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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

2022 Reading Lists > Ken's Reading List

Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Ken (last edited Jan 07, 2022 05:52PM) (new)

Ken | 151 comments Look at me with my resolution, shiny and new! OK, it's only Guy Fawkes Day, American Style (Jan. 6th), but maybe it'll work out.)

Rain in the Trees by W.S. Merwin
The Rain in the Trees by W. S. Merwin

message 2: by Ken (new)

Ken | 151 comments Father's Day by Matthew Zapruder
Father's Day by Matthew Zapruder

message 3: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Ken wrote: "Look at me with my resolution, shiny and new! OK, it's only Guy Fawkes Day, American Style (Jan. 6th), but maybe it'll work out.)

Rain in the Trees by W.S. Merwin
[book:The Rain in the Trees|57..."

Loved this book!

message 4: by Chris (new)

Chris (chris_mathew) | 4 comments Love seeing what you are reading. I need to finish my post from last year and start one for this year. Have a wonderful year of reading and writing!

message 5: by Ken (new)

Ken | 151 comments Chris wrote: "Love seeing what you are reading. I need to finish my post from last year and start one for this year. Have a wonderful year of reading and writing!"

Thanks, Chris. Right now I'm reading a door-stopper of a book, Jim Harrison: Complete Poems, but it's a library copy and Zeus only knows if I'll make it before I run out of renewals. Can you say "prolific"? For a guy who ate, drank, and smoked so much, he sure could write.

message 6: by Ken (new)

Ken | 151 comments Ararat by Louise Glück
Ararat by Louise Glück

message 7: by Ken (last edited Feb 17, 2022 10:22AM) (new)

Ken | 151 comments The Wild Iris by Louise Glück
The Wild Iris by Louise Glück

message 8: by Ken (new)

message 9: by Ken (new)

Ken | 151 comments Tough Luck Poems by Todd Boss
Tough Luck: Poems by Todd Boss

message 10: by Ken (last edited Mar 13, 2022 07:26AM) (new)

Ken | 151 comments House Museum by Mike Bove
House Museum by Mike Bove

message 11: by Ken (new)

Ken | 151 comments Big Little City by Mike Bove
Big Little City by Mike Bove

message 14: by Ken (new)

message 19: by Ken (new)

message 25: by Ken (new)

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