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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Members' 2017 Reading Lists > J.S.'s 2017 Reading List

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message 1: by J.S. (last edited Dec 31, 2017 07:02AM) (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Poetry Books I am aiming to read in 2017:

1. Sentenced to Life: Poems by Clive James - READ (January 2017)
2. Turn Left Before Morning by April Salzano - READ (January 2017)
3. 3arabi Song by Zeina Hashem Beck - READ (January 2017)
4 -25. Float by Anne Carson - READ (February - April 2017)
26. The Chameleon of Happiness by Rowena M Love - READ (July 2017)
27.Faber New Poets 13 by Elaine Beckett - READ (August 2017)
28. Credo by Mervyn Linford - READ (October 2017)
29. Southend Poetry 33 2017 (Anthology) - - CURRENTLY READING

N.B. Float is a collection of 22 chapbooks (yes,22!). So if I get to the end of this apparently brief list, I will be very pleased with myself and will have actually managed to exceed the 20 in one year I have constantly aspired to, but have never quite achieved.

P.S. So, I've actually achieved my quota of 20 early on in the year (I read Float!) and am now planning on reading on through.

message 2: by Jen (new)

Jen (jppoetryreader) | 1816 comments Mod
Float sounds like an interesting project. And I agree that the long ones need to count for more. Good luck making it to 20 in 2017!

message 3: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments First book of the year completed - review to follow shortly.

message 4: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Second book completed (and will be reviewing very shortly), Now debating whether to read the Clive James next or to tackle Float?

message 5: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Have decided to go with the Clive James before I tackle the gargantuan Float.

message 6: by Celtic (new)

Celtic (celtic_) | 3 comments I was impressed by Japanese Maple - I hadn't been aware previously that Clive James was a poet.

Lovely reading on the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainme...

message 7: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahj) | 1746 comments Mod
I'm reading an Anne Carson now. Will be interested in what you think of Float.

message 8: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Completed the Clive James at the end of the month and will shortly review it for this group.

Next up is Float by Anne Carson, which I anticipate reviewing in sections, as well as in its entirety when read in full

message 9: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Now in the midst of Float. I think this is going to take a long time...

message 10: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Have finished Float. A final review will follow shortly. In numerical terms I have now exceeded my 20 books/ pamphlets for 2017 and it's still only April!

message 11: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Have just finished "The Chameleon of Happiness" by Rowena M Love. A review will follow shortly.

message 12: by J.S. (last edited Aug 21, 2017 07:32AM) (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Slipped in Faber New Poets 13. A review will follow shortly.

message 13: by J.S. (last edited Oct 21, 2017 04:08AM) (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Have Completed Credo by Mervyn Linford - review to follow shortly.

message 14: by Jen (new)

Jen (jppoetryreader) | 1816 comments Mod
Congrats on getting through a long one and making the "numerical" goal (I understand because of years when I've read collections, etc.) and still reading!

message 15: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Jen wrote: "Congrats on getting through a long one and making the "numerical" goal (I understand because of years when I've read collections, etc.) and still reading!"

Thank you :-)

message 16: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Watts | 465 comments Looks like I'll be finishing off Southend Poetry 33 in 2018.

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