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Post a Comment On: Reasonable Doubts

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick comment on Obama reciting "under God" in the pledge: he was probably an atheist at the time. His mother was an atheist, and I believe Obama converted to Christianity later in life.

July 2, 2008 at 4:02 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Not so fast, when it comes to Locke. My understanding is that Locke was for tolerance of all religions, but not for tolerance of atheism, which he considered a threat to the community. See (hear) the Philosophy Bites podcast interview with John Dunn at http://nigelwarburton.typepad.com/philosophy_bites/2008/06/john-dunn-on-lo.html.

July 3, 2008 at 11:03 AM

Blogger Fletcher said...

Tinyfrog, you may be right about that, I'm honestly not sure. Still, if he were an atheist at the time and converted later perhaps it was recitation of the pledge that brainwashed him and lead him to his ultimate conversion.

Okay, probably not.

Peter, good point. Pre-Darwin there were few that were tolerant of atheism. Thomas Paine vehemently denied any charges of atheism that were leveled at him, as did Jefferson. The Founding Fathers may have shared Locke's dislike of us godless heathens, but regardless of their personal feelings, the founding documents are strictly secular and do not discriminate against the non-religious in any way.

July 6, 2008 at 3:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just an aside. As an Atheist, Secular, Rational and (heaven forbid) republican (small r) Brit, I envy the fact that the US has a constitution at all when we have to get our rights by osmosis from the European Union. The Queen is the head of our established church and bishops sit in our house of lords. Finally, great podcasts. Thanks

July 10, 2008 at 3:57 AM

Blogger jessie74 said...

Hey guys, just wanted to make a correction.

During the shout-out you said Biloxi, Missouri......I think that should have been Biloxi, Mississippi.

July 14, 2008 at 8:06 AM

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