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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Read 'em and weep > "Elegy" by Marilyn Hacker

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message 1: by Jenna (last edited Jan 18, 2021 09:08AM) (new)

Jenna (jennale) | 1278 comments Mod
My current read is Chika Sagawa's collected, but it's going to be a while before I review that. I guess sometimes I am the mood for modernism and sometimes I am not, and then it helps to take a deep draught of whatever the opposite end of the spectrum is. This morning, I read a lovely poem by Marilyn Hacker on the internet, an elegy to fellow poet Marie Ponsot, which I thought I'd share here. There are these times I go through phases where I seem to lose sight of the purpose of poetry, craft, modes, forms, etc., but then poems like this return me to what is vital.


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