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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Read 'em and weep > Dave Whitaker - "Poem in Process About Process"

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message 1: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) I'll have to do more exploration, but I cannot find any actual poetry books by Dave Whitaker. I just learned about him in this article:

Dave Whitaker and the Three Generation Rainbow

And this poem, from the fanzine Babyfish Lost Its Momma, intrigued me enough to look for more.

In case the image doesn't load, here it is:

Poem in Process about Process

'bout the folks
coming from hither and yon
far and wide
peace camp rising in the desert
across from the
war machine
the death factory
the test site across the road
it's about
process in process
strangers becoming friends
friends becoming family
family becoming community
on the move
and the desert flowers
around us
and within us.

Poems about poems or the writing process are very common, and I often have to get over initial cynicism before I start to read them, though I think I'm getting more open-minded these days. Whitaker's poem brings the act of creation into connection with the building of solidarity and family among like-minded people I dig that artistically but even more I dig that socially and in my soul. This is what the world still needs, though in the present moment, as in all present moments, this need feels more urgent, doesn't it? Maybe it's the context, but it seems like beat poetry is the main influence here.

I think it was published in 1988, but I cannot tell from the article when it was originally written. As I say, a writer and an individual worth exploring!

message 2: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Thanks for this. I also generally also avoid poems about writing poetry. I do enjoy the image here.

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