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To maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly globalized economy, it is vital for Alberta’s post-secondary institutions to build and maintain strong international ties. Alberta’s government announced the creation of the Alberta Bureau for International Education (ABIE) in 2022.

ABIE’s mandate is to showcase Alberta’s post-secondary learning system to prospective students from around the world, and to increase international learning opportunities for Albertans. Dr. Raynie Wood was appointed as ABIE’s first executive director on April 2.

“Congratulations to Dr. Raynie Wood as she becomes executive director of the Alberta Bureau for International Education. With an extensive background in academia and international projects, Dr. Wood is well positioned to grow Alberta’s profile and enhance the world-renowned reputation of our post-secondary system around the world.”

Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Advanced Education

Advanced Education tasked the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) with helping to create ABIE, including establishing a governance structure and work plan in compliance with provincial and federal legislation. ABIE is a board-governed institution, made to support Alberta’s colleges, polytechnics and universities as Alberta positions itself on the world stage.

“SAIT’s international student population has shown us first-hand the importance of a diverse campus community. By offering our students the opportunity to develop cross-cultural awareness, we are broadening their worldview and preparing them for the economic landscape of tomorrow. We look forward to working with the ABIE and Alberta’s post-secondary partners to strengthen our collective commitment to student success.” 

Dr. David Ross, president and CEO, SAIT

“I would like to thank the Government of Alberta for their continued commitment to international education. Through the Bureau, we are bringing together intersectional representation from post-secondaries and industry to share the many strengths within our system on a global stage. Alberta’s post-secondary leaders are recognized for their commitment to academic and economic benefits for our communities. We are living a borderless global economy that demands an interconnected world, and access to international post-secondary education is at its core.”

Dr. Raynie Wood, executive director, ABIE

Quick facts

  • ABIE was established in October 2022 as part of Alberta’s International Education Strategy.
  • ABIE is an independent, board-governed, not-for-profit organization with representation from post-secondary institutions and industry stakeholders.
  • Alberta government funding enables ABIE to assist post-secondary institutions in Alberta to expand and diversify their international student enrolment.
  • Budget 2024 includes an annual investment of $1.5 million per year for three years to support ABIE operations.
  • The International Education Strategy was released by Alberta’s government in June 2020. The strategy delivers on a platform commitment to support universities and colleges in their efforts to attract more, qualified foreign students to the province.
  • ABIE can be contacted at [email protected] for more information.

Biography – Dr. Raynie Wood

  • Until she was appointed executive director of the Alberta Bureau of International Education (ABIE) on April 1, 2024, Dr. Raynie Wood served as dean of the School for Advanced Digital Technology at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). Having a breadth of post-secondary experiences in a range of sectors locally and globally, Dr. Wood attended the University of Calgary where she earned a master of education, and subsequently Colorado State University where she earned a PhD in Education and Human Resource Studies. Dr. Wood recently completed the ICD – Rotman School of Management Directors Education program.