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J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2008) 8:320-326 DOl 10.1007/s11668-008-9143-8 CASE H IS T O R Y -P E E R -R E V IE W E D F a ilu r e A n a ly s is o f T w o S ta in le s s S te e l B a se d C o m p o n e n ts U sed in a n O il R e fin e r y C a s s io B a r b o s a ' Joneo J o s e L u iz F e r n a n d e s ' L o p e s d o N a s c im e n to ' I b r a h im d e C e r q u e ir a Abud Submitted: 26 February 2007/ in revised form: 28 April 2008/ Published © ASM International 2008 online: 29 May 2008 The petroleum industry has changed significantly over the past decades. For example, in Brazil, oil extraction under very deep sea water is growing very quickly. As a consequence, materials and components used for such applications must have properties required to withstand adverse conditions and ensure satisfactory performance and reliability in service. Nonetheless, components that normally fulfill these standard requirements can fail under severe service conditions such as high pressure and temperatures and high concentrations of H 2 S and CO 2 , Among the factors that can cause the premature failure in metallic components are the use of inadequate materials, the presence of defects that appeared during the production, and errors of project, assembly, or maintenance. Failure analysis allows the identification of causes and thus contributes to improvements in the operation and performance of similar equipment. I n this work, light optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze the microstructure and fracture surface of two centrifugal pump shafts that failed during use in a Brazilian petroleum refinery. T h e results showed that one shaft, made of duplex stainless steel, failed by fatigue fracture, and the other, made of 316 austenitic stainless steel, experienced a similar fracture, which was promoted by the presence of nonmetallic inclusion particles. K eyw ords A b str a c t C. Barbosa ([8]) . J. L. do Nascimento· 1. de Cerqueira Abud Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INT), Avenida Venezuela, room 626, 20081-312 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil e-mail: cassiob@int.gov.br J. L. do Nascimento· J. L. Fernandes Centro Federal de Educa<;ao Tecnologica (CEFET-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil do Rio de Janeiro 82, Failure analysis· Stainless steels· Fracture· Fatigue The petrochemical industry is one of the most dynamic segments of the world economy, and its growth in the last years has led to the development of new materials to meet new requirements that are getting more demanding. Stainless steels have been developed for many applications that require a high resistance to corrosive environments. Duplex stainless steels (DSSs), which were first developed in 1927 and improved in the following decades, have been mentioned as a possible option to replace more traditional stainless steels. A NACEIISO standard describes the requirements for such applications [I]. DSSs have a two-phase microstructure (austenite and ferrite) and have some advantages, mainly higher strength, higher resistance to intergranular corrosion, and lower cost when compared with austenitic stainless steels. On the other hand, DSSs have some disadvantages, such as difficult thermomechanical processing and low resistance to pitting corrosion [2]. I n order to meet the typical requirements for toughness, strength, and corrosion resistance, phases such as (J phase, for instance, must be minimized [3-5]. Another deleterious phase, formed during thermomechanical processing of DSSs, is Cr2N. The Cr2N phase is also the main precipitate found in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of welded joints. The conditions that favor the formation of austenite, such as high nitrogen content and low cooling rate, minimize the formation of Cr2N precipitates [6] and increase the volume fraction of austenite. The (J phase is formed as a consequence of the decomposition of ferrite and also increases the volume fraction of austenite. This (J phase reaction is favored by aging at higher temperatures (650-900 0c) and longer periods (30 min to 8 h), and the kinetics of the reaction to form (J phase are slower than for Cr2N precipitation [3,5]. Austenitic stainless steels have many outstanding properties, apart from a high resistance to corrosion in many environments: they retain ductility and toughness under a range of exposure conditions, are less sensitive to embrittlement than ferritic stainless steels, and have better forming characteristics. Nevertheless, these good properties and characteristics are dependent on chemistry, in the sense that minor elements such as sulfur and phosphorus must be kept at levels below limits specified in standards [7-9]. Fatigue failure is consequence of cyclic loading. When a crack nucleates and propagates in the material, rupture will occur at a stress level much lower than that necessary to cause fracture under static loading. The main factors that influence fatigue failure are the range of variation of applied stresses, the number of cycles, stress risers, corrosion, temperature, residual stresses, and combined stresses. According to Fernandes and Castro [10], fatigue is a local, progressive, and accumulative mechanical failure, as a result of the nucleation and progressive propagation of a crack caused by cyclic loading. According to Suresh [II] the phenomenology of fatigue cracks can be analyzed as a problem of local plastic deformation and can be explained by the appearance of shear bands. When there is dislocation movement, certain grains form persistent slip bands, which appear mainly on the surface of the piece. Brittle fracture can be associated with several different causes, including the presence of harmful nonmetallic inclusions. The effect of such inclusions depends on the amount, shape, size, and distribution. Inclusions can act as stress raisers and thus serve as preferential sites for the nucleation of cracks [12]. Failure analysis uses several kinds of techniques to investigate the causes of failure in equipment or structures. Generally, the causes are related to the use of inadequate materials, the presence of defects, errors in design, improper assembly, or inadequate service during use. Knowledge about the causes and the correction of the anomalies allow improving the performance of similar equipment and prevent the reappearance of the same kind of failure [13]. Frequently, failure analysis attempts to correlate the topography of a fracture surface to the possible causes of fracture by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) [14]. In this work a fracture analysis of two centrifugal pump shafts used in the petrochemical industry is conducted using techniques such as SEM fractography, microstructural observation of duplex stainless steel in an optical microscope, and hardness tests. These techniques complement each other and thus, in an efficient way, allow the identification of the cause of the component failure. A duplex stainless steel shaft and an austemtlc stainless steel shaft that failed in service were investigated. There is not much information about the history of use of both components, but it is known that, in the first case, there was a problem in the frame of the pump that made necessary a repair work. After this work, the pump started to work, but after less than 3 months the shaft was broken. In the second case, the shaft was installed in the pump and after around 2 months it was broken on the edge where a nut locked the rotor in the shaft. The chemical composition of duplex stainless steel, obtained through x-ray fluorescence analysis, is presented in Table 1, and the chemical composition of the austenitic stainless steel is shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows the limits of chemical composition for 316L austenitic stainless steel prescribed by standard ASTM A 276-92 [7] (maximum or range). The nitrogen content is above and the nickel content is below the limits determined by ASTM A 276-92 for 316L grade austenitic stainless steel. The first centrifugal pump shaft (duplex stainless steel) was sectioned to obtain samples for microstructural analysis, SEM fractographic analysis, and hardness tests. Samples for microstructural analysis were subjected to standard metallographic preparation: grinding (100600 meshes), diamond paste polishing (6-1 llm), and etching with a 30 mL nitric acid, 10 mL chloridic acid, and 60 mL distilled water etchant. Samples for fractographic analysis were observed and photographed in equipment operating at 20 kV. Rockwell C hardness test comprised five measurements at different points of the sample, and the average value was calculated and considered to be representative of the sample hardness. The second centrifugal pump shaft (austenitic stainless steel) was subjected to the same preparation for optical microscopy and SEM observation (though the etchant in this case was a 20 g picric acid and 100 mL chloridic acid Table steel 3 Limits of chemical composition for 316 austenitic stainless reagent), while the hardness tests were performed Rockwell B scale, because of the lower hardness. on Figure I(a) shows the as-received fractured centrifugal pump shaft, while Fig. I (b), obtained in a stereomicroscope, presents the macroscopic overview of the fracture surface. Figure 2 shows the microstructure of the duplex stainless steel, with austenite delineated in a ferritic matrix, which is in accordance to the NACEIISO standard [1]. No (J phase was found through optical microscopy. In Fig. 2 (a) (transverse section image), the average size of the austenitic grains (austenitic islands distributed in a continuous ferritic matrix) is about 50 Jlm, which can be considered an acceptable value for a duplex stainless steel. The slightly elongated shape of the austenitic islands is also normal for a duplex stainless steel. Figure 3, obtained in a scanning electron microscope (SEM), presents microscopic aspects of the fracture surface, in which striations are clearly visible. These striations indicate failure by fatigue [IS]. Fig. 1 (a) Fractured centrifugal pump axis. (b) Fracture surface: macroscopic overview. Fracture origin indicated Figure 4 shows a detailed aspect of the same region of this fracture surface. Table 4 shows results of Rockwell C hardness test. The average hardness value (HRC 22.4) is lower then the upper limit (HRC 25) prescribed by the NACEIISO standard for the application of this component, and thus it can be considered acceptable [1]. According to Reick [2], duplex stainless steels, with chemical composition very similar to the one analyzed in this study, have tensile strength around 640 to 750 MFa, yield strength between 400 and 450 MFa, and total elongation around 25%, and these values are compatible with the application defined for this material in the present case. If one considers the results found in this study, with different techniques, it is evident that factors related to the intrinsic characteristics of the material (chemical composition and microstructure) cannot be linked to the causes of failure, which probably can be attributed to external factors. Figure 5 shows an unetched aspect of the longitudinal section of the austenitic stainless steel pump axis. Many nonmetallic inclusion particles (sulfide, oxide, and silicate particles) can be seen. The microstructure of the same material can be observed in Fig. 6 (transverse section) and Fig. 7 (longitudinal section): austenitic twinned grains and nonmetallic inclusion particles are clearly visible in both sections. In Fig. 6 (transverse section image) the average austenitic grain size is about 50 Jlm, which can be considered a normal value, since in most austenitic stainless steels used for this kind of application the average grain size varies between 30 and 60 Jlm. The general macroscopic overview of the fracture surface on this pump axis is shown in Fig. 8. The arrow Fig. 2 Duplex stainless steel microstructure. (a) Transverse section. (b) Longitudinal section I 22 22 2 3 23 4 23 22 5 A verage (Rockwell indicates the site where crack begins, and from this region radial marks diverge. Scanning electron micrograph images of the fracture surface are presented in Fig. 9 and 10, which reveal characteristic aspects of fatigue, even if not as clear as in the C) 22.4 first case. I n the same figures, arrows depict some small holes that contain inclusion particles; these holes are shown in detail in Fig. 10. These particles were analyzed by an EDS (x-ray energy dispersion spectrum) microprobe whose result is presented in Fig. II. I n this spectrum, a clear sulfur (S) peak can be seen, compared with the spectrum obtained from the matrix (Fig. 12), where such kind of peak does not exist. This analysis shows that, in spite of the sulfur content (0.026%) being slightly below the upper limit prescribed by the standard (0.030% according to ASTM A 276-92), sulfide inclusions were observed in the material. Sulfur is well known for Fig. 6 Transverse section: particles (black dots) twinned austenitic Fig. 7 Longitudinal section: austenitic (black and elongated) Fig. 8 General macroscopic overview pump axis. Fracture origin indicated grains and inclusion grains and inclusion of the fracture Fig. 9 Fracture particles surface (cleavage). Arrows: holes with inclusion particles surface on the degrading the mechanical properties of stainless steels. In some applications, when ductility and toughness are extremely important, it is necessary to lower the sulfur content below 0.020%, since sulfide inclusions aligned on the rolling direction are sources of mechanical anisotropy and reduce resistance to corrosion [8, 9]. The high nitrogen content and the low nickel content do not seem to be harmful to the material used in this application. It is clear that the high sulfide inclusions content contributes to fatigue fracture which led to the failure of the 316 austenitic stainless steel pump axis analyzed in this work. It is well known in the literature [16-18] that nonmetallic inclusions appear in the early stages of steelmaking process, mainly as a consequence of the presence of impurity in the raw material, which is retained in the liquid steel, or as a result of contamination from several sources. It is very difficult, perhaps impossible, to remove these inclusion particles by heat treatment or any other postfabrication J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2008) 8:320-326 325 Full.cale Fig. 11 EDS spectrum: particles coun15: JOOI F (inclusao) 10.221 keY 13 CounlS Cursor: Fe 3000 2500 2000 Cr 1500 1000 OFe Cr Fe 500 S Zn 0 0 3 4 5 keV klm ·1·H Fig. 12 EDS spectrum: matrix F u ll s c a le 10 8 F (matrll) c o u n ts: 3 0 0 0 Cursor: 10.221 keY 20 CounlS Fe 3000 o 6 o klm.l.H procedure, then, besides a costly steelmaking procedure, the only possibility of prevention lies on a careful inspection routine, comprising metallographic observation and determination of inclusion contents in stainless steel samples. The average hardness value (HRB 95.48: Table 5) is compatible with a 316 AISI-SAE austenitic stainless steel (around HRB 95) [16]. According to the literature [16], 316 austenitic stainless steel has ultimate tensile strength (UTS) around 515 MPa, yield strength (YS) around 205 MPa, and total elongation l 94.6 2 96.4 3 95.2 4 95.8 95.4 5 Average (HRB) 95.48 around 40%, which can be considered adequate properties for this kind of application. Stainless steels are widely used in the fabrication of components operating in the petrochemical industry for some reasons, mainly due to their excellent resistance to corrosion coupled with good mechanical properties. Nevertheless, some factors can lead to the failure of components, even if fabricated with an adequate material. In the present study, two cases of failure of components made of stainless steel were analyzed. 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