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Movies We've Just Watched discussion

February 2009: Theme of Love > Favorite films about love

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message 51: by Roy (new)

Roy (mplwdscribe) | 2 comments Cinema Paradiso - Captures the essence of romantic love as well as love of cinema

In scanning the previous answers I spotted Crossing Delancey which I adore and which for some reason I always think of as a companion in the lovey dovey department to Cousins. Say Anything is a romantic classic of course, and Love Actually is utterly charming. Afterglow is another romantic gem. No doubt numerous others are escaping my memory at the moment so I'll end with mentioning a movie that's equally memorable as a sports picture and a love story - Bull Durham.

message 52: by Phillip (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments has anyone seen sex and lucia? that's a nice one from spain...it came out about three or four years ago.

all of the austen novels have paved the way for nice love stories on film.

message 53: by Emily (new)

Emily Bramlett Benny and Joon
The Princess Bride

message 54: by Sasha (new)

Sasha (sashg) | 17 comments I really enjoyed Sex and Lucia, and I also liked Almodovar's La Mala Educacion.. although my friends didn't care for it too much! It's about two long time friends, love, religious schooling, sexual abuse. Rated 18.

I love, love, love Four Weddings and a Funeral and Savages. Also, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

message 55: by Phillip (last edited Mar 27, 2009 02:20AM) (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments i liked my education, but i think almaldovar's best in the last decade was all about my mother. that's a love story, but a story about a mother's love for her son (but not in a creepy way). it's a very mournful film. great performances, great script.

i'm also a fan of eternal sunshine, sasha. that's one of the few films where i think jim carrey is really doing some fine acting.

message 56: by Sasha (new)

Sasha (sashg) | 17 comments Phillip wrote: "i liked my education, but i think almaldovar's best in the last decade was all about my mother. that's a love story, but a story about a mother's love for her son (but not in a creepy way). it's a ..."

Yes bad education came out a few years ago. Will check out the one you've mentioned. Thanks!

message 57: by Sherry (new)

Sherry (sherylmarasi) The NoteBook had me and my husband crying like babies at the end. The love that man had for his wife was amazing :)

message 58: by Ceci (new)

Ceci (cecialbiceleste) | 529 comments The New World (the love story between the Native Princess and Christian Bale), Love Actually and The English Patient.

Stormi (StormReads) (bmreviewsohmy) | 96 comments I love A Mirror Has Two Faces

message 60: by Mawgojzeta (new)

Mawgojzeta Anna wrote: ""Love actually" and "City of angels""

Those two would be on my list.

Has anyone seen "Wings of Desire", the movie that inspired "City of Angels"? Long movie, but good.

message 61: by Phillip (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments i love wings of desire, that would be pretty high on my list of films about love...

message 62: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 135 comments Stormi wrote: "I love A Mirror Has Two Faces"

so do I!!

message 63: by [deleted user] (new)


St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures ||| ♥ Zin Uru ♥ |||| | 482 comments I don't remember sleepless in seattle, what's it about? i think it's the tom hanks one or the sandra bullock one?

Reality bites was cute, Sense and Sensibility is a favourite costume movie though there weren't that many costumes in it, if it's the one with Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson

message 65: by [deleted user] (new)

St[♥:]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥:]usheen,pictures, pictures, wrote: "I don't remember sleepless in seattle, what's it about? i think it's the tom hanks one or the sandra bullock one?

Reality bites was cute, Sense and Sensibility is a favourite costume movie thoug..."

SLEEPLES IN SEATLE was the one with tom hanks and meg ryan where he has a son and his wife had died a few years earlier and he lives in seattle. meg ryan is an engaged newspaper writer who lives in new york. so tom hanks son calls a radio show therapist to ask for help with finding someone for his dad, and the therapist begins calling tom 'sleepless in seattle' because he says that he can't sleep without his wife. meg ryan hears this and then..well, i don't want to spoil what happens....

St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures ||| ♥ Zin Uru ♥ |||| | 482 comments thanks, i think i have seen that one, and a bunch of other meg ryan movies all at once, and they get mixed up in my head a lot. I could only relate to kate and leopold, maybe cos of the sci fi element in it

message 67: by [deleted user] (new)

i never saw that one , was it any good?

message 68: by Phillip (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments kate and leopold had a sci-fi element to it? are you talking about the film with ralph fiennes? i liked the movie, but i don't remember anything remotely sci-fi about it.

message 69: by [deleted user] (new)

Phillip wrote: "kate and leopold had a sci-fi element to it? are you talking about the film with ralph fiennes? i liked the movie, but i don't remember anything remotely sci-fi about it."

isn't kate and leopold the on where the royal guy from the past comes to the future new york, or am i thinking of a completely different movie?

message 70: by Phillip (last edited Apr 15, 2010 09:32AM) (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments the film i'm thinking (which may not be kate and leopold, i must look it up now), is where ralph fiennes and cate blanchett are in the 19th century and they are kind of grifters - winning money by playing cards, scheming and making a wad of cash, but their habits catch up with them. it's a period piece, not a science fiction film. but we may be talking about different movies.

message 71: by Phillip (last edited Apr 15, 2010 09:33AM) (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments whoa, my bad - i looked it up. the film i was thinking of is oscar and lucinda ... way off.

anyway! - it's a good film about love ... and shenanigans. :)

message 72: by St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures (last edited Apr 20, 2010 12:43PM) (new)

St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures ||| ♥ Zin Uru ♥ |||| | 482 comments Shenanigans! wow! i could never understand that word!!

Christine, K and Leopold is a nice movie about you guessd it the royal guy from england coming over to America and he goes back in time to invent the escalator..Hugh Jackman is the Lord and it also had a scientist, ex-boyfriend of kate's who lives in the same apartment block and a loser brother who needs help with dating and it is the scientist guy who starts the whole time travel thing.
I can't remember his name, he is also in the new x men movie Wolverine

Would you consider Twilight a movie about love??? hmm?

message 73: by [deleted user] (new)

i think twilight could be considered a film about love. a film about love with terrible acting in it. i read the twilight books, loved them, and then rented the movie. kristen stewart cannot act her way out of a paper bag. ....but i digress from the topic of love. could REBBECA be considered a film about love?

i always thought it was sad that furvell (charles sanders) really loved rebbeca(more than her husband0 but he didn't know that she had cancer. and the look on his face when the doctor tells him, if that is not heartbreak, i don't know what is

message 74: by Tann (new)

Tann | 5 comments A great film about love is I Am David. The love of a child for his mother portrayed better than I think it's ever been done.

message 75: by Kim Marie (new)

Kim Marie | 31 comments I have too many favourites so just a few:

The African Queen.....What a time we had Rosie. What a time we had.
The Princess Bride... Death cannot stop true love.
West Side Story.......Loving is enough.

message 76: by [deleted user] (new)

JERRY MACGUIRE... you complete me
WHEN HARRY MET SALLY.. when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
iam such a dork...

St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures ||| ♥ Zin Uru ♥ |||| | 482 comments Christine wrote: could REBBECA be considered a film about love?

Are you talking about the novel-that-was-made-into-a-movie Rebecca? I haven;t seen that one, but I read the book and I am yet to get over the horror in it. Therefore, I can't really say if it was a movie/book about love, but it was definitely a romance. lol.

And, did you ever think what happens to Harry and Sally when they are in the rest of their lives?

message 78: by Phillip (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments rebecca is a film about love - and murder. but there's a love story there as well. a woman falls in love with a man who is haunted by the ghost of his late wife. but their love survives quite a lot in the end, so i'd say it is a film about love overcoming a lot of tests and trials.

message 79: by Sam (new)

Sam | 548 comments i'm tossing in the road as one of my favourite films about love ... lovin' the love in the road

message 80: by Phillip (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments the love between father and son? - yeah, there's a lot of that in the mix.

St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures ||| ♥ Zin Uru ♥ |||| | 482 comments Philip, thanks for the rebecca comment, it is another movie from the one i had in mind.

message 82: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 135 comments Heathers
LA Story
Home for the Holidays
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
An AMerican Werewolf in London

message 83: by Phillip (last edited Jun 04, 2010 08:13PM) (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments i also think let the right one in is a love story ... here are a short list of films that are about love that i enjoy, but they might not be obvious "love stories"

hairspray (original)
rear window
the ice storm (the love that holds a family together)
early summer
all about my mother (a love a mother has for her son ... that has died)
two women (love between a mother and daughter)
shaun of the dead (love conquers all)
eyes wide shut
lolita (forbidden love ... for a good reason)

message 84: by Sam (new)

Sam | 548 comments that's kinda where I was going with my post about the road phillip - great movies about love aren't always romantic or obvious either ... (but this chick is such a sucker for the soppy one's too)

noice list btw - I've not seen the ice storm or two women ... and am gigglin' about shaun of the dead (love that flick)

I've had a think and am chucking in wendy & lucy

message 85: by Mawgojzeta (new)

Mawgojzeta Sam wrote: "I've had a think and am chucking in wendy & lucy ..."

That is such a good love story choice to add!

message 86: by Phillip (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments wendy and lucy is a great film about love! - i keep trying to find it on dvd so i can have it at home, but i don't see it in the shops around here. :(

i'm also a sucker for the soppy ones - cried my eyes out saturday night watching ballad of a soldier.

message 87: by Phillip (new)

Phillip | 10976 comments Sam wrote: "that's kinda where I was going with my post about the road phillip - great movies about love aren't always romantic or obvious either ... (but this chick is such a sucker for the soppy one's too) ..."

you haven't seen the ice storm? - omg - see it as soon as possible. that's one of the greatest films of the 1980's, in my not so humble opinion.

message 88: by St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures (last edited Jun 08, 2010 09:12PM) (new)

St[♥]r Pr!nc:$$ N[♥]wsheen pictures, pictures, pictures ||| ♥ Zin Uru ♥ |||| | 482 comments I think An American Werewolf in London was o cable the other night but I missed it, I think I might kike to watch it sometime.

I liked eight below, dog stories always make me want to cry. and it is about the love a man has for a pack of sled arctic dogs and he has to go to NZ/Australia and save them. (Sam are you listening? hehe)

message 89: by Audrey (new)

Audrey (audrey_g) | 18 comments Becoming Jane and Finding Neverland are two favorite love story themes of mine.

message 90: by Marc (new)

Marc (authorguy) | 325 comments The Accidental Husband has a great deal to say on the subject, since the story features a radio talk show host who specializes in the subject, and finds out in the course of the movie that she doesn't know as much as she thought she did.

message 91: by Bill (last edited Jul 01, 2010 07:54AM) (new)

Bill (kernos) | 141 comments I don't really like romance very much and can get very annoyed by gratuitous romance that seem to be necessary in ~every movie.

But 2 recent movies stand out for me: Stardust and Across the Universe

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