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“Each year on May 5, the Alberta government honours the memories of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit plus (MMIWG2S+) people, and we extend our support to their families, friends and loved ones.

“Red Dress Day was originally inspired by Métis artist Jaime Black’s REDdress art installation in 2010, where red dresses were displayed to symbolize and commemorate the lives of missing or murdered Indigenous women and girls. The installation brought widespread attention to the ongoing crisis of gender-based, racialized violence by evoking a presence in the recognition of absence.

“Since then, on May 5, hundreds of red dresses have been hung from windows, trees or statues throughout Canada. The movement has grown to also represent 2S+ people who are missing or are no longer with us.

“The important work to end the crisis of violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2S+ people is ongoing, and Alberta’s government remains committed to making real, meaningful change. That includes being guided by our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Roadmap, supporting the work of the Premier’s Council on MMIWG2S+, funding initiatives through our Community Support Fund, implementing the Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, and operating the Family Information Liaison Unit.

“As we honour the memory of those who are missing or murdered, I encourage Albertans to wear red, hang a red dress outside your window and attend special events in their names.”

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