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Intensive Care Med DOI 10.1007/s00134-010-2005-3 REVIEW Daniel De Backer Gustavo Ospina-Tascon Diamantino Salgado Raphaël Favory Jacques Creteur Jean-Louis Vincent Monitoring the microcirculation in the critically ill patient: current methods and future approaches Received: 28 February 2010 Accepted: 14 July 2010 Abstract Purpose: To discuss the techniques currently available to evaluate the microcirculation in critically ill patients. In addition, the most clinically relevant microcirculatory alterations will be discussed. Methods: Review of the literature on methods used to evaluate the microcirculation in humans and on microcirculatory alterations in critically ill patients. Results: In experimental conditions, shock states have been shown to be associated with a decrease in perfused capillary density and an increase in the heterogeneity of microcirculatory perfusion, with non-perfused capillaries in close vicinity to perfused capillaries. Techniques used to evaluate the microcirculation in humans should take into account the heterogeneity of microvascular perfusion. Microvideoscopic techniques, such as orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) and sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging, directly evaluate microvascular networks covered by a thin epithelium, such as the sublingual microcirculation. Laser Doppler and tissue O2 measurements  Copyright jointly held by Springer and ESICM 2010 D. De Backer ())  G. Ospina-Tascon  D. Salgado  R. Favory  J. Creteur  J.-L. Vincent Department of Intensive Care, Erasme University Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Route de Lennik 808, 1070 Brussels, Belgium e-mail: ddebacke@ulb.ac.be Tel.: ?32-2-5553380 Fax: ?32-2-5554698 Introduction The microcirculation plays a fundamental role in gas and nutrient exchange; it must constantly adapt by controlling vascular tone. In disease states, increased permeability may be necessary to provide the inflammatory response, satisfactorily detect global decreases in tissue perfusion but not heterogeneity of microvascular perfusion. These techniques, and in particular laser Doppler and near-infrared spectroscopy, may help to evaluate the dynamic response of the microcirculation to a stress test. In patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, the microcirculation is characterized by a decrease in capillary density and in the proportion of perfused capillaries, together with a blunted response to a vascular occlusion test. Conclusions: The microcirculation in humans can be evaluated directly by videomicroscopy (OPS/SDF) or indirectly by vascular occlusion tests. Of note, direct videomicroscopic visualization evaluates the actual state of the microcirculation, whereas the vascular occlusion test evaluates microvascular reserve. Keywords Microcirculation  Cardiac output  Hemodynamic monitoring  Capillaries  Oxygen delivery  Outcome including leukocyte diapedesis. It is difficult to simultaneously evaluate these different aspects of the microcirculation. In this review, we will focus on the role of the microcirculation in oxygenation, dealing with the evaluation of blood flow and its implication for cellular oxygenation. In experimental conditions, intravital microscopy is considered as a gold standard, allowing measurement of blood flow in individual vessels and could be coupled with measurements of oxygenation, endothelial activation (including generation of reactive oxygen species), and permeability measurements. Unfortunately, this technique is not applicable as such in humans, as it can only be applied on organs that can be submitted to transillumination, with light coming from the opposite side to the microscope objective, such as cremaster muscle, liver edge, intestine, and dorsal skinfold. It also uses specific dyes that are often not registered for human use. In humans, and especially in critically ill patients, the evaluation of the microcirculation has long been difficult. Recent years have witnessed the development of new techniques that can either directly visualize or indirectly evaluate microvascular perfusion. In order to appreciate the information provided by the various techniques, it is important to understand the architecture of the microcirculation and its behavior in health and disease. Characteristics of the normal and the diseased microcirculation The microcirculation comprises vessels smaller than 100 microns, i.e., arterioles, capillaries, and venules. Arterioles divide into small branches, and the terminology of A1, A2-An is used to define each vessel before bifurcation (1st bifurcation for A1, 2nd for A2,…). Arterioles are mostly responsible for vascular tone, with a considerable decrease in blood pressure from proximal to terminal arterioles. Local modulation of arteriolar tone in first-order arterioles is responsible for adapting microvascular perfusion to local O2 demand [1]. Capillaries originate from the terminal arterioles, are covered by a thin endothelial surface, and are mostly responsible for O2 and nutrient exchange, as well as elimination of cellular waste products. Capillary networks vary in density and architecture. Capillary architecture differs somewhat among organs, with arborescence being the most common form, but the gut, liver, and kidney have different architecture. In general, arterioles divide into smaller and smaller vessels until the capillaries, and these never merge. The length and orientation of the capillaries may vary from one organ to another. Capillaries flow into small venules which merge into larger ones, and contact between venules and arterioles/capillaries is limited. In some organs, the specific architecture may favor countercurrent exchange mechanisms [2]. Leukocyte adhesion, rolling, and migration, as well as permeability changes take place mostly in venules, although again there may be some variability among organs [3]. Although arterioles are responsible for fine tuning microcirculatory perfusion, events occurring at capillary and even venular sites may affect capillary perfusion as cross-talk occurs within endothelial cells [1, 4]. Typical microcirculatory alterations in disease states Numerous experimental studies have reported that microvascular blood flow is altered in sepsis. Shortly after endotoxin administration, functional capillary density (FCD) is decreased, and this effect is directly dosedependent [5]. This decrease in FCD is associated with an increase in the diffusion distance for O2 [6]. As the shutdown of capillaries is heterogeneous, some areas become deprived of capillaries while others are not, so that perfused capillaries are in close vicinity to non-perfused capillaries [7, 8]. Low-flow conditions such as hemorrhage or cardiogenic shock are associated with a progressive decrease in arteriolar diameter [9], associated with a substantial decrease in FCD [10] as a result of shutting down some capillaries while others remain perfused with reduced flow. The severity of the decrease in FCD is directly related to a poor outcome [10]. When global flow returns, the microcirculation becomes more heterogeneous as a result of the inflammatory response associated with reperfusion [10]. What are the consequences of the heterogeneity of microvascular perfusion? In normal circumstances, heterogeneity is minimal [11], and matching of perfusion to metabolism improves in hypoxic or low-flow conditions [7, 12]. In sepsis, heterogeneity cannot be improved in response to changes in O2 demand or to decreases in O2 delivery [7], and tissue perfusion and oxygenation are, therefore, compromised [13]. Similar findings can be observed in reperfusion injury [11, 14]. Heterogeneity of the microvascular perfusion is associated with heterogeneity in O2 diffusion distance, with a shift to higher median values [6]. As a result, an O2 extraction defect is observed, with an increased mixed venous O2 saturation (SvO2) [7, 8], even though O2 extraction in a single perfused capillary may be increased [15]. Importantly, tissues tolerate better a homogeneous decrease in blood flow better than a heterogeneous one [16]. As shown in a theoretical example in Fig. 1, a 50% decrease in flow in a homogeneously perfused tissue is accompanied by preserved tissue O2 consumption, as a result of increased O2 extraction. A 50% reduction in capillary density, resulting in heterogeneous perfusion, is associated with a reduction in tissue O2 consumption (and hence tissue hypoxia) as a result of increased diffusion distance. In these conditions, venous PO2/SO2 will Fig. 2 Venous O2 saturation can be low in conditions associated with microvascular shunting. When perfusion is heterogeneous, a low venous oxygen saturation can also be encountered. If total flow to the tissue is decreased (bottom panel), venous oxygen saturation decreases but this fails to reflect an improvement in perfusion heterogeneity Fig. 1 Impact of heterogenous perfusion on tissue metabolism and venous oxygen saturation. Normal situation (top panel): O2 is delivered at 240 ml/min in four perfused capillaries. The tissues extract oxygen to meet cellular oxygen consumption. Low flow but homogeneous perfusion (middle panel): half the oxygen is delivered to the tissue but all the capillaries are perfused. The amount of oxygen is sufficient to meet oxygen requirement of the cells. Hence, VO2 is preserved even though venous oxygen saturation is severely decreased. Heterogeneous flow (bottom panel): even though total oxygen delivery is preserved (240 ml/min) only 50% of the capillaries are perfused. Cells close to the perfused capillaries consume the normal amount of oxygen. Cell too far away from perfused capillaries do not receive enough oxygen to meet their oxygen requirements and become hypoxic. As a consequence, hypoxic zones can be encountered in the presence of an elevated venous oxygen saturation. Note: this schematic presentation is simplified. In normal conditions, recruitment of microcirculation is not maximal and a mild degree of heterogeneity can be observed. In response to systemic low flow, such as illustrated in middle panel, the microcirculation tends to adapt by recruiting previously unfilled capillaries and decreasing perfusion heterogeneity [13, 118]. When endothelial dysfunction occurs and heterogeneity develops, such as in bottom panel, these adaptive mechanisms are lost. In addition to these, tissues try to limit the impact of decreases in perfusion by decreasing metabolism, which leads to a decrease in O2 consumption (concept of oxygen conformance [119]) increase; this explains the typically high SvO2 in sepsis. Nevertheless, SvO2 can still decrease in sepsis [17]: as illustrated in Fig. 2, if blood flow decreases by 50% without further altering heterogeneity, SvO2 will decrease as a result of the increase in extraction in perfused capillaries. The heterogeneity of tissue perfusion may not be revealed by all methods used to evaluate the microcirculation: these techniques should have a sufficient spatial resolution to detect heterogeneity in blood flow or in PO2. permeability, and regulation of inflammation and coagulation. In this manuscript we will focus on the transport and exchange functions. The latter can be assessed by using markers of microvascular perfusion and indirectly by indices of tissue oxygenation (Table 1). By definition, any device looking at the microcirculation can only evaluate the microcirculation in the microvascular bed in which it is implemented. The ability of that specific window to represent other beds depends on the mechanisms implicated in microvascular disease (generalized, diffuse but somewhat heterogeneous or localized), on organ microvascular architecture, and on local factors (local vasoconstriction/pressure). Some areas may be more relevant than others, as illustrated by a relationship with microcirculatory alterations in that area with outcome. Nevertheless one should, at best, consider that the area being investigated is a window that reflects the minimal alterations that are likely to be observed in other areas, provided that local factors do not exacerbate the lesion in the investigated area. Evaluation of microvascular perfusion Clinical evaluation and biomarkers An impaired microcirculation may be suspected in the presence of mottled skin, acrocyanosis, slow recoloration time, or increased central to toe temperature gradient [18, 19]. These signs of impaired cutaneous perfusion lack specificity (and even sensitivity) for disclosing more central microcirculatory alterations, including the sublingual microcirculation [19]. Skin vasoconstriction is a physiological response to low cardiac output, in an attempt to redistribute blood flow to more central comTechniques used to evaluate the microcirculation partments. Accordingly, it is fair to say that these clinical The evaluation of the microcirculation can include signs indicate the severity of cardiovascular impairment assessment of its transport and exchange functions, [18] and are, therefore, associated with a poor outcome Table 1 Techniques used to evaluate the microcirculation at the bedside Variable measured Main limitations Techniques measuring microvascular perfusion Laser Doppler Flow (relative), hemoglobin content/ microvascular reactivity test Nailfold videomicroscopy Vascular density, heterogeneity, flow OPS and SDF Vascular density, perfusion heterogeneity, flow Techniques measuring tissue oxygenation SvO2 O2 electrodes Adequacy of perfusion to flow Tissue PO2 NIRS Tissue O2 saturation Reflectance spectroscopy O2 saturation/microvascular reactivity test Gastric tonometry Tissue CO2 (reflects inadequate perfusion and/or anaerobic metabolism) Sublingual capnometry Tissue CO2 (reflects inadequate perfusion and/or anaerobic metabolism) Microdialysis and equilibrium dialysis Lactate/pyruvate Global flow to relatively large sampling volume (mixture of arterioles, capillaries, and venules) Restricted to fingers/sensitivity to temperature and vasoconstriction Mostly restricted to semiquantitative scoring/limited sites to investigate/ movement and pressure artifacts Global measurement Global measurement in sampled volume (mixture of arterioles, capillaries, and venules) Global measurement in sampled volume (mixture of arterioles, capillaries, and venules) Global measurement in sampled volume (mixture of arterioles, capillaries, and venules) unless SO2 histograms are provided Interference (feeding/reflux)/difficult discrimination between low flow and anaerobic metabolism Availability limited/difficult discrimination between low flow and anaerobic metabolism Time lag/limited sites to investigate OPS orthogonal polarization spectral imaging technique; SDF sidestream dark field imaging technique; SvO2 mixed-venous oxygen saturation; NIRS near-infrared spectroscopy; EMPHO Erlangen MicroPHOtometer [20], but they do not provide relevant information on the central microcirculation [19]. Biological markers can also be used. Blood lactate levels may be considered, but they lack sensitivity and specificity. Nevertheless, several trials have shown that therapeutic interventions inducing improvement in microvascular perfusion are associated with an inverse and proportional decrease in lactate levels [21, 22]. In experimental conditions, increased plasma hyaluronan levels were associated with impaired microcirculation in sepsis and therapies that improved the microcirculation also caused a decrease in hyaluronan levels [23]. Whether these levels can be used to detect microvascular alterations in critically ill patients remains to be determined. Laser Doppler flowmetry Laser Doppler techniques are frequently used to measure microvascular blood flow. They can be applied on various tissues and probes can even be inserted in the upper digestive tract through a nasogastric tube [24]. As laser Doppler techniques provide measurements of blood flow in relative units (mV), one can only assess relative changes from baseline. The main limitation of this technique is that it measures flow in a variable volume of tissue and it is unable to detect it in individual vessels. The sampling volume of current laser Doppler devices is between 0.5 and 1 mm3, so that the flow that is measured represents the average flow in at least 50 vessels, including arterioles, capillaries, and venules of variable size, direction, and perfusion. Given the heterogeneous aspect of microvascular alterations, these will be missed by these devices that measure only total blood flow to a piece of tissue. Scanning laser Doppler and reflected-mode confocal laser scanning microscopy are two attractive developments as they can both visualize the field of interest, allowing semiquantitative evaluation of heterogeneity of perfusion [25, 26]. As with traditional laser Doppler techniques, the resolution of the beam is crucial, the confocal aspect allowing narrowing of the laser beam. With a confocal technique, measurements of vascular density, diameters, and blood flow can be obtained [26, 27]. As a result of the size of the device, it can currently only be applied in humans to study skin perfusion. Laser Doppler devices allow a vasoreactivity test, based on the fact that after transient ischemia obtained by arterial occlusion with a cuff placed around the arm the speed of flow recovery will mostly be determined by the capacity of the microvasculature to recruit arterioles and capillaries. The ascending slope after transient occlusion is a marker of endothelial reactivity and blood rheology, and can thus be used as a surrogate for the functional integrity of the microvasculature [28]. Although it may not reflect the actual state of the microcirculation, this test provides quantitative information on microvascular reserve within a couple of minutes. Microvideoscopic techniques Intravital microvideoscopy is used as a ‘‘classical’’ technique in experimental conditions, but in humans fixed tissue preparations and dyes cannot be used. Microvideoscopy techniques apply light on superficial organs and need technical devices to discard light reflected by the superficial layers of the tissues. Their application in humans requires that either the organ is thin enough to be illuminated from behind (e.g., fingers) or that organs can be made translucent by reflected light. Fig. 3 Orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) imaging technique. Polarized light is directed to the tissue. Light reflected by the superficial layers is still polarized and discarded by the orthogonal filter. Light reflected from the depth of the tissues has encountered many scattering events and has lost its polarized characteristics so is not discarded by the orthogonal filter; this light is absorbed by hemoglobin contained in red blood cells so that these will be seen as gray/black bodies on the screen Nailfold videocapillaroscopy Nailfold microvideoscopy was the first method used at the bedside [29]. The junction between cuticle and nail is coated with transparent oil and placed on the stage of an ordinary microscope. In addition to morphological abnormalities, mostly encountered in chronic diseases of the microcirculation, capillary density and microvascular blood flow can be measured [30]. This technique is particularly suitable for investigating the microvascular effects of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, vasculitis, and arteritis. Unfortunately, the nailfold area is very sensitive to changes in temperature: one can control ambient but not body temperature. Peripheral vasoconstriction can also occur during chills and acute circulatory failure with or without vasopressor agents. Hence, this area is of limited use in critically ill patients. Orthogonal polarization spectral and sidestream darkfield imaging techniques Orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) and sidestream darkfield (SDF) are two videomicroscopic imaging techniques that can be applied at the bedside. Both are based on the same general principles developed more than 20 years ago [31, 32], but were only recently implemented in handheld devices. If one applies a light source on a tissue, the light is reflected by the deeper layers of the tissue providing transillumination of the superficial layers of the tissue [32]. With both techniques, the selected wavelength (530 nm) is absorbed by the hemoglobin contained in the red blood cells, independently of its oxygenation state, so that these can be seen as black/ gray bodies. In OPS (Fig. 3), the applied light is polarized Fig. 4 Sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging technique. Green light is provided by the lateral sides of the device. Light reflected by superficial layers fails to reach the center of the device where the optics are located. Light reflected from the depth of the tissues reaches the center of the device; this light is absorbed by hemoglobin contained in red blood cells so that these will be seen as gray/black bodies on the screen and the reflected light is depolarized, due to multiple hits on cells in the deep layers of the tissue [33]. The light reflected by the surface of the tissue is still polarized and can easily be discarded by a polarizer filter [33]. The SDF technique (Fig. 4) uses pulsed green light which is provided to the tissue by multiple peripheral emitting diodes while the optics are located centrally [34]. As a result of the isolation of the light source from the inner lenses, the light reflected by the superficial layers is perpendicular to the light source and does not reach the optics. Both devices provide good quality images of microvascular vessels filled with red blood cells. As a result of the peripheral location of multiple stroboscopic diodes and synchronization of light emission and camera frame rate, SDF provides more detailed visualization of capillaries, with sharper and less granular images than OPS [34]. Using the 95 objective, the on-screen magnification is 9340 for OPS and 9380 for SDF. Importantly, the vascular wall cannot be visualized so that vessels can only be detected if they contain red blood cells. In addition, red blood cells that are not contained in vessels can impair visualization of microvessels. OPS and SDF have been validated against intravital videomicroscopy [35–37] or nailfold capillaroscopy [38]. They can be used at wide ranges of hematocrit [35]. These techniques can be used only on organs covered by a thin epithelial layer. In animals or in patients during surgery, they have been used to evaluate the microcirculation of several organs including the brain [39], lungs [40], tongue [41–44], liver [45, 46], and gut [41–44, 47, 48]. In intact humans, this technique can be applied to the skin [38, 49–51], conjunctiva [52], gingiva [53], sublingual area [54–57], ileostomies or colostomies [58], and rectal mucosa [59]. In the sublingual area, which is the area that has been investigated most, capillaries and venules of variable size (resolution is 2–3 lm) can be visualized; arterioles are usually not visualized because they are located in deeper layers. Red blood cells are identified as black bodies and tissue perfusion can be characterized in individual vessels. What can be measured with these techniques and what is important? Different variables can be measured, including vascular density, heterogeneity of perfusion, and microvascular blood flow. As mentioned above, estimation of heterogeneity of perfusion (measuring the proportion of perfused vessels, mean flow index, or heterogeneity index) together with an estimate of capillary density are the variables which are the most relevant for tissue perfusion [60]. These are usually measured using a semiquantitative analysis, which can easily be performed by experienced investigators, with excellent reliability (intra- and interobserver variabilities within 5–10% [54, 61, 62] and excellent agreement between investigators [63]). Semiquantitative analysis can even be obtained as a point of care measurement [64], but this kind of analysis has been validated only for a single score and cannot be used to assess capillary density; it should, therefore, only be used for rapid evaluation of the microcirculation. Of note, measurement of blood flow cannot be obtained with these semiquantitative scores. These techniques can be used to quantify flow in various organs. In animals, measurements of gut microvascular perfusion can be made in a similar way to measurements of the sublingual microcirculation, and it has been shown that the evolution over time during sepsis is similar in both sites [43]. However, semiquantitative measurements of gut microcirculation may be more difficult to obtain and less reproducible than measurement of sublingual microcirculation [44], probably because of the specific gut architecture. New software for computer-assisted microcirculation assessment is currently being developed. With this software, it is usually feasible to measure vessel density and blood flow in microvessels. Unfortunately, manual intervention is still needed for vessel identification as well as for blood flow measurement [65]. Is it relevant to measure blood flow in microvessels? Measuring blood flow in selected microvessels is probably irrelevant, as an increase in flow in a single vessel may reflect improved tissue perfusion as well as an increase in shunt flow. Measuring blood flow in all visible vessels and comparing histograms of blood flow distribution is probably more relevant, but this is not yet feasible as it would take hours to obtain such measurements. Several limitations should be acknowledged. Secretions and movement artifacts may impair image quality. In addition, movement artifacts can spuriously interrupt flow in some microvessels. Special care should be taken to prevent this. To limit movement artifacts and to decrease the risk of pressure artifacts, use of stabilization devices has been proposed [43, 66]. These are especially convenient in experimental conditions but their application in humans is still anecdotal. Sterile cover caps need to be used, but these do not impair image quality. Finally, the investigation of the sublingual area is only feasible in sedated or cooperative patients. It is also impossible to evaluate the sublingual microcirculation in hypoxemic patients who are being treated with noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Evaluation of tissue oxygenation (SvO2/NIRS/PO2 electrodes/reflectance spectroscopy) Measurements of O2 tension or saturation in a piece of tissue reflect the balance between O2 transport and O2 consumption in that tissue. These measurements are, therefore, influenced by flow but also by hemoglobin content, arterial PO2, and O2 consumption. Venous oxygen saturation Venous O2 saturation is often considered as a gauge for the circulation [17, 67], but this measurement can be misleading. As illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, venous O2 saturation is a poor indicator of microvascular dysfunction: venous O2 saturation can be high or low for the same degree of microvascular shunting. Several studies have shown that measuring SvO2 does not provide much information about microvascular alterations [54, 68, 69]. PO2 electrodes PO2 can be measured in tissues with Clark-type electrodes, which are made of multiple platinum wires that measure PO2 in the surrounding tissue. These electrodes accurately measure tissue PO2 when PO2 is homogenously decreased but they are not suitable in conditions of PO2 heterogeneity, as they are sensitive to the highest PO2 in the sampling volume. The most modern tissue PO2 electrodes measure PO2 on a tissue surface of 8 mm2 over a depth of a few microns [70]. This represents a sampling volume of at least 0.5 mm3. Such a volume includes at least 100 microvessels, including arterioles, capillaries, and venules, as well as interstitium and other cells, which all contribute to the PO2 value. Some investigators have used PO2 electrodes [62, 70– 73], but they are not useful to assess microvascular perfusion. They can be used to assess adequacy of perfusion and/or oxygenation in a piece of tissue, especially in lowflow conditions [72]. Reflectance spectroscopy Reflectance spectroscopy measures tissue SO2. Light generated with a rapidly rotating filter disk at 64 different wavelengths of 2-nm increments in the range 502–628 nm is directed through a microlight guide to the tissues. The use of different wavelengths allows SO2 measurement due to light absorption by oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin. The resolution of the probe is very sharp (1 nm) allowing SO2 measurements in a very small area. Nevertheless, the depth of the tissue sampled is quite large [74], so that the sampling volume is not so small. A histogram of tissue SO2 is generated, which provides information on the heterogeneity in tissue oxygenation. Reporting only the mean value of tissue SO2 is misleading [75, 76], and no conclusions can be drawn on the presence or absence of hypoxic areas. Initially, this technique, known under the name of Erlangen MicroPHOtometer (EMPHO), was mostly used in experimental conditions and heterogeneity of tissue oxygenation was reported in several conditions [74, 77]. Some investigators have been able to embed this technique on an endoscope, enabling measurement of human gastric SO2 [78]. Recent developments have allowed miniaturization of the technique, making it suitable for measurement of skin and sublingual SO2 [76], but unfortunately these new devices only provide mean SO2. Near-infrared spectroscopy Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a technique that utilizes near-infrared light to measure chromophores (oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin, myoglobin, and cytochrome aa3) in tissues [79]. The fractions of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin are used to calculate tissue O2 saturation (StO2). In addition, total light absorption is used to compute total tissue hemoglobin (HbT) and the absolute tissue hemoglobin index (THI), two indicators of blood volume in the region of microvasculature sensed by the probe [80]. According to Beer’s law, the NIRS signal is limited to vessels that have a diameter less than 1 mm (arterioles, capillaries, and venules), but, as 75% of the blood in a skeletal muscle is venous, NIRS StO2 measurements mostly represent local venous hemoglobin O2 saturation. This represents the aggregate of O2 saturations in the sampling volume and this technique is not suitable in conditions of heterogeneous blood flow. Indeed, even though StO2 is slightly lower in septic patients compared to healthy volunteers, there is a huge overlap between the groups [81, 82]. StO2 also differs from ScvO2 saturation in sepsis [68]. The analysis of changes in StO2 during a brief episode of forearm ischemia enables quantification of microvascular dysfunction [83–85]. This technique, which can easily be repeated [83], is particularly promising as it provides quantitative information on microvascular function within a few minutes. One should bear in mind that NIRS does not measure microcirculatory blood flow, making interpretation of the absolute StO2 value in terms of tissue oxygenation difficult. As StO2 represents the balance between O2 delivery and O2 consumption, any change in StO2 can reflect a change in flow in the same direction and/or a change in metabolism in the opposite direction. More importantly, proportional changes in flow and metabolism may be associated with unchanged StO2. In addition, the vasoreactivity test evaluates a different aspect of microvascular function than flow: it evaluates microvascular reserve more than actual microvascular perfusion. NIRS-derived measurements are influenced by adipose tissue thickness as well as the presence of edema; hence, in the majority of studies, the thenar eminence has been used because the thickness of skin and adipose tissue covering this muscle is less influenced by any increase in fluid content or body mass index. The influence of temperature and vasoactive substances on NIRS-derived variables obtained in the thenar eminence need to be evaluated. Likewise, the relationship between peripheral and more central microvascular beds need to be further studied in critically ill patients. Finally, NIRS devices vary in terms of wavelength and number of wavelengths, optode spacing, and algorithms [86]. Accordingly, the data reported with the different devices may vary somewhat and this absence of standardization may limit comparisons of results from different trials. PCO2-derived measurements Tissue CO2 represents the balance between CO2 production and flow to the tissue. It is influenced by arterial CO2, so that the tissue to arterial gradient, or PCO2 gap, is usually calculated. The PCO2 gap reflects more the adequacy of flow than the presence of tissue hypoxia, unless very high PCO2 gap values are reached [87, 88]. Tissue PCO2 can be measured by electrodes inserted in tissues, probes in contact with the tissue, or tonometry. Even though the sampling volume is large, the measured value reflects the most abnormal (highest) value in the sampled volume. Hence, this measurement can detect zones of impaired perfusion and/or tissue hypoxia even when total perfusion is preserved but heterogeneous. Gastric tonometry raised a lot of interest. A gastric PCO2 gap above 20 mmHg discriminated survivors from non-survivors [87]. More importantly, these variables had a stronger prognostic value when systemic variables were already corrected [89]. But what does PCO2 gap really measure? Does it reflect splanchnic, serosal, or mucosal blood flow? Even though it was initially proposed as a surrogate of splanchnic perfusion, several studies suggest that it mostly reflects gut mucosal microcirculation. In experimental conditions, there was a close relationship between mucosal PCO2 and mucosal perfusion [41, 42, 48]. In patients with sepsis, there was no correlation between the gastric PCO2 gap and total splanchnic perfusion [90], although changes in mucosal PCO2 correlated with changes in mucosal perfusion [91]. The technique has now been abandoned, mostly because of technical problems. In particular, duodeno-gastric reflux and feeding can interfere with PCO2 measurements. Sublingual and buccal PCO2 monitoring have been developed [92, 93]. Sublingual PCO2 is often increased in sepsis, especially in nonsurvivors [94–96]. Using this technique, we demonstrated that sublingual PCO2 tracks microvascular blood flow, as the sublingual PCO2 gap is inversely related to the proportion of perfused capillaries [97]. This technique, although attractive, is unfortunately not easily available at the present time (available for research purposes only). Microdialysis and equilibrium dialysis Microdialysis allows measurements of different molecules in the extracellular space. Soluble substances equilibrate through a semipermeable membrane of hollow fiber perfused at a constant rate with saline, and are recovered in the dialysate. In the equilibrium dialysis technique, a probe covered by a semipermeable membrane is used without infusing fluids, solutes slowly equilibrate through the membrane, and the content of the probe is sampled intermittently for analysis (and replaced by saline). Lactate and pyruvate can be measured; measurements of the lactate/pyruvate ratio are particularly appealing, as this variable is less sensitive to dialysate perfusion rate and problems of incomplete recovery (absence of full equilibration). Although the sampling volume of this device is large, measurements are influenced by the most abnormal values so that it should be able to detect the consequence of tissue heterogeneity. Using this technique, several studies have shown that the lactate/pyruvate ratio may be increased in septic shock [98–100]. Importantly, measurements of the lactate/pyruvate ratio may be useful to detect the occurrence of tissue hypoxia but cannot identify whether it is because of insufficient flow or other causes of tissue hypoxia. In addition, it cannot detect alterations in microvascular perfusion before they are associated with cellular hypoxia. Microcirculatory alterations in critically ill patients In the following sections, we will illustrate some of the main disease states with involvement of the microcirculation. The list is far from exhaustive and microcirculatory alterations have been found in many other circumstances. Severe sepsis and septic shock Using the OPS technique, we [54] evaluated the sublingual microcirculation in 50 patients with severe sepsis and in a cohort of healthy volunteers and non-infected intensive care unit (ICU) controls. We observed a significant decrease in vessels density and, more importantly, a decreased proportion of perfused small vessels (\20 lm), mostly capillaries, from 90% in controls to 48% in septic patients. This decrease in the proportion of well-perfused small vessels was due to a combined increase in nonperfused and intermittently perfused vessels. In addition, the heterogeneity between areas distant by a few microns was also increased. These results are in line with experimental findings and were later confirmed by other groups of investigators [57, 101]. These alterations can be observed very early in the course of sepsis, even within a few hours of hospital admission [57, 101]. Similar alterations, of lower magnitude, can be induced by low-dose endotoxin administration in healthy volunteers [102]. Interestingly, microcirculatory alterations were more severe in non-survivors than in survivors [54, 101, 103]. More importantly these microcirculatory changes rapidly resolved in response to therapy in survivors but persisted in patients dying in acute circulatory failure or later from organ failure after recovery from shock [103]. Changes in microvascular perfusion during the first day of ICU admission are more strongly associated with outcome than changes in cardiac output, arterial pressure, or SvO2 [103]. Trzeciak et al. [104] showed that early improvement in microvascular perfusion in response to goaldirected therapy was associated with an improvement in organ function. Even though these data strongly suggest that microcirculatory alterations are implicated in the development of organ failure, interventional studies guiding therapy at the microcirculation should be conducted to evaluate whether improving microcirculatory alterations may be associated with an improvement in organ dysfunction. Using a vascular occlusion test combined with NIRS measurements, several studies have shown that patients with severe sepsis frequently have profound alterations in microvascular reactivity [81, 84, 85, 105, 106] and that these alterations are associated with a high risk of organ dysfunction [105] and death [81]. Cardiogenic shock approach has been shown to improve outcome in high-risk surgical patients [113]. Although the link between global hemodynamics and microvascular perfusion is quite loose, interventions aimed at improving global hemodynamics also have microvascular effects [21, 22, 114], which may be mediated by effects independent of changes in global hemodynamics. Further studies should address this issue. Microcirculatory alterations may also occur in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Bauer et al. [115] first reported that microcirculatory perfusion was transiently altered in humans after cardiopulmonary bypass. Similar findings were reported more recently by other groups [116, 117]. More importantly, these alterations can also be observed in patients who undergo surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass [117]; of note, the sublingual microcirculation was still slightly abnormal up to 24 h after surgery in these patients [117]. As in non-cardiac surgery, the severity of perioperative microvascular alterations correlated with peak lactate levels and severity of organ dysfunction after surgery [117]. We observed that, compared to patients with coronary artery or valvular disease who were scheduled for cardiac surgery, patients admitted to the ICU for acute decompensation of severe heart failure or cardiogenic shock had microvascular alterations, consisting of a decrease in vessel density and in the proportion of perfused capillaries [55]. These findings were later confirmed by other groups of investigators [107–110]. More severe alterations were observed in patients with higher lactate levels [110] and poor outcome [55]. These alterations could be improved by nitroglycerin [107, 108] or mechanical support such as aortic counterpulsation [109, 111] or ventricular assist Conclusions devices [112]. Microcirculatory alterations are frequently observed in critically ill patients, and especially in patients with High-risk surgery severe sepsis. These alterations are characterized by a decrease in capillary density and an increase in heteroHigh-risk surgery is a new area in which microcirculatory geneity of perfusion with non-perfused in close vicinity to alterations have been observed. In patients submitted to well-perfused capillaries. As a heterogeneous decrease in high-risk non-cardiac surgery, Jhanji et al. [62] observed perfusion is less well tolerated than a homogenously that the density and proportion of perfused capillaries was decreased perfusion, the diagnostic tool used to assess the lower in the 14 patients who subsequently developed microcirculation should be able to detect heterogeneity of postoperative complications than in the 11 patients with an perfusion. This is best achieved with handheld microuneventful postoperative course. 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