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This release was issued under a previous government.

Extended tuition freeze delivers on affordability

Minister Schmidt announces an extension of the tuition and fees freeze at MacEwan University.

Extending the tuition and fees freeze through 2018-19 means that a post-secondary education will be more affordable for nearly 250,000 full- and part-time students and apprentices.  

A university or college student starting studies in September 2018 in a program charging the average tuition rate will save about $1,500 in tuition costs over four years. By maintaining the freeze and compensating institutions for the difference in revenue, the Alberta government is delivering on a promise of affordability and stability in post-secondary education.

“By keeping costs frozen our government has ensured affordable access to post-secondary education. We know that affordable post-secondary education is important to Albertans and is key to our growing economy. That is why we are freezing tuition for another year as we prepare to bring forward long-term tuition and funding policies in the new year.”

Marlin Schmidt, Minister of Advanced Education

“Students are thrilled to see that the government has heard them and ensured that post-secondary education remains affordable and accessible. The Council of Alberta University Students thanks the government for freezing tuition while ensuring institutions are funded appropriately so that budgeting restraints do not impact students."

Reed Larson, chair, Council of Alberta University Students

The tuition and fee freeze will be accompanied by a corresponding backfill payment to publicly funded institutions with provincially regulated tuition. These payments will provide compensation for the additional tuition revenue that institutions would otherwise have received. This delivers on the government’s commitment to affordability and stability within the post-secondary education system and ensures that institutions are able to maintain programs and spaces for students.

“I firmly believe that education transforms lives and is the future of our economy. I applaud the government for providing stable and predictable funding so that post-secondary education remains accessible for students.”

Debra Saucier, president, MacEwan University

"We understand the government's decision to continue the tuition freeze to provide students with a quality education that is also affordable. We appreciate the additional operating funds to compensate for the continued freeze and to reflect rising costs. We share with all Albertans a vision of an affordable and accessible post-secondary system."

David Docherty, president, Mount Royal University

“Alberta’s students have placed some hope in this review on tuition for a more sustainable and predictable tuition model. The government's commitment to backfill funding to post-secondary institutions during this freeze acknowledges that neither students nor PSIs should bear the burden of this process. ASEC hopes that same acknowledgement will also characterize Alberta’s new approach to tuition and fees as we move into the new year.”

Ian Lee, chair, Alberta Students’ Executive Council

Government is reviewing tuition and funding models for all post-secondary institutions and is committed to ensuring post-secondary education remains accessible, sustainable and affordable over the long term. The province intends to share more information about its long-term tuition and funding strategy in the new year.