile Image for Souhaib.
52 reviews4 followers
January 21, 2013
الكتاب قرأته بنسخته العربية و هو كتاب مهم يشرح بالتفصيل التدخل اليهودي في أمريكا و السياسة الأمريكية و أعتقد أنه مهم لغير العرب و المسلمين الذين لايعرفون أو لم يسمعوا بهذا التأثير
Profile Image for Ryan Fletcher.
Author 23 books4 followers
April 18, 2023
David Duke does an absolutely top notch job of communicating both the conceptual and objective truths surrounding racial reality through the lens of his autobiography. The epiphanous impact of Carleton Putnam's book 'Race and Reason' on a young David Duke would propel him to being elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives and run political campaigns for the Louisiana Governor, U.S. Senate and twice for President of the United States (as the nominee for the Populist Party in 1988 and in the Republican primaries in 1992). David Duke's 'My Awakening' is a necessary read for honest politics.
1 review
January 17, 2024
This is among the best books read in a human life that deals with the subject of races and does not make us understand that there is a difference that will be hidden, just like the dove and the crow are birds but they are different races and there are differences. I'm Romanian and when I was little the teachers put me next to the gypsies to help them in their lessons because they couldn't learn. I never managed to teach them anything, instead I got lice and I was cursed,they spat at me and they were stealing food from my bag. You cannot deny the differences between the white race and the black race. It's like saying that there are no differences between a chicken and a horse.
Profile Image for Forked Radish.
2,684 reviews78 followers
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September 13, 2021
I'm not enthusiastic about this book. But one needs to nip the fascism of America's woke Taliban in the bud and read the books they've banned. Otherwise, all the books deemed non-pc (usually by politicos who haven't read them) will wind up in "flame purification ceremonies." It's disturbingly reminiscent of Germany c. 1933.
51 reviews
December 29, 2022
Duke makes some coherent arguments here, even if I emphatically disagree and think he could have made this bio a whole lot shorter.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews

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