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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Reviews 2010 > Mules of Love by Ellen Bass

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message 1: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Reading the poems in this collection feels like sitting in the kitchen having a conversation with your closest friend, the one with whom you share your darkest secrets. Bass explores relationships of all kinds in language that paints a rich picture. No dainty water-color strokes here, these poems are full and weighty, yet immediately understandable.

I loved these poems so much that I just ordered The Human Line

Mules of Love (American Poets Continuum) by Ellen Bass

message 2: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
This sounds good, too, Nina. Will look her up.

message 3: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen | 143 comments I always enjoy Ellen Bass poems when I encounter them in journals. Thanks for this review and recommendation!

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