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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Group Reads > Among the Monarchs

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message 1: by Sarah (last edited Jun 22, 2012 12:07PM) (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
This book by Christine Garren won the vote for our first group read. We'll start June 30.
Among the Monarchs by Christine Garren

message 2: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 166 comments It's winging its way from Amazon right now.

message 3: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod

message 4: by Deb (new)

Deb (debscott) | 21 comments Looks so good (terrific), but I'll have to pass this time. It's on back order from Powell's and not at my library. (I'm trying to do this local or electronic thing for myself.)

Only ONE more available at Amazon, so someone else should hurry!

message 5: by Debra (new)

Debra Hewitt | 27 comments If you live in the States, you can ask your library to borrow it for you from another library. They usually require you to pay postage both ways although that is sometimes waived if you live in a college town and they can borrow it from the school. I think a small percentage of the poems are also viewable through books.google.com which could get you started.

message 6: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 166 comments My copy came yesterday.

message 7: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Bummer, Deb!

message 8: by Deb (new)

Deb (debscott) | 21 comments Debi wrote: "If you live in the States, you can ask your library to borrow it for you from another library. They usually require you to pay postage both ways although that is sometimes waived if you live in a c..."

GREAT idea, Debi. I live in a great library town and have done ILL's before. D'oh! Will check tomorrow.

message 9: by Sarah (last edited Jun 29, 2012 01:20AM) (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Hi all -
We start tomorrow, and I put a two-week time period on it. That is of course flexible, and we can talk, or not, till the cows come home.

Nevertheless, to keep some structure, we'll start with a discussion the first 12 poems, which are:
The Bride
Early Memory
First Time
The Analyst
The Calf
The Skaters

Some things to think about:
1. Are these prose poems?
2. Why is it titled "Among the Monarchs?"
3. What's the major theme?

Please feel free to jump in with ideas.

message 10: by Sarah (new)

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