A TikToker from the US who has been living in Northern Ireland for the past three months has spoken about her love for the country and its people.

Jackie Gendron moved to Belfast in August with her husband, Miles, who took up a contract playing for the Belfast Giants. They have travelled around for this reason before, previously living in different parts of the US and even moving to Norway last year.

They are in Northern Ireland until at least April and are trying to fit in as much as possible to make the most of their time here. Jackie has been sharing their experiences on her TikTok page, which has grown by over 40,000 followers since moving to Belfast during the summer.

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As for what they love most about the city, Jackie said they have been impressed with the range of restaurants on offer - even creating a list and spinning a wheel to randomly select a different restaurant each week. The variety in landscapes around Northern Ireland, too, have been something the pair have loved.

Speaking to Belfast Live about her time in the city so far, Jackie, who is originally from Massachusetts, said: "When I first got here, it was August so the weather was still nice. People warned us it would be raining but when we first arrived it didn't rain for about three weeks, so we were doing all our exploring.

"That's when we got to most of the places we really wanted to see. There's still so much to see, if we get a nice day we jump in the car and go exploring.

"We had been here around five years ago but were really just in the city and at the rink, we didn't get to do much exploring outside of that. But since then, the city feels a lot different especially in terms of restaurants and stuff, I think that's what I'm most impressed by.

"A lot of cities have their chain restaurants but a lot of restaurants here are independent. Our list is getting so long now. There were maybe around 30 at the start, but now it's up to around 56.

"Of the places we've been to so far, I really liked Hendrix, we went around Halloween time so they had themed specials, it had a really nice vibe. There's a few places I think will become my new favourites once we go to them. Yugo is one of our next, we're going there on Tuesday.

"I love how many different types of sceneries there are here. There's the city, and the harbour, then you have beaches so close by, castles, cliffs, the white sand beaches on the North Coast. And everything is so close by, the furthest we've been is probably around an hour and a half away. There's still so much more to see, we haven't gone to Derry or the Republic of Ireland at all yet."

Jackie Gendron at Titanic Belfast

Jackie, who works a remote job, said they don't do much exploring at weekends as Miles typically has an ice hockey game or is travelling for a game. They'll tend to do most of their exploring on their day off, Monday, or in the afternoons after hockey practice.

It wasn't just Jackie who moved from the US to Northern Ireland with the Giants, as many girlfriends and wives have joined players who have moved from across the pond for the season. Jackie said this created a built-in support network and community, but that people in Northern Ireland have been so friendly and welcoming.

She said: "I'm a pretty introverted person, so if I had to go make friends by myself I don't think I would, I'd probably just be in my apartment or be with Miles. It is nice to have them here to go to games with, or when the guys are gone we'll usually go out and do something together.

"They're all in the same boat, we all moved here for the same reason, so it just helps being with likeminded people. But I have also been able to meet a lot of people from TikTok which has been really nice.

"People here are amazing, if I need anything, I'll usually make a video asking where we should go on our day off or where's the best place to go, and the responses we get are incredible. If we need something to do or somewhere to go, we can just scroll through the comments on my videos and pick one.

"People are so friendly here, they're the most welcoming and kind people - I really appreciate it, it makes it a lot easier to move to a different place."

One thing Jackie has heard often about her TikTok videos is how they make Belfast natives think differently about their home, often showing the city through a more positive perspective than locals may tend to use.

Jackie Gendron speaking to Belfast Live

She added: "It's all new to me, and I tend to go into things with a positive mindset. Everything we've done so far has been amazing, it's hard to see how people could speak negatively about any of these places.

"We're only here for a short time so we are forcing ourselves to do as much as we can. I know people live here for years and say they haven't done any of the stuff we have, but we're just trying to get things off our list. If you live in a place, there's not that pressure to get things done."

Jackie and Miles have been travelling around often for hockey seasons around the world, which Jackie says she loves, having caught the travel bug at a young age. The pair have been together since they were in high school and met during a holiday on Cape Cod, with Miles being drafted into the National Hockey League a year later.

However, she said moving around can sometimes be hard due to not having a permanent place to call home, but added that it means they can live fully in the moment and enjoy each place they move to.

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"When I was younger, my family always moved around a lot. I studied abroad in France in high school so have always loved travelling," Jackie explained.

"There are some little hard aspects like all of our stuff staying in storage at home, or not having a home base. We did have a house for a few years in the US but we sold it as we weren't there much, our house was in Massachusetts and we were in Utah for the hockey season.

"That's probably the hardest thing. But it forces us to make all of these places our home, because we're not looking back - this is our home. That makes our mindset about it different than if we had somewhere to go back to."

As for the rest of their time in the city, Jackie said they're looking forward to getting through the rest of their bucket list, which includes a visit to the Carrick-A-Rede rope bridge and Derry. And of course, getting through their ever-growing list of must-visit restaurants in the city.

Jackie added: "I'd like to thank everyone for being so welcoming to us, it has been so nice and we love being here."

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