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DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21852 SPECIAL ISSUE ARTICLE Using multi-item psychometric scales for research and practice in human resource management Mark A. Robinson Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds Correspondence: Mark A. Robinson, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. Email: m.robinson@lubs.leeds.ac.uk. Questionnaires are a widely used research method in human resource management (HRM), and multi-item psychometric scales are the most widely used measures in questionnaires. These scales each have multiple items to measure a construct in a reliable and valid manner. However, using this method effectively involves complex procedures that are frequently misunderstood or unknown. Although there are existing methodological texts addressing this topic, few are exhaustive and they often omit essential practical information. The current article therefore aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive guide to the use of multi-item psychometric scales for HRM research and practice, including their structure, development, use, administration, and data preparation. KEYWORDS measurement, multi-item scales, psychometric scales, questionnaires, surveys 1 | I N T RO D U C TI O N Although methodological guidance is available, most texts focus on specific topics or phases and omit essential practical information. Questionnaires are one of the most widely used research methods in Accordingly, this article addresses all phases of multi-item psychomet- the social sciences (Bourque, 2004) and multi-item psychometric ric scale use—including their structure, development, administration, scales are the most widely used measures in questionnaires. For and the preparation of the collected data for analysis—to provide a instance, 29 of the 62 articles published in Human Resource Manage- comprehensive resource for HRM researchers and practitioners that ment during 2015 used multi-item psychometric scales to collect data addresses the many practical issues and common points of confusion. about topics as diverse as organizational ambidexterity (Halevi, Car- The article will also be useful for researchers and practitioners in other meli, & Brueller, 2015), employee voice (Matsunaga, 2015), and per- social sciences (e.g., industrial and organizational psychology, manage- formance management (Festing, Knappert, & Kornau, 2015). ment) who use multi-item psychometric scales frequently. Despite their widespread use, however, the complex principles Questionnaires comprise a number of questions that participants and procedures underlying multi-item psychometric scales are fre- are required to answer and are therefore usually a self-report quently misunderstood or unknown, even by experienced researchers research method (Stone & Turkkan, 2000); although the same meth- and practitioners in human resource management (HRM). This is par- ods are sometimes used to rate others, such as supervisor ratings of ticularly true of HRM practitioners conducting staff surveys performance (see, e.g., Yam, Fehr, & Barnes, 2014). Multi-item psy- (e.g., employee engagement), which ostensibly appear psychometric chometric scales, the focus of this article, are a specialized type of in nature but often neglect key steps in research design and analysis. quantitative measure used in questionnaires (see, e.g., Nevill, Lane, Such errors, omissions, and misunderstandings have major implica- Kilgour, Bowes, & Whyte, 2001) and the most frequently used mea- tions for HRM research and practice. Unreliable scales prevent the sure in HRM research. Such scales each have multiple items to mea- consistent measurement of variables, while scales low in validity may sure a variable of interest in a reliable and valid manner (Kline, 2000). not be measuring the intended variables (Cook, 2009). Such problems Throughout the article, the term psychometric scale or simply scale is can distort research findings, hinder theoretical development, and used for brevity rather than the full term multi-item psychometric result in ineffective or even counterproductive HRM practice. scale. However, it is clear from the literature that several synonymous This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2017 The Author. Human Resource Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Hum Resour Manage. 2018;57:739–750. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/hrm 739 ROBINSON 740 terms are used, including multi-item measures, multi-item scales, psy- and yielding parametric data. It should not be confused with a rating chometric measures, and psychometric scales. The term psychometric scale, despite the shared terminology. A psychometric scale com- scale is preferred here to emphasize the need for reliable and valid prises multiple questions or statements, each with their own rating measurement. scale. Therefore, a rating scale measures participants' responses to a The article starts by discussing the structure of psychometric single question or statement, while a psychometric scale measures scales, then details their use and the various stages of their develop- participants against a focal variable using multiple items (see DeVellis, ment, before finally considering their administration and data prepa- 1991). In this article, for brevity and clarity, the single word scale is ration issues. used to refer to psychometric scales only; rating scales are always referred to by their full name. When including psychometric scales in questionnaires, research- 2 | STRUCTURE OF PSYCHOMETRIC SCALES ers have two broad options: they can use existing scales from the published research literature, or they can develop their own scales. Each of these options is discussed in detail below. First, however, the Before proceeding, it is first necessary to define the key components design properties of psychometric scales are discussed. and characteristics of psychometric scales, for there is often confusion here arising from the terminology used. Figure 1 provides an example 2.2 | Psychometric scale design properties of a hypothetical psychometric scale measuring managerial support (in lowercase letters) and illustrates its components (in uppercase let- Psychometric scales have several design properties that require care- ters), descriptions of which are provided below (partially adapted from ful consideration, whether evaluating existing scales or developing DeVellis, 1991; Kline, 2000). new scales, and these are now discussed. 2.1 | Definition of key terms 2.2.1 | Likert rating scales Questions/statements. Participants respond to questions or state- Psychometric scales always use fixed-format rating scales and by far ments about a focal variable. the most widely used are Likert rating scales (Likert, 1932), the focus Response points. A response point is a circle or box in which partic- of this article. Likert rating scales comprise a number of response ipants indicate their response to a question or statement, either by points, usually 4 to 9, with accompanying verbal anchors. A key fea- ticking, circling (on paper questionnaires), or clicking it (on electronic ture is that there should be equally appearing intervals (Thurstone, questionnaires). 1929), or identical space perceived by participants, between each Anchors. An anchor is a verbal label accompanying a response response point. This is important because it is a prerequisite of inter- point. val or ratio-level data, which in turn is one prerequisite of the para- Rating scales. A rating scale is the measure along which partici- metric data required for psychometric scales (Foster & Parker, 1995). pants respond to a question or statement. Each question or state- Such equally appearing intervals (Thurstone, 1929) should be ment has its own rating scale, comprising a number of response reflected both in the physical presentation of the questionnaire items points and accompanying anchors. Usually, for efficiency, a single and also in the meaning of the accompanying verbal anchors. In the shared set of anchors is presented for multiple rating scales, as shown former case, the response points should be equidistant from neigh- in Figure 1. boring response points even if this necessitates nonequidistant spa- Items. An item comprises a question or statement about a focal cing between verbal anchors of different lengths. In the latter case, variable and an accompanying rating scale on which participants antonyms (or opposite terms) should be selected for verbal anchors respond. at equivalent positions on either side of the rating scale, to ensure Psychometric scales. A psychometric scale comprises multiple that there is linguistic symmetry of different valence either side of items measuring the same focal variable in a reliable and valid manner the rating scale's midpoint. An excellent example of this is the QUESTIONS / STATEMENTS ITEM RATING SCALES (ANCHORS ARE THE LABELS) Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 1.My manager considers my feelings. 2. My wellbeing is a priority for my manager. 3. My manager defends me from unfair criticism. RESPONSE POINTS RELIABILITY VALIDITY PARAMETRIC DATA PSYCHOMETRIC SCALE Components and characteristics of a psychometric scale Note: This figure summarizes the more detailed discussions in the section Structure of Psychometric Scales, where full references can be found. FIGURE 1 ROBINSON 741 commonly used anchor set of strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, scale, with some response points ignored. In these circumstances, a 7- strongly agree (see, e.g., De Jong & Dirks, 2012). Here, the response point rating scale will be preferable to a 5-point one, as it will still pro- points on either side of the midpoint have anchors that are exact vide a wide range of responses (see Baumgartner & Steenkamp, antonyms—disagree and agree—while the response points two away 2001, for an extensive review of survey response psychology). For from the midpoint retain these antonyms but add an identical similar reasons, a 7-point rating scale can also be beneficial with parti- adverb—strongly. Verbal anchors should ascend from left to right, in cipants who are reluctant to select the most extreme responses (Hui & level of agreement or level of the rated variable, as this is conventional Triandis, 1985). Second, if the questionnaire is to be administered on when listing measurements in written English (e.g., a ruler) and is media with limited display space, such as smartphones, a 5-point rating therefore clearest for participants. Figure 1 illustrates these principles. scale will enable a less cramped presentation than a 7-point one. Traditionally, each response point has an accompanying verbal Finally, when surveying highly educated samples, 7-point rating scales anchor, but another common approach is to label only the endpoints are preferable, as these participants are able to comprehend the addi- of the rating scale. Labeling only the endpoints can alleviate the prob- tional response complexity, whereas 5-point rating scales are prefera- lem of selecting appropriate labels for each response point, but it ble for the general public (Weijters et al., 2010). increases the difficulty of responding for participants (Darbyshire & There are conflicting views about whether researchers should McDonald, 2004). Furthermore, although fully labeled response use an even number of response points with no midpoint or an odd points increase acquiescence, they also reduce extreme responses number with a midpoint. Weijters et al. (2010) provide a detailed and increase the clarity of reverse-coded items (Weijters, Cabooter, & summary of these counterarguments. Essentially, proponents of the Schillewaert, 2010). So, on balance, labeling each response point is former argue that participants should be forced to choose whether usually preferable, unless it is impossible to select balanced and equi- their response to an item is broadly negative or positive. Conversely, distant verbal anchors throughout. proponents of the latter argue that some participants will genuinely Two modified versions of the traditional Likert rating scale are have neutral views about some topics, so they should be free to sometimes used, as described by DeVellis (1991). Semantic differen- express these accurately. There is some evidence to suggest that the tial rating scales present antonymic anchors at either end of a rating elimination of a midpoint leads to less positive responses to items scale, along which participants respond. Visual analogue scales and may therefore mitigate socially desirable responding (Garland, replace discrete response points with a continuous line along which 1991). Similarly, other evidence suggests that the inclusion of a mid- participants indicate their response. point increases acquiescence with statements but also decreases extreme ratings (Weijters et al., 2010). Overall, though, there is not yet a clear consensus on this issue, although scales with midpoints 2.2.2 | Number of response points are more frequently used than those without. Another key issue with Likert rating scales is deciding how many Finally, when using existing scales, if researchers specifically wish response points to include. Typically, researchers use between 4 and to compare rating levels with those from previous studies, the original 9 response points, with some favoring an even number and others an rating scales should be used with identical response points and odd number with a midpoint. The optimal number of response points anchors. This may be the case, for instance, if data on norms for dif- has been frequently debated and examined statistically. For instance, ferent populations exist for particular scales or items. research examining the effect of 2 to 11 response points has shown that reliability, criterion validity, and the ability to discriminate between participants' ratings increase as the number of response 2.2.3 | Number of scale items points increase, plateauing at around 7 response points (Preston & In practice, the number of items in a scale is likely to be predeter- Colman, 2000). However, other research has indicated that 5-point mined, either by the researchers who published it or during the factor rating scales yield higher quality data than those with 7 or 11 points analytic development process, as discussed below. However, scale (Revilla, Saris, & Krosnick, 2014). Still other research has indicated no length is considered here, as it is a key criterion for scale selection. difference between data collected from 5-point or 7-point rating Conventionally, psychometric scales comprise multiple items. scales (Dawes, 2008). Despite these slight disagreements, though, Indeed, it could be argued that this is a prerequisite of psychometric these studies do generally conclude that either 5 or 7 response points scales, for only multiple items enable the assessment of internal relia- yield higher quality data than fewer response points and are more bility (as detailed later) and reliability is a prerequisite of psychometric practical than longer rating scales. Thus, researchers should use either scales (Kline, 2000). A minimum of three items per scale is usually 5-point or 7-point rating scales, with decisions between these two recommended, as this number will reliably yield convergent solutions options depending on the specifics of the study, such as the variables in confirmatory factor analysis (Marsh, Hau, Balla, & Grayson, 1998). being investigated, questionnaire space limits, or participant charac- However, frequently in research, some problematic items are identi- teristics, as discussed below. fied and may therefore have to be deleted, as discussed later. There- First, for items about some topics where certain responses are more socially desirable—such as positive performance ratings—there fore, it is prudent to include an additional item—so a minimum of four items in a scale—where practical. can be a tendency for participants to use the corresponding side of The maximum number of items per scale will depend on the the rating scale more frequently (Moorman & Podsakoff, 1992). This complexity of the variable being measured. A larger number of items leads to highly skewed distributions and effectively a truncated rating will be required to capture the richness of multidimensional variables ROBINSON 742 (see, e.g., Allen & Meyer, 1990). However, this must be balanced Given the many journal articles available about most topics, against the need for scale brevity to maximize response rates. For this though, an equally likely problem is that researchers will find several reason, short versions of well-established scales are often developed potentially suitable scales that they must choose between. In these (see, e.g., Thompson, 2007, for a short version of the mood scale by cases, and when evaluating existing scales, researchers should use Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988). If such a short scale is unavailable, two criteria to select the most appropriate scales: (1) psychometric researchers may be able to adapt their own from the original publica- data, concerning reliability and validity, as extensively detailed in the tion describing the development of the scale. To do so, only those next section, Developing Psychometric Scales, and (2) conceptual fit, as items with the highest factor loadings for that scale should be discussed below. selected, and the internal reliability (as detailed later) of the resultant Conceptual fit concerns the extent to which the scale matches shorter scale should be carefully checked. This is a controversial prac- the variable that the researcher wishes to measure. Ideally, and in tice, however, as it can reduce the validity of the scale (Raykov, 2008). many cases, researchers will be able to find an exact match between Although still widely recognized as best practice, some research- scale and variable. In other cases, though, the lack of an exact con- ers have recently questioned the use of multi-item scales. They argue ceptual fit may necessitate minor modifications to the scale's items. that participants perceive them as repetitive and onerous, therefore There are no exact rules about acceptable levels of modification, but reducing response rates, and suggest the use of single-item measures a useful guideline might be that changing the subject or object of a in some circumstances to counter this (see, e.g., Wanous, Reichers, & statement (or question), provided that the statement still relates to Hudy, 1997). Accordingly, several single-item measures have been the same domain, is generally acceptable provided the researcher developed that demonstrate good validity against equivalent full- checks the psychometric properties (i.e., reliability and validity, see scale versions (see, e.g., Nagy, 2002). Indeed, some researchers below) of the modified scale against those of the original. So, for believe that for homogeneous construct variables, single-item mea- instance, Martin, Washburn, Makri, and Gomez-Mejia (2015) modified sures may even be preferable to multi-item scales (Postmes, the subject of the original items from Ryckman, Robbins, Thornton, Haslam, & Jans, 2013), as the latter's specificity may inadvertently and Cantrell's (1982) self-efficacy scale (e.g., “I will be able to success- exclude key facets of the variable (Scarpello & Campbell, 1983). fully overcome future challenges”) to examine the self-efficacy of firms instead of individuals (e.g., “The firm will be able to successfully overcome future challenges”) in their study of CEO risk-taking, as 3 | USING EXISTING PSYCHOMETRIC SCALES there were no suitable existing scales available. If the scale's items require excessive modification, however, or if there are no conceptually related scales available, which is common in new or emerging research fields, researchers may have to develop their own scales Several useful repositories of existing psychometric scales are available via the Internet, such as the Academy of Management's (AoM) especially for the study. The procedures for doing so are outlined below. Measure Chest (n.d.) and the Social-Personality Psychology Questionnaire Instrument Compendium (Reifman, 2014). These provide lists of published scales, categorized by topics. Many researchers also make 4 | DEVELOPING PSYCHOMETRIC SCALES their own published scales freely available via their personal web pages (see, e.g., Spector, n.d.), so researchers should consult those of If suitable scales do not exist to measure the variables of interest, or influential researchers in their field of interest. However, the primary if researchers feel that existing scales are inadequate, then they may source of existing scales is peer-reviewed journal articles. Generally, need to develop their own. The general process for developing a details about the scales used can be found in the Method section, scale is outlined in Figure 2 and described below, drawing on well- often in a subsection entitled Measures, with full scales often pro- established principles discussed in detail in several sources (see, vided in the appendix. e.g., Hinkin, 1998; Kline, 2000; Matsunaga, 2015, for the develop- Finding journal articles with suitable scales can sometimes prove ment of a scale measuring employee voice strategy). Often, for effi- difficult, but has been made considerably easier recently with the ciency, several scales are developed simultaneously using this process introduction of freely available Google Scholar (n.d.) software. Rather (see e.g., Morgeson & Humphrey, 2006). Each stage in Figure 2 will than relying solely on keywords like many traditional academic search now be described, thereby also providing information for evaluating engines, the advanced search capability of Google Scholar enables the psychometric properties of existing scales from the literature. researchers to search for exact phrases present anywhere in an article's text, such as the exact name of variables researchers are seeking to measure (e.g., “job satisfaction”). In many cases, this will locate arti- 4.1 | Generate preliminary items cles reporting empirical studies where data on that variable have Researchers can use several methods to identify item content, includ- been collected using a suitable scale, particularly if the word question- ing literature reviews, interviews with experts, and content analysis naire or survey is used as an additional search term for the article's of existing data sets and resources. This stage is the foundation of text. Furthermore, if there are widely recognized leading journals in the entire process, so it is vital that it is theoretically driven. The the field of research interest, it is often worth performing a Google nomological network of the variables (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955; Scholar advanced search restricted to those journals. Gregory, 2007)—that the generated items will represent—should be ROBINSON 743 4. Avoid negatively worded questions, as these can be confusing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Generate preliminary items a. Develop theoretical model b. Generate questions / statements c. Generate rating scales Evaluate preliminary items a. Evaluate clarity b. Evaluate content validity Administer preliminary items a. Prepare questionnaire b. Administer questionnaire c. Collect data d. Collect feedback Implement participant feedback a. Address unclear items b. Address controversial items Analyze preliminary item data a. Exploratory factor analysis b. Identify preliminary scales c. Remove surplus items Administer revised items a. Prepare questionnaire b. Administer questionnaire c. Collect data Analyze revised item data a. Confirmatory factor analysis b. Verify preliminary scales c. Evaluate internal reliability d. Evaluate construct validity e. Confirm final scales Criterion validate psychometric scales a. Evaluate criterion validity (although the advice on this issue is mixed, as discussed below). 5. Avoid leading questions, as these can bias participants' responses by suggesting how they should answer. Furthermore, items should be kept short, where possible, for clarity. Rating scales for the items should be developed in accordance with the design guidelines previously discussed. Negatively worded items are controversial. They are generally used as “cognitive speed bumps” to prevent participants slipping into inaccurate automatic response patterns (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2003, p. 884). However, research has shown that participants generally do not understand such items (Idaszak & Drasgow, 1987), so their benefits are more than outweighed by their costs. Some of this confusion arises from the use of complex doublenegatives and similar phrases (Foster & Parker, 1995). In some cases, it may be possible to rephrase the question or statement to alleviate such confusion. For instance, in a scale measuring absenteeism, the statement “I am rarely absent from work” is preferable to the equivalent yet confusing statement “I infrequently do not attend work.” Finally, when developing psychometric scales, researchers should include a larger number of items in the preliminary item pool than the number required for the final psychometric scale(s). The subsequent development process will eliminate many items for statistical or methodological reasons, as discussed below, so some redundancy is useful initially, with double the desired number recommended (Hinkin, 1998). Process for developing psychometric scales Note: This figure summarizes the more detailed discussions in the section Developing Psychometric Scales, where full references can be found. FIGURE 2 4.2 | Evaluate preliminary items Once the items have been generated, they are then evaluated by the carefully considered, including their theoretically related variables, researchers for clarity of expression, to ensure that they are easily antecedents, and outcomes. This identifies the unique conceptual ter- understandable and assess exactly what is required. Next, the content ritory of the new scales, enabling the themes of the items to be spe- validity of the items is evaluated; that is the extent to which all facets cified and strengthening the construct validity of the resultant scales of the focal variable(s) have been comprehensively addressed by the (see Stage 7). A key consideration here is whether each focal variable collective items and without redundancy (Cook, 2009). Often, at this (i.e., theoretical construct) is represented by a single dimension (unidi- stage, the items are reviewed by a panel of experts, such as those mensional) or multiple dimensions (multidimensional), notes Edwards consulted by Sendjaya, Sarros, and Santora (2008) when developing (2001). The latter, he suggests, can be further divided into superordi- their scales measuring servant leadership. Here, 15 domain experts nate constructs (such as personality traits composed of facets) or drawn from academia and business rated each item for relevance, aggregate constructs (such as different components of job perfor- with content validity established when 50% of the experts agreed the mance). For such multidimensional variables, it is particularly impor- item was essential. Similarly, it is possible to calculate a coefficient, tant that the items generated represent the range and richness of the the content validity index (CVI), to indicate the proportion of experts underlying dimensions to ensure sound content validity (see Stage 2). who agree about the relevance of single or multiple items, with values Questions should be written in a clear and specific manner. Fos- exceeding .80 considered acceptable (Polit, Beck, & Owen, 2007). ter and Parker (1995) propose several rules, suggesting that generally questions should: 4.3 | Administer preliminary items 1. Avoid jargon or specialist terminology, unless well known by the intended participant population. Once evaluated, and improved if necessary, the preliminary items are incorporated into a questionnaire and administered to participants. 2. Avoid ambiguity and be specific. For instance, they suggest the Often, this stage is referred to as a pilot study, or a pilot question- term frequently is subjective, and it would be better to ask about naire. This questionnaire should be designed and administered in objective quantities. accordance with the guidance provided elsewhere in this article. 3. Avoid combining questions; ask about only one issue at a time. However, the pilot questionnaire also usually includes an additional ROBINSON 744 free-format response section at the end where participants are asked to provide feedback about the items and questionnaire overall. Provided that such statistical criteria are satisfied, however, the choice of how many items to select for each scale is likely to be determined by practical considerations. Researchers should strive to achieve an optimal balance between parsimony and comprehensive 4.4 | Implement participant feedback The feedback provided by participants about the preliminary items theoretical coverage of the focal variables, removing further surplus preliminary items where required. and questionnaire is analyzed. If a consensus emerges that particular items are unclear or controversial, they should be removed or modified for the next questionnaire (Stage 6). This feedback can also be supplemented with further interviews or focus groups with participants, if required. 4.6 | Administer revised items Once the preliminary items have been analyzed, modified as necessary, and reduced to an optimal number per scale, these revised items are then administered to a further sample of participants in another questionnaire. Again, this questionnaire should be designed and admi- 4.5 | Analyze preliminary item data nistered in accordance with the guidance provided throughout this article. Here, researchers should also administer existing scales mea- Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is then conducted on the responses suring conceptually related and unrelated variables to enable con- to the preliminary items, to identify the factor structure within the struct validity to be assessed (see, e.g., Lewis, 2003), as detailed in items and thus the preliminary psychometric scales. The basic proce- the description of Stage 7 below. dures of EFA are detailed in many statistical textbooks (see, e.g., Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). The ideal minimum sample size for EFA has been debated frequently, with larger samples and larger 4.7 | Analyze revised item data item-to-participant ratios considered better (see Osborne & Costello, Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is then conducted on the responses 2004, for a detailed discussion). Minimum sample sizes of 300 partici- to the revised items to verify the factor structure identified by the ini- pants are generally advocated (Comrey & Lee, 1992; Tabachnick & tial EFA. If verified, the item composition of the scale(s) can be consid- Fidell, 2007) unless loadings are particularly high (> .60), in which ered finalized. If the CFA does not support the factor structure case 150 participants are adequate (Guadagnoli & Velicer, 1988). A identified by the initial EFA, however, then it may be necessary to minimum of 10 items per participant are generally recommended readminister the revised items to a further sample of participants until (Guadagnoli & Velicer, 1988; Osborne & Costello, 2004). Indeed, statistical consensus is achieved regarding factor structure. The sample medians of 267 participants and 11 items per participant were found size recommendations provided for EFA above are generally also of in a review of published EFA studies (Henson & Roberts, 2006), cor- relevance to CFA (Mundfrom, Shaw, & Ke, 2005; Tabachnick & Fidell, roborating these guidelines. 2007). Specifically, though, a minimum sample of 200 participants has For unidimensional variables, EFA is performed only on the frequently been recommended for CFA (Barrett, 2007; Tabachnick & matrix of correlations between the items, but for multidimensional Fidell, 2007). Once the final factor structure has been confirmed, the variables this initial EFA identifies the first-order factors, and a sec- internal reliability of the scales should then be assessed. ond EFA is then performed on the matrix of correlations between Psychometric scales use multiple items measuring the same focal these first-order factors to identify second-order factors (Edwards, variable so that the consistency or internal reliability with which par- 2001; Gorsuch, 1983). So, when used for psychometric scale devel- ticipants respond to them can be assessed. Reliability is a prerequisite opment, first-order factors would identify subscales that are nested for validity, and both are essential characteristics of psychometric within the wider construct represented by the second-order factor. scales (Kline, 2000). Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α; Cronbach, 1951) Consideration should be given here to the optimal number of is the most frequently used statistic for this purpose. There is wide- items in each scale, with factor loadings examined accordingly. Com- spread debate about what the minimum acceptable alpha coefficient rey and Lee (1992) have proposed statistical loading thresholds to aid level is for psychometric scales. Traditionally, the figure of α ≥ .70 factor interpretability, and these could also be usefully applied to was widely suggested, although the origin was uncertain. Cortina determine how many items to retain in each psychometric scale. Not- (1993) discusses alpha in considerable depth, noting that the same ing how squared factor loadings indicate the proportion of shared mean inter-item correlation will yield higher alpha coefficients for variance between those items and the factors on which they load, longer scales than shorter scales, and advises cautious interpretation. they suggested that items loading over .71 (50% shared variance) Nevertheless, he suggests α ≥ .75 as the conventional accepted level. have an excellent fit with the factor, those loading over .63 (40% If researchers discover the alpha coefficient of a scale they have shared variance) a very good fit, over .55 (30% shared variance) a used is below .75, they may wish to consider deleting an item to good fit, and over .45 a fair fit (20% shared variance). This resonates increase this coefficient. Statistical analysis software such as SPSS with Costello and Osborne's (2005) more recent recommended (n.d.) can calculate alpha coefficients with each item deleted along- threshold for loadings of .50 or higher. Furthermore, both pairs of side the alpha coefficient for the overall scale, helping to identify authors caution against retaining items loading below .30. So items rogue items for potential deletion. However, such item deletion is a with factor loadings above this .45 threshold would therefore make controversial practice, with some arguing that it dilutes the concep- excellent scales when combined. tual coverage and validity of the scale (Raykov, 2008). If the rogue ROBINSON 745 item is a negatively worded one, however, the problem is likely a with these values, a minimum correlation threshold of .40 is therefore methodological artifact (see Idaszak & Drasgow, 1987), as discussed recommended for establishing sound criterion validity (Peers, 1996). above, and it should therefore be deleted. Following this final validation, the psychometric scales are now However, for CFA, researchers are now increasingly using the ready to use for research purposes. They may also be published, with composite reliability method of Dillon-Goldstein's rho (or Jöreskog's accompanying psychometric data concerning their reliability and rho) (ρc), for which values over .70 indicate acceptable reliability validity, for use by other researchers. (Chin, 1998; Werts, Linn, & Jöreskog, 1974). Unlike Cronbach's alpha, Finally, sometimes at this stage the scales are readministered to it does not assume each of a scale's constituent items is of equal the same participants from Stage 6 and their scores are compared to importance, as it is based on the factor loadings instead of the corre- establish test–retest reliability (Cook, 2009). Pearson correlations lations between items, and is therefore more accurate (Esposito Vinzi, exceeding .80 would indicate acceptable test–retest reliability, but Trinchera, & Amato, 2010). this is only a relevant concept for the few variables expected to Finally in this stage, construct validity is assessed, which con- exhibit stability over time such as personality (Kline, 2000). cerns whether the scales measure the constructs they claim to (Cook, Table 1 provides a summary of the different types of reliability 2009). This should be demonstrated in three ways. First, the factor and validity of relevance to developing psychometric scales, as dis- analyses performed in Stage 5 and here in Stage 7 will establish some cussed above. construct validity through the distinct factor structures identified and the absence of cross-loadings (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). Second, to establish convergent construct validity, scale scores for each variable should be highly correlated (i.e., converge) with scores from other 5 | ADMINISTRATION established measures of the same variable and also with measures of other variables from within that variable's nomological network of theoretically related constructs (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955; Gregory, 2007), administered in Stage 6. Third, to establish divergent (or discriminant) construct validity, scale scores for each variable should be uncorrelated (i.e., diverge) with scores from theoretically unrelated constructs (Gregory, 2007), also administered in Stage 6. For instance, Maynes and Podsakoff (2014) established the construct validity of their four measures of employee voice behaviors Psychometric scales are administered within questionnaires, so when using them for research there are several practical issues to consider, and these are now reviewed. The first broad issue is the content of the remainder of the questionnaire, including its introduction, the generation of identification codes, and demographic questions. The second broad issue concerns the format of questionnaire administration and the implications of this for the presentation of the psychometric scales to participants. through examining the relationships between these scale scores and data from related and unrelated measures of the Big Five personality traits. As a guide, convergent construct validity would be demonstrated by medium to large correlations exceeding .30, while small correlations below .20 would indicate divergent construct validity (Cohen, 1992; see also Lewis, 2003). 5.1 | Introductory information First, participants are briefly provided with an overview of the research, the purpose of their involvement, and the contact details of the researchers. This engages participants, and also provides sufficient information for them to give their informed consent to participate (American Psychological Association [APA], 2010). Typically, the 4.8 | Criterion validate psychometric scales research overview is relatively general, justifying their participation but not detailing specific research questions or hypotheses. Indeed, By this stage, the reliability of the scales has been established, as has excessive information of this nature may prime participants to their content validity through the generation and evaluation of the respond in particular ways, which may bias the research. items, and their construct validity through the two factor analyses Second, a number of statements relating to research ethics are and the convergent and divergent analyses. So the aim of this stage presented. Conventions can vary by discipline, but the APA (2010) is to establish the criterion validity of the scale(s). Here, participants' provides extensive guidelines, the key principles of which are sum- scores on the scale(s) from Stage 7 are statistically correlated with marized below. First, participants are told that their involvement is independent objective data measuring the same or related variables entirely voluntary and that they have the right to withdraw at any for each participant (Cook, 2009). For instance, a self-report scale time. They are also assured that any information they provide will measuring staff absenteeism could be criterion validated against remain entirely confidential, and that results will only be presented in absence data from official organizational records, using suitable iden- an aggregated format so that no individual's responses are identifia- tification codes to match the two data sources. The criterion data ble. Then, they are asked to provide their informed consent to partici- against which scale scores are validated can either be collected at the pate, either by answering a direct question to this effect or by being same time the scales are completed, to establish concurrent criterion informed that their continuation implies this. Most institutions and validity, or at a future date, to establish predictive criterion validity organizations in which researchers work will have their own formal (Cook, 2009). Drawing on Cohen's (1992) guidance about effect ethical clearance procedures based on similar principles. Finally, ques- sizes, correlations exceeding .30 would indicate reasonable criterion tions about sensitive or controversial topics will usually require thor- validity, with correlations exceeding .50 being excellent. Resonating ough justification via an ethics committee. ROBINSON 746 TABLE 1 Types of reliability and validity relevant to psychometric scale development Concept Definition Measure Internal reliability All the items comprising the psychometric scale are measuring the same variable consistently. Cronbach's alpha (α) ≥ .75 Dillon-Goldstein's rho (or Jöreskog's rho) (ρc) ≥ .70 Test–retest reliability Scores on the psychometric scale are consistent over time for the same person (i.e., scores attained at different times). Pearson correlation (r) ≥ .80 Test–retest reliability is only relevant for variables expected to be stable over time (e.g., personality). Content validity Collectively, the items comprising the psychometric scale address all key aspects of the variable and no irrelevant aspects. Content validity index (CVI) ≥ .80 Construct validity The psychometric scale is measuring the specific variable it claims to measure (and not another similar variable). Items load onto a single factor that is distinct from other factors (i.e., no cross-loadings) Convergent construct validity Scores on the psychometric scale are strongly related to scores on psychometric scales measuring conceptually related variables. Pearson correlation (r) ≥ .30 Divergent (or discriminant) construct validity Criterion validity Scores on the psychometric scale are not strongly related to scores on psychometric scales measuring conceptually unrelated variables. Pearson correlation (r) < .20 Scores on the psychometric scale are strongly related to objective measures of the same variable. Pearson correlation (r) ≥ .40 Concurrent criterion validity Scores on the psychometric scale are strongly related to objective measures of the same variable measured at the same time. Predictive criterion validity Scores on the psychometric scale are strongly related to objective measures of the same variable measured at a future time. Note: This table summarizes the more detailed discussions in the section Developing Psychometric Scales, where full references can be found. 5.2 | Identification codes In many research studies, questionnaires can be completed entirely anonymously, so no identification features are required. However, in some instances, it is necessary for researchers to be able to identify participants. For example, participants may be distributed between various groups (e.g., teams or organizations) and researchers may wish to analyze the data at a group level, such as Halevi et al.’s (2015) study of organizational ambidexterity in strategic business units. In such instances, this should be explained to participants in such as a nine-letter code comprising the first three letters from each of the following three words: (1) first pet's name, (2) hometown, (3) favorite sports team. In this way, the code does not have to be remembered, although this is desirable, as it can be generated again through asking the same questions. Then, each time participants complete a new questionnaire, they should be asked to provide this code to enable matching with their previous questionnaires. 5.3 | Demographic questions the introductory section and questionnaires should carry a suitable Often in research, it is necessary to collect demographic data from code (e.g., Team 1) to enable their grouping when returned. participants. Sometimes, this is an integral part of the research itself; A second example is the use of longitudinal research designs, for instance, when conducting research examining age or gender (see where data are collected from participants—using questionnaires e.g., Festing et al., 2015, for a study of performance management and/or other methods—at two or more time points, requiring preferences between genders). In other instances, it is necessary to researchers to match data from the same participant. For example, control for demographic variables when performing statistical ana- Sturges and Guest (2004) examined work–life balance in recent grad- lyses (see e.g., Mäkelä, Kinnunen, & Suutari, 2015). When conducting uates, tracking them from before they started work and into their research in organizations, it may also be desirable to collect data con- first appointment, by administering questionnaires at three time cerning variables such as participants' roles, seniority, and experience. points six months apart. Generally, participants are unwilling to For standardization, demographic data are generally best collected divulge readily identifiable personal information (e.g., names), how- using questions with fixed response categories, from which partici- ever, so they should each be asked to generate an anonymous and pants select the appropriate response. One possible exception is unique identification code to include on each questionnaire they questions concerning time, such as age and organizational tenure, complete. This code should contain information that will not change, where the collection of exact data (e.g., 33 years)—provided this does ROBINSON 747 not identify participants—can be subsequently coded into fixed cate- anchors displayed at the top, to replicate a conventional paper ques- gories (e.g., 30–34 years) if required. tionnaire format. A further option is to display the scale anchors at both the top and bottom of each screen, or above shorter blocks of 5.4 | Administration format: Paper or electronic items, so that one set of anchors is always visible to participants. Second, there are numerous different orders in which question- Generally, there are two broad approaches for administering ques- naire items and scales can be displayed, and these may have subtle tionnaires: paper-based and electronic. In recent years, due to the effects on how participants respond. In general, it is best to cover advent of specialist software, the latter approach is increasingly used; important topics earlier and sensitive topics later. In this way, if parti- however, each has its advantages and disadvantages. cipants do not complete the questionnaire, due to length or sensitiv- The response rates and financial costs of each approach were ity, some useful data may still be collected. systematically investigated by Greenlaw and Brown-Welty (2009). Third, in recent years, researchers have debated whether ques- Questionnaires administered electronically through the Internet tionnaire items should be grouped by topic, or presented in a mixed resulted in a higher response rate (52.46%) and a substantially lower or random order. Podsakoff et al. (2003) summarize the key issues in cost per response ($0.64) than those administered in a paper format this debate, as discussed below. Essentially, advocates of the former (42.03%, $4.78). Although providing participants with both options approach argue that grouping items is clearer for participants and yielded the highest response rate of all (60.27%), the high cost of allows them to carefully consider each topic holistically. However, doing so outweighed this advantage ($3.61). Overall, then, the elec- critics of this approach argue that by grouping multiple similar items, tronic Internet-based approach was superior. Administering question- common method bias may lead to artificially high consistency naires via Internet-based services (e.g., Qualtrics, n.d.) is also between responses to a scale's items. Indeed, Podsakoff et al. note extremely efficient, as it enables data to be downloaded electroni- that clustering items from the same scales together inflates intra- cally, which greatly reduces the time taken to enter and format data scale correlations, and thus also inflates Cronbach's alpha internal for statistical analysis. Given the global reach of the Internet, it is also reliability, while mixing them inflates inter-scale correlations, and thus possible to recruit large numbers of participants with relative ease. some bias is inevitable either way. They therefore conclude that the Increasingly, electronic questionnaires are being administered on issue has yet to be resolved. handheld digital devices such as PDAs, smartphones, and tablets, and Given the lack of consensus, then, the simplest approach is prob- this approach has great research potential (Miller, 2012). In particular, ably best. Unless the process of mixed or random item ordering can the portability and convenience of such devices greatly facilitates the be fully electronically automated, the potential for subsequent confu- repeated collection of diary data over extended periods (Robinson, sion and mistakes—when regrouping the items for analysis—would 2012). Reassuringly, research indicates that data collected from iden- suggest that the simpler method of grouping the items by scale tical surveys on computers and smartphones are comparable (or theme) is the best procedure when administering questionnaires. (de Bruijne & Wijnant, 2013). However, items and responses should be clearly formatted for display on such small screens, in accordance with the guidelines further below. 6 | DATA PREPARATION Despite these advantages, though, there are still two circumstances where paper-based questionnaire administration may be preferable. First, some participants may not have access to the Internet 6.1 | Numerically coding responses (e.g., factory workers), so paper questionnaires are the only practical Once researchers receive the data, the first step in calculating scale option. Second, in some cases, paper questionnaires may be more scores is to numerically code the response points to quantify the par- convenient, particularly if potential participants are gathered together ticipants' response data. Consecutive ascending whole numbers are in a single venue (such as a conference) and have some spare time to almost always used to reflect the equally appearing intervals participate. (Thurstone, 1929) indicated by the verbal anchors. This is the recommended option. So, for instance, strongly disagree could be coded 5.5 | Questionnaire presentation: Methodological issues 1, disagree coded 2, neutral coded 3, agree coded 4, and strongly agree coded 5 (see e.g., Albirini, 2006). Through convention, most researchers code the lowest response There are three methodological issues concerning the presentation of point as 1 rather than 0 (see, e.g., Albirini, 2006), although some do items in questionnaires that researchers should pay careful attention the latter (see e.g., Bolger, Zuckerman, & Kessler, 2000). Either way, to, as discussed below. In principle, these issues relate to question- inter-scale correlations will be the same; although scale scores (see naires administered in any format; although, in practice, they relate below) will naturally be 1 higher in the former case. However, there mainly to electronic questionnaires. are good reasons for coding response points from 0 upwards rather First, if the rating scale anchors are only provided at the start of than from 1. First, if scale scores are displayed in a graph, then it is the questionnaire, participants may lose sight of them as they scroll possible to start the y-axis at 0, which makes intuitive sense and is down the screen, potentially leading to confusion or incorrect the default option in most graphics software. Indeed, a very common responses. This issue can be partly resolved by displaying the ques- error is to display scale scores measured using 1–5 coding on graphs tionnaire on a number of shorter consecutive screens, each with the with 0–5 y-axes, thereby erroneously inflating perceived scores. ROBINSON 748 Second, and related, when scale scores starting at 1 are reported as approach is used, SPSS (n.d.) software offers researchers an option to having a maximum score of 5, for example, or alternatively as meas- specify the minimum number of items for which a response must ured on a 5-point scale, a misperception often arises where readers have been recorded before a scale score is calculated. erroneously assume that 2.5 is the midpoint rather than the true value of 3, again serving to erroneously inflate perceived scores. There are notable exceptions to this recommendation, however. Some scales have aggregated item scale scores that correspond to Finally, where negatively worded items have been used, these thresholds or particular critical levels of a variable. For instance, the need to be reverse-coded before proceeding. So, using a traditional revised Negative Acts Questionnaire has threshold scores corre- 5-point rating scale, the reverse coding would proceed as follows: sponding to different degrees of workplace bullying (Notelaers & strongly disagree (1 ! 5), disagree (2 ! 4), neutral (3 ! 3), agree Einarsen, 2013). In these cases, an aggregated item scale score may (4 ! 2), strongly agree (5 ! 1). To check the accuracy of this recod- be required, and precautions should therefore be taken to ensure par- ing, it is prudent to correlate the original negatively worded items ticipants respond to all items. with their reverse-coded counterpart items, to ensure that correlations are r = −1.00 as they should be. Finally, it is important to note that negatively worded items are identified relative to the variable the scale is measuring. So, for example, an item about alertness would be a negatively worded one in a scale measuring fatigue, even if the item itself does not contain a negative prefix (e.g., not or un-). 7 | CONC LU SION Psychometric scales are arguably the most frequently used research method in the social sciences. However, their effective development and use requires a detailed knowledge of technical procedures and 6.2 | Calculating scale scores issues that are frequently not well taught or misunderstood. It is hoped that this article will therefore provide HRM researchers and There are two ways in which scale scores can be calculated. First, the mean rating of all items comprising the scale can be calculated. Sec- practitioners with a solid grounding in this important method for the benefit of future research and practice. ond, the ratings of all items comprising the scale can be aggregated. If there are no missing data, either option will yield identical inter-scale correlations, albeit with different scale scores, naturally. However, in ORCID reality, there are almost always missing data, in which case aggregat- Mark A. Robinson http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5535-8737 ing item ratings will yield lower scale scores than appropriate for participants with missing data. Consequently, the first option— calculating the mean rating of all items comprising the scale—is strongly recommended, and this method is almost always used in published research. A further advantage of this mean item rating method is that the scale score is calibrated to the original rating scale—for instance, a scale score of 3.4 on a 1–5 rating scale—and therefore has more meaning for readers than an aggregated item scale score that is more reflective of the number of items than the strength of response. When calculating the scale score from the mean of its constituent items' ratings, however, it is necessary to decide how many of the scale's items a participant must respond to for this calculation to be valid. Graham (2009) suggests that participants must have responded to at least 50% of a scale's constituent items before their scale scores can be calculated using the mean item rating method. He also cautions that the scale's Cronbach alpha internal reliability should be high and the items answered should adequately represent the scale's construct. While agreeing with these latter two restrictions, Newman (2014) suggests that even one item is sufficient to calculate a scale score, reasoning that this is less wasteful of precious data and therefore increases statistical power. 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He is also Deputy Director of the Socio-Technical Centre, an interdisciplinary research centre, and a member of the Workplace Behaviour Research Centre. His research interests include human performance, group behavior, social cognition, and complex systems. How to cite this article: Robinson MA. Using multi-item psychometric scales for research and practice in human resource management. Hum Resour Manage. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.21852 2018;57:739–750.