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High-speed one-dimensional spatial light modulator for Laser Direct Imaging and other patterning applications Jan-Uwe Schmidt1a, Ulrike A. Dauderstaedta, Peter Duerra, Martin Friedrichsa, Thomas Hughesa, Thomas Ludewiga, Dirk Rudloffa, Tino Schwatena, Daniela Trenklera, Michael Wagnera, Ingo Wullingera, Andreas Bergstromb, Peter Bjornangenb, Fredrik Jonssonb, Tord Karlinb, Peter Ronnholmb, Torbjorn Sandstromb a Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS), Maria-Reiche-Str. 2, D-01109 Dresden, Germany; bMicronic Mydata AB, Nytorpsvagen 9, SE-18303 Taby, Sweden ABSTRACT Fraunhofer IPMS has developed a one-dimensional high-speed spatial light modulator in cooperation with Micronic Mydata AB. This SLM is the core element of the Swedish company’s new LDI 5sp series of Laser-Direct-Imaging systems optimized for processing of advanced substrates for semiconductor packaging. This paper reports on design, technology, characterization and application results of the new SLM. With a resolution of 8192 pixels that can be modulated in the MHz range and the capability to generate intensity gray-levels instantly without time multiplexing, the SLM is applicable also in many other fields, wherever modulation of ultraviolet light needs to be combined with high throughput and high precision. Keywords: Laser Direct Imaging (LDI), Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), Spatial Light Modulator (SLM), Micro Mirror Array (MMA), gray-scale lithography, semiconductor packaging, semi-additive processing, substrate 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION Laser direct imaging for advanced substrates in semiconductor packaging Modern electronics packaging increasingly utilizes high-end forms of printed circuit boards called ‘substrates’ and ‘interposers’. The first provide a mechanical support and an electrical interface between integrated circuits and the outside world, the latter act as an intermediate layer used for interconnection routing and as a ground/power plane. Advanced packages require substrates with a high density of interconnects with minimum interconnect line widths and spaces of about 10 µm, in few years even less. Such high density substrates are processed in form of large panels (e.g. 510 mm x 515 mm). To form the interconnect layers, the ‘semi-additive metallization’ process [1] is used (Figure 1): On a copper seed layer, a layer of dry film resist (DFR) is laminated (1). Next, the whole panel is exposed by ultraviolet (UV) light (2), in order to enable patterning of the DFR (3). The spaces in the patterned DFR act as template for the deposition of copper by electroplating (4). The removal of DFR (5) is followed by a flash etch to remove the Cu seed layer (6). As feature size decreases, several wiring layers and their vertical connections (vias) have to be aligned within smaller tolerances to avoid functional errors. Compared to mask-based steppers an exposure by Laser Direct Imaging (LDI) offers higher flexibility. LDI techniques utilize a programmable micromechanical element, a so-called ‘spatial light modulator’ (SLM) to print dose-patterns into the resist and have the potential to combine high resolution, high precision of alignment and high throughput. Small variations in the pitch of existing structures induced by strain in the substrates can be measured for each panel and compensated by appropriate algorithms, such that new layers perfectly match the preceding ones. Micronic Mydata AB has developed a novel LDI5sp laser direct imaging system optimized for this field of application. As a cooperation partner, Fraunhofer IPMS contributed to this system a novel fast onedimensional diffractive spatial light modulator (SLM), which shall be discussed in the present article. 1 Corresponding author: jan-uwe.schmidt@ipms.fraunhofer.de; phone ++49-351-8823-119; fax ++49-351-8823-266; www.ipms.fraunhofer.de MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XIII, edited by Wibool Piyawattanametha, Yong-Hwa Park, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977, 89770O · © 2014 SPIE CCC code: 0277-786X/14/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2036533 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-1 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Dry Film Re (DFR) IND Cu seed lays Substrate 2 Laminate 1)1FR 3 Expose /FR (by LDI) Pattern DFR al SI 1 4 5 1=.lectruplmc je DFR 6 Retmove Cu seed lay Figure 1: Schem matic of semi-aadditive metalliization process (SAP) using a negative tone resist. r 1.2 Fiigure 2: Micronnic Mydata LDII 5sp system fractive intenssity modulatiion by meanss of programm mable micro mirror arrayys Diffr To motivate the selected SLM design,, the principlee of diffractiv ve intensity modulation m ussing micro-miirror arrays iss briefly summ marized. Due to the regular grid of mirrorrs, any micro mirror array (MMA) ( acts aas an optical grating. g Whilee the location of o the 0th diffrraction order in i space is dettermined by th he angle of inncidence only,, the positionss of the higherr orders also deepend on pitchh of micro mirrrors, and the optical wavellength [2]. Deetermined by interference, th he fractions of intensity reflected into thee different orrders of the grating g depend d on the phasse relationshipp between reflected partiaal ng a MMA of waves. They can be moduulated by channging the defleection state of micro mirroors: a light waave approachin b reflected sppecularly, i.e. all reflected intensity willl be in the 0th order (assum ming negligiblee un-deflected mirrors will be mall piston or tilt deflection ns of micro miirrors modify the phase of light l such, thaat slits and ideallly flat mirrorrs). Already sm intensity is paartly redirecteed into the higgher diffractioon orders. Thee intensity in the 0th order approaches zeero for certainn deflection connditions [3]. Based on thiss effect, MMA As can be utillized to moduulate the inten nsity of cohereent monochroomatic or narrrow-band lighht sources. For this purpose the light refflected by thee MMA is co ollected by ann imaging syystem, that alllows only thee intensity in the t 0th diffracction order (oor another sinngle diffractio on order) to contribute c to tthe image, while w the otherr diffraction orrders are bloccked, e.g. by placing p an apperture of suittable dimensions in the Foourier plane of o the imagingg system. In ann image geneerated this waay, regions with w un-deflectted mirrors will w appear brright, whereass regions withh deflected mirrrors will appeear gray or eveen black, depeending on the mirror deflecttion. The illustrateed concept foor diffractive intensity is most m frequentlly used with MMA devicees that allow for an analogg deflection off mirrors (“annalog” MMA)) [4][5][6][7], because a co ontinuously controlled c mirrror deflection n is convertedd instantly into gray-scale inntensity levels.. The describeed technique allows a to use analog a MMAss as high-speeed spatial lighht modulators for fo the generaation of monoochrome gray--scale patterns. This motivvated the com mmercial appliication of twoo dimensional analog a MMAss in semicondductor mask writers w [3][7][8 8]. 2 SLM DESIGN The active areea of the one--dimensional (1D) ( modulatoor is formed by b an array of electrostaticaally addressed micro mirrorss capable of annalog tilt deflection. Figure 3 shoows a top-view w scanning electron e microoscopy (SEM M) image of mirrors m in the optically acttive area. Thee manually addded colors highhlight rows off identically adddressed and synchronouslyy tilting mirroors. Each of th he 8192 mirrorr rows acts as one o “optical pixel” p of the SLM. S The SL LM contains no integrated active a driver eelectronics: an n external dataa path unit provvides the requuired data andd auxiliary pootentials directtly to the SLM M. Figure 4 shhows a cross--section of thee same structurre. The three top structural layers l (mirrorr, yoke, interco onnect 2) can be seen. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-2 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms /;, Sena WD 8.2mm Figure 3: SEM M image of tilt mirrors. m Colors indicate i mirrorss belonging to saame pixel. ' MAXI IND Fiigure 4: SEM crross-sectional im mage of tilt mirrrors after removal of sacrifficial layer. Figure 5 show ws the fully processed p SLM M to illustratee its layout. Th he approximaate chip dimennsions are 15 mm m x 88 mm m. Bond pads arre arranged inn 4 rows to booth sides of thhe SLM (1). In I the electrodde fan out reggion (2) data--electrodes aree routed to the pixel area (3) comprising 2.2 2 million mirrrors grouped to 8192 “optiical pixels” (44). The pixel area has approxim mate dimensioons of 4 mm x 82 mm. This design was w preferredd for several reasons: r all opptical pixels can c be updateed in parallel at a modulatiion rate in thee MHz range liimited only byy the fundameental resonance of the micro o mirror tilt-m movement. Thiis enables high hly productivee continuous exxposure proceesses and alloows an efficieent utilization n of quasi-conntinuous, i.e. M MHz-repetitio on rate pulsedd ultra-violet laasers. Since a higher repetittion rate of thhe laser also im mplies a lower energy per llaser pulse and hence lowerr mirror temperratures, the deesign also helpps to minimize laser induceed degradationn of mirrors. Building the “optical pixels” of the 1D D-SLM from sets s of small identically i adddressed microo mirrors allo ows to reach a high fundam mental resonannce of micro mirrors, but also allows to increase the t total areaa per optical pixel withouut sacrificing modulation m speeed. This agaiin helps to reeduce power density d at thee SLM and thhe temperaturee of the laserexposed micrro mirrors annd contributes to a long SLM S lifetimee [10]. The SLM S design without integ grated addresss electronics reeduces the com mplexity of SL LM processinng, SLM cost and processinng time, and inncreases yield d. Upgrades of the control electronics e haave no impaact on SLM technology and a can be implemented i whenever more m powerfuul components become b availaable at acceptaable cost. Figure 6 shoows a single actuator electrostatically addressed a viaa global voltaage electrodess (1) and (2) and the dataa electrode (3). The global ellectrodes (1) and a (2) proceeed in vertical direction d and supply the coommon counteer potentials too all pixels. Thhe electrodes (1), ( (2), and (33) are formed from intercon nnect layer 2. Within one ooptical pixel, the t segmentedd data electrodees (3) of all micro m mirrors are connectedd by vias to th he same data line. l The latter proceeds peerpendicular too the global eleectrodes in thee hidden intercconnect layer 1. Since actuatoors in even andd odd rows arre offset by haalf the width of o an actuator,, the positive gglobal electro ode (1) and thee negative globbal electrode (2) ( change siddes within thee actuator celll for even andd odd pixels rrespectively. This T results inn reversal of tillt directions for f even and odd o pixels asssuming the sam me sign of daata voltage appplied to the data d electrodess (3) of the neigghboring pixeels. The yoke strructure (4) is supported byy two posts reesting on the data electrodde. It is tiltedd depending on o the voltagee difference beetween data annd global elecctrodes (arrow ws in Figure 6). The restorinng force is deefined by the narrow springg region (5) of the yoke struccture. A post (6) ( resting on the yoke supp ports the mirroor (7). Separate structural layers for f mirror andd springs allow w optimizing mechanical and a optical chharacteristics independently i y. By use of a loow-creep hingge material, hyysteresis effeccts are eliminaated and the mirror m can be optimized forr the operatingg wavelength. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-3 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Figure 5: Photoograph of the diced chip with removed r sacrifi ficial layers. Maarkers indicate bondpad b regionn (1), electrode fan-out f region (2), and active pixel area (3). The dotted linee (4) shows the orientation of a single optical pixel. agonal minor ó 0 0 ó tangular /square rt - o I o o xeiauve mten5tty 00 LG 0óóó0 Applying thee variable dataa potential to the t yoke/mirrror electrode (3) ( reduces thee required datta voltage ran nge by a factorr of two comppared to the alternative a option of addreessing electrod de (1) while keeping electtrodes (2) and (3) at fixedd reference pottential. Reduccing the data voltage rangee lowers the cost of electrronic componnents for the data path andd allows for a higher h speed. For this specific SLM, a hexagonal h mirrror plate has been used to optimize the modulation ccharacteristicss. To illustratee h andd the effect off mirror shappe, Figure 7 shows simullated modulattion characterristics for (iddeally flat) hexagonal rectangular mirrors m at a wavelength w of 355 nm. Plottting the inten nsity in the 0thh order vs. tip deflection off a mirror, thee side lobe nexxt to the first intensity minnimum is cleaarly less pron nounced for thhe hexagonal mirror shapee compared too rectangular or square mirroors with rotation axis paralllel to the sidees. On the othher hand, the ddeflection req quired to reachh the first intennsity minimum m is slightly hiigher for hexaagonal mirrorss (for the chossen design aboout 110 nm att a wavelengthh of 355 nm). Due to the faact that the slitts are very naarrow and the mirror post iss completely hidden h undernneath the mirrror (Figure 3)), the optical fiill factor of thhe pixel area is very high,, about 90 %. Scattering loosses are therreby reduced, while opticaal efficiency andd achievable contrast c are inncreased. A suummary of parrameters of the new SLM iss given in Tab ble 1. 50 100 150 Tip defiedfion of mirror [i Figure 6: Schem matic of single tilting mirror. Fiigure 7: Intensitty modulation ccharacteristics for f hexagonal an nd rectangular/ssquare mirrors. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-4 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms 3 S SLM WAFER R PROCESSIING AND AS SSEMBLY The SLM hass been fabricaated in the ME EMS pilot fabrrication line of o Fraunhofer IPMS, based on a technolo ogy developedd for the monoolithic integraation of anallog MMAs on o CMOS in a “MEMS-last” technoloogy-scheme using u SiO2 ass sacrificial layyer. Figure 8 schematically s illustrates thee main steps of the process flow f using a ccross-section of o the actuatorr (Figure 6) parrallel to the spprings and throough the two yoke posts. Figure 8: Schem matic processinng sequence of SLM After growthh of an insulatting SiO2 film m on the Si suubstrate, the first f interconnnect layer is ddeposited and patterned (1)). The first interconnect layeer is covered with w SiO2 inteerlayer-dielecttric (ILD) andd planarized. On top of thee ILD, an inerrt barrier layer (2) is deposiited to protectt the underneeath SiO2 lay yers against atttack of Hydrrogen Fluorid de gas used too finally removve SiO2 sacrificial layers. Vias down too interconnectt 1 are formedd, and intercoonnect layer 2 is depositedd, patterned andd planarized. The T first sacriificial SiO2 laayer is deposiited, vias for the t hinge possts are etched and the hingee metal is depoosited and pattterned (3). A second s sacrifiicial SiO2 lay yer is depositedd and vias forr the mirror po ost are etchedd. The post material is deposiited such that it completelyy fills the post via (4). The post p material iis removed an nywhere, aparrt from the region next to thee post (5). Thee wafer surface is planarized d and the finaal thickness off the second saacrificial SiO22 ween mirror and a stoppers (not shown in Figure 8) is defined. d At thhe same time the t protrudingg layer, i.e. thee distance betw mirror post annd the sacrificcial layer are leveled. l Next,, the mirror is deposited andd patterned. T The wafers aree then diced too chips. The saacrificial SiO22 layers are reemoved by a Hydrogen H Flu uoride gas-phaase etch, in orrder to releasee the actuatorss (6). Figure 9 shows an im mage of a com mpleted product wafer just before dicingg. Figure 10 iss a differentiaal interferencee contrast (DIC C) microscopyy image of thhe boundary of o the pixel area. a Individuaal pixels are just resolved,, to maximizee sensitivity off DIC to pre-ddeflection of mirrors. m The im mage illustrattes the extrem mely uniform ddeflection of non-addressed n d mirrors. After the releease etch, the SLM chip is glued to a higghly planar ceeramic carrier,, which is thenn mounted to a metal platee. A metal holder for a quartzz glass is mouunted to the ceeramic carrier. The quartz glass g window is fitted into the t aperture of the metal holdder to protect the SLM agaiinst particle-ccontamination during furtheer assembly annd use. Next, metal carrier c plates for f two multi-layer printedd circuit board ds are mounted. These “Fann-In-Adapter”” boards (FIA)) are then mounnted to the carrrier plates, suuch that bond pads on SLM M and FIAs aree aligned and leveled to eacch other. Bondd pads on SLM M and FIA boaards are connected by 4 layeers of fine-pitcched wire bonnds. Each FIA A board holds connectors c forr 4096 data chhannels, the gllobal voltagess and test pottentials. Durin ng a later use,, flexible ribbbon cables plu ugged into thee FIA connectoors establish thhe link to the digital-analog d g converter (D DAC) boards of o the data pathh unit controllling the SLM.. Figure 12 shoows the wire bonded b SLM--unit. The wirre bond protecction cap has been removedd to enable an n unobstructedd view on the SLM. S Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-5 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Figure 9: Image of completed product wafer Figure 10: DIC microscopy image of pixel area after sacrificial layer etch. Minimal and homogeneous tilt of idle mirrors. Figure 11: Close-up onto the wire bonds on one side of the SLM. Figure 12: Close-up image of the assembled SLM unit showing the wire bonds connecting SLM and FIA boards. 4 4.1 SLM CHARACTERIZATION Fundamental resonance of mirror tilt movement For a current spring design the resonance frequency has been measured at ambient pressure using a MSV-300 Microscope Scanning Vibrometer (Polytec) by modulating the data-voltage with a rectangular voltage function. The resonance frequency has been determined to be higher than 1.3 MHz. 4.2 Planarity of chip within pixel area An imperfect planarity of the SLM within the pixel area will lead to errors of the generated SLM image. The imaging system and software of an LDI system may compensate or correct for certain errors of SLM shape: e.g. a cylindrical bow of the MMA can be compensated by the imaging optics. Planarity specifications therefore have to be considered with respect to the specific imaging system. The planarity within the large pixel area is measured using a Wyko® NT9800 optical profiler. Single measurements covering an area of 1.2 mm x 1.6 mm sampled with 4.7 µm resolution are stitched together to cover the whole pixel area. Figure 13 shows a typical height map of the pixel area after subtraction of bow. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-6 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms i Figure 13: Plannarity measurem ment of pixel arrea. 4.3 Fiigure 14: Surfacce planarity of rreleased mirrors. RMS value 1.5±0.2nm Mirrror planarityy To obtain a sufficiently s hiigh contrast (hhere defined as ratio of “w white” and “black” intensitty), the planarrity of mirrorss must be kept within a narrrow range (less than about 7 nm surfacee RMS). Afterr removal of sacrificial lay yers the mirrorr planarity is measured m usingg a Wyko® NT8000 N opticaal profiler. An n exemplary teest using a conntrol sample of o 10 test-sitess on 3 arbitrariily chosen waffers (in total 2416 2 mirrors) resulted in a mean RMS of o 1.5±0.2nm, which is well within target range. Figuree 14 shows a representative height map off mirrors. 4.4 Defllection characcteristic a0 > o `111111U111 100 111111111111 e 1 A 5 80 v ';) co E co .c 60 v ¡AI ? 40 9 T J) v o 20 k O O 120 1111111111111111111111111111 N Mirror tip - deflection Inml 01 O A o Ó o o o Ñ The deflectioon characteristtic of micro mirrors m is meassured using a Wyko® NT9800 optical prrofiler. For th hat purpose thee voltages of global electroddes (1 and 2 inn Figure 6) arre set to same absolute valuue but oppositte polarity forr all pixels. Too deflect the mirrors, m the vooltage of the data-line d connnected to yok ke/mirror and stoppers is varied. Figure 15 shows thee resulting defllection responnse curve for different d valuees of global voltage used ass parameter. T The target defflection for thee “black state”,, 110 nm (accoording to Figuure 7) is reachhed at a globall voltage of 155.5 V and a daata voltage of about 14.5 V.. Figure 15: Mirrror tip-deflectioon vs. data voltage 12 14 80192 o O N Data Pixels 7168 6144 5120 4096 3072 number Data p)ixel 2'048 1024 Fiigure 16: Full-m matrix deflectionn test. The MM MA is addressedd wiith a common bias b for all pixels. Plot of mean n deflection vs. pixel number. Insset: Deflection map for all mirrrors (same dataa seet). Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-7 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Table 1: Summary of SLM parameters. LDI SLM Parameter Value Mirror material Al-alloy Chip dimensions [mm] 15 x 88 Operating wavelength [nm] 355 Dimensions of pixel area [mm] 4 x 82 Mirror reflectance at 355nm [%] > 85 Fill grade of active area [%] > 90 Max. mirror deflection [nm] > 110 Number of pixels 8192 Pixel resonance frequency [MHz] > 1.3 Mirrors per pixel 268 Achieved contrast Mirror shape 4.5 hexagonal Mirror RMS planarity [nm] Up to 1000 <7 Deflection test of assembled SLM-unit The functionality of the completely assembled and wire bonded SLM-units is verified by a deflection test using a Wyko® NT9800 optical profiler. Herein the SLM unit is addressed through the FIA boards to include FIAs and wire bonds in the test. All pixels are addressed with the same voltages to check for non-working pixels. The lateral resolution for the interferometric measurement is chosen such that the deflection amplitude of each individual mirror can be determined. The pixel area is covered by stitching a set of subsequent measurements. Figure 16, a plot of mean pixel deflection vs. pixel number, illustrates a typical result. All pixels are functioning. Due to design-related systematic differences in the routing of data electrodes, the observed deflection values vary slightly with pixel number in a systematic way. Irregular features, like the one at pixel 3072, are attributed to small variations in hinge width caused by small tolerances of lithography. Before the SLM is finally used in a LDI system, the mentioned systematic effects are compensated by a calibration procedure. After calibration for all individual pixels the voltages required to reach certain deflection values can be retrieved from look-up tables. A two-dimensional representation of the same data, i.e. a map of deflection for each individual mirror of the SLM (inset in Figure 16) can be used to check for possible non-working mirrors and to retrieve their positions. 5 5.1 SLM PERFORMANCE IN LDI EXPOSURE SYSTEM Description of exposure system Figure 17 is a schematic of the LDI5sp system developed by Micronic Mydata AB. The coherent light source of the exposure system is a high-power, 355 nm diode-pumped solid state laser. The SLM is illuminated by the rectangular laser beam. Light reflected into the 0th diffraction order passes the aperture in the Fourier plane of the optical system, while the higher diffraction orders of the SLM are blocked. Behind the lens system, the beam is reflected via a rotating prism into one of four imaging arms rotating in synch with the prism before it is imaged onto the substrate. During exposure the intensity modulated line focus is laterally scanned in an arc across the substrate panel, always keeping the same orientation similar to a windscreen wiper. After it has passed the panel edge, the laser beam hits the next facet of the prism and is directed into the next imaging arm to expose the next arc. Since at the same time the panel is steadily moved, subsequently exposed arcs are seamlessly stitched together until the whole panel has been exposed. To maximize throughput, the twin table system aligns the next panel already while the preceding panel is being exposed. After exposure, the aligned panel is briefly flipped upwards to enable the passage and unloading of the already exposed panel. The tool exposes dry film resist on substrate panels with dimensions up to 510 x 612 mm² at a resolution better than 10 µm L/S. The constant-speed operation of both rotor arms and panel stage contribute to a highly precise pattern placement. Feature edges can be smoothly shifted laterally utilizing the gray-leveling capability of the presented SLM. An adjustment of exposure dose is possible by tuning the speed of rotation for the imaging arms. Based on the high SLM modulation rate and high optical efficiency of the SLM, a high write speed and efficient use of laser power are achieved. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-8 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms 5.2 Exposure results Examples of patterned substrates are shown to illustrate the successful utilization of the presented SLM in Micronic Mydata’s LDI5sp Laser Direct Imaging systems. Figure 18 shows a 15 µm high dry film resist on a copper seed layer patterned with 6 µm minimum line/space dimensions. Figure 19 shows a 25 µm high dry film resist on a copper seed layer structured with a pattern typical for the routing of interconnects around a pad. The minimum line/space dimensions in this image are 10 µm. Using the presented new SLM, contrast values (here defined as ratio of maximum and minimum intensity at the exposed substrate) of up to 1000 have been measured. LASER PATTERN RASTERRE Real-time data path that enables advanced pattern alignment SLM ALIGNMENT CAMERAS Analog Spatial Light Modulation (SLM) with high modulation frequency e ROTOR Twin -table stage system that enables concurrent alignment and exposure Rotor -based optical system with high scanning speed and low overhead time Figure 17: Schematic of Micronic Mydata’s LDI5sp system AIN4Mk Mi-My AB 2013 -06 -18 10:45 F D14,9 x800 100 um A Figure 18: 15 um DFR on Cu seed layer, patterned with a micro-VIA interconnect test pattern. Minimum line/space feature size is 6 um. Figure 19: 25 um DFR on Cu seed layer, patterned with a structure typically used in the pad region of a substrate. Minimum line/space feature size is 10 µm. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-9 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 03/11/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms 6 SUMMARY Fraunhofer IPMS has developed a fast one-dimensional analog spatial light modulator (SLM) in collaboration with Micronic Mydata AB. The SLM supports a pixel rate of >10 billion grayscale-pixels per second and handles tens of Watt of laser power at a wavelength of 355 nm. The SLM has successfully passed all performance tests and is now utilized in Micronic Mydata’s novel LDI5sp series of Laser Direct Imaging systems optimized for the processing of advanced substrates for semiconductor packaging. A first Micronic-Mydata LDI5sp tool equipped with the IPMS-SLM has reached acceptance status at a final customer. 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge Per Askebjer and Jarek Luberek for their valuable contributions to this development. 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