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The Women's Murder Club returns in a shockingly suspenseful thriller. Plunging into a burning town house, Detective Lindsay Boxer discovers three dead bodies...and a mysterious message at the scene. When more corpses turn up, Lindsay asks her friends Claire Washburn of the medical examiner's office, Assistant D.A. Jill Bernhardt, and San Francisco Chronicle reporter Cindy Thomas to help her find a murderer who vows to kill every three days. Even more terrifying, he has targeted one of the four friends. Which one will it be?

339 pages, Paperback

First published February 26, 2004

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James Patterson

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JIMMY Patterson Books

James Patterson is the most popular storyteller of our time. He is the creator of unforgettable characters and series, including Alex Cross, the Women’s Murder Club, Jane Smith, and Maximum Ride, and of breathtaking true stories about the Kennedys, John Lennon, and Tiger Woods, as well as our military heroes, police officers, and ER nurses. Patterson has coauthored #1 bestselling novels with Bill Clinton and Dolly Parton, and collaborated most recently with Michael Crichton on the blockbuster Eruption. He has told the story of his own life in James Patterson by James Patterson and received an Edgar Award, ten Emmy Awards, the Literarian Award from the National Book Foundation, and the National Humanities Medal.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,765 reviews
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,798 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2022
This is a Cop Mystery/Thriller, and it is the third book in the Women's Murder Club series. I will not summary the plot because most of the summery would be spoilers if you have not read 1,2 or this book in the series. I have to say this made me sad because a character I loved got killed. The characters in these book are very developed. I feel the plot in this book is really good to. The pacing in this book is very good, and I was never bored or did not want to pick up the book. This book is a fast moving drama and twist filled book. I really enjoyed this book which is what I really needed.
Profile Image for Krystin | TheF*ckingTwist.
550 reviews1,832 followers
August 22, 2022
Book Blog | Bookstagram

This book was all cheese.

The story line was cheese.

The dialogue was cheese.

And the romance was mega cheese.

But, let's face it: most of us aren't reading these novels for the literary brilliance.

The Women's Murder Club series is my favourite to hate-read of Patterson's. They are fast and entertaining and annoying, including all the cheese.

I like to make a game out of taking a shot every time one of the female characters says something no women would say to another women, even if they are best friends. Patterson seems to have zero clue how real women interact. It's fantastic and eye-twichingly bad.

Number three in the series is about a homegrown terrorist plot, a budding romance and the death of a main character - which really upped the cheese factor for me on this one. All of it was ridiculous, sometimes far-fetched and cliché. I would love to see LT Boxer just go ham on someone one time instead of saying things that are essentially like, "Oh, Gosh darn. Shoot."

But ether way, this book made the hours fly by at work. In terms of mystery, it follows the typical Patterson formula, blah blah blah. It's all there. If you're looking for a real suspenseful mystery with good writing, look elsewhere. But if you just want to eat some cheese and kill some time, Patterson is your man.

Me, reading Patterson in bed:

⭐⭐⭐ | 3 stars
Profile Image for Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings).
1,655 reviews260 followers
February 15, 2017
"3rd Degree" by James Patterson is the third book in the Women's Murder Club series. Having read the previous two I was looking forward to this one.
Unfortunately I've ended up skipping chapters just so I didn't have to record it as unfinished. I found it very disappointing, the plot within the storyline was boring and the female characters just weren't the same - Claire especially just wasn't her normal bubbly strong self. I've read other readers reviews and it still seems to have a good following but for me it just didn't do it. I have all the other books in the series - I believe there's another 14 or so to go - so hopefully they'll pick up again with the next one.
Profile Image for Darla.
3,963 reviews907 followers
August 22, 2020
This third installment in the Women's Murder Club features a social justice narrative. Unfortunately, the people who are trying the right the evils of the world have resorted to violence. An exploding townhouse, a ricin poisoning, and more bombing. Lindsey and her girls are working as quickly as they can to get to the bottom of the issue. Includes help from Homeland Security which was a relatively new concept just a few years after 9/11. There were some unexpected twists and turns for the murder club that will affect future installments and I look forward to seeing how that plays out.
Profile Image for Paul Weiss.
1,341 reviews384 followers
October 21, 2023
Women's Murder Club vs. August Spies!

THE WOMEN'S MURDER CLUB, introduced to legions of new fans in 1ST TO DIE and continued to wonderful effect in 2ND CHANCE, is an intelligent, plausible, modern idea whose time has come. Lindsay Boxer, a police lieutenant in charge of San Francisco's homicide division, Cindy Thomas, lead crime reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, Jill Bernhardt, assistant DA and Claire Washburn, Chief Medical Examiner, are four sharp, rising professionals in the field of law enforcement who have broken the proverbial male glass ceiling and have discovered the synergy of brainstorming their way to a solution of their mutual problems.

In 3RD DEGREE, the high speed action starts from the very first page as our ladies are confronted with the brutal terrorist attacks of an out-of-time 60s fringe group of misguided Berkley radicals targeting what they would label stereotypical mega-rich corporate robber barons and their families - better known to the rest of the world as millionaires. With the puffed up rhetoric of the far, far left, they take credit for one of their attacks with a note signing themselves as "August Spies" - "We have declared war on the agents of greed and corruption in our society. No longer can we sit back and tolerate the powered class, whose only birthright is arrogance, as they enrich themselves on the oppressed, the weak, and the poor."

The thriller part of the novel is a well crafted and nicely paced police procedural that takes us through vignettes involving forensics, profiling, post mortems, cooperation between the LA municipal police force and the FBI, the plodding details of policing at street level, and even the moral dilemma posed by the tragic requirement to withhold details of an investigation when this action may place the public in harm's way! The solution is both satisfying and credible and even the bad guys are well-developed characters that come alive off the page with their twisted motivation and hatred of the world around them.

As he did so well in 2ND CHANCE, Patterson continues to lift his tale above the realm of ordinary thriller by realistically allowing the personal lives of the four ladies to intrude on their professional lives (or is that vice-versa?). Lindsay falls hard for a professional colleague whose base of operations is clear across the country and Jill struggles with the emotional roller coaster of a husband's abuse that has recently escalated into the physical after she lost her baby by miscarriage in 2ND CHANCE. (I was, however, more than a little miffed to discover that the church pastor Cindy fell in love with in 2ND CHANCE and Lindsay's ex-cop father, both of whom seemed to hold out so much promise for future sub-plots and character development were simply ignored in 3RD DEGREE - sigh!)

Well done! I'll be out looking for #4 in the series shortly!

Paul Weiss
Profile Image for karen.
3,999 reviews171k followers
March 23, 2022
i'm binge-reading through this series MULTIPLE TIMES for a work thing right now, so i'm not gonna review them properly, but i'm pretty impressed that we're only three books in and patterson's already playing the george r.r. martin-style "don't get attached" card.

Profile Image for Rob.
511 reviews144 followers
July 10, 2021
Book 3 in the Women’s Murder Club series published 2004.

3.5 stars

I wonder to myself sometimes just how much or how little the co-author, in this case Andrew Gross, is part of the creative process. Is there truly a collaboration between the writers or is this just a marketing ploy?
But I digress, as far as James Patterson books go this wasn’t too bad.

As the series title would indicate the sleuths are a group of women all from various professions and walks of life.
The principal lead is Lindsay Boxer a high ranking police officer who, when thing get tough, gets her girlfriends together to have a collective brain storming session which invariably lead to a satisfactory conclusion.

In this case we have a terrorist group who are outraged by the machination of the group of G9
nations. They demand an end to world financial domination by these wealthy nations and for a fairer distribution of global wealth. And they mean business. To add weight to their demands they say they will kill a delegate every three days until the world come to its senses.

Two deaths on and the police and the worlds politicians are holding their collective breaths.

It’s time for the Woman’s Murder Club to do their thing. This time there is an added incentive for the ladies to do their thing, one of their own has been murdered by this mad terrorist group.

As I said this wasn’t too shabby. As with a lot of James Patterson books it, was at times, a bit cheesy but for all that it managed to keep me entertained right to the end
Profile Image for Rodrigo.
1,286 reviews693 followers
March 25, 2024
Me ha gustado bastante, si es cierto que apenas me acordaba de los 2 anteriores y eso puede que haya jugado a su favor.
Los capítulos ultra cortos te incitan a la lectura, y el ritmo del libro es ascendente, con lo cual ya estas perdido y enganchado!! jajajaja.
Me ha gustado la trama, es cada vez mas rebuscada, y lo que parecía un "simple" ataque terrorista se convierte en otra cosa mas personal.
Hay su parte de romance? o al menos un conato de un posible...romance.
La protagonista principal es la detective, pero sus 3 amigas van a participar, mas o menos, activamente en el caso, son: una forense, una fiscal y una periodista.
Cada una desde su ámbito va a aportar su granito de arena.
Valoración: 8/10
Sinopsis: La detective Lindsay Boxer sabe que la ola de crímenes que sacude San Francisco es algo más que la obra de un criminal desquiciado... pero no puede imaginar que se trata del comienzo de una guerra de consecuencias imprevisibles. Junto a sus amigas Jill, abogada, Claire, forense, y Cindy, reportera, Lindsay intenta atar todos los cabos: bombas, venenos…notas enigmáticas... Alguien ha decidido resucitar los viejos lemas contra los poderes económicos del planeta y convertirlos en una auténtica guerra, y Lindsay se encuentra en el centro del campo de batalla. Mientras la detective y sus amigas intentan descifrar los verdaderos motivos de los criminales, una de ellas está siendo víctima de su propio infierno de violencia.
# 5. El número 50 de tu lista de pendientes de goodreads. Reto Lecturas pendientes 2024.
December 5, 2018
HELP - I NEED HELP. I had 20 likes thanks to you all, and something has happened to them all and now I only have one. If possible, could you please re-insert? Thanks! Not begging. Thanks!!!!

WOW!!! I've been reading these very much out of order, and to finally read Book #3 "3rd Degree" has been very revealing and is helping to fill in the holes that I haven't received up until then. Written by James Patterson and Andrew Gross.

In this third offering in the Women's Murder Club series, "3rd Degree" starts off with a bang. Literally. Lt. Lindsay Boxer, SF Homicide Detective, is out jogging along, admiring a town house she sees on the street. And then it explodes right in front of her. After calling for help, she rushes in and finds two dead bodies...and a child, whom she rescues.

What happens in the subsequent days will soon be declared a war of sorts. But who is at the hub of this activity? And who will be next on the target list?

Soon Lindsay and her pals—Claire, Cindy, and Jill—are in the thick of things. Someone is sending messages to Cindy at the Chronicle, and the name "August Files" seems significant.

Joe Molinari, the hot FBI Deputy Director is in the mix, too, and the attraction between him and Lindsay is sizzling. Just found out that he is #2 in rating his abilities among the agency in which he works.

While the troops try to sort things out, and find out what a group of revolutionaries from the 70s has to do with all that's happening, we get to peek into a developing romance between Lindsay and Joe. But sadness lurks nearby, and one of their own is targeted.

Sweeping across the West—from San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley to Portland, Oregon—and from the 1960s to the present, the story carries the reader along, showing a glimpse of the country, then and now. And reminding us all that terror does not always come from outside our borders.

Somewhat predictable, but definitely a page-turning novel that features the warm and fuzzy connections between the women. Recommend. (less)
Profile Image for Erica.
1,398 reviews471 followers
April 6, 2012
I got to the part where Jill-the-scapegoat's body was just found and I rolled my eyes and gave up. Not even the actual mystery part of the story makes me care enough to keep going.
This is some seriously lazy writing and I am done with this series.

The plot - terrorists trying to save the world from itself - is interesting enough for a formulaic suspense/mystery novel. It's the killing of the characters, and I don't mean in the literal sense of Jill, that is just unbearable.
Claire, my favorite, didn't even sound like Claire. She's become all squishy and whiny. Where did that strong, supportive, compassionate woman go? I guess all the scaring she received in the last book broke her and she diminished exponentially.
I almost stopped the book when Lindsay marched into Steve's office to demand he stop abusing Jill or else. Really? A homicide detective threatens a batterer? Has she never ever heard of people killing their spouses for just exactly because they'd been confronted? And Lindsay is a woman; as far as I've seen, having been a female all my life, and all, women more often rally around and protect their battered friends, not full-on threaten the husbands. I'm pretty sure that on some level, Lindsay would have been worried that the abusive husband would become more dangerous once confronted and would have known not to put her friend in that position. Apparently, I don't know Lindsay, friends, women, logical human beings...at all.
But it's ok. Scapegoat Jill who must have become a major obstacle to the author, died anyway and we don't have to worry about her well-being any longer. I mean, not only did she have to lose a baby in the last book, but then we find she's also a battered wife in this book. It's too much and there's not a lot left to do to her but kill her.
And my interest? Also killed.
Moving on.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Diana.
354 reviews20 followers
December 27, 2018
When it comes to rating books on Goodreads: For me, every book starts out as a 3 star book. It then has from the first page to the last page to give me reasons to add or remove stars. I was surprised to find myself rating book two 5 stars, only to follow that up with a 3 star rating for book three. I enjoyed reading 3rd Degree but I didn’t get that same “edge of my seat” feeling nor did I feel very “wowed” at the moments that were meant to wow me. Therefore, I couldn’t add any stars. It was still fun hanging out with ladies in the Women’s Murder Club. Onto book 4!
April 10, 2024
I don't know whether I would be giving this a five-star read if I read it again now but, clearly I did really enjoy the 3rd in the series of the women’s murder club. I thought this was almost as good as the first and second book.

Yes this book isn’t the most inventive and imaginative but it is a great read. This book was so fast-paced and easy to read with sort and snappy chapters. I think if you like James Patterson you will like this book – I am now on number 10 of the series and I will pre-warn you that these books get a little worse around the 6-8 but I can say number 9 was just as good as the first few and I hope this series is picking back up!

"No," he said. "That's Lieutenant Boxer. She' s Homicide. A real bitch on wheels, I hear."

“Every time I glanced in the rear view mirror and caught a glimpse of my own eyes, I kept thinking, I've seen those eyes before.”

You can read this as a stand-alone as each book follows a different crime and plot. However the women’s murder clubs member’s lives change throughout this series so it might be beneficial to read this in order of you don’t want spoilers and plan to read them all.

This book does have at least one BIG shock it too and even I didn’t see that one coming – was it a good move I’m not so sure was it entertaining absolutely!

Profile Image for Athena (OneReadingNurse).
821 reviews120 followers
March 27, 2020
I am continuing to love these books as fast and fairly mindless page turners!

The premise of terrorizing the 1% was so much more interesting than the last book. I was totally wrong about who the mastermind was which always gives a book more brownie points. I also stayed a lot more interested in this plot ... ... then got a little confused when it dropped how everyone was related, which made it lose a star rating.

Also doesn't Boxer know better than to play attack dog vs an abuser?

Favorite line: What the hell did he do,” I muttered to the med tech leaning over him, “get into a lifesucking contest with an alien?”

P.S. I like Molinari and hope he stays alive!
Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,210 reviews498 followers
December 29, 2023
Dang, how do you mess with the book title already on book 3?

The premise was good, and the mystery mainly unfolding went well.

Unfortunately, coming to this one off of a spectacular Alex Cross showed some of the weakness in the plot flow, and it felt a bit like a female echo.

The biggest thing missing in this series from Alex Cross is the characters' relationship, which gives them a tad bit more depth, as there are multiple narrators on the good guy side with Lindsay Boxer.

Solid 4 Stars
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,215 reviews112 followers
December 8, 2011
James Patterson is basically running a mystery novel factory, and it shows in this book. The novel goes through the motions acceptably enough--there are clues and ratcheting tension and figures come back from the past and deaths of people close to the protagonist and a love interest. But the entire thing feels rather formulaic and thin.

Somehow, despite shocking revelations and stunning returns from the dead, you're never quite shocked or stunned. There isn't enough of an emotional connection established to make a reader sympathetic to the allegedly chilling revelations. A major character dies and it doesn't feel particularly traumatic. A romance proceeds far too easily. I figured out the mastermind far too easily, and the climax somehow fizzles.

The weird structure doesn't help. There are four women in the club. One is a first person narrator for about a quarter of the chapters. The rest of the chapters are third person narrations following the other women, suspects, victims, what have you. I really don't understand why it switches from first to third--either follow all the characters in third, or stay in first person and deal with the limitations it imposes. It feels like a cheap trick to make you care about the protagonist, instead of actually writing the protagonist to be likeable.

Similarly annoying, many of the chapters are a page and a half long. And not every chapter changes viewpoint. So you have a short conversation, and then a new chapter with a minor action, and then a new chapter with a brief action scene, and then a new chapter with another short conversation. It's choppy and artificially induces page-turning.

Written too quickly, this novel tries to use cheap tricks and pyrotechnics to replace heart and detail. There's nothing wrong, per se, just nothing particularly great, either. It's competent, I suppose, but completely uninspired.
Profile Image for Amy J.
103 reviews58 followers
January 7, 2022
Not as good as the first two, definitely worth the read

Detective Lindsay Boxer is jogging in San Francisco when there is an explosion in a nearby house. Despite not having any equipment, she rushes in to rescue a boy. At first, it is determined to be a gas leak, but something doesn't add up. A message is found and Lindsay is on the case -- along with the rest of the murder club.

This book focuses a bit more on Lindsay, rather than the rest of the group. Of course, there is a new love interest, but it seems just a copy of the one in the first book. Although there is an interesting mystery in the book, it doesn't seem to be quite as interesting as the first two. Still if you enjoy the series it is definitely worth the read.
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,606 reviews84 followers
March 8, 2023
El caso al que se enfrentan ahora parece ser terrorismo, pero podria ser otra cosa? Las chicas tendran que poner de todo su empeno para lograr localizar a este nuevo asesino (o grupo), que se ha dado a la tarea de matar a personajes conocidos, dando a entender que estan en contra del imperialismo y de la forma como los paises capitalistas esclavizan a las naciones de menos recursos, incluyendo a su propia poblacion cuando no tienen los recursos necesarios.
Pero el caso se vuelve personal cuando una de las chicas se ve involucrada, de manera que no solo Lindsay querra detener al asesino, sino tambien quiere venganza, y eso incluye usar todo los medios que tiene disponibles, incluso el Director Asistente de Seguidad Nacional que se encuentra en San Francisco. Seran capaces de detener al asesino antes de que haga mas dano?

Primero, no me gusto la forma como el autor enfoco el crimen "politico-terrorista", dando a entender que las protestas de esas personas no son validas y que mas bien, son algo molesto con lo que se tiene que vivir. Segundo, no me gusto que tuvieran que asesinar a esa mujer, cuando ya la estaban haciendo pasar por un momento "dificil" en su relacion. Tercero, porque no explicaron la razon por la que Cindy y Aaron ya no estan juntos, esa era una relacion que le veia mucho potencial.
En fin, este libro me parecio muy sencillo, no creo que se hayan manejado bien muchos de los temas politicos, o quizas es que en la epoca de su publicacion ese era el punto de vista general, pero lo cierto es que fue lo que menos me gusto del libro.
Sigue siendo una buena lectura, entretenida, y buena para pasar el rato, y aunque ya se me esta haciendo mas facil identificar a los culpables, siempre entretiene ver como van a lograr obtener la evidencia para capturarlos. Asi que voy a seguir leyendo la serie, esperando a ver que cosas nuevas nos trae el autor en el proximo libro.
Profile Image for Bex.
385 reviews63 followers
July 2, 2010
This is my first James Patterson novel, and not the last. 3rd Degree is a fast moving story with interesting characters and, most importantly, a suspenseful story. His short chapters kept my interest where I didn't want to put the book down. I actually read the book in one day, i just couldnt put it down.

One morning while Lt. Lindsay Boxer of the San Francisco Police Dept. was jogging with her dog she saw a house explode. Lt. Lindsay Boxer went into the burning house to see if anyone was in trouble. She finds a child a finds out that a baby is missing. A backpack is found at the scene with a note in it. The note says August Spies, a terrorist group, is responsible for this and will keep doing this. Lindsay calls her three friends (Cindy a news writer, Jill a D.A., and Claire a medical examiner) to help her solve the crime. They also get help from Joe Molinari, Homeland Security Deputy Director.

Lt. Lindsay Boxer receives e-mails saying the killers will kill every three days until the government takes responsibility for treating people throughout the world poorly. It becomes a race to catch the murderer since time is running out. Not only is time running out, but one of the Murder Club members is keeping a big secret. Who is it and what will happen to her? I won't tell, but believe me you won't believe it! Of course there has to be a romance! Yes people, Lindsay Boxer and Joe Molinari are involved. For once I'd like to read a thriller without having the main characters romantically involved. By all means, it didn't hurt the story in any way.

In my opinion 3rd Degree was a very good book. GO PATTERSON!
Profile Image for Baba.
3,798 reviews1,211 followers
April 17, 2020
Women's Murder Club #3>: The Women's Murder Club find themselves investigating what appear to be counter-culture terrorists; and Jill's husband is suspected of battery! Not as good as the second book, way to over dramatic and Boxer's new love interest and story is virtually a replica of her one in the first book., yet still very readable... how does Patterson do it? 4 out of 12
Profile Image for Edmond Gagnon.
Author 19 books47 followers
December 4, 2014
A Damn good read!
Believable characters and plot...not a thing I dislike about this book.
Profile Image for Laurel-Rain.
Author 6 books252 followers
March 22, 2013
In this third offering in the Women's Murder Club series, "3rd Degree" starts off with a bang. Literally. Lt. Lindsay Boxer, SF Homicide Detective, is out jogging along, admiring a town house she sees on the street. And then it explodes right in front of her. After calling for help, she rushes in and finds two dead bodies...and a child, whom she rescues.

What happens in the subsequent days will soon be declared a war of sorts. But who is at the hub of this activity? And who will be next on the target list?

Soon Lindsay and her pals—Claire, Cindy, and Jill—are in the thick of things. Someone is sending messages to Cindy at the Chronicle, and the name "August Files" seems significant.

Joe Molinari, the hot FBI Deputy Director is in the mix, too, and the attraction between him and Lindsay is sizzling.

While the troops try to sort things out, and find out what a group of revolutionaries from the 70s has to do with all that's happening, we get to peek into a developing romance between Lindsay and Joe. But sadness lurks nearby, and one of their own is targeted.

Sweeping across the West—from San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley to Portland, Oregon—and from the 1960s to the present, the story carries the reader along, showing a glimpse of the country, then and now. And reminding us all that terror does not always come from outside our borders.

Somewhat predictable, but definitely a page-turning novel that features the warm and fuzzy connections between the women. 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for ElaineY.
2,278 reviews68 followers
November 14, 2018
Narrator: Carolyn McCormick

4.5 stars

I'm enjoying this series a lot more than I thought I would, much more than Patterson's own Alex Cross series. This installment was good, especially the inclusion of a new romance for Lindsay after losing her first boyfriend earlier. The romance between her and Joe Molinari stayed in its place and did not intrude into the murder-suspense thread. The story began with a literal BOOM! and kept its pace to the end.

I did not like what the author did to Jill, though. I see no need to of the WMC's members. I took away half a star for this.
Profile Image for Melodie.
589 reviews73 followers
October 24, 2019
Installment 3 of the Women's Murder Club has domestic terrorism at center stage. And big changes are in store for the ladies. As always, it was a quick and entertaining read.
Profile Image for Kate  prefers books to people.
610 reviews7 followers
May 6, 2022
Beware of spoilers.

3.5 rounded up.

I blew through this on a long car ride. I might have ditched it early on if I'd brought another book. There's some ridiculousness in this book. Did the world really need another sexy federal agent man as lead love interest? Hopefully he's out of the series soon. I was already overloaded by Benton Wesley and Gabriel Dean without adding what's his name.

Btw, here is another warning that there shall be spoilery stuff ahead.

Then there's the intro with Lindsay seeing the explosion and running into the burning house, saving the child and somehow not getting injured. Um, ok. I was hoping that the action hero thing from the last book was a fluke but I guess it's going to be part of the series. I'll deal with it. I like Lindsay.

So what made me want to throw the book?


She just threw out her husband that night. Couldn't she have a few days of happiness?

Overall, I liked the plot. Jill's dad prosecuted a domestic terrorist way back when. Now someone close to him has rebranded and recruited new footsoldiers. The murders appear to be just terrorism/assassinations, until the girls discover the link that made it personal. Lindsay saves the day in a spectacular, last-minute fashion.

Um, but could we have an alternate reality where maybe she didn't save that particular VP?

I wasn't a fan of Lindsay going in and threatening Jill's husband without talking to Jill. Or when Claire interrupts the investigation and calls Lindsay down to the morgue in case she needs a hug. Positives outweighed negatives. I plan to keep reading.
Profile Image for Πάνος Τουρλής.
2,291 reviews138 followers
July 1, 2017
Στο τρίτο βιβλίο της σειράς με τη Γυναικεία Λέσχη Φόνων, το Σαν Φρανσίσκο δέχεται τρομοκρατικά χτυπήματα που αποσκοπούν στην τιμωρία των ισχυρών οικονομικών παραγόντων, εκπροσώπων τραπεζών, διεθνών οργανισμών εμπορίου κλπ. που πλουτίζουν κοροϊδεύοντας τον κόσμο, τη στιγμή που σε υπανάπτυκτες ή αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες ο κόσμος δεν έχει καν τα στοιχειώδη για να επιζήσει. Ποιος κρύβεται πίσω από αυτές τις δολοφονικές επιθέσεις και πώς θα το χειριστεί η υπαστυνόμος Λίνζι Μπόξερ με τις φίλες της;

Αυτό ήταν μέχρι στιγμής το καλύτερο βιβλίο της σειράς, όχι τόσο για την ανατροπή περί του αληθινού κινητήριου μοχλού για τις φονικές εκρήξεις και τις δολοφονίες και για τα αίτια που κρύβονταν πίσω από αυτές τις πράξεις όσο για τα υπέροχα μηνύματα που πέρασαν οι συγγραφείς υποδόρια κατά την ανάγνωση του βιβλίου. Τα αίτια των τρομοκρατικών χτυπημάτων ήταν καλά καταστρωμένα, αφαιρούσαν ανθρώπινες ζωές χιλιάδων αθώων θυμάτων και ο στόχος τους ήταν η εκδίκηση για την εκμετάλλευση των ανθρώπων.

Με το κείμενό τους οι Πάτερσον και Γκρος δείχνουν σαφέστατα ότι ο εχθρός είναι ανάμεσά μας και δεν προέρχεται από ξένες χώρες. Πρόκειται δηλαδή για μια σαφέστατη «προειδοποίηση» απέναντι στο κράτος των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών ότι η χώρα δεν κινδυνεύει (τόσο πολύ) από φονταμενταλιστές αλλά ο κίνδυνος μπορεί να ελλοχεύει στο διεστραμμένο, σαλεμένο μυαλό ενός αυτόχθονα, γηγενούς Αμερικανού πολίτη. Και όλα αυτά το 2004 που κυκλοφόρησε το βιβλίο, τρία χρόνια μετά την επίθεση στους Δίδυμους Πύργους και τις συνέπειες που ακολούθησαν αυτήν την τραγωδία για όλο τον κόσμο. Έτσι λοιπόν στο τρίτο βιβλίο της σειράς, ο ανυποψίαστος αναγνώστης έρχεται αντιμέτωπος με τις συνέπειες που υφίσταται κάποιος όταν διαβάζει για λιμούς, συνθήκες πείνας στον Τρίτο Κόσμο, εξάπλωση του AIDS χωρίς ελπίδες ίασης (γιατί κάποιος προτιμά να κατασπαταλά αυτά τα χρήματα σε προσωπικές απολαύσεις) και μετά απλώς γυρίζει σελίδα. Κάποιος αποφάσισε να εκδικηθεί για όλες αυτές τις απάνθρωπες ανισότητες, τις κοινωνικές και οικονομικές διαφορές του πλανήτη και πήρε τον νόμο στα χέρια του. Χάρη σε αυτό το βιβλίο έμαθα πολλά πράγματα για τους πρωτεργάτες και τον συμβολισμό κάποιων ανθρώπων στην πορεία του «αναρχικού» αυτού κινήματος κατά της πλουτοκρατίας. Όγκαστ Σπάις, Μάριον Ντελγκάντο, η σφαγή του Χέιμάρκετ το 1886 και πολλά άλλα.

Προσέξτε την παράγραφο στη σελίδα 106: «-Ξέρετε... ότι οι πανίσχυρες πολυεθνικές εταιρείες διαθέτουν πλέον πλούτη μεγαλύτερα από το ακαθάριστο εθνικό προϊόν του ενενήντα τοις εκατό των χωρών του πλανή��η. Έχουν αντικαταστήσει τις κυβερνήσεις ως σύστημα κοινωνικής ευθύνης του κόσμου μας. Γιατί άραγε... σπεύδουμε να εκφράσουμε την κατακραυγή μας ενάντια στο βδέλυγμα του απαρτχάιντ στον τομέα της φυλετικής ευαισθησίας μας αλλά κοιμόμαστε τον ύπνο του δικαίου όταν αυτό το απαρτχάιντ είναι οικονομικό; Επειδή δεν το βλέπουμε μέσα από τα μάτια των υποδουλωμένων, το βλέπουμε μέσα από την κουλτούρα των ισχυρών. Των εταιρειών. Από την τηλεόραση».

Μήπως όμως όλα αυτά είναι επίτηδες σχεδιασμένα έτσι ώστε κάποιος να πάρει προσωπική εκδίκηση; Κι αν είναι έτσι πώς καταφέρνει και στρατολογεί τόσους υποψήφιους θύτες; Τι συμβαίνει στο μυαλό του και ποιος είναι; Επιπλέον πώς θα τον εντοπίσουν και θα τον εξουδετερώσουν η Λίνζι Μπόξερ και οι άνθρωποί της; Ως πού μπορεί να φτάσει κάποιος που δεν πιστεύει σε τίποτα και θέλει να εκμηδενίσει τις ανισότητες του κόσμου, εκμηδενίζοντας τον ίδιο τον κόσμο; Δε θα ξεχάσω τη σκηνή της τελικής αποκάλυψης, που μου έδειξε νέτα σκέτα τον βαθμό που το μίσος μπορεί να αλλοιώσει έναν άνθρωπο και να φτάσει σε τέτοιο σημείο τυφλής υποταγής που να πάει κόντρα στη φύση του, στο θέλημα του Θεού, στην ίδια την αγάπη. Η συγκλονιστική στιγμή μου θύμισε τις αντίστοιχες των χιτλερικών που αυτοκτονούσαν μετά τη λήξη του Δεύτερου Παγκόσμιου πολέμου.

Πέντε μήνες μετά την υπόθεση του δεύτερου βιβλίου της σειράς, η Λίνζι βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπη με μια Λερναία Ύδρα, της οποίας τα κεφάλια πολλαπλασιάζονται ανεξέλεγκτα και τα βήματα που κάνει δεν την κατευθύνουν προς μια συγκεκριμένη διαδρομή. Πώς θα μπορέσει να επιλύσει την υπόθεση και σε ποιο βαθμό θα συμβάλουν τα υπόλοιπα μέλη της Γυναικείας Λέσχης Φόνων; Στο «3ο χτύπημα» η δη��οσιογράφος Σίντι έχει χωρίσει τον άντρα που γνώρισε στο προηγούμενο βιβλίο (οι συγγραφείς δε μας γνωστοποίησαν το γιατί), η αντιεισαγγελέας Τζιλ αρχίζει να γίνεται θύμα συζυγικής βίας από τότε που έχασε το μωρό της στην προηγούμενη ιστορία και η Λίνζι ερωτεύεται τον προϊστάμενο του Υπουργείου Εσωτερικής Ασφάλειας με έδρα την Ουάσιγκτον Τζο Μολινάρι που αποστέλλεται στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο για την υπόθεση.

Σε αυτό το ανατριχιαστικό και αγωνιώδες θρίλερ, έφτασα σε σημείο να δακρύσω στην τελευταία σελίδα, γιατί η γνώριμη σπιντάτη, σχεδόν σεναριακή, γραφ�� ήταν ακριβώς αυτή που έπρεπε για να μου μεταδώσει την αγωνία της μοναξιάς που ένιωσε η Λίνζι όταν η υπόθεση έφτασε στο τέλος της και έπρεπε να δει τι θα κάνει με έναν άντρα που αγάπησε και την αγάπησε αλλά μένει στην άλλη ακτή της Αμερικής. Έναν άντρα που δείχνει ότι ταιριάζουν κι επιπλέον δεν είναι άλλος ένας πανίβλακας που της φορτώθηκε χωρίς να αξίζει. «Δεν έχω ζωή...Έχω ένα πολύ καλό σκυλί. Και τις φίλες μου. Και τη δουλειά μου. Και τα καταφέρνω πολύ καλά στη δουλειά μου. Αλλά δεν έχω ζωή» (σελ. 330). Θα συνεχιστεί λοιπόν αυτή η σχέση που δοκιμάστηκε μέχρι να επιλυθεί η υπόθεση μεταξύ δύο ανθρώπων που είχαν να παλέψουν τις δύσκολες συνθήκες υπό τις οποίες γνωρίστηκαν, τα απαιτητικά επαγγέλματά τους και κυρίως το πόσο ψηλά είναι η θέση εργασίας του Μολινάρι μέσα στην κυβέρνηση;

Τέλος, μέσα σε όλο αυτό το αδιέξοδο υπάρχει και η περίπτωση της Τζιλ και τα διάφορα στάδια που περνάει η ψυχολογία της μέχρι να καταλάβει την πραγματικότητα. Είναι παντρεμένη με έναν άντρα που της μειώνει σταδιακά την αξιοπρέπεια, την κάνει να νιώθει άχρησητη και αποδυναμωμένη και παρ’ όλο που τη χτυπάει, η ίδια συνεχίζει να είναι εκεί, χωρίς να ξέρει το γιατί. Ναι, είναι η ίδια δυναμική, αυταρχική και υπάκουη στους νόμους γυναίκα που έχει κλείσει στη φυλακή αντίστοιχους άντρες! Η κατάσταση περιπλέκεται ακόμη περισσότερο όταν η Τζιλ μπαίνει στο στόχαστρο του ανθρώπου που έχει πανικοβάλει την πόλη και η υπόθεση παίρνει μια απρόσμενη ανατροπή που με άφησε με ανοιχτό το στόμα για τουλάχιστον πέντε λεπτά.

Το τρίτο βιβλίο της Γυναικείας Λέσχης Φόνων έχει ανεβάσει τον πήχη πάρα πολύ ψηλά. Έχει μια έξυπνη κεντρική ιδέα, την οποία αναλύει με κλιμακωτή αγωνία και τις γνωστές ανατροπές των συγγραφέων, έχει ανθρώπινη ματιά και διεισδύει λίγο περισσότερο στην ψυχολογία των ηρωίδων και των ατόμων που συναναστρέφονται. Δεν υπάρχουν απόλυτες αντιθέσεις, μαύρο και άσπρο, καλό και κακό. Έχουμε ήρωες που μετανιώνουν, πισωγυρίσματα στο ιδεολογικό κριτήριο, αληθοφανείς συνέπειες γεγονότων και πράξεων κι επιπλέον πολλά άνοιχτά μέτωπα στην αφήγηση, τα οποία κλείνουν ικανοποιητικά ένα ένα ως το ανατρεπτικό τέλος.

Αυτό που με παραξένεψε πάντως ήταν η αφθονία τυπογραφικών λαθών στην έκδοση του 2004 τουλάχιστον, γιατί κανένα απολύτως βιβλίο των εκδόσεων ως τώρα δεν έχει ούτε ένα λάθος. Φυσικά και θα το αγνοήσω και δε θα του επιτρέψω να μου χαλάσει τη σχέση αγάπης που έχω με αυτά τα λατρεμένα βιβλία τσέπης. Α, επίσης δεν απαντήθηκε το ερώτημα: γιατί χτυπούσαν οι τρομοκράτες κάθε τρίτη μέρα, όπως «ευαγγελίζεται» η περίληψη του οπισθοφύλλου. Επομένως, μην αρχίσετε το βιβλίο αν δεν είστε χωροχρονικά σε θέση να αφοσιωθείτε σε αυτό.
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1,374 reviews101 followers
March 22, 2023
Nothing new under Mr. Patterson's sun: a decent plot and some good action, a pleasant allert style, some strong characters, but I've not seen yet some sparkles in the series, nor a magnificent final yet.. In addition, there are some unanswered questions, like the method used to get Jill out of her house before her killing.
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