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Buy Bryan Talbot original artwork

Buy Bryan Talbot original artwork

This is the only place you can buy original Bryan Talbot artwork - except from Bryan in person at a convention.

The Legend of Luther Arkwright

The Legend of Luther Arkwright collates all details about Bryan's latest graphic novel.

The Legend of Luther Arkwright page collates all details about Bryan's latest graphic novel.

Heart of Empire - Directors Cut

Buy the Heart of Empire Directors Cut


This labour of love from Bryan and myself contains every single page of Heart of Empire in pencil, ink and final full colour format - as well as over 60,000 words of annotation, commentary and explanation from Bryan... - as well as the whole of the Adventures of Luther Arkwright!



Or see the Heart of Empire Directors Cut page for more details.

Join us on
social media

Follow the Bryan Talbot fanpage on FacebookJoin the Facebook group for Bryan Talbot fans for lots of discussions and special offers announced on Facebook first.


Follow the Bryan Talbot fanpage on TwitterThe Bryan Talbot fanpage is also on Twitter - so give us a follow and join in the conversation!


Bryan Talbot fanpage on InstagramWe are also on Instagram: give us a like and a follow.


The Bryan Talbot fanpage on RedditWe've also just launched a Bryan Talbot fanpage subreddit.


Bryan Talbot t-shirts

Also see the Bryan Talbot t-shirt shop! - we've got a vast array of Bryan's images on lots of different t-shirts, as well as other items like mugs and fine art prints: - but if there's anything else you'd like just let us know on Twitter or at the Facebook group.

The Grandville Annotations

The annotations for Grandville Force Majeure by Bryan Talbot

Bryan and myself have created a series of annotations for the Grandville graphic novel series, explaining references and homages to other works, how the pages are drawn, inked, coloured and put together.

All of the annotations are now complete and online for:

- Grandville

- Grandville Mon Amour

- Grandville Bête Noire

- Grandville Noël

- Grandville Force Majeure

Amazon.co.uk Widgets

This is the new version of the Bryan Talbot fanpage
But the whole of the original Bryan Talbot fanpage is still online.

The Legend of Luther Arkwright homepage

This is the official home on the web for Bryan Talbot's The Legend of Luther Arkwight.

The Legend of Luther Arkwright was published on Thursday 14 July 202: buy it now from the Cartoon Museum.

Bryan will be signing copies of The Legend Of Luther Arkwright at Forbidden Planet Newcastle on Saturday 23 July 2022 from 2:00pm - 3:00pm!

The Legend of Luther Arkwright by Bryan Talbot

Reviews of the Legend of Luther Arkwright

  • Tripwire reviews the Legend of Luther Arkwright: "Visually Talbot has of course lost none of his flair over the decades with this third Arkwright tapping into his impressive artistic palette to tell this ambitious tale."
  • Hosts in the Shell podcast interview Bryan and also review the Legend of Luther Arkwright: "In this episode, the Hosts' excitement is at fever pitch as they welcome legendary comic book and graphic novel artist and writer, Bryan Talbot!! Creator of Luther Arkwright, Bryan is discussing the brand new volume of the hero's adventures, as well as his other award-winning works including Alice in Sunderland and Grandville, and exploring the multiverse decades before Marvel did..."
  • Dark Matters review: "If you by some chance haven't had the joy of reading The Adventures of Luther Arkwright, stop reading this, get yourself a copy and read it!! Come back afterwards if you want to know if this incredible sequel lives up to following what is considered by many not only to be the first British graphic novel but also one of the very best. The Legend of Luther Arkwright will, as Talbot's early works be an inspiration to all free-thinking comic creators - I hope that the next Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Grant Morrison or indeed Bryan Talbot reads this and sees just what can be done with the ageless medium of the graphic novel.
  • The Bookery review: "In a gorgeous oversized hardcover edition and with an introduction by sci-fi author Adrian Tchaikovsky, this landmark graphic novel deserves all the recognition and accolades that it will no doubt gather."
  • Down The Tubes review: "I simply pick up the hefty 200+ story, published by Jonathan Cape and dived straight into reading the new adventure, and got blown away, once again, by the imaginary worlds of Luther Arkwright, just as I was when I read the first story in collection from Never Ltd (Serege Boissevain), many, many years ago."
  • Bleeding Cool review: "There is an energy and power to the work of a young man that gets polished away as the creator gets older, with more skills, bells and whistles on display. With The Legend, Talbot has managed to recapture and convey what on the surface feels like a lesser experience hand, but that belies what's actually going on, and he holds back his splashier style for explosions within the book. While also creating structural echoes through the book, one reality indirectly another, and then returning full circle to where that began. Every creator fears some young gunslinger coming along to take away their title, Bryan Talbot may be unique in doing it to himself."
  • The GoodReads review: "The Legend of Luther Arkwright, beautifully drawn by master storyteller and Eisner Award-winning comics creator Bryan Talbot, is a milestone in British comics history."
  • "This is image-based storytelling at its most entertaining, provocative and visually striking" - the Morning Star review.

    They add: "Graphic novels are well suited to adventure, incident and appearance – introspection and psychological depth are more elusive – but The Legend of Luther Arkwright raises questions of morality, metaphysics and politics. This is image-based storytelling, at its most entertaining, provocative and visually striking."

Kavus Torabi introduces Bryan at the launch event for the Legend of Luther Arkwright

The Legend of Luther Arkwright was lauched at an event at the Cartoon Museum: this is the speech that Kavus Torab gave to introduce Bryan, and Bryan's reply.

Page previews

As always, click on any image to see them at a larger size.

Inked version of page 155 of the Legend of Luther Arkwright page 155

Above is a panel of the inks for page 155, which we posted as pencils in March 2020, then numbered page 153. Since then, Bryan added an extra two pages in an earlier sequence, which he thought needed more space to give it greater significance.

Below are the pencils for this panel.

Page 153 of the Legend of Luther Arkwright by Bryan Talbot

And, as is now traditional, I have animated the transition from first pencil version to final inked version of pahe 155.


The Legend of Luther Arkwright page creation animation

Animation of the drawing process for page 130 of the Legend of Luther Arkwright by Bryan Talbot.

In an update to the news of a new inked page from the Legend of Luther Arkwright authorised for release - and the fact that there are now only 90 pages left to ink - I decided to revive an old tradition and animate the page creation process.

I love doing these: you can see how the page evolves from the first inks to the final page: it's like being in the studio as Bryan draws it!