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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Members' 2018 Reading Lists > Tabitha's 2018 List

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message 1: by Tabitha (last edited Mar 29, 2018 05:29AM) (new)

Tabitha Vohn Books I Hope to Read in 2018!
Wayward Daughters by Ashly Kim Read! 2018 Reviews
Rabbit Holes by Naiche Lizzette Parker --Read!
Paper and Bones by Naiche Lizzette Parker Read! 2018 Reviews
The Complete Poems by Anne Sexton
Whiskey, Words, and a Shovel I by R.H. Sin Read :/ Meh.
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
The Complete Poems by Emily Brontë
The Submerged Sea by J.S. Watts Read! 2018 Reviews
Djinni Hunter by T. Kozumplik Read! 2018 Reviews
The A to Z of You and Me by Jeremy Mifsud Read! 2018 Reviews

message 2: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Yay to Walt Whitman and Anne Sexton!

message 3: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
Happy reading. I always wanted sandals like Sexton wears on the cover of that book. Smile.

message 4: by Jen (new)

Jen (jppoetryreader) | 1816 comments Mod
Awesome selection!

message 5: by Tabitha (new)

Tabitha Vohn @J.S. & S.: Isn't Sexton the greatest! She helped me survive adolescence.

And thank you Jen! Just hope I have more time to thoroughly review this year :)

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