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Clin. Lab. Haem. 2001, 23, 181±186 A. GIACOMINI*, P. LEGOVINI , G. GESSONI*, F. ANTICO*, S. VALVERDE*, M.M. SALVADEGO*, F. MANONI* Platelet count and parameters determined by the Bayer ADVIATM 120 in reference subjects and patients *Department of Clinical Pathology, Chioggia Hospital, Venice, Italy and Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Padua, Padua, Italy Summary In order to study the behaviour of traditional and new platelet parameters determined by the ADVIATM 120 Hematology System, ®ve hundred samples from reference subjects, divided for sex and age, were processed. Signi®cant variations on the basis of sex and age were found. Reference ranges as 95% con®dence limits were therefore calculated for each age class, and platelet parameters proved to have speci®c variations during lifetime. Moreover, one hundred samples from thrombocytopenic patients were processed by the ADVIATM 120 System. When compared with those of reference subjects matched for sex and age, all platelet parameters, except mean platelet component (MPC), showed signi®cant differences. Keywords Platelets, mean platelet component, reference range, ADVIATM 120 System, thrombocytopenia Introduction Thanks to recent advances in automatic blood cell counting, a fast, accurate count and volume determination of platelets can be made. Moreover, platelet parameters (Chapman et al., 1996) such as platelet-crit (PCT), mean platelet component (MPC) and mean platelet mass (MPM), can be determined together with their distribution widths. In particular, a modi®ed version of the two-angle laser light scattering ¯ow-cytometric method used by Bayer H* System Hematology analysers (Bayer Corporation, Tarrytown, NY) for RBC analysis has been developed in the ADVIA System Hematology (Bayer Corporation, Tarrytown, NY) to measure platelet parameters (Stanworth et al., 1999; Kunicka et al., 2000). With this method, platelets can be distinguished from RBC on the basis of size and refractive index. They are identi®ed and then classi®ed according to their individual Accepted for publication 11 June 2001 Correspondence: Alda Giacomini, MD, Laboratorio Analisi, Ospedale Civile, Via Madonna Marina 500, 30019, Chioggia (VE), Italy. Tel.: + + 39 0415534408/15; Fax: + + 39 0415534401; E-mail: legovini@math.unipd.it Ó 2001 Blackwell Science Limited scattering patterns. The pair of scattering signals collected for each platelet is converted into a corresponding pair of cell volume and refractive index values by applying Mie's scattering theory (Kerker, 1969). The platelet refractive index is related linearly to platelet density, which is a measure of the overall concentration of components within a platelet, and, indirectly, is also an index of the platelet activation state (Zelmanovic & Hetherington, 1998). The new method determines cell-by-cell MPC and MPM and displays their frequency histogram. The platelet count and MPV can also be recorded and a platelet size frequency histogram displayed. By their nature, platelets are a sensitive indicator of health and disease in vivo but can be technically dif®cult to analyse in vitro owing to rapid changes in dimension, shape and content. It has been claimed that this two-dimensional platelet analysis is more reliable in obtaining accurate platelet counts (Dorfman et al., 1997) and permits better discrimination between platelets of all sizes and other particles (Fisher et al., 1997). It has also been suggested that MPC is a potentially useful screening test for platelet activation and hence an indicator of patients at risk of thrombosis or bleeding complications (Macey et al., 1998). 181 182 Platelet parameters in reference subjects and patients ADVIATM 120 Hematology System is a relatively new analyser; little is known about the reference ranges of its new platelet parameters in reference subjects as well as patients (Brummitt & Barker, 2000). The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the behaviour of traditional and new platelet parameters, determined by the ADVIATM 120 Hematology System, in reference subjects divided on the basis of age and sex, to de®ne reference ranges for clinical practice and to compare the performance of platelet parameters between reference subjects and thrombocytopenic patients. liver cirrhosis and the other 6 were patients in chemotherapy. Samples had a platelet count of less than 100 (109/l). Venous blood samples were drawn into 4.5 ml Terumo Venoject Tubes containing K3EDTA anticoagulant and tested within one hour of collection to minimize variations due to sample age. Samples were kept at room temperature and platelet parameters were determined as presented in Table 1. For a technical description of the two-dimensional platelet analysis see Kunicka et al. (1998). Materials and methods Statistics Five hundred samples from reference subjects, who had given their fully informed consent before participating in the study, were processed for full blood count analysis using the ADVIATM 120. The group consisted of 250 males and 250 females aged 1±85 years (mean age 36 years). Subjects aged 18±65 years were blood donors; the other subjects were selected in accordance with the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards H20-T speci®cations (NCCLS, 1992) from the following groups: 1±10 years: screening in the open population for thalassemia syndrome, 10±18 years: certi®cation for competitive sport activities, over 65 years: subjects attending our Laboratory for periodic check-up. Reference subjects were divided into 10 groups on the basis of sex and age. Age classes were: 1±10 years, 10±18 years, 18±45 years, 45±65 years, and over 65 years. Each class was divided in two groups: 50 males and 50 females. Patient samples were taken from Hospital inpatients ± 50 males and 50 females ± aged 25±85 years, on the basis of platelet count. Of these patients, 94 were affected by In order to select the appropriate test for comparing platelet parameters between sex and/or age class, and between reference subjects and patients, the ShapiroWilks W statistic was used to test samples for normality. The normality hypothesis could not be rejected for only two indices, namely PDW and PCDW. Non-parametric tests were therefore chosen for inference and percentiles were adopted to construct reference limits. Differences due to age and sex, and between reference subjects and patients were detected using the Mann± Whitney U-test. Statistical calculations were performed using the SAS SystemÓ v6.12 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA), the analysis tools of Excel97Ó (Microsoft, Redmond, CA, USA) and the Excel add-in Morefun.xll v2.61 (L. Longre, OSR RhoÃne-Alpes, France). Results Platelet parameter distributions were found not to be Gaussian. Non parametric tests were therefore used to Table 1. Platelet parameters determined by the ADVIATM 120 Hematology System. Modi®ed from Kunicka et al. (1998) Parameter Abbreviation Units Description Platelet count PLT 109/l Mean platelet volume Platelet volume distribution width Platelet-crit Mean platelet component MPV PDW ¯ % Platelets are identi®ed based on cell volume (0±60¯) and refractive index values (r.i. = 1.35±1.40) MPV is calculated from the platelet volume histogram; range 0±60 ¯ Distribution width of platelet volume histogram PCT MPC % g/dl PCDW g/dl Percent of blood volume occupied by platelets MPC is calculated from the platelet component histogram re¯ective of platelet density: range 0±40 g/dl Distribution width of PC histogram MPM PMDW pg pg MPM is calculated from the platelet dry mass (PM) histogram; range 0±5 pg Distribution width of PM histogram Platelet component distribution width Mean platelet dry mass Platelet dry mass distribution width Ó 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 23, 181±186 A. Giacomini et al. compare for sex in each of the age classes. Signi®cant differences were found for PLT, PCT and MPC in the 45±65 years group only, where females presented higher PLT and PCT and lower MPC values than males. A comparison between successive age classes using the Mann±Whitney U-test showed that all platelet parameters, except PCDW, presented signi®cant differences (P < 0.001) in the ®rst three age groups. Comparisons involving the 45±65 years group were performed separately for sex because of the signi®cant sex-related differences found previously. MPC and MPM were signi®cantly (P < 0.001) lower in males over 65 than in subjects 45±65 years old. For females only MPC was signi®cantly lower in both comparisons and MPM was signi®cantly lower when comparing the 18±45 and 45±65 age groups. No signi®cant differences in platelet parameter distribution Figure 1. Boxplots of PLT, MPV and MPC, separate for sex for each age class. Hinges show the ®rst and third quartiles, the inside cross-line indicates the median, the whiskers extend from the 2.5 to the 97.5 percentile; P-values stem from the Mann±Whitney test; y, years. Ó 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 23, 181±186 widths, on the basis of sex and age, were found with PCDW; whereas PDW and PMDW produced signi®cant variations when comparing the ®rst three groups on the basis of age. Our results con®rm that platelet parameters change with age. PLT (Figure 1) and PCT decrease between the 1±10 years and 18±45 years groups and afterwards remain stable, whereas MPV (Figure 1) increases between the 1±10 years and 18±45 years groups, remaining steady afterwards. MPC and MPM increase between the 1±10 years and 18±45 years groups and decrease afterwards. Reference ranges for clinical laboratory practice were then de®ned as 95% con®dence limits for values between the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles. They were de®ned for each age class considering males and females separately only in the 45±65 age group (Table 2). 183 184 Platelet parameters in reference subjects and patients Table 2. Reference limits for platelet indices. These are presented separately for males (M) and females (F) in the 45±65 years class, in view of signi®cant sex-dependent differences Age class years PLT (109/l) MPV (¯) PDW (%) PCT (%) MPC (g/dl) PCDW (g/dl) MPM (pg) PMDW (pg) 1±10 10±18 18±45 45±65 ± M 45±65 ± F > 65 220±422 165±396 159±376 156±300 156±351 139±363 8.3±10.9 8.6±12.1 8.5±12.8 8.6±12.0 9.0±12.9 8.8±12.4 30.5±48.8 30.9±54.7 35.6±56.1 37.6±55.1 36.6±56.4 36.4±55.5 0.19±0.41 0.16±0.39 0.17±0.38 0.15±0.30 0.17±0.34 0.15±0.35 17.1±24.1 18.9±24.6 20.2±25.0 20.8±25.1 18.6±24.5 17.8±23.5 4.2±5.7 4.2±5.5 4.4±5.5 4.3±5.6 4.3±5.5 4.1±5.6 1.7±2.2 1.8±2.4 1.9±2.6 1.8±2.7 1.8±2.6 1.8±2.4 0.6±0.9 0.6±1.0 0.7±1.1 0.7±1.0 0.7±1.1 0.7±1.0 Table 3. Median ‹ semi-interquartile range of two samples, matched for age and sex, of reference (R) and thrombocytopenic (T) subjects. For each index, P-values are reported from the Mann±Whitney U- test comparing reference with pathological samples Sample (n ˆ 100) PLT (109/l) MPV (¯) PDW (%) PCT (%) MPC (g/dl) PCDW (g/dl) MPM (pg) PMDW (pg) R T U-test 9.9 ‹ 0.5 11.2 ‹ 0.8 0.0001 43.7 ‹ 3.3 53.1 ‹ 4.7 0.0001 0.2 ‹ 0.04 0.1 ‹ 0.02 0.0001 22.0 ‹ 0.8 22.2 ‹ 0.8 0.3098 5.1 ‹ 0.2 5.1 ‹ 0.3 0.0217 2.1 ‹ 0.1 2.3 ‹ 0.1 0.0001 0.8 ‹ 0.1 1.0 ‹ 0.1 0.0001 235 ‹ 38 64 ‹ 22 0.0001 In thrombocytopenic patients, no sex-based difference in platelet parameters was found using the Mann±Whitney U-test. Comparing thrombocytopenic patients with a sex- and age-matched sample of reference subjects resulted in signi®cant differences for all platelet parameters ± with the exception of MPC (Table 3). Discussion Platelets have been studied for a considerable time, but only in relation to thrombosis and haemostasis. However, in recent years it has become clear that they play an important role in several disorders characterized by vascular pathology, including coronary artery disease (Cahill et al., 1996a; Knight et al., 1997), Alzheimer's disease (Davies et al., 1997), myeloproliferative disorders (Thibert et al., 1995; Cahill et al. 1996b), diabetes (Tschoepe et al., 1997), pre-eclampsia (Bleker et al., 1999), in¯ammatory bowel disease (Collins et al., 1994) and glomerular disease (Barnes, 1997). Activated platelets have been identi®ed in most of these disorders and antiplatelet therapy has been valuable in the management of some conditions, including diabetic vascular disease (ETDRS Investigators, 1992), ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease (Anti-Platelet Trialists' Collaborative Study, 1994). Moreover these parameters, in our experience (Giacomini et al., 2001), are also useful in the quality control of platelet concentrates. There is now much interest in developing methods and instruments for an accurate platelet count and the determination of platelet parameters in these pathologies. In this study we analysed the platelet count and platelet parameters of the ADVIATM 120 Hematology System using samples from reference subjects and patients. The two-dimensional platelet analysis of this haematology analyser is a method by which both the volume and refractive index of individual platelets are determined on a cell-by-cell basis. Two simultaneously collected lightscatter measurements are converted into volume (platelet size) and refractive index (platelet density) values using Mie's scattering theory. This permits a much higher level of platelet discrimination. In addition to standard platelet parameters, which are available in most current haematology analysers such as PLT, PCT, MPV and PDW, the ADVIATM 120 Hematology System offers novel parameters. Among these is MPC, a measure of the cell refractive index related to platelet activation state (Macey et al., 1999), and MPM, a parameter calculated as the product of platelet volume by refractive index on a cell-by-cell analysis. These new parameters may be useful in improving analyses of platelet state. In utilizing the ADVIATM 120 Hematology System to measure platelet parameters in our clinical laboratory we ®rst analysed reference subjects. The reference ranges we found are in accordance with the literature (Brummitt & Barker, 2000) for PLT and MPM. However, they are lower for MPC and higher for MPV and PCT; but this difference could be due to different series. A sex-dependent difference in PLT, PCT and MPC was found in the 45±65 years group only, where separate reference ranges are provided. This ®nding is in agreement Ó 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 23, 181±186 A. Giacomini et al. with Brummitt & Barker (2000), who found signi®cantly higher PLT in females, although, in our experience, differences were only found in 45±65 years-old subjects. As most platelet parameters presented signi®cant variations in relation to age class, we chose to de®ne ageassociated reference ranges, unlike the above-mentioned authors. Platelet parameters proved to vary speci®cally during lifetime: PLT and PCT decrease from childhood to adult age and are steady afterwards, whereas MPV displays the opposite behaviour. MPC and MPM increase from childhood to adult age and decrease afterwards. In particular, as MPC appears to be a useful parameter for studying platelet activation (Macey et al., 1999), we suggest taking the modal-shaped age evolution of MPC into account in clinical practice, in order to relate this ®nding to the increased thrombotic events in the elderly. When comparing reference and thrombocytopenic subjects, MPV and MPM are signi®cantly higher in patients, whereas MPC does not change signi®cantly. In addition to the inverse relation between platelet number and volume ± widely documented in the literature (Bessman et al., 1981; Levin & Bessman, 1983) ± this platelet parameter behaviour is referable to the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia in cirrhosis. This pathology includes multifactorial thrombocytopenia, partly due to a consumptive disorder with increased and ineffective thrombocytopoiesis (Parker Levine, 1999; Peck-Radosavljevic, 2000), concurrent with a peripheral mild platelet activation (Ingeberg et al., 1985). Therefore, the lack of increase in mean platelet component in thrombocytopenic patients could be due to low granular production and to partial peripheral degranulation. 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