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Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 DOI 10.1007/s11540-010-9163-0 Improving Potato Tuber Quality and Production by Targeted Calcium Nutrition: the Discovery of Tuber Roots Leading to a New Concept in Potato Nutrition Jiwan P Palta Received: 30 September 2010 / Accepted: 1 October 2010 / Published online: 21 October 2010 # EAPR 2010 Abstract Calcium plays a major role in plant growth and development and in the maintenance and modulation of various cell functions, especially related to membrane structure and function and to cell wall structure. Calcium stabilizes cell membranes by bridging polar head groups of phospholipids at the membrane surface. Calcium is also an integral part of the cell wall where it provides stable intra-molecular linkages between pectin molecules, resulting in cell wall rigidity. A change in the cytosolic calcium concentration is also known to provide a cellular signal that regulates metabolism and mediates plant responses to stresses. Calcium deficiency is pervasive among fruit and tuber crops because calcium moves with water in the xylem and very little water moves to fruit and tuber tissues as compared to leaves. The water potential gradient within the potato plant favors xylem transport to the foliage since tubers are surrounded by moist soil. As a result, the calcium concentration is much higher in foliage than in the tuber. In our early work, we demonstrated that water and calcium taken up by the main root system bypass the tubers and are delivered to the above-ground portion of the plant, and roots arising from the stolons and tubers supply calcium to the tubers. Tuber calcium concentration can therefore be increased by selectively feeding tubers with calcium nutrients during tuber bulking period. The discovery of tuber roots has led to the development of a new concept in potato nutrition. We have demonstrated that in-season fertilization with calcium increases tuber calcium and lowers incidence of physiological disorders such as internal brown spot, hollow heart, and bruising. Localized tissue calcium deficiencies are implicated as mechanisms initializing cell death and tissue necrosis leading to internal brown spot and hollow heart in potatoes. There is also strong evidence This paper is based on: Palta JP (2010) Improving potato tuber quality and production by targeting calcium nutrition: the discovery of tuber roots leading to a new concept in potato nutrition. In: Çalişkan ME & Arslanoğlu F (ed), Potato AgroPhysiology, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agronomy and Physiology of Potato. 20-24 September 2010, Nevşehīr, Turkey, pp. 11–18 J. P. Palta (*) Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA e-mail: jppalta@wisc.edu 268 Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 for reducing storage rot by increasing tuber calcium. Finally, tuber calcium is important for the health of the sprout and of the tuber skin. Keywords Apical necrosis . Calcium transport . Heat stress . Hollow heart . Internal brown spots . Soft rot . Storage quality . Water uptake Introduction Our recent studies provide compelling evidence that potato tuber quality can be improved by increasing the calcium (Ca) content of tubers. Benefits from supplemental calcium application include reduced incidence of internal defects such as internal brown spots and hollow heart. Furthermore, data from several studies also suggest that higher calcium tubers store better and have reduced incidence and severity of soft rot. We have also obtained some evidence that in some cultivars, the seed piece tuber quality can be improved through calcium application. In this study, we found that seed piece tubers given calcium during their development performed better in the following season. More recently, we have found that potatoes given calcium fertilization have reduced injury by bruising. We have also found that root zone calcium can mitigate the impact of cold and heat stresses on the potato plant. In addition to these issues, in our work, we have also investigated practical means of delivering soluble Ca products, the timing and source of application of calcium. In this article, I have attempted to answer the three following questions: 1. Why is calcium important? 2. Is it feasible to improve tuber calcium on a practical level? 3. Is there a benefit of improving tuber calcium? Why is Calcium Important? Calcium is Important for Healthy Cell Membranes and Strong Cell Walls. In Addition, Ca Acts like a Hormone Calcium plays an important role in the growth and development of plants. The cell membrane health is very crucial to the survival and health of the plant cell. The health of the cell membranes can only be maintained in the presence of sufficient Ca around the membranes (Hanson 1984, Palta 1996, Hirschi 2004). If the level of Ca associated with the membranes is reduced, the membranes become leaky, resulting in loss of cellular salts and organic compounds (Arora and Palta, 1986, 1988, 1989). Such loss, if not reversed, leads to the eventual death of the cell. Calcium is also an integral part of the cell wall where it provides stable but reversible intra-molecular linkages between pectin molecules, resulting in cell wall rigidity (Marschner 1995, Matoh and Kobayashi 1998). In addition to its role in the membrane and cell wall, Ca is now regarded as a signaling molecule mediating plant response to environmental stresses and hormones (Bush 1995; Sanders et al. 1999; Hirschi 2004). In this regard, changes in the cytosolic Ca levels can help a plant react to the impact of environmental (drought, Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 269 heat, and cold) and biotic (bacteria and fungus) stresses. Environmental stresses are also known to cause perturbation of the cell membrane functions (Palta 1996). Soft rot-causing bacteria also cause membranes to be leaky and digest cell walls by using hydrolytic enzymes. Early work of McGuire and Kelman (1984) demonstrated reduced severity of soft rot and improved storage quality of potatoes with increased calcium concentration. Since Ca is able to protect the cell membranes and gives strength to the cell walls, Ca plays an important role in tuber quality and plant growth when plants are subjected to abiotic and biotic stresses. We have evidences supporting the idea that the impact of environmental stresses on potatoes can be reduced by improving calcium nutrition (Palta 1996; Tawfik et al. 1996; Vega et al. 1996; Kleinhenz and Palta 2002). Furthermore, our studies also suggest that Ca can modulate hormone type of responses in potatoes such as influencing the tuberization signal (Ozgen et al. 2003; Ozgen and Palta 2004; Vega et al. 2006). Tubers Being Low-Transpiring Organs are Naturally Deficient in Calcium Tuber is botanically a stem tissue. As compared to the above-ground stem portion of the plant, tubers contain very little calcium. Transpiration is the main driving force for calcium transport in plants (Kirby and Pilbeam 1984, Busse and Palta 2006). Calcium therefore moves along with water in the xylem. Low-transpiring organs such as fruits and tubers are known to suffer from Ca deficiency (Bangerth 1979). Potato tubers, being surrounded by moist soil, will have much less transpiration than above-ground parts of the plant. Consequently, low-transpiring tubers accumulate much less calcium per unit fresh weight than leaves and stems. Deficiency of calcium in tuber tissue is even greater for potatoes grown in sandy soil because of the very low level of exchangeable Ca in these soils. Moreover, with constant irrigation, water-soluble Ca is leached from the hill. Thus, the soil surrounding the tubers will contain very low soluble calcium, especially during the later part of the season when tubers develop. Is it Feasible to Improve Tuber Calcium on a Practical Level? Discovery of Tuber Root: Application of Ca Around the Tuber Area Can Increase Tuber Ca Uptake Over 20 years ago, we provided evidence for the existence of functional roots on the tuber and at the tuber–stolon junction (Kratzke and Palta 1985). In a follow-up study, we showed that these tuber roots displayed normal root anatomy and they appeared to originate from parenchyma cells adjacent to the vascular tissue. By feeding a watersoluble dye, we demonstrated that these roots were able to supply water to the tuber whereas the main root system supplied water to the top part of the plant (Fig. 1). Since water and calcium are known to move together, we suggested that these tubers and stolon roots are able to supply calcium to the tuber. In a follow-up study, we found that the addition of Ca to the main root system did not increase the Ca concentration of the tuber tissue (Kratzke and Palta 1986). However, application of Ca to the tuber and stolon areas resulted in a threefold increase in Ca concentration in the tuber peel and medullary tissue (Kratzke and Palta 1986). These results 270 Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 Fig. 1 Transport of a water soluble dye (Safranin O) from various roots present on the potato plant. Description of various types of roots present on a potato plant. Insert showing tuber roots (top left panel). Dye is transported from the main roots to the shoot and not to the tuber (top right panel). Uptake of dye from the stolon roots in close proximity to a tuber (bottom left panel). Tuber after 30 min of dye exposure (bottom right panel). The dye is transported from the stolon roots into the tuber. Source: Kratzke and Palta (1985) showed that tuber Ca content can be increased by placing Ca in the tuber and stolon areas. Thus, on a practical level, these results indicated that placement of Ca is important for enhancing Ca uptake by the tuber. More recently, we have provided a direct evidence for the transport of Ca to the tubers from the stolon roots closely associated with the tuber (Busse and Palta 2006). This study also provided evidence that main root system does not supply calcium to the tubers. Spoon-Feeding Potatoes during Bulking, a New Concept in Potato Nutrition Our discovery of tiny roots on tubers has changed the concept of potato nutrition. Previously, it was believed that the potato plant’s main roots supplied all the water and nutrients to the leaves, and the leaves in turn fed the tubers. In contrast, our results clearly show that potato tubers are like ‘underground plants’ that draw their water and nutrients, such as calcium, from the soil and not from the foliage. Since tubers are surrounded by relatively moist soil, they cannot compete with leaves for transpirational water uptake. Tubers have to rely on the roots that are in their close proximity (tuber roots, tuber– stolon junction roots, and stolon roots) to transport water from the soil. Since calcium moves in the xylem along with the water, it follows that potato tubers must transport calcium from the soil in their close proximity. These results have led to the development of a concept of ‘spoon feeding’ the tubers with calcium during the tuber bulking period. Tubers produced in the same hill vary in their calcium concentration. This means that each tuber is transporting different amounts Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 271 of calcium. These results also support our concept that potato tubers draw calcium from soil. Since calcium concentration and water vary at different places in the soil, it is not surprising that each tuber has different calcium levels. Targeted Calcium Application in the Tuber Area During Tuber Bulking Period is Most Effective at Increasing Tuber Calcium Concentration To enhance calcium concentration in the tubers, it is important that calcium be added in the upper portion of the hill, where tubers develop, during the tuber bulking period. Prior to our research, potato growers used to complete fertilization at hilling. This was a necessity, since no nutrient application could be made by tractor after hilling without damaging the plants. Our results show that the application of calcium needs to be made much later in the season and that this can be easily achieved by injecting water-soluble calcium fertilizer directly into the irrigation line. Since tubers develop during the later part of the season, it would be important to add supplemental calcium during tuber bulking, which is very critical in sandy soils. Due to low moisture holding capacity, sandy soils are irrigated 2–3 times a week. Thus, the top portion of the hill is continuously washed by the irrigation and rain, with water moving soluble nutrients to the lower portion of the hill. These nutrients remain accessible to vegetative growth via the main root system. However, the tubers developing during late season will not have access to these nutrients via the tuber and/or stolon roots. Is There a Benefit of Improving Tuber Calcium? Impact of Ca Application on Internal Defects Internal defects such as brown center, internal brown spot, and hollow heart produce no external symptoms on affected tubers and therefore cannot be removed before sale. We have examined the impact of Ca fertilization on internal defects over several seasons. Individual tubers were analysed for this purpose (Ozgen et al. 2006). Split applications (1/3 at hilling, 1/3 at 3 weeks after hilling, and 1/3 at 6 weeks after hilling) of calcium at 100–200 kg Ca/ha resulted in significant reduction in internal defects in Russet Burbank potatoes. Both peel and medullary calcium concentrations were improved by these calcium applications. We found that as the average calcium concentration in tuber increased from about 100–250 ppm (dry weight basis), the incidence of internal defects was reduced from over 20 to 5% (Fig. 2). However, it is important to point out that at a given level of tuber calcium, there is a large variability (especially at low Ca concentration) among tubers in the incidence of internal defects. In other words, in addition to Ca, there are other factors that contribute to the development of internal defects. Incidence of Bruising (Mechanical Injury Resulting from Impact During Harvest, Transport and Storage) is Reduced by Increasing Calcium Concentration in the Tuber Potato tubers suffer from mechanical injury from the physical impacts during harvesting, transporting, and storage. This results in a bruise which results from Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 % IBS 272 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Non-periderm Calcium (ppm, dry weight basis) 300 Fig. 2 Scatter plot of the relationship between non-periderm tissue Ca and internal brown spot (IBS). Each point indicates the mean Ca level in 15 tubers within a given replication and the corresponding IBS in that replication in 1997. Significant at P<0.05. Source: Ozgen et al. (2006) impact and compression injury. Bruises are usually found in the perimedullary tissue just beneath the vascular ring. They can also be found in the cortical area. Pigment is produced following injury, giving tissue a black, brown, or gray appearance. It appears that the extent of bruise injury is related to the cell wall strength and membrane health. We have conducted systematic studies on the relationship between bruising incidences and tuber calcium levels among several cultivars. The susceptibility of the tubers varies among cultivars which appears to be related, in part, to the specific gravity (Karlsson et al. 2006). The cultivars Atlantic and Snowden had low tuber calcium concentration and high incidence of bruise. On the other hand, the cultivars Superior and Dark Red Norland had much higher calcium concentration and had lower incidence of bruise. Taken together for all cultivars studied, we found that as the tuber calcium concentration increased, the bruise incidence decreased (Fig. 3). Role of Calcium in Heat and Frost Stresses Heat stress is known to reduce potato plant growth and reduce partitioning of photosynthate to the tubers. Although there are differences among cultivars in their response to heat stress, in general, heat tends to increase stem length and branches while reducing the leaf size and total leaf area. In addition, high temperatures also 60 % Black Spot Bruise 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Tuber Tissue Calcium Concentration (ppm dry weight basis) Fig. 3 Relationship between tuber calcium concentration and incidence of black spot bruise. Data from three seasons (1999–2001) and five cultivars are plotted. Each point in this figure represents incidence of bruise in about 100 tubers. Source: Karlsson et al. (2006) Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 273 reduce the net photosynthesis. The overall result of the effects of heat stress on potato plants is a decrease in plant growth and tuber yield. The summer of 1998 was unusually warm and dry in Wisconsin. On average, there was 25% decrease in tuber yield in the potato-growing area of the state. In our field trials, we found a 20–30% increase in tuber yields where soluble calcium was applied during tuber bulking period. These results suggested that calcium fertilization during bulking could mitigate the adverse impact of heat stress on tuber yield. Our controlled-environment study verified these results (Tawfik et al. 1996). In this study, plants were grown in large pots under simulated heat stress using field soil. Plants given supplemental calcium fertilization during heat stress gave about 30% higher yield. This beneficial effect of calcium was absent under nonstress (normal and cool) conditions. In addition, under heat stress, plants receiving supplemental calcium had higher leaf calcium contents and higher stomatal conductance. These results show that application of calcium during heat stress can mitigate heat stress effects and that the maintenance of a certain level of calcium in leaf tissue is important under heat stress. Although we do not know the mechanism by which calcium is able to mitigate heat stress effects on potatoes, our results provide some insight. For example, we found that stomatal conductance was higher in calcium-treated than control plants under heat stress. Maintenance of stomatal opening could be important in avoiding heat stress effects via enhanced transpirational water loss. We found a decrease in the calcium concentration in leaves of potato plants exposed to heat stress but the Ca concentration was maintained at the same level as prior to heat stress in the leaves of plants given calcium fertilization during heat stress. Thus, our results suggest that maintenance of a certain level of Ca during heat stress is essential for the normal function of the stomata. In a followup study, we provided direct evidence that root zone calcium can modulate the response of the potato plant to heat stress (Kleinhenz and Palta 2002). In this study, we demonstrated that heat stress damages the apical meristem and inhibits cell expansion. By increasing the calcium concentration in the root zone, we were able to eliminate these injuries by heat stress to the potato plant. In addition to heat stress, we have found evidence that the impact of frost on potato plant can be mitigated by calcium nutrition. Injury to plants by frost is known to be initiated at the cell membrane level (Palta 1996). In our early studies, we provided evidence that in the initial stages of frost injury, a loss of cellular/membrane calcium occurs (Arora and Palta 1988). By reversing this loss and by providing calcium, it is possible to promote recovery of injury from stress. In 1996, we investigated the possibility of improving frost survival of potato plants by supplemental application of calcium during the season. Potato plants were subjected to frost under field conditions. In general, plants given soluble calcium showed improved frost survival (Vega et al. 1996). Calcium Deficiency can Result in Injury to the Tuber Sprout Thus Effecting Plant Growth and Health Using an in vitro shoot culture system, we have investigated the development of injury due to calcium deficiency at the microscopic level. Our results show that the primary injury is localized in the expanding pith cells below the shoot apical 274 Potato Research (2010) 53:267–275 meristem, and this injury results in a collapse of cell wall of the subapical cells (Busse et al. 2008). This injury also results in lack of apical dominance, promoting the growth of axillary shoots. Genetic Variability Exists for Tuber Calcium Accumulation Ability Among Wild Potato Species as Well as Among Cultivars and Tuber Calcium is a Heritable Trait Our studies have shown significant variability in tuber calcium concentration among cultivars grown under same environment (Karlsson et al. 2006). We have also screened the US Potato Genebank collection for the ability to accumulate tuber calcium. We found a large variation among wild Solanum species for tuber accumulation ability (Bamberg et al. 1993). Some species, such as Solanum microdontum, accumulated almost five times more tuber calcium than Solanum tuberosum cultivars, whereas others such as Solanum kurtzianum accumulated even lower levels than common cultivars. We are currently investigating the genetic mechanism for tuber calcium uptake and studying the possibility of improving potato tuber quality by breeding and selecting for tuber calcium. References Arora R, Palta JP (1986) Protoplasmic swelling as a symptom of freezing injury in onion bulb cells: its simulation in extracellular KCl and prevention by calcium. Plant Physiol 82:625–629 Arora R, Palta JP (1988) In vivo perturbation of membrane-associated calcium by freeze-thaw stress in onion bulb cells: simulation of this perturbation in extracellular KCl and alleviation by calcium. Plant Physiol 87:622–628 Arora R, Palta JP (1989) Perturbation of membrane calcium as a molecular mechanism of freezing injury. In: Cherry JH (ed) Environmental stress in plants. 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