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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Members' 2011 Book Lists > Nina's list

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message 1: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments I'll kick this off. I am really glad we're continuing with this group. I've discovered wonderful poets I hadn't read, and I'm enjoying the honest reviews.

Harvesting The Dew

message 2: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Glad you feel that way. I also discovered a lot of poets here. Love the title of this one.

message 5: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Theories of Falling by Sandra Beasley

message 8: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Red Cottage by Dennis Finnel

message 10: by Nina (last edited Feb 17, 2011 03:50AM) (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Transparencies of Lightby Wendy Brown-Baez

Loon Cryby Fleda Brown

message 11: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments No Father Can Save Her by Julene Weaver

message 12: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Ballisticsby Billy Collins

Outside the Clinicby Andrew Rihn

message 13: by Antonia (new)

Antonia (toniclark) | 137 comments I notice that most readers give Ballistics a pretty high rating. I didn't like it much at all -- though have really enjoyed Collins in the past.

message 14: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments I'm in the middle of it now. It's certainly easy to read. The poems seem such a contrast to the dark stuff I usually like.

message 15: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Slamming Open the Doorby Kathleen Sheeder Bonnano

message 16: by Nina (new)

message 17: by Nina (new)

message 18: by Nina (new)

message 19: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments How the Crimes Happened by Dawn Potter

The Book of Men: Poems by Dorianne Laux

message 20: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Ideal Cities: Poemsby Erika Meithner

Woven Stoneby Simon Ortiz

message 21: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Hi Nina,
Steve Harris wrote a review of the Meitner book last year, which is posted under reviews in this group. I notice when I look up the book that about 60 readers have it marked as read or to-read, but Steve is the only one with a review! After yours we'll more than dominate the poetry review market....

message 22: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Thanks, I'll look for it. I'm working on my review-I loved the book and can't wait to get her other 2

message 23: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Fake Paul by Kimmy Beach

In Cars by Kimmy Beach

message 24: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments The Atrocity Book: Poems

The Lonely Hearts Killers

Blue woman dancing in the nerve: Poems

all by Joan Colby-Joan is on Goodreads and her work is phenomenal. I'll start posting reviews sonn.

message 25: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Ohio Violence by Alison Stine

Erica Meitner is on Goodreads!!

message 26: by Nina (new)

Nina | 1351 comments Six Rivers by Jenna Le

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