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... sharecropping rent , unlike a fixed rent , is by defi- nition directly related to the size of the harvest . After a large harvest , the sharecropper will have to hand over to ... SHARECROPPING IN CONTEXT 33 Islamic Aspects of Sharecropping.
... sharecropping originated from the circumstances that compelled freedpeople and planters to bargain with one another and that determined the conditions of their negotiations . Sharecropping originated only as a result of prior struggles ...
T. J. Byres. Sharecropping: Some. Illustrations1. J.Martinez-Alier*. Sharecropping, following Marshall's analysis [Marshall, 1920:534–537] was usually seen as an inefficient ... Sharecropping: Some Illustrations THE INEFFICIENCY OF ...
... sharecropping be documented and preserved. There are some published sharecropping books; however, they carry a masculine voice and viewpoint, including some stories from African American men. But history should also include the feminine ...
... sharecropping in this case are the advantages of pooling resources . 3. Sharecropping in Third World Countries ? Wells ' third form of sharecropping and the most important one for this analysis is ' sharecropping ' proper , at the most ...
... sharecropping . Sharecropping has existed in various times and places in various forms . It has disappeared over time and reappeared . Sometimes the tenant's share is one - half , sometimes it is not . Sometimes the output share equals ...
... sharecropping families.15 The overall trends are of increasing numbers of families dependent on sharecropping , from 12.2 % to 25.6 % of total families , and of an increase in acreage under sharecropping , from 21.1 % of total area in ...
... sharecropping not merely as a contract between two people with unchanging interests , but as a contract which may change over time with the interests of the parties , or as part of a changing relationship governed by invariant ...
... sharecropping was not dominant everywhere at all times , 20 that sharecropping and share tenancy were not the same , and that after 1900 the increasing importance of sharecropping in contrast to other forms of tenancy meant more , not ...
... sharecropping contracts yields a number of testable hypotheses , four of which can be examined in the light of some ... sharecropping . Their verdict ran as follows : a tenant whose contract stipulates solely the fraction of gross output ...