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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

2021 Reading lists > First Half of My Reading List

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message 1: by E.R. (new)

E.R. Carlin | 2 comments I'm excited about this challenge, even though I'm late in the year now.

Here are the first 10 poetry books I'm reviewing in 2021. When I complete all 10, I'll add the other half.

Note: I already have reviews done for the first two books on this list, which I added added to goodreads within the last few weeks, but I'll add them to this discussion group soon too.

1. how small, confronting morning by lola haskins

2. Rhyme of the Flying Bomb by Mervyn Peake

3. Ways of Speech by Ann Pilling

4. The Sky's Weight by Rane Arroyo

5. The Absolute Gravedigger by Vítězslav Nezval Translated by Stephan Delbos and Tereza Novická

6. American Dervish by Steven Reese

The Complete Poetry and Translations Volume 1: The Abyss Triumphant
by Clark Ashton Smith

8. Redgrove's Wife by Penelope Shuttle

9. Still Life by Ciaran Carson

10. A Bouquet of Czech Folktales by Karel Jaromír Erben Translated into verse by Marcela Sulak Illustrated by Alén Diviš

message 2: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments An interesting and diverse group of poetry books.

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