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While in Germany, Minister Nicolaides and a delegation of education partners will meet with German officials and visit schools and industry sites to see first-hand how Germany’s approach to career education is helping students find rewarding careers.

The mission will focus on informing the Alberta government’s efforts to expand career education for students. It will also reinforce a long-standing relationship between the governments to ensure students, teachers and administrators can benefit through continued cultural exchanges and idea sharing.

“Germany is renowned for its integrated vocational education programs. As we continue to expand our dual credit programs and promote trades education, training and apprenticeship, we’ll be reviewing how we can adopt German career-education practices in Alberta’s education system to create brighter futures for our students and further support our workforce needs.”

Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Education

Minister Nicolaides will be accompanied by four staff members. Expenses will be posted on the travel and expense disclosure page.

Education partners joining the minister will include representatives from CAREERS: the Next Generation Foundation as well as the chairs and a second representative from each of Edmonton Catholic Schools, Edmonton Public Schools, Calgary Board of Education and Canadian Rockies Public Schools. These school authorities participated in a visit from a German education delegation to Alberta in November 2023 and will be covering their own mission expenses.

Quick facts

  • Alberta hosted an education delegation from Hesse in 2022 and a delegation of German education ministers in 2023.
  • Hesse and Alberta have a more than 30-year relationship related to student and teacher exchanges.

Itinerary for Minister Nicolaides

June 8

  • Travel to Frankfurt, Germany

June 9

  • Travel to Wiesbaden

June 10

  • Visit to integrated comprehensive school
  • Visit to vocational school
  • Visit to Opel manufacturing plant

June 11

  • Meeting with government leaders
  • Visit to technical schools
  • Visit to broadcaster ZDF

June 12

  • Travel to Hamburg
  • Visit to career education centre and meeting with government leaders
  • Visit to hearing technology training campus

June 13

  • Visit to a school
  • Visit to Dräger medical supplies company

June 14

  • Travel to Berlin
  • Meetings with state officials and tour of parliament

June 15

  • Travel to Alberta

*Subject to change.