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Alberta's government recognizes that investing in students today paves the way for a skilled and dynamic future workforce, which is essential for maintaining the economic vitality of our province. These bursary recipients represent the next generation of leaders and professionals who will drive innovation, growth, and development in northern Alberta and beyond.

Alberta’s government has provided an additional $573,500 for the 2023-24 intake of the NADB program, which supports post-secondary students who choose to live and work in northern Alberta after graduation.

"Investing in education is investing in the future of our province. Alberta’s government is proud to support these bursary programs, which play a crucial role in providing opportunities for northern Albertans to access quality education and training in fields that are essential to our economy."

Matt Jones, Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade

This additional funding allowed 72 students to receive educational bursaries through the Northern Alberta Development Council (NADC) and the First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) bursaries. These awards support the education and professional development of students in fields such as healthcare, education, and business with up to $11,500 so they can contribute to the growth and prosperity of northern communities.

With Jobs, Economy and Trade’s funding increase and contributions from the ministries of Advanced Education and Education, total program funding for the NADB program was $2.448 million for 2023-24. In total, the NADB program provided bursaries to 308 students in 2023-24, including 72 supported by the additional funding.

“By investing in initiatives like the NADB program, we are creating pathways for Alberta’s students to get the skills and knowledge they need to meet the labour market demands of northern Alberta.”

Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Advanced Education

“The NADB program is an important part of how Alberta’s government is supporting economic development and workforce growth in northern Alberta. By helping educated workers to stay in the north, we are solidifying the future of the region’s workforce.”

Tany Yao, parliamentary secretary for Small Business and Northern Development

Alberta’s government is committed to fostering workforce education and economic development in northern Alberta and Budget 2024 continues to meet this promise.

Quick facts

  • The NADB program supports students who are training in professions determined to be in demand by northern employers.
  • There are four bursary streams, each created to attract and retain skilled professionals to grow and diversify the northern economy:
    • Northern Student Teacher Bursary, open from July to October annually;
    • NADC and NADC Specialty bursaries, open Jan. 2 to April 30, annually;
    • FNMI Bursary, which has two intakes per year, Feb.1 to June 1 and June 5 to Nov. 15; and
    • Bursary Partnership Program, open annually from May 1 to Nov. 30.
  • Program funding for the NADB was $2.448 million for 2023-24.
    • Advanced Education contributes $1,050,000 to the program annually to support the NADC and NADC Specialty Streams; First Nations, Métis and Inuit Bursaries; and the Bursary Partnership Program.
    • Alberta Education funds the Northern Student Teacher Bursary for $324,000 per year.
    • Jobs, Economy and Trade provides $500,000 in annual funding support to all streams, in addition to the one-time increase of $573,000.

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