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ARTICLE IN PRESS Tuberculosis (2004) 84, 263–274 Tuberculosis www.elsevierhealth.com/journals/tube The use of microarray analysis to determine the gene expression profiles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in response to anti-bacterial compounds$, $$ Simon J. Waddella,*, Richard A. Stablera, Ken Lainga, Laurent Kremerb, Robert C. Reynoldsc, Gurdyal S. Besrad a Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, Cranmer Terrace, Tooting, London SW17 0RE, UK b INSERM U447, Institut Pasteur de Lille/IBL, 1 rue du Pr. Calmette, BP245-59019 Lille Cedex, France c Department of Organic Chemistry, Southern Research Institute, P.O. Box 55305, Birmingham, AL 35255, USA d School of Biosciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK Accepted 23 December 2003 KEYWORDS Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Innate drug resistance; Microarray; Isoniazid; Isoxyl; Tetrahydrolipstatin Summary The response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to six anti-microbial agents was determined by microarray analysis in an attempt to define mechanisms of innate resistance in M. tuberculosis. The gene expression profiles of M. tuberculosis after treatment at the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for 4 h with isoniazid, isoxyl, tetrahydrolipstatin, SRI#221, SR1#967 and SR1#9190 were compared to untreated M. tuberculosis. A common response to drug exposure was defined, and this expression profile overlapped with a number of other mycobacterial stress responses recently identified by microarray analysis. Compound-specific responses were also distinguished including a number of putative transcriptional regulators and translocation-related genes. These genes may contribute to the intrinsic resistance of M. tuberculosis to anti-microbial compounds. Further investigation into these mechanisms may elucidate novel pathways contributing to mycobacterial drug resistance and influence anti-mycobacterial drug development strategies. & 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction In 1993 the World Health Organisation declared tuberculosis (TB) a global emergency.1 Ten years $ doi of original article 10.1016/j.tube.2004.01.002 Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.tube.2003.12.005. *Corresponding author. E-mail address: swaddell@sghms.ac.uk (S.J. Waddell). $$ on, it has been estimated that the global incidence rate of tuberculosis is growing at approximately 0.4%/year.2 Of the world’s new tuberculosis cases approximately 3% were attributed to multidrugresistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in 2000. Although multidrug-resistant tuberculosis may not be a problem globally, MDR-TB is at critical levels in many hot spots across the world.3 The emergence of MDR-TB, the deadly link between TB and HIV infection, the problems of treatment expense and 1472-9792/$ - see front matter & 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tube.2003.12.005 ARTICLE IN PRESS 264 patient compliance, and the requirement to eliminate persistent infection emphasises the need for new anti-mycobacterial compounds to be developed.4 Mechanisms of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been identified to all five first line anti-mycobacterial drugsFisoniazid (INH), rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, and streptomycin. M. tuberculosis multiple resistance in these instances is conferred by a series of chromosomal mutations.5 However, less is known about mechanisms of intrinsic/natural drug resistance in M. tuberculosis such as reduced cell wall permeability, efflux systems, or the expression of druginactivating enzymes. The poor action of many antibiotics, and the relative resistance of bacilli to drying, alkali and many chemical disinfectants has often been attributed to the low permeability of the unusual cell wall structure of mycobacteria.6 In addition to the hydrophobic barrier of the mycobacterial cell wall, several genes encoding putative drug efflux systems have been identified in mycobacteria. The probable efflux protein efpA has been reported to be present in slow-growing pathogenic mycobacteria.7 The efflux pump LfrA has been demonstrated in M. smegmatis to confer low-level resistance to fluoroquinolones8 and to contribute to ethidium bromide resistance,9 whereas the M. tuberculosis P55 multidrug efflux pump has been identified to confer aminoglycoside and tetracycline resistance.10 Indeed, the H37Rv M. tuberculosis genome sequencing project revealed the presence of up to 24 members of the major facilitator superfamily of transporters, and over 80 putative members of the ABC-transporter family.11 Of the ABC-transporter family, 21 export systems were defined in M. tuberculosis, many of which are implicated in the export of drugs and which may contribute to the innate resistance of mycobacteria to broad spectrum antibiotics.12 M. tuberculosis has also been demonstrated to express b-lactamases13 and aminoglycoside acetyltransferases,14 which may reduce the effectiveness of b-lactams and aminoglycosides against M. tuberculosis. Further understanding of the mechanisms of intrinsic resistance to antibiotic compounds in M. tuberculosis may help to improve existing drug treatments and define new drug development strategies. The advent of microarray technology has allowed the transcriptional profiles of bacteria to be examined in response to various stresses. The use of M. tuberculosis microarrays was first reported to describe the induction of M. tuberculosis genes in response to INH treatment.15 Genes were identified encoding proteins related to the mode of action of S.J. Waddell et al. INH, such as acpM (coding for an acyl carrier protein), kasA and kasB (encoding b-ketoacyl synthases). Other genes most likely involved in the mycobacterial response to the toxicity of the drug were also highlightedFefpA (coding for a putative efflux protein), and aphC (alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, involved in the oxidative stress response). Microarray analysis of gene expression has also recently been used to predict the common functional category of unknown anti-mycobacterial drugs as part of a pipeline of drug discovery.16 We describe here the use of a gene-specific M. tuberculosis microarray to compare the transcriptional response of M. tuberculosis H37Rv to six compounds with anti-mycobacterial activity: (i) INH, a front line anti-tuberculosis drug targeting mycolic acid synthesis;17 (ii) Isoxyl, a drug used in the past to treat tuberculosis, targeting a delta-9 oleic acid desaturase and mycolic acid synthesis;18,19 (iii) Tetrahydrolipstatin (THL), a lipase inhibitor used in the treatment of obesity;20 and three compounds from The Southern Research Institute (Birmingham, Alabama, USA), exhibiting potent anti-mycobacterial properties (iv) SRI#221; (v) SRI#967; and (vi) SRI#9190. The comparison of these six distinct transcriptional profiles defines a common M. tuberculosis response to these anti-mycobacterial compounds, and describes drug-specific changes which may reflect the mode of action of each drug. This investigation also distinguishes genes of unknown function that may contribute to the intrinsic resistance of M. tuberculosis to anti-microbial agents. Materials and Methods Growth conditions and RNA extraction M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv was grown at 371C in Dubos liquid medium, supplemented with bacto Dubos medium albumin (Becton Dickinson). Mid-log phase mycobacterial cultures were concentrated to 1/20th volume of liquid medium and incubated overnight to recover. Anti-microbial compounds were added at approximately  1 MIC (determined using the Microplate Alamar Blue Assay, MABA,21 at The Southern Research Institute); the structures and MICs of the compounds used are detailed in Fig. 1. The drug-treated, together with untreated control mycobacterial cultures, were incubated at 371C for 4 h. M. tuberculosis RNA was extracted using the GTC/TRIzols method developed by Mangan et al.22 The RNA samples were DNAsel ARTICLE IN PRESS The use of microarray analysis 265 Figure 1 The structures of the anti-microbial compounds used in this investigation. The source and the approximate MIC of the compounds against M. tuberculosis are also detailed. MICs were determined using the Microplate Alamar Blue Assay (MABA)21 at The Southern Research Institute (Birmingham, Alabama, USA). treated and cleaned up on RNeasys Mini-Columns (Qiagen). Microarray hybridisation and normalisation strategies cDNA derived from three separate RNA extractions for each of the compounds tested and from untreated control samples were hybridised to a gene-specific PCR product H37Rv M. tuberculosis microarray, the design and generation of which is described in Stewart et al.23 Details of the M. tuberculosis microarray used in this investigation can be found at http://bugs.sghms.ac.uk/. Two colour competitive hybridisations were performed as previously described Stewart et al.23 hybridising the mycobacterial RNA-derived cDNA against M. tuberculosis genomic DNA. The hybridised slides were scanned sequentially at 532 and 635 nm corresponding to Cy3 and Cy5 excitation maxima using the 4.28t Array Scanner (Affymetrix). Comparative spot intensities from the images were calculated using Imagene 4.0 (BioDiscovery), and imported into GeneSpring 4.2 (Silicon Genetics) for further analysis. The array data was normalised to the 50th percentile, and values of less than zero were adjusted to zero. Repeat hybridisations using the same cDNA samples (between 3 and 7 replicates for each condition) were replicated together. The ARTICLE IN PRESS 266 experiments were then normalised to the untreated control sample using a per gene normalisation strategy. Microarray data analysis Two measures of significance were applied to the normalised data set to identify differentially regulated genes (i) a minimum p-value of 0.05 incorporating the cross-gene error model (GeneSpring) was set to discriminate genes significantly deviating from the 1:1 ratio (treated : untreated) which were then subjected to Benjamini and Hochberg correction to take into account multiple experiment testing and (ii) a one-way ANOVA (GeneSpring). A technique of single spot replacement, SSR (J. Bacon, personal communication) was also used to enhance the original data set. The un-normalised cDNA : genomic DNA ratios for each replicate under each condition were imported into Microsoft Excel. For each element on the microarray the individual ratio furthest from the median of the replicates was replaced with the mean of the remaining ratios. In this way the effect of extreme values was minimised from the data set. This SSR data set was then normalised as previously described, and subjected to two measures of significance: (i) the statistical group comparison (ANOVA); and (ii) the statistical package SAM (Significance Analysis of Microarrays, version 1.1524) was used to identify genes differently expressed in the normalised data sets. A minimum fold change of 1.5 between control and drug-treated data sets, and a false discovery rate (FDR) of less than one (of the median) was used as a measure of significance. The hypergeometric distribution was used to determine if particular functional categories of genes were enriched in response to each drug treatment. The hypergeometric p-values were calculated as described by Boldrick et al.25 where N ¼ 3924 the total number of genes in the population, A ¼ the number of genes within each functional classification, x ¼ the number of genes identified as up-regulated in response to each drug, and n ¼ the total number of genes up-regulated after treatment by each anti-microbial compound. Results The transcriptional response of M. tuberculosis to each of the six anti-microbial agents was defined as the subset of genes identified as significantly differentially expressed in two or more statistical S.J. Waddell et al. tests (described in the Methods). Using this analysis strategy, 155 genes were demonstrated to be upregulated by INH treatment (32 down-regulated); Isoxyl (231 up, 21 down); Tetrahydrolipstatin (208 up, 24 down); SRI#221 (182 up, 25 down); SRI#967 (116 up, 30 down); and SRI#9190 (124 up, 22 down). The fold changes and predicted function of these genes are described as supplementary information Table S1. Dissecting the transcriptional response of M. tuberculosis to the six drug compounds by functional classification (as described by Cole et al.11) revealed that the genes induced by drug treatment broadly represent most of the range of pathways that are present in M. tuberculosis. The hypergeometric distribution25 was used to determine whether the enrichment of genes within a particular functional category in response to each drug treatment was significant (p-value o0:05). Table 1 shows that the number of genes within the functional categories of energy metabolism and chaperones/heat shock were significantly enhanced after treatment with each of 3 or more antimicrobial agents. The functional category of lipid metabolism was significantly enriched in response to INH and isoxyl treatment, as was the category of polyketide synthesis after treatment with SRI#967. Additionally, the proportion of genes involved in the metabolism of the cell envelope was significantly increased after treatment with SRI#221 and SRI#967 (Table 1). Common response to anti-mycobacterial agents By comparing the similarities between the M. tuberculosis drug-induced expression profiles, a common response to anti-mycobacterial agents could be defined. A subset of 80 genes were identified which were significantly up-regulated after treatment with 3 or more anti-microbial compounds (of a maximum 6). These genes are listed in Table 2. Many of these common genes induced by exposure to anti-microbial compounds were involved in the mycobacterial stress response. Genes associated with DNA repair such as end (coding for a probable endonuclease) and recA (encoding recombinase A26) were up-regulated; together with Rv3049c (a probable monoxygenase) and aphC (alkyl hydroperoxide reductase) expressed in response to oxidative stress.27 Also over-expressed after drug treatment (43 drugs) were gltA1 (a probable citrate synthase) and icl (isocitrate lyase) similar to changes in metabolism seen under stress conditions.28 RNA polymerase ARTICLE IN PRESS The use of microarray analysis 267 Table 1 The M. tuberculosis response to 6 anti-microbial compounds examined by functional category, as defined by Cole et al.11 Only genes identified as significantly over-expressed in two or more of the statistical tests described in response to isoniazid (INH), isoxyl (ISO), tetrahydrolipstatin (THL), SRI#221/967/9190 are detailed in these tables. These gene lists are described in Supplementary Table S1. The hypergeometric probabilities25 of the enrichment of particular functional categories of genes in response to each drug treatment are indicated if a p-value o0.05, bo0.01, co0.001. Functional classification (as defined by Cole et al.11) Genes identified as up-regulated I. Small-molecule metabolism A. Degradation (163) B. Energy metabolism (292) C. Central intermediary metabolism (45) D. Amino acid biosynthesis (95) E. Polyamine synthesis (1) F. Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides (60) G. Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers (117) H. Lipid biosynthesis (65) I. Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis (41) J. Broad regulatory functions (187) II. Macromolecule metabolism A. Synthesis and modification of macromolecules (215) B. Degradation of macromolecules (87) C. Cell envelope (360) III. Cell processes A. Transport/binding proteins (123) B. Chaperones/heat shock (16) C. Cell division (19) D. Protein and peptide secretion (14) E. Adaptations and atypical conditions (12) F. Detoxification (22) IV. Other A. Virulence (38) B. IS Elements, repeated sequences and phage (135) C. PE and PPE families (167) D. Antibiotic production and resistance (14) E. Bacteriocin-like proteins (3) F. Cytochrome P450 enzymes (22) G. Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes (3) H. Miscellaneous transferases (61) I. Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases and hydrolases (18) J. Cyclases (6) K. Chelatases (2) INH ISO THL 221 967 9190 8 10 3 4 8 32c 3 7 8 18 1 1 5 18a 4 2 8 9 2 7 14a 1 2 2 5 7b 4 4 2 2 11c 3 5 4 4 2 7 5 7 5 3 9 2 3 4a 8 3 3 2 5 10 3 16 17a 7 23 17a 5 18 12 5 26b 8 1 20b 10 2 9 7 3a 7 6c 2 2 9 3a 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 3a 1 1 1 1 1 3 9a 10 1 6 1 11a 9 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 V. Conserved hypotheticals (915) 36 61 40 26 29 30 VI. Unknowns (606) Total genes (3924) 12 20 37 33 11 19 155 31 231 35 208 37 182 32 116 34 124 40 Total up-regulated genes after drug treatment Percentage of unknown function (39% of total genes unknown) sigma factors A and B were also induced, together with serine/threonine protein kinases B and G. sigB has been implicated in the M. tuberculosis response to a number of stress conditions.29 The product of pknG is predicted to be a soluble protein (the transcription of which may be controlled by the Rv No 3 4 5 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 pknB rpsF icd2 fbpC2 pntAB bglS Rv0247c fadD2 Rv0349 pknG Rv0412c Rv0446c icl mmpS2 end rpsS rpmC rplR Rv0851c fadE10 Rv0910 sucC esxl Rv1109c gltA1 narH papA3 Rv1184c esxK esxL atpG PPE19 appC Rv1683 Rv1733c narK2 Rv1738 Rv1747 esxN Rv1813c Rv0014c Rv0053 Rv0066c Rv0129c Rv0156 Rv0186 Rv0247c Rv0270 Rv0349 Rv0410c Rv0412c Rv0446c Rv0467 Rv0506 Rv0670 Rv0705 Rv0709 Rv0720 Rv0851c Rv0873 Rv0910 Rv0951 Rv1037c Rv1109c Rv1131 Rv1162 Rv1182 Rv1184c Rv1197 Rv1198 Rv1309 Rv1361c Rv1623c Rv1683 Rv1733c Rv1737c Rv1738 Rv1747 Rv1793 Rv1813c INH 2 2 ISO 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 THL 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 221 967 9190 Putative function 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Serine/threonine protein kinase B Ribosomal protein S6 Isocitrate dehydrogenase Antigen 85c, mycolyl transferase C Probable NAD(P) transhydrogenase Probable beta-glucosidase Probable succinate dehydrogenase Probable long-chain fatty acid CoA ligase Unknown Serine/threoine protein kinase G Possible conserved membrane protein Possible conserved membrane protein Isocitrate lyase Unknown, probable membrane protein Probable endonuclease IV 30s ribosomal protein s19 50s ribosomal protein L29 50s ribosomal protein L18 Probable dehydrogenase/reductase Probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase Unknown Probable succinyl-CoA synthetase Putative ESAT-6-like protein Unknown Probable citrate synthase Probable respiratory nitrate reductase Polyketide associated protein Unknown, possible exported protein Putative ESAT-6 like protein Putative ESAT-6 like protein ATP synthase gamma chain PPE family protein Probable cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase Possible long-chain acyl-CoA synthase Probable conserved transmembrane protein Possible nitrate/nitrite transporter Unknown Probable membrane transport protein Putative ESAT-6-like protein Unknown 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 4 3 4 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 A B C D E F G H I J d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d ARTICLE IN PRESS Gene name d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d S.J. Waddell et al. N 268 Table 2 The common response of M. tuberculosis to 6 anti-microbial agents, detailing the genes identified to be up-regulated in response to 3 or more of the antimicrobial compounds tested (maximum 6). Rv1987 Rv1997 Rv1998c Rv2005c Rv2007c Rv2032 Rv2091c Rv2147c Rv2185c Rv2202c Rv2243 Rv2244 Rv2245 Rv2299c Rv2346c Rv2405 Rv2428 Rv2467 Rv2626c Rv2627c Rv2629 Rv2703 Rv2710 Rv2737c Rv2744c Rv2754c Rv2818c Rv2846c Rv2959c Rv3049c Rv3136 Rv3250c Rv3270 Rv3388 Rv3478 Rv3592 Rv3601c Rv3823c Rv3824c Rv3874 3 4 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 4 4 2 4 3 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 Probable chitinase Probable metal cation transporter Unknown Unknown Probable ferredoxin Unknown, possible nitroreductase Unknown, probable membrane protein Unknown protein Unknown (TB16.3) Probable carbohydrate kinase Malonyl CoA-acyl carrier transacylase Meromycolate extension acyl carrier protein Beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase Probable heat shock protein Putative ESAT-6 like protein Unknown Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase C Probable aminopeptidase (pepN) Unknown Unknown Unknown RNA polymerase sigma factor A RNA polymerase sigma factor B Recombinase A protein 35-kd alanine rich antigen Probable thymidylate synthase Unknown Putative efflux protein Possible methyltransferase Probable monoxygenase PPE family protein Probable rubredoxin Probable metal cation transporter PE PGRS family protein PPE family protein Unknown (TB11.2) Aspartate1-decarboxylase Conserved large membrane protein Polyketide associated protein 10 KDa culture filtrate antigen (cfp10) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d ARTICLE IN PRESS Rv1987 ctpF Rv1998c Rv2005c fdxA acg Rv2091c Rv2147c Rv2185c cbhK fabD acpM kasA htpG esxO Rv2405 ahpC pepD Rv2626c Rv2627c Rv2629 sigA sigB recA 35kd ag thyX Rv2818c efpA Rv2959c Rv3049c PPE51 rubB ctpC PE PGRS52 PPE60 Rv3592 panD mmpL8 papA1 esxB The use of microarray analysis 4 3 4 3 3 6 4 3 3 5 4 5 4 3 4 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 4 3 6 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 269 Numbers in the columns (INH isoniazid, ISO isoxyl, THL tetrahydrolipstatin, SRI# 221/967/9190) indicate the number of statistical tests in which each gene was found to be significantly induced (minimum of 2, maximum 4). The left column labelled N, details the number of drugs in which each gene was significantly differentially expressed. Dots present in the columns A–J indicate that the gene has been previously identified to be up-regulated in response to various other stresses; A INH treatment,15 B INH and TLM treatment,16 C low oxygen,32 D nutrient starvation,37 E nitric oxide treatment,35 F phagocytosis,36 G carbon starvation (Hampshire et al., this issue), H detergent stress,34 I heat shock,23 J acid shock.33 This table is ordered by Rv number. ARTICLE IN PRESS 270 S.J. Waddell et al. redox status of the cell) which may be involved in glutamine uptake and which may be up-regulated under nitrogen-limiting conditions.30 Additionally the putative nitrate/nitrite transporter narK2, the nitroreductase acg and the nitrate reductase narH were also identified to be induced. Indeed, five genes demonstrated to be part of the ACG (acr-coregulated gene) family were found to be up-regulated after exposure to anti-mycobacterial compoundsF Rv1733c, narK2, Rv1738, Rv2005c, and acg.31 Many of the ‘common’ genes induced by drug treatment have been identified as part of the mycobacterial response to other stresses such as low oxygen,32 heat shock,23 acid shock,33 detergent stress,34 nitric oxide treatment,35 phagocytosis36 or nutrient/carbon starvation37 Hampshire et al., this issue. Those genes, which have also been previously identified to be up-regulated in response to these other stresses are marked in Table 2. Of the remaining genes induced by 3 or more drugs, five are annotated as efflux proteins or transportersF narK2 (a possible nitrate/nitrite transporter), Rv1747 (a probable ABC transporter), ctpF (a putative metal cation transporter), efpA (an efflux protein), and ctpC (a probable metal cation transporter). A second subset of six genes belonging to the ESAT-6 family of proteins was also identified as up-regulated after 4 h drug exposure (Rv1037c, Rv1197-Rv1198, Rv1793, Rv2346c, and Rv3874). The ESAT-6 gene clusters in M. tuberculosis have been associated with the generation and transportation of T-cell antigens lacking detectable secretion signals.38 These genes linked to the transportation of unknown moieties may be directly involved in the mycobacterial response to drug compounds which contributes to the intrinsic resistance of mycobacteria to anti-microbial agents. Drug-specific expression responses The expression profiles of M. tuberculosis treated with each of the six anti-microbial compounds were compared, by generating a similarity matrix detailing the number of overlapping genes between two drug treatments as a proportion of the possible maximum (Fig. 2). The mycobacterial response to INH and isoxyl exposure was most similar as may be expected as both drugs target aspects of fatty acid and mycolic acid biosynthesis.17,18,19 The expression profiles of M. tuberculosis treated with the compounds SRI#967 and SRI#9190 were also similar. Aspects of the mycobacterial response to individual drugs focusing on the possible action of the compounds is briefly presented below. INH and isoxyl Both INH and isoxyl inhibit fatty acid and mycolic acid biosynthesis in M. tuberculosis.17,18,19 INH has INH ISO THL #221 #967 #9190 INH 155 67 27 19 24 30 ISO 0.568 231 44 36 39 44 THL 0.826 0.788 208 32 29 25 #221 0.877 0.802 0.824 182 36 30 #967 0.793 0.664 0.750 0.690 116 44 #9190 0.758 0.645 0.798 0.758 0.621 124 Figure 2 A similarity matrix comparing the genes up-regulated in response to the 6 anti-microbial compounds tested (isoniazid, INH; isoxyl, ISO; tetrahydrolipstatin, THL; SRI#221/967/9190). Numbers in the top half of the figure represent the number of common genes up-regulated in response to two compounds. The maximum number of genes identified as significantly up-regulated (in more than 2 statistical tests) after treatment with each drug are displayed in the shaded cells. The bottom half of the matrix describes the number of genes common to two drug responses as a proportion of the possible maximum, calculated as 1-(common genes/maximum possible genes). The smaller this proportion is the greater the extent of the overlap between expression responses. ARTICLE IN PRESS The use of microarray analysis been demonstrated to target the enoyl-AcpM reductase InhA, a component of the fatty acid synthaseFII (FAS-II).39 Isoxyl treatment inhibits mycolic acid and shorter-chain fatty acid synthesis leading to the hypothesis that isoxyl may act on other components of FAS-II.18 Interestingly, it has also recently been shown to target a delta-9 desaturase in mycobacteria.19 Genes coding for enzymes involved in FAS-II were up-regulated after exposure to both drugs: fabD (coding for a malonylCoA::acyl carrier protein (ACP) transferase), acpM (an acyl carrier protein), kasA and kasB (both b-ketoacyl ACP synthases). These have been previously identified to be induced by INH, ethionamide and thiolactomycin treatment.15,16 Interestingly amongst other fatty acid biosynthetic genes induced by isoxyl treatment alone was mabA, a gene coding for a b-ketoacyl ACP reductase, which also belongs to the FAS-II system. The induction of mabA (which is transcriptionally linked to inhA in M. tuberculosis), after exposure to isoxyl, but not INH, may reflect differences in the mode of action of these two compounds. Further experiments such as the overexpression of mabA during isoxyl exposure may help to elucidate the primary target of isoxyl.40 Tetrahydrolipstatin Tetrahydrolipstatin (THL) is a reversible inhibitor of lipases used in the treatment of obesity (Xenicals, Roche). A number of M. tuberculosis putative lipases were up-regulated in response to THL treatmentFRv1683, lipD and lipV (although this was not significant by hypergeometric testing). Of the remaining induced genes, 4 encoding putative transporters (ctpl, sugA, Rv3253c, and Rv3781) and 6 coding for probable transcriptional regulators were identified (Rv0043c, Rv0823c, sigE, Rv3167c, Rv3687c and Rv3855). Also up-regulated on exposure to THL were 4 genes located in a gene cluster Rv0676c-Rv0679c. Rv0676c (mmpL5) belongs to a family of conserved large membrane proteins, Rv0677c (mmpS5) is part of a related small membrane protein family (which appears to overlap stop and start codons with mmpL5), the function of Rv0678 is unknown, and Rv0679c codes for a threonine-rich protein of undetermined function. The functional significance of this cluster of genes in the M. tuberculosis response to THL treatment cannot be elucidated by microarray analysis alone. However, further experimentation into this cluster or other genes of interest may define novel mechanisms of drug resistance in M. tuberculosis. 271 SRI#221 Figure 1 shows that SRI#221 is a potent antitubercular compound with a low MIC value, however the primary mode of action of this antimicrobial compound is unknown. Treatment of M. tuberculosis with SRI#221 induced two clusters of genes involved in complex lipid biosynthesis. The first cluster containing tesA (a probable thioesterase), drrB (an ABC-type transporter), papA5 (a polyketide synthase associated protein), and fadD28 (a fatty acid-CoA ligase), is involved in the biosynthesis and translocation of the multi-methyl branched mycocerosic acids in the generation of phthiocerol dimycocerosates.41 The second gene cluster includes Rv3822 (of unknown function), mmpL8 (a conserved large membrane protein), papA1 (a polyketide synthase associated protein) and fadD23 (a probable fatty acid-CoA ligase). These genes cluster around the polyketide synthase pks2, responsible for the biosynthesis of the multimethyl branched phthioceranic acids present in the sulpholipid complex lipids.42 The induction of these gene clusters may be part of a compensatory network to minimise the anti-mycobacterial effects of SRI#221, may reflect the broad nature of SRI#221 action, or highlight the primary mode of SRI#221 action to be within shared basic lipid biosynthetic pathways. SRI#967 and SRI#9190 The mode of action of the anti-mycobacterial compounds SRI#967 and SRI#9190 are yet to be determined. The M. tuberculosis response to SRI#967 exposure includes the up-regulation of Rv0076c and Rv0077c. Rv0076c encodes a probable membrane protein, whereas Rv0077c codes for a possible oxidoreductase. Similarly, Rv0135c (a putative transcriptional regulator) and Rv0136 (belonging to the cytochrome P450 group of monoxygenases) were induced by SRI#9190 treatment alone. The induction of these two distinct clusters (on exposure to different anti-mycobacterial compounds) may be part of a similar oxidative stress response. The identification that these genes may play a role in the intrinsic resistance of M. tuberculosis to anti-microbial agents using microarray analysis enables more specific experimental strategies to be employed. Of particular interest was a cluster of 4 genes which were significantly induced on exposure to both SRI#967 and SRI#9190. Rv3159c (encoding PPE53, a member of the PPE family), Rv3160c (a putative transcriptional regulator), Rv3161c ARTICLE IN PRESS 272 (a probable dioxygenase) and Rv3162c (a possible integral membrane protein) were up-regulated on exposure to these compounds alone (none of these genes were induced by the other anti-microbial agents tested). The probable dioxygenase Rv3161c is most similar to ring hydroxylating dioxygenases, so it is likely that this enzyme is involved in the degradation of benzene ring structures (which SRI#967 and SRI#9190 both contain, Fig. 1). Rv3160c and Rv3161c have recently been identified to be induced by triclosan treatment.16 Triclosan (2,4,40 -trichloro-2-hydroxydiphenyl ether) contains two chlorinated benzene rings. This cluster of genes may therefore be induced on exposure to compounds containing halogenated benzene rings, this would explain the up-regulation of the cluster in response to SRI#967 and SRI#9190, but not to the benzene ring structures in isoxyl and SRI#221. This gene cluster may be induced as part of a response to render halogenated benzene compounds benign, so contributing to the natural resistance of M. tuberculosis to a range of anti-microbial agents. S.J. Waddell et al. Supplementary Data Table S1 (on the web) The differentially regulated genes in response to 6 anti-microbial compounds. These tables describe the genes identified as significantly differentially expressed in the M. tuberculosis responses to each of the six anti-microbial compounds tested. Each table consists of the gene name (and unique gene identifier), Rv number, a brief description of the proposed function of the gene and the fold expression ratios determined using each of the four statistical tests described. The number of times each gene has been identified as significantly differentially expressed is detailed in the column labelled N. Cells in this column coloured purple indicate the presence of consecutive Rv numbers. Only genes identified by two or more statistical tests have been included in these tables. These tables are ordered by Rv number. Acknowledgements Discussion The response of M. tuberculosis to six antimicrobial compounds was determined by microarray analysis. The microarray expression data set was analysed using several statistical methods, the use of multiple statistical methods added extra depth to the interpretation of the data sets. Additionally, a single spot replacement strategy was used alongside the original data set to allow the maximum amount of information to be extracted from the data sets without significantly shifting the expression patterns. Using this microarray analysis strategy, elements of a M. tuberculosis common stress response and specific drug-induced changes were identified to six anti-microbial compounds. The up-regulation of genes specific to each compound may reflect the mode of action of the drug or define innate resistance mechanisms in M. tuberculosis. This investigation has defined an initial subset of genes which may be important in the innate resistance of M. tuberculosis to anti-microbial agents. Microarray profiling of M. tuberculosis gene expression after exposure to drugs enables compounds of unknown mechanism of action to be classified into similarity groups, but in this study has not been helpful to elucidate the site of or mechanism of action. This would require complementary genetic and biochemical studies informed by microarray profiling. The anti-microbial compounds used in this investigation were gifted from the following sourcesF Isoxyl from M.J. Colston and P. Draper, National Institute of Medical Research, London, UK; THL from P. Hadvary and Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland; and SRI#221/967/9190 from The Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, AL 35255, USA. Anti-mycobacterial MIC data were provided by the Tuberculosis Anti-microbial Acquisition and Coordinating Facility (TAACF) through a research and development contract with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. This work was supported by the NIH/NIAD (RCR), GSB is currently a Lister Institute Jenner Research Fellow and acknowledges support from The Medical Research Council. SJW acknowledges financial support for a Ph.D. studentship from GlaxoSmithKline. The authors thank Professor Philip D. Butcher and Dr. Jason Hinds of The Wellcome Trust funded multi-collaborative microbial pathogen microarray group at St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London, for access to M. tuberculosis microarrays. References 1. Najima H. The World Health Organisation report. 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