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Poetry Readers Challenge discussion

Members' 2016 Reading Lists > Ellen's 2016 list

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message 1: by Ellen (new)

Ellen Roberts Young | 238 comments Finally starting my list, in April. I don't think it's going to be a long one this year. Not sure what all has been keeping me so busy I can hardly keep up with scanning what everyone else is reading. It's partly a lot of background reading for my current writing project. Sorry to be just lurking lately.

1. Dog Songs by Mary Oliver
2. (I hope; I've been picking at it for months) Beautiful Wall by Ray Gonzalez

message 2: by Ellen (new)

Ellen Roberts Young | 238 comments One more:
3. There is a Doe in the Winter Hayfield by Susan Gordon

I guess my intended number 4 will be number 1 in 2017.

message 3: by Jen (new)

Jen (jppoetryreader) | 1816 comments Mod
Difficult year for reading for me too, Ellen. But we haven't forgotten it! Thank heavens for a little holiday reading time. I'll be going gently into 2017 by diminishing my goal to steadily reading individual poems rather than entire books.

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