Baseball Players with Last Names Starting with L

Index of Letters

1056 Players

  • Bold indicates active player and + indicates a Hall of Famer.

Tony La Russa+ (1963-1973)

Joe La Sorsa (2023-2023)

Tommy La Stella (2014-2023)

Chet Laabs (1937-1947)

Josh Labandeira (2004-2004)

Clem Labine (1950-1962)

Jairo Labourt (2017-2017)

Coco Laboy (1969-1973)

Bob Lacey (1977-1984)

Percy Lacey (1935-1937)

George LaChance (1893-1905)

Marcel Lachemann (1969-1971)

Rene Lachemann (1965-1968)

Al Lachowicz (1983-1983)

John Lackey (2002-2017)

Obie Lackey (1929-1943)

William Lackey (1890-1890)

Pete LaCock (1972-1980)

Frank LaCorte (1975-1984)

Mike LaCoss (1978-1991)

Guy Lacy (1926-1926)

Kerry Lacy (1996-1997)

Lee Lacy (1972-1987)

Raymon Lacy (1947-1947)

Hi Ladd (1898-1898)

Pete Ladd (1979-1986)

Doyle Lade (1946-1950)

Tyler Ladendorf (2015-2021)

Steve Ladew (1889-1889)

A.J. Ladwig (2022-2022)

Joe Lafata (1947-1949)

Flip Lafferty (1876-1877)

Aaron Laffey (2007-2015)

Ed Lafitte (1909-1915)

Pete LaForest (2003-2007)

Ty LaForest (1945-1945)

Roger LaFrancois (1982-1982)

Bobby LaFromboise (2013-2015)

Mike Laga (1982-1990)

Juan Lagares (2013-2022)

Ed Lagger (1934-1934)

Lerrin LaGrow (1970-1980)

Bryan LaHair (2008-2012)

Joe Lahoud (1968-1978)

Jeff Lahti (1982-1986)

Brady Lail (2019-2021)

Brandon Laird (2011-2013)

Gerald Laird (2003-2015)

Dick Lajeskie (1946-1946)

Nap Lajoie+ (1896-1916)

Eddie Lake (1939-1950)

Fred Lake (1891-1910)

Joe Lake (1908-1913)

Junior Lake (2013-2016)

Steve Lake (1983-1993)

Al Lakeman (1942-1954)

Tim Laker (1992-2006)

Travis Lakins Sr. (2019-2022)

Blake Lalli (2012-2016)

Dan Lally (1891-1897)

Jack Lamabe (1962-1968)

Al LaMacchia (1943-1946)

Hank LaManna (1940-1942)

Ray Lamanno (1941-1948)

Frank Lamanske (1935-1935)

Bill Lamar (1917-1927)

Clarence Lamar (1937-1943)

Horatio Lamar (1939-1939)

Jim LaMarque (1942-1948)

Ryan LaMarre (2015-2021)

Wayne LaMaster (1937-1938)

David Lamb (1999-2002)

Jake Lamb (2014-2023)

John Lamb (1970-1973)

John Lamb (2015-2018)

Lyman Lamb (1920-1921)

Mike Lamb (2000-2010)

Ray Lamb (1969-1973)

Chris Lambert (2008-2009)

Clayton Lambert (1946-1947)

Gene Lambert (1941-1942)

Jimmy Lambert (2020-2023)

Peter Lambert (2019-2024)

Néstor Lambertus (1929-1929)

Otis Lambeth (1916-1918)

Andrew Lambo (2013-2016)

Pete Lamer (1902-1907)

Dinelson Lamet (2017-2024)

Fred Lamlein (1912-1915)

Gene Lamont (1970-1975)

Bobby LaMotte (1920-1926)

Dennis Lamp (1977-1992)

Keith Lampard (1969-1970)

Henry Lampe (1894-1895)

Tom Lampkin (1988-2002)

Dick Lanahan (1935-1941)

Les Lancaster (1987-1993)

Gary Lance (1977-1977)

Rick Lancellotti (1982-1990)

Doc Land (1929-1929)

Grover Land (1908-1915)

Ken Landenberger (1952-1952)

Rafael Landestoy (1977-1984)

Bill Landis (1963-1969)

Doc Landis (1882-1882)

Jim Landis (1957-1967)

Ken Landreaux (1977-1987)

Larry Landreth (1976-1977)

Hobie Landrith (1950-1963)

Bill Landrum (1986-1993)

Ced Landrum (1991-1993)

Don Landrum (1957-1966)

Jesse Landrum (1938-1938)

Joe Landrum (1950-1952)

Tito Landrum (1980-1988)

Alto Lane (1929-1931)

Chappy Lane (1882-1884)

Dick Lane (1949-1949)

Hunter Lane (1924-1924)

Isaac Lane (1920-1922)

Jason Lane (2002-2014)

Jerry Lane (1953-1955)

Lefty Lane (1921-1921)

Marv Lane (1971-1976)

Sam Lanford (1907-1907)

Walt Lanfranconi (1941-1947)

Chip Lang (1975-1976)

Don Lang (1938-1948)

Marty Lang (1930-1930)

Alex Lange (2021-2024)

Bill Lange (1893-1899)

Dick Lange (1972-1975)

Erv Lange (1914-1914)

Frank Lange (1910-1913)

Shea Langeliers (2022-2024)

Ryan Langerhans (2002-2013)

Rick Langford (1976-1986)

Sam Langford (1926-1928)

Wyatt Langford (2024-2024)

Langrum (1939-1939)

Bob Langsford (1899-1899)

Mark Langston (1984-1999)

Matt Langwell (2013-2013)

Hal Lanier (1964-1973)

Max Lanier (1938-1953)

Rimp Lanier (1971-1971)

Frank Lankford (1998-1998)

Ray Lankford (1990-2004)

John Lannan (2007-2014)

Johnny Lanning (1936-1947)

Red Lanning (1916-1916)

Tom Lanning (1938-1938)

Carney Lansford (1978-1992)

Joe Lansford (1982-1983)

Gene Lansing (1922-1922)

Mike Lansing (1993-2001)

Wilbur Lansing (1948-1948)

Enrique Lantigua (1935-1935)

Lantz (1932-1932)

Pedro Lanuza (1932-1932)

Paul LaPalme (1951-1957)

Pete Lapan (1922-1923)

Andy Lapihuska (1942-1943)

Dave LaPoint (1980-1991)

Ralph LaPointe (1947-1948)

Matt LaPorta (2009-2012)

Frank LaPorte (1905-1915)

Jack Lapp (1908-1916)

Juan Lara (2006-2007)

Yovanny Lara (2000-2000)

Jeff Larish (2008-2010)

Norm Larker (1958-1963)

Andy Larkin (1996-2000)

Barry Larkin+ (1986-2004)

Ed Larkin (1909-1909)

Gene Larkin (1987-1993)

Henry Larkin (1884-1893)

Pat Larkin (1983-1983)

Stephen Larkin (1998-1998)

Steve Larkin (1934-1934)

Terry Larkin (1876-1884)

Patrick Larkins (1884-1884)

Bob Larmore (1918-1918)

Trevor Larnach (2021-2024)

Greg LaRocca (2000-2003)

Adam LaRoche (2004-2015)

Andy LaRoche (2007-2013)

Dave LaRoche (1970-1983)

Sam LaRocque (1888-1891)

John LaRose (1978-1978)

Vic LaRose (1968-1968)

Harry LaRoss (1914-1914)

Don Larsen (1953-1967)

Jack Larsen (2022-2022)

Swede Larsen (1936-1936)

Brandon Larson (2001-2004)

Dan Larson (1976-1982)

Jason LaRue (1999-2010)

Al Lary (1954-1962)

Frank Lary (1954-1965)

Lyn Lary (1929-1940)

Fred Lasher (1963-1971)

Bill Laskey (1982-1988)

Bill Lasley (1924-1924)

Tommy Lasorda+ (1954-1956)

Don Lassetter (1957-1957)

Arlie Latham (1880-1909)

Bill Latham (1985-1986)

Chris Latham (1997-2003)

Jumbo Latham (1875-1884)

Chick Lathers (1910-1911)

Bill Lathrop (1913-1914)

Latimer (1921-1921)

Tacks Latimer (1898-1902)

Barry Latman (1957-1967)

Mat Latos (2009-2017)

Bill Lattimore (1908-1908)

Duke Lattimore (1929-1933)

John Latting (1926-1926)

Jacob Latz (2021-2024)

Charley Lau (1956-1967)

Billy Lauder (1898-1903)

Tim Laudner (1981-1989)

Chuck Lauer (1884-1890)

Eric Lauer (2018-2023)

Ben Laughlin (1873-1873)

Ramón Laureano (2018-2024)

Milt Laurent (1929-1932)

Bill Lauterborn (1904-1905)

George Lauzerique (1967-1970)

Cookie Lavagetto (1934-1947)

Mike LaValliere (1984-1995)

Doc Lavan (1913-1924)

Ryan Lavarnway (2011-2021)

Bryan Lavastida (2022-2022)

Gary Lavelle (1974-1987)

Jimmy Lavender (1912-1917)

Art LaVigne (1914-1914)

Johnny Lavin (1884-1884)

Derek Law (2016-2024)

Ron Law (1969-1969)

Rudy Law (1978-1986)

Vance Law (1980-1991)

Vern Law (1950-1967)

Garland Lawing (1946-1946)

Jordan Lawlar (2023-2023)

Tom Lawless (1982-1990)

Mike Lawlor (1880-1884)

Bill Lawrence (1932-1932)

Bob Lawrence (1924-1924)

Brian Lawrence (2001-2007)

Brooks Lawrence (1954-1960)

Casey Lawrence (2017-2023)

Jim Lawrence (1963-1963)

Joe Lawrence (2002-2002)

Justin Lawrence (2021-2024)

Sean Lawrence (1998-1998)

Brett Lawrie (2011-2016)

Otis Lawry (1916-1917)

Al Lawson (1890-1890)

Bob Lawson (1901-1902)

Phelbert Lawson (1945-1945)

Roxie Lawson (1930-1940)

Steve Lawson (1972-1972)

Marcus Lawton (1989-1989)

Matt Lawton (1995-2006)

Bill Laxton (1970-1977)

Brett Laxton (1999-2000)

Tim Layana (1990-1993)

Gene Layden (1915-1915)

Pete Layden (1948-1948)

Herman Layne (1927-1927)

Hillis Layne (1941-1945)

Tommy Layne (2012-2017)

Les Layton (1948-1948)

Agapito Lázaga (1922-1922)

Danny Lazar (1968-1969)

Raudel Lazo (2015-2015)

Johnny Lazor (1943-1946)

Jack Lazorko (1984-1988)

Tony Lazzeri+ (1926-1939)

Charlie Lea (1980-1988)

Brent Leach (2009-2009)

Freddy Leach (1923-1932)

Jalal Leach (2001-2001)

Rick Leach (1981-1990)

Terry Leach (1981-1993)

Tommy Leach (1898-1918)

Brandon League (2004-2014)

Dan Leahy (1896-1896)

Kyle Leahy (2023-2024)

Tom Leahy (1897-1905)

Mike Leake (2010-2019)

Luis Leal (1980-1985)

Fred Lear (1915-1920)

King Lear (1914-1915)

Bill Leard (1917-1917)

Frank Leary (1907-1907)

Jack Leary (1880-1884)

John Leary (1914-1915)

Tim Leary (1981-1994)

Jordan Leasure (2024-2024)

Hal Leathers (1920-1920)

Jack Leathersich (2015-2017)

Emil Leber (1905-1905)

Charles Leblanc (2022-2022)

José Leblanc (1920-1921)

Wade LeBlanc (2008-2021)

Bevo LeBourveau (1919-1929)

George LeClair (1914-1915)

José Leclerc (2016-2024)

Matt LeCroy (2000-2007)

Sam LeCure (2010-2015)

Razor Ledbetter (1915-1915)

Ricky Ledée (1998-2007)

Aaron Ledesma (1995-2000)

Wil Ledezma (2003-2011)

Mike Ledwith (1874-1874)

Lee (1923-1923)

Lee (1927-1927)

Bill Lee (1934-1947)

Bill Lee (1969-1982)

Billy Lee (1915-1916)

Bob Lee (1964-1968)

Braxton Lee (2018-2018)

Brooks Lee (2024-2024)

C.C. Lee (2013-2015)

Carlos Lee (1999-2012)

Cliff Lee (1919-1926)

Cliff Lee (2002-2014)

Corey Lee (1999-1999)

Dae-ho Lee (2016-2016)

David Lee (1999-2004)

Derek Lee (1993-1993)

Derrek Lee (1997-2011)

Don Lee (1957-1966)

Dud Lee (1920-1926)

Dylan Lee (2021-2024)

Evan Lee (2022-2022)

Hal Lee (1930-1936)

Jung Hoo Lee (2024-2024)

Khalil Lee (2021-2022)

Korey Lee (2022-2024)

Leonidas Lee (1877-1877)

Leron Lee (1969-1976)

Manuel Lee (1985-1995)

Mark Lee (1978-1981)

Mark Lee (1988-1995)

Mike Lee (1960-1963)

Roy Lee (1945-1945)

Sang-Hoon Lee (2000-2000)

Script Lee (1923-1934)

Terry Lee (1990-1991)

Thornton Lee (1933-1948)

Tom Lee (1884-1884)

Travis Lee (1998-2006)

Wyatt Lee (1901-1904)

Zach Lee (2015-2017)

Gene Leek (1959-1962)

Dave Leeper (1984-1985)

George Lees (1921-1921)

Charles Leesman (2013-2014)

Sam Leever (1898-1910)

Bill LeFebvre (1938-1944)

Jim Lefebvre (1965-1972)

Joe Lefebvre (1980-1986)

Al Lefevre (1920-1920)

Craig Lefferts (1983-1994)

Wade Lefler (1924-1924)

Ron LeFlore (1974-1982)

Phil Leftwich (1993-1996)

Lou Legett (1929-1935)

Greg Legg (1986-1987)

Casey Legumina (2023-2024)

James Lehan (1884-1884)

Mike Lehane (1890-1891)

Regis Leheny (1932-1932)

Jim Lehew (1961-1962)

Ken Lehman (1952-1961)

Paul Lehner (1946-1952)

Clarence Lehr (1911-1911)

Justin Lehr (2004-2009)

Norm Lehr (1926-1926)

Hank Leiber (1933-1942)

Nemo Leibold (1913-1925)

Brandon Leibrandt (2020-2020)

Charlie Leibrandt (1979-1993)

Jon Leicester (2004-2007)

Elmer Leifer (1921-1921)

Lefty Leifield (1905-1920)

John Leighton (1890-1890)

Bill Leinhauser (1912-1912)

Ed Leip (1939-1942)

Dave Leiper (1984-1996)

Jack Leiper (1891-1891)

John Leister (1987-1990)

Al Leiter (1987-2005)

Jack Leiter (2024-2024)

Mark Leiter (1990-2001)

Mark Leiter Jr. (2017-2024)

Bill Leith (1899-1899)

Doc Leitner (1887-1887)

George Leitner (1901-1902)

Scott Leius (1990-1999)

Frank Leja (1954-1962)

Sheldon Lejeune (1911-1915)

Don LeJohn (1965-1965)

Bill Lelivelt (1909-1910)

Jack Lelivelt (1909-1914)

DJ LeMahieu (2011-2024)

Dave Lemanczyk (1973-1980)

Denny Lemaster (1962-1972)

Johnnie LeMaster (1975-1987)

Dick LeMay (1961-1963)

Steve Lembo (1950-1952)

Mark Lemke (1988-1998)

Jacob Lemoine (2022-2022)

Bob Lemon+ (1941-1958)

Chet Lemon (1975-1990)

Jim Lemon (1950-1963)

Dave Lemonds (1969-1972)

Mark Lemongello (1976-1979)

Don Lenhardt (1950-1954)

Bill Lennon (1871-1873)

Bob Lennon (1954-1957)

Ed Lennon (1928-1928)

Pat Lennon (1991-1999)

Ed Lennox (1906-1915)

Jim Lentine (1978-1980)

David Lenz (1872-1872)

Arcenio León (2017-2017)

Arnold Leon (2015-2016)

Danny Leon (1992-1992)

Eddie Leon (1968-1975)

Izzy León (1945-1945)

José León (2002-2004)

Juan León (1948-1948)

Max León (1973-1978)

Sandy León (2012-2023)

Leonard (1892-1892)

Leonard (1943-1943)

Andy Leonard (1871-1880)

Bobo Leonard (1922-1927)

Buck Leonard+ (1935-1948)

Dennis Leonard (1974-1986)

Dutch Leonard (1913-1925)

Dutch Leonard (1933-1953)

Elmer Leonard (1911-1911)

Jeffrey Leonard (1977-1990)

Joe Leonard (1914-1920)

Mark Leonard (1990-1995)

Dominic Leone (2014-2024)

Justin Leone (2004-2006)

Dave Leonhard (1967-1972)

Rudy Leopold (1928-1928)

John Leovich (1941-1941)

Ted Lepcio (1952-1961)

Pete LePine (1902-1902)

Don Leppert (1955-1955)

Don Leppert (1961-1964)

Randy Lerch (1975-1986)

Dutch Lerchen (1910-1910)

George Lerchen (1952-1953)

Anthony Lerew (2005-2010)

Walt Lerian (1928-1929)

Chris Leroux (2009-2014)

John LeRoy (1997-1997)

Louis LeRoy (1905-1910)

Barry Lersch (1969-1974)

Steven Lerud (2012-2013)

Brian Lesher (1996-2002)

Don Leshnock (1972-1972)

Curt Leskanic (1993-2004)

Brad Lesley (1982-1985)

Roy Leslie (1917-1922)

Sam Leslie (1929-1938)

Lester (1932-1932)

Jon Lester (2006-2021)

Josh Lester (2022-2023)

Charlie Letchas (1939-1946)

Tom Letcher (1891-1891)

Jesse Levan (1947-1955)

Walt Leverenz (1913-1915)

Gorham Leverett (1922-1929)

Horace Leverette (1920-1920)

Jim Levey (1930-1933)

Al Levine (1996-2005)

Charlie Levis (1884-1885)

Jesse Levis (1992-2001)

Oscar Levis (1923-1929)

Allen Levrault (2000-2003)

Emil Levsen (1923-1928)

Ed Levy (1940-1944)

Dennis Lewallyn (1975-1982)

Dan Lewandowski (1951-1951)

Artie Lewicki (2017-2020)

Lewis (1890-1890)

A.D. Lewis (1937-1937)

A.D. Lewis (1937-1937)

Allan Lewis (1967-1973)

Bert Lewis (1924-1924)

Bill Lewis (1933-1936)

Buddy Lewis (1935-1949)

Charlie Lewis (1926-1926)

Clarence Lewis (1932-1934)

Colby Lewis (2002-2016)

Darren Lewis (1990-2002)

Duffy Lewis (1910-1921)

Earl Lewis (1923-1923)

Frank Lewis (1932-1932)

Fred Lewis (1881-1886)

Fred Lewis (2006-2012)

Gaston Lewis (1926-1926)

Jack Lewis (1911-1915)

Jensen Lewis (2007-2010)

Jim Lewis (1936-1938)

Jim Lewis (1979-1985)

Jim Lewis (1991-1991)

Joe Lewis (1923-1934)

John Lewis (1945-1945)

Johnny Lewis (1964-1967)

Kyle Lewis (2019-2023)

Mark Lewis (1991-2001)

Milton Lewis (1924-1928)

Phil Lewis (1905-1908)

Richie Lewis (1992-1998)

Rommie Lewis (2010-2011)

Royce Lewis (2022-2024)

Rufus Lewis (1946-1948)

Scott Lewis (1990-1994)

Scott Lewis (2008-2009)

Ted Lewis (1896-1901)

Terry Ley (1971-1971)

Domingo Leyba (2019-2021)

Robinson Leyer (2020-2020)

Jim Leyritz (1990-2000)

Carlos Lezcano (1980-1981)

Sixto Lezcano (1974-1985)

Steve Libby (1879-1879)

Luis Liberato (2022-2022)

Adam Liberatore (2015-2018)

Matthew Liberatore (2022-2024)

Al Libke (1945-1946)

Frankie Libran (1969-1969)

John Lickert (1981-1981)

Dave Liddell (1990-1990)

Alex Liddi (2011-2013)

Don Liddle (1953-1956)

Brad Lidge (2002-2012)

Cory Lidle (1997-2006)

Dutch Lieber (1935-1936)

Jon Lieber (1994-2008)

Mike Lieberthal (1994-2007)

Glenn Liebhardt (1906-1909)

Glenn Liebhardt (1930-1938)

Jeff Liefer (1999-2005)

Fred Liese (1910-1910)

Pat Light (2016-2016)

Charley Lightner (1920-1920)

Rufus Ligon (1932-1945)

Kerry Ligtenberg (1997-2005)

Bill Lillard (1939-1940)

Gene Lillard (1936-1940)

Joe Lillard (1932-1937)

Brent Lillibridge (2008-2013)

Jim Lillie (1883-1886)

Derek Lilliquist (1989-1996)

Bob Lillis (1958-1967)

Ted Lilly (1999-2013)

Chang-Yong Lim (2013-2013)

José Lima (1994-2006)

Lou Limmer (1951-1954)

Che-Hsuan Lin (2012-2012)

Tzu-Wei Lin (2017-2021)

Rogelio Linares (1940-1946)

Rufino Linares (1981-1985)

Tim Lincecum (2007-2016)

Brad Lincoln (2010-2014)

Ezra Lincoln (1890-1890)

Mike Lincoln (1999-2010)

Adam Lind (2006-2017)

Carl Lind (1927-1930)

Jack Lind (1974-1975)

José Lind (1987-1995)

Vive Lindaman (1906-1909)

Em Lindbeck (1960-1960)

Paul Lindblad (1965-1978)

Josh Lindblom (2011-2021)

Lyman Linde (1947-1948)

Johnny Lindell (1941-1954)

Jim Lindeman (1986-1994)

Bob Lindemann (1901-1901)

Ernie Lindemann (1907-1907)

Todd Linden (2003-2007)

Walt Linden (1950-1950)

William Linder (1922-1922)

Jacob Lindgren (2015-2015)

Jeff Lindgren (2023-2023)

Francisco Lindor (2015-2024)

Carl Lindquist (1943-1944)

Bill Lindsay (1911-1911)

Chris Lindsay (1905-1906)

Clarence Lindsay (1923-1929)

Leonard Lindsay (1935-1947)

Shane Lindsay (2011-2011)

William Lindsay (1934-1934)

Bill Lindsey (1987-1987)

Doug Lindsey (1991-1993)

Jim Lindsey (1922-1937)

John Lindsey (2010-2010)

Robert Lindsey (1931-1931)

Rod Lindsey (2000-2000)

William Lindsey (1926-1926)

Axel Lindstrom (1916-1916)

Charlie Lindstrom (1958-1958)

Freddie Lindstrom+ (1924-1936)

Matt Lindstrom (2007-2014)

Scott Linebrink (2000-2011)

Dick Lines (1966-1967)

Carl Linhart (1952-1952)

Cole Liniak (1999-2000)

Fred Link (1910-1910)

Jon Link (2010-2010)

Ed Linke (1933-1938)

Royce Lint (1954-1954)

Bob Linton (1929-1929)

Doug Linton (1992-2003)

Larry Lintz (1973-1978)

Phil Linz (1962-1968)

Frank Linzy (1963-1974)

Andre Lipcius (2023-2023)

Angelo LiPetri (1956-1958)

Johnny Lipon (1942-1954)

Tom Lipp (1897-1897)

Gerard Lipscomb (1937-1937)

Trey Lipscomb (2024-2024)

Henry Lipsey (1942-1942)

Bob Lipski (1963-1963)

Felipe Lira (1995-2001)

Francisco Liriano (2005-2019)

Nelson Liriano (1987-1998)

Pedro Liriano (2004-2005)

Rymer Liriano (2014-2017)

Joe Lis (1970-1977)

Mo Lisby (1934-1934)

Horace Lisenbee (1927-1945)

Rick Lisi (1981-1981)

Ad Liska (1929-1933)

Nora Listach (1941-1941)

Pat Listach (1992-1997)

Pete Lister (1907-1907)

Lithet (1942-1942)

Jesse Litsch (2007-2011)

Mark Littell (1973-1982)

Zack Littell (2018-2024)

Brendon Little (2022-2024)

Bryan Little (1982-1986)

Earl Little (1938-1942)

Harry Little (1877-1877)

Jack Little (1912-1912)

Jeff Little (1980-1982)

Luke Little (2023-2024)

Mark Little (1998-2004)

Scott Little (1989-1989)

Dick Littlefield (1950-1958)

John Littlefield (1980-1981)

Carlisle Littlejohn (1927-1928)

Dennis Littlejohn (1978-1980)

Ben Littles (1948-1948)

Larry Littleton (1981-1981)

Wes Littleton (2006-2008)

Greg Litton (1989-1994)

Jack Littrell (1952-1957)

Danny Litwhiler (1940-1951)

Ben Lively (2017-2024)

Buddy Lively (1947-1949)

Jack Lively (1911-1911)

Wes Livengood (1939-1939)

Bobby Livingston (2006-2007)

L.D. Livingston (1928-1930)

Mickey Livingston (1938-1951)

Paddy Livingston (1901-1917)

Jake Livingstone (1901-1901)

Scott Livingstone (1991-1998)

Radhames Liz (2007-2015)

Abel Lizotte (1896-1896)

Winston Llenas (1968-1975)

Clem Llewellyn (1922-1922)

Mauricio Llovera (2020-2023)

Graeme Lloyd (1993-2003)

John Henry Lloyd+ (1921-1929)

Kyle Lloyd (2017-2017)

Chia-Jen Lo (2013-2013)

Paul Lo Duca (1998-2008)

Jonathan Loáisiga (2018-2024)

Esteban Loaiza (1995-2008)

Mike Loan (1912-1912)

Bob Loane (1939-1940)

José Lobatón (2009-2021)

Frank Lobert (1914-1914)

Hans Lobert (1903-1917)

Kyle Lobstein (2014-2021)

Tim Locastro (2017-2023)

Harry Lochhead (1899-1901)

Don Lock (1962-1969)

Bobby Locke (1959-1968)

Chuck Locke (1955-1955)

Clarence Locke (1944-1948)

Eddie Locke (1943-1945)

Jeff Locke (2011-2017)

Marshall Locke (1884-1884)

Ron Locke (1964-1964)

Bob Locker (1965-1975)

Johnny Lockett (1941-1941)

Lester Lockett (1937-1948)

Walker Lockett (2018-2020)

Lockhart (1942-1942)

A.J. Lockhart (1925-1925)

Hubert Lockhart (1923-1929)

Keith Lockhart (1994-2003)

Gene Locklear (1973-1977)

Tyler Locklear (2024-2024)

Stu Locklin (1955-1956)

James Lockman (1943-1943)

Whitey Lockman (1945-1960)

Milo Lockwood (1884-1884)

Skip Lockwood (1965-1980)

Dario Lodigiani (1938-1946)

Nick Lodolo (2022-2024)

Kameron Loe (2004-2013)

George Loepp (1928-1930)

Billy Loes (1950-1961)

Adam Loewen (2006-2016)

Carlton Loewer (1998-2003)

Nick Loftin (2023-2024)

James Lofton (2001-2001)

Kenny Lofton (1991-2007)

Dick Loftus (1924-1925)

Frank Loftus (1926-1926)

Tom Loftus (1877-1883)

Bob Logan (1935-1945)

Boone Logan (2006-2018)

Coley Logan (1940-1940)

Johnny Logan (1951-1963)

Nick Logan (1923-1923)

Nook Logan (2004-2007)

Loggins (1944-1944)

Zach Logue (2022-2023)

Pete Lohman (1891-1891)

Howard Lohr (1914-1916)

Jack Lohrke (1947-1953)

Bill Lohrman (1934-1944)

Kyle Lohse (2001-2016)

Alberto Lois (1978-1979)

Rich Loiselle (1996-2001)

Mickey Lolich (1963-1979)

Ron Lolich (1971-1973)

Sherm Lollar (1946-1963)

Tim Lollar (1980-1986)

Ryan Lollis (2015-2015)

Doug Loman (1984-1985)

Steve Lomasney (1999-1999)

Griff Lomax (1942-1942)

George Lombard (1998-2006)

Ernie Lombardi+ (1931-1947)

Phil Lombardi (1986-1989)

Vic Lombardi (1945-1950)

Lou Lombardo (1948-1948)

Steve Lombardozzi (1985-1990)

Steve Lombardozzi (2011-2017)

Kevin Lomon (1995-1996)

Jim Lonborg (1965-1979)

Walter Lonergan (1911-1911)

James Loney (2006-2016)

Bill Long (1985-1991)

Bob Long (1981-1985)

Dale Long (1951-1963)

Dan Long (1890-1890)

Earnest Long (1948-1948)

Emory Long (1932-1945)

Fred Long (1920-1926)

Herman Long (1889-1904)

Jeoff Long (1963-1964)

Jim Long (1891-1893)

Jimmie Long (1922-1922)

Joey Long (1997-1997)

Lep Long (1911-1911)

Red Long (1902-1902)

Ryan Long (1997-1997)

Sam Long (2021-2024)

Shed Long Jr. (2019-2021)

Terrence Long (1999-2006)

Thomas Long (1888-1888)

Tom Long (1911-1917)

Tom Long (1924-1924)

Bernell Longest (1946-1948)

Longford (1944-1944)

Red Longley (1932-1947)

Tony Longmire (1993-1995)

Evan Longoria (2008-2023)

Alonzo Longware (1920-1920)

Joe Lonnett (1956-1959)

Bruce Look (1968-1968)

Dean Look (1961-1961)

Brian Looney (1993-1995)

Charley Looney (1933-1933)

Aaron Looper (2003-2003)

Braden Looper (1998-2009)

Pete Loos (1901-1901)

Eddie Lopat (1944-1955)

Stan Lopata (1948-1960)

Art Lopatka (1945-1946)

Joey Loperfido (2024-2024)

Christian Lopes (2022-2022)

Davey Lopes (1972-1987)

Tim Lopes (2019-2021)

Al Lopez+ (1928-1947)

Albie Lopez (1993-2003)

Alejo López (2021-2023)

Aquilino López (2003-2008)

Armando López (1923-1924)

Art López (1965-1965)

Arturo López (2009-2009)

Aurelio López (1974-1987)

Cando López (1926-1939)

Carlos López (1976-1978)

Felipe López (2001-2011)

Héctor López (1955-1966)

Irving Lopez (2023-2023)

Jack López (2021-2021)

Jacob Lopez (2023-2024)

Javier López (2003-2016)

Javy López (1992-2006)

Jorge López (2015-2024)

José López (1920-1920)

José López (2004-2012)

José Lopez (2023-2023)

Luis Lopez (1990-1991)

Luis López (1993-2005)

Luis Lopez (2001-2004)

Marcelino López (1963-1972)

Mendy López (1998-2004)

Mickey Lopez (2004-2004)

Nicky Lopez (2019-2024)

Otto Lopez (2021-2024)

Pablo López (2018-2024)

Pedro López (2005-2007)

Rafael Lopez (2014-2018)

Ramón López (1966-1966)

Raúl López (1948-1948)

Reynaldo López (2016-2024)

Rodrigo López (2000-2012)

Ventura López (1929-1929)

Wilton López (2009-2014)

Yoan López (2018-2022)

Bris Lord (1905-1913)

Carlton Lord (1923-1923)

Harry Lord (1907-1915)

Lefty Lorenzen (1913-1913)

Michael Lorenzen (2015-2024)

Jesús Lorenzo (1929-1930)

Mark Loretta (1995-2009)

Andrew Lorraine (1994-2002)

Honey Lott (1948-1948)

Raymond Lott (1945-1945)

Joe Lotz (1916-1916)

Scott Loucks (1980-1985)

Art Loudell (1910-1910)

Lou Louden (1941-1948)

William Louden (1907-1916)

Charlie Loudenslager (1904-1904)

David Lough (2012-2016)

Larry Loughlin (1967-1967)

Bill Loughran (1884-1884)

Louie (1932-1932)

Don Loun (1964-1964)

Aaron Loup (2012-2023)

Ryan Loutos (2024-2024)

Shane Loux (2002-2012)

Andy Love (1930-1943)

Slim Love (1913-1920)

Tom Lovelace (1922-1922)

Vance Lovelace (1988-1990)

Richard Lovelady (2019-2024)

Lynn Lovenguth (1955-1957)

John Lovett (1903-1903)

Len Lovett (1873-1875)

Mem Lovett (1933-1933)

Tom Lovett (1885-1894)

Jay Loviglio (1980-1983)

Joe Lovitto (1972-1975)

Pete Lovrich (1963-1963)

Torey Lovullo (1988-1999)

Fletcher Low (1915-1915)

Grover Lowdermilk (1909-1920)

Lou Lowdermilk (1911-1912)

Bobby Lowe (1890-1907)

Brandon Lowe (2018-2024)

Charlie Lowe (1872-1872)

Derek Lowe (1997-2013)

Dick Lowe (1884-1884)

George Lowe (1920-1920)

Josh Lowe (2021-2024)

Kid Lowe (1921-1930)

Mark Lowe (2006-2016)

Nathaniel Lowe (2019-2024)

Sean Lowe (1997-2003)

Lowell (1924-1924)

Mike Lowell (1998-2010)

John Lowenstein (1970-1985)

Devon Lowery (2008-2008)

Terrell Lowery (1997-2000)

Turk Lown (1951-1962)

Peanuts Lowrey (1942-1955)

Jed Lowrie (2008-2022)

Dwight Lowry (1984-1988)

John Lowry (1875-1875)

Noah Lowry (2003-2007)

Sam Lowry (1942-1943)

Zac Lowther (2021-2022)

Mike Loynd (1986-1987)

Willie Lozado (1984-1984)

Steve Lubratich (1981-1983)

Hal Luby (1936-1944)

Pat Luby (1890-1895)

Johnny Lucadello (1938-1947)

Easton Lucas (2023-2024)

Ed Lucas (2013-2014)

Fred Lucas (1935-1935)

Gary Lucas (1980-1987)

Johnny Lucas (1931-1932)

Josh Lucas (2017-2019)

Miles Lucas (1925-1927)

Ray Lucas (1929-1934)

Red Lucas (1923-1938)

Joey Lucchesi (2018-2024)

Frank Luce (1923-1923)

Joe Lucey (1920-1925)

Elvis Luciano (2019-2019)

Marco Luciano (2023-2024)

Con Lucid (1893-1897)

Lou Lucier (1943-1945)

Jonathan Lucroy (2010-2021)

Donny Lucy (2007-2011)

Fred Luderus (1909-1920)

Willie Ludolph (1924-1924)

Eric Ludwick (1996-1999)

Ryan Ludwick (2002-2014)

Bill Ludwig (1908-1908)

Roy Luebbe (1925-1925)

Steve Luebber (1971-1981)

Larry Luebbers (1993-2000)

Cory Luebke (2010-2016)

Dick Luebke (1962-1962)

Rick Luecken (1989-1990)

Josh Lueke (2011-2014)

Lucas Luetge (2012-2023)

Harry Luff (1875-1884)

Dawel Lugo (2018-2020)

Julio Lugo (2000-2011)

Ruddy Lugo (2006-2007)

Seth Lugo (2016-2024)

Urbano Lugo (1985-1990)

Wild Bill Luhrsen (1913-1913)

Rob Lukachyk (1996-1996)

Mark Lukasiewicz (2001-2002)

Matt Luke (1996-1999)

Al Lukens (1894-1894)

Nathan Lukes (2023-2023)

Eddie Lukon (1941-1947)

Mike Lum (1967-1981)

Ralph Lumenti (1957-1959)

Harry Lumley (1904-1910)

Jerry Lumpe (1956-1967)

Héctor Luna (2004-2012)

Memo Luna (1954-1954)

Fernando Lunar (2000-2002)

Don Lund (1945-1954)

Gordy Lund (1967-1969)

Jack Lundbom (1902-1902)

Carl Lundgren (1902-1909)

Del Lundgren (1924-1927)

David Lundquist (1999-2002)

Tom Lundstedt (1973-1975)

Dick Lundy (1923-1937)

Trey Lunsford (2002-2003)

Harry Lunte (1919-1920)

Tony Lupien (1940-1948)

Al Luplow (1961-1967)

Jordan Luplow (2017-2023)

Dolf Luque (1914-1935)

Scott Lusader (1987-1991)

Billy Lush (1895-1904)

Ernie Lush (1910-1910)

Johnny Lush (1904-1910)

Charlie Luskey (1901-1901)

Luke Lutenberg (1894-1894)

Lyle Luttrell (1956-1957)

Donald Lutz (2013-2014)

Joe Lutz (1951-1951)

Red Lutz (1922-1922)

Zach Lutz (2012-2013)

Rube Lutzke (1923-1927)

Keith Luuloa (2000-2000)

Gavin Lux (2019-2024)

Jesús Luzardo (2019-2024)

Greg Luzinski (1970-1984)

Mitch Lyden (1993-1993)

Scott Lydy (1993-1993)

Jim Lyle (1925-1925)

Sparky Lyle (1967-1982)

John Lyles (1932-1943)

Jordan Lyles (2011-2024)

Adrian Lynch (1920-1920)

Daniel Lynch IV (2021-2024)

Danny Lynch (1948-1948)

Ed Lynch (1980-1987)

Henry Lynch (1893-1893)

Jack Lynch (1881-1890)

James Lynch (1926-1926)

Jerry Lynch (1954-1966)

Mike Lynch (1902-1902)

Mike Lynch (1904-1907)

Thomas Lynch (1884-1884)

Tom Lynch (1884-1885)

Walt Lynch (1922-1922)

Bill Lynn (1943-1943)

Byrd Lynn (1916-1920)

Fred Lynn (1974-1990)

Jerry Lynn (1937-1937)

Lance Lynn (2011-2024)

Red Lynn (1939-1944)

Brandon Lyon (2001-2013)

Russ Lyon (1944-1944)

Lyons (1947-1947)

Al Lyons (1944-1948)

Barry Lyons (1986-1995)

Bill Lyons (1983-1984)

Curt Lyons (1996-1996)

Denny Lyons (1885-1897)

Ed Lyons (1947-1947)

Granville Lyons (1932-1942)

Harry Lyons (1887-1893)

Hersh Lyons (1941-1941)

Jimmie Lyons (1920-1932)

Pat Lyons (1890-1890)

Steve Lyons (1985-1993)

Ted Lyons+ (1923-1946)

Terry Lyons (1929-1929)

Toby Lyons (1890-1890)

Tony Lyons (1920-1924)

Tyler Lyons (2013-2020)

Rick Lysander (1980-1985)

John Lyston (1891-1894)

Dad Lytle (1890-1890)

Jim Lyttle (1969-1976)