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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

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message 1: by Sarah (last edited Jan 03, 2012 06:24AM) (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Hi -
If you want to participate next year, here's a place for your reading list. It's fine to put up some titles you aim to read, but of course you can add and edit all year long.
Happy new reading year!

message 2: by Laura (new)

Laura Desiano (lauraedavis) | 9 comments Hello!

I am a recent addition to this group and a goodreads newb. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out where to put the books I plan to read. Is that here? The other years seem to have their own thread section. Just want to be sure I'm in the loop - this will be a fun challenge!


message 3: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Hi Laura -
So glad to have you in the group. Yes, your book list goes in this section. Just click on the subheading "Members' 2012 Book Lists" and you'll get the subject with its separate topics. Look way right at "new topic," click that, type in "Laura's List" or whatever, and add your list. If you have any troubles we will try to help.

message 4: by Gareth (last edited Jan 03, 2012 05:45AM) (new)

Gareth Fenley (garethfenley) | 3 comments Hello to the group,
I am also brand new here. Trying to figure out how things work. I was really happy to find the "Poetry Readers Challenge." I will work here on figuring out the logistics of posting stuff. This is my first post.

I like classic modern poetry and will be doing some re-reading plus new reading. My first book to read this year is new for me, "Endpoint" by John Updike.

Happy New Year,

message 5: by Gareth (new)

Gareth Fenley (garethfenley) | 3 comments How do you enter the title of the book as a link to the book's page at Goodreads?

Feel free to refer me to a "how-to" page for n00bs...

Thanks :)

message 6: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Hi Gareth -
Nice to meet you. To add a link, right above the comment box you'll see "add book/author" - click that and type in the title or author (there's a separate tab for each). That should bring up the book or a choice of books. Just click on your choice and it will transfer into the comment window.
I hope.

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