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Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 www.elsevier.com/locate/medengphy Consciousness monitoring using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) during high +Gz exposures Han C. Ryoo a,, Hun H. Sun a, Barry S. Shender b, Leonid Hrebien c a School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, 32nd Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA b Naval Air Systems Command, Human Systems Department, 48110 Shaw Road Unit 5, Patuxent River, MD 20670, USA c Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Received 14 May 2003; received in revised form 15 April 2004; accepted 27 July 2004 Abstract The relationship between human consciousness and oxygen saturation (rSO2) in cerebral tissue under high +Gz stress was non-invasively monitored by near-infrared multiple wavelength spectroscopy (NIRS). We studied the drop in rSO2 levels in human subjects during exposure to various head-to-foot acceleration (+Gz) profiles. These profiles included sustained +Gz plateaus and repeated short duration +Gz pulses of varying duration. The end point in this study was +Gz-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC). The rSO2 levels under normal (asymptomatic), almost loss of consciousness (A-LOC) and G-LOC conditions were recorded. Correlations among decrease in rSO2, +Gz pulse duration, +Gz stress level and incapacitation time (ICAP) after G-LOC were also investigated. It was found that once rSO2 fell to a certain level, G-LOC occurred. This threshold was repeatable and independent of the +Gz level or duration. It was also observed that the total ICAP after G-LOC was dependent on the length of time that rSO2 remained below the G-LOC threshold level, i.e. the longer the rSO2 level remained below the G-LOC induction level, the longer the subject remained unconscious. These results may prove to be useful in designing closed loop control systems for personal protective gear for pilots of high performance aircraft. # 2004 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Oxygen saturation; Acceleration stress; Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS); +Gz-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) 1. Introduction Although the phenomenon has been studied for many years, +Gz-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) continues to be a problem for aircrew of high performance aircraft. Historically, researchers had studied the cardiovascular effects of acceleration. In the late 1980s, however, there was a shift in focus, suggesting that G-LOC was a neurologic event, whose primary cause was the reduction of oxygenated blood flow to the brain tissue. The hypothesis was that loss of consciousness was not the result of injury to the central nervous system, but rather was a protective mechanism that maximized the survivability of neurons deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen [1–3,28,31].  Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-215-895-2223; fax: +1-215-8954983. E-mail address: hanryoo@drexel.edu (H.C. Ryoo). When aircrew of high-performance aircraft are exposed to +Gz stress, a spectrum of symptoms can occur ranging from loss of peripheral vision to blackout to G-LOC. Even when the stress is insufficient to cause G-LOC, deficits in motor and cognitive function can still occur. This phenomenon has been called almost loss of consciousness (A-LOC) [33]. In this research, we investigated to see whether the relative change in cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) could be used as a predictor of loss of consciousness by studying the relationship between rSO2 and the onset of G-LOC. It is hoped that this study will provide further insight into the neurologic mechanism of G-LOC, which can then be used to refine mathematical models and the course for future work [3,4,6–15,30,32]. Relative changes in cerebral oxygen saturation and related data are measured during various +Gz acceleration profiles using near-infrared multiple wavelength spectroscopy (NIRS). By acquiring a better understanding 1350-4533/$ - see front matter # 2004 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2004.07.003 746 H.C. Ryoo et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 of the nature and timing of +Gz-induced changes in cerebral tissue oxygenation, better control systems for personal protective gear for pilots of high performance aircraft may be implemented. ðOD2  OD1 Þ ¼ ðC2  C1 ÞeD  DPF : 2. Materials and method ð2Þ 1 Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been used for clinical monitoring of cerebral function and oxidative metabolism [16–20]. There are a variety of substances in human tissue whose absorption spectra at near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths are well defined. Compounds such as oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (Hb) and oxidized cytochrome oxidase (CtOx) have concentrations in tissue, which are strongly linked to tissue oxygenation and metabolism. As shown in Fig. 1, the specific extinction coefficients of HbO2 and Hb show spectral differences at wavelengths between 600 and 1000 nm [21]. In light scattering media such as bone and cerebral tissue, optical density (OD) decays in an exponential manner and obeys the modified Beer–Lambert law [22,23]: OD ¼ log10 ðIi =It Þ ¼ eC  D  DPF þ K The product eC is known as the absorption coefficient, la, of the medium measured in (cm1). It is possible to determine a change in concentration (C 2 C1 ) from a measured change in attenuation (OD2  OD1 ) at two different wavelengths, k1 and k2: ð1Þ where Ii is the light intensity incident on the medium; It is the light intensity transmitted through the scattering medium; e (lM1 cm1) is the extinction coefficient of the absorbing compound; C (lM) is the concentration of the absorbing material; D (cm) is the distance between the points where light enters and leaves the medium; DPF, differential path length factor, is the ratio between optical path length and the physical separation of the infrared emitter and detector; and K is a constant coefficient related to measurement geometry and the scattering coefficient of the tissue. The absorption coefficients la (cm ) at two wavelengths (k1, k2) can then be associated with the concentration changes of HbO2 and Hb [23,24] as: DHb ¼ Hb ðtransientÞ  Hb ðbaselineÞ eHbO2 ;k1 Dla;k2  eHbO2 ;k2 Dla;k1 ¼ eHb;k2 eHbO2 ;k1  eHb;k1 eHbO2 ;k2 DHbO2 ¼ HbO2 ðtransientÞ  HbO2 ðbaselineÞ eHb;k2 Dla;k1  eHb;k1 Dla;k2 ¼ eHb;k2 eHbO2 ;k1  eHb;k1 eHbO2 ;k2 ð3Þ ð4Þ where DHb and DHbO2 refer to the relative change in the Hb and the HbO2 concentrations between the baseline and transient conditions, respectively, and Dlak is the change in absorption coefficient at k relative to baseline. The DPF varies significantly over an emitter–detector v angle of 180–60 in angular position on spherical objects, and decreases with increased distance of separation. The DPF is assumed constant for a source– detector spacing of 4.4 cm and the average values of all DPF’s are measured for each wavelength [25]. The change in blood volume DBV, i.e. change in the total amount of hemoglobin, can be represented by the sum of DHbO2 and DHb [27]: DBV ¼ DHbO2 þ DHb: ð5Þ Similarly, it is possible to obtain the change in the regional oxygen saturation (rSO2), defined as DrSO2 ¼ DHbO2 =DBV ð6Þ The changes in the concentration of Hb and HbO2 can be used to calculate parameters such as cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume [26]. 3. Protocol Fig. 1. The absorption spectra of human adult oxyhemoglobin (HbO2)and deoxyhemoglobin (Hb). The Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Warminster, PA, dynamic flight simulator (DFS) was used to explore the dynamics of G-LOC during exposures to two types of rapid onset profiles at +6, +8, and +10 Gz: (1) sustained 15 s +Gz plateaus and (2) repeated short duration +Gz pulses [27]. Nine volunteers (eight male and one female) participated in this study after informed consent was obtained in accordance with US Navy (SECNAVINST 3900.39B) and US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations. The average characteristics of the H.C. Ryoo et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 male subjects were 31:3  6:6 year, 176:0  4:8 cm, and 78:9  14:7 kg. The female subject was 34 year, 162.6 cm, and 61.2 kg. During these exposures, subjects did not wear anti-G suits nor did they perform anti-G straining maneuvers. For the sustained +Gz plateau exposures, subjects experienced very rapid onsets (1.25 s) from a resting plateau of +1.25 Gz to a value of +6, +8, or +10 Gz which was maintained until either GLOC occurred or 15 s had elapsed at which time they were rapidly decelerated (1.75 s) to the resting +1.25 Gz level. For the repeated short duration +Gz pulse exposures, subjects were exposed to a series of increasing duration +Gz pulses. Each series was at a fixed Gz level of +6, +8, or +10 Gz. The first pulse in each series was held for 0.25 s. The second pulse lasted 1 s. Subsequent pulses were lengthened by 0.5– 1 s increments until the subject experienced visual symptoms. The remaining stimuli were increased in 0.25 s increments until the subject experienced GLOC. Between pulses, there was a rest of at least 1 min. Onset time was 1.25 s to plateau, with an offset of 1.75 s to a rest plateau of +1.25 Gz. An observer determined the onset of G-LOC and indicated this by activating a circuit that produced a flashing light and a loud beeper in the DFS. The subject’s incapacitation time (ICAP) was measured from the moment of G-LOC until the subject recognized the light and sound cues and pressed a button to turn them off. Physiologic monitoring signals included two channels of electrocardiography and brain tissue oxygenation measured using dual wavelength NIRS. When the stress was insufficient to cause G-LOC, the subjects could still experience A-LOC, i.e. deficits in motor and cognitive functions. No long-term ill effects of either A-LOC or G-LOC have been reported [33]. 4. Experimental NIRS system We used an experimental NIRS system designed by researchers at Rutgers University, NJ, for monitoring human rSO2 in centrifuge studies [29]. This consisted of a headband containing two GaAlAs laser diodes, with wavelengths of 810 and 840 nm and two photodetectors located 4.4 cm from the laser diodes. During exposures to +Gz stress, subjects shift downwards into the aircraft seat in the centrifuge as their apparent weight increases. While the NIRS emitters and detectors could have been moved along with the headband, motion artifacts should be minimal in this optical system since the system images a volume of cerebral tissue rather than aiming at a particular blood vessel that might shift away from the detectors under +Gz stress. The impinging laser light intensity was less than 100 lW/cm2, which is well within established laser 747 safety standards. The intensity of the input laser pulse decayed due to scattering as it entered the skull and was attenuated by the presence of Hb and HbO2. The detected signals at the two wavelengths were recorded by a computer data acquisition system (DATAQ Instrument), and OD was calculated and stored. All OD signals were sampled at a frequency of 33.33 Hz, and band pass filtered (0.01 Hz, 1 Hz) to mitigate the effect of baseline fluctuation and embedded noise respectively. Then, using the modified Beer–Lambert equation (Eq. (1)) with appropriate transformation coefficients for each wavelength, OD was converted into rSO2 (Eq. (6)). Examples of how these signals change during exposure to a +6 Gz sustained profile is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 illustrates typical changes that occurred during repeated +8 Gz pulses. In Fig. 2, an acceleration plateau at +6 Gz was maintained until the subject experienced G-LOC at 8.37 s into the +Gz plateau. During the +Gz stress, cerebral blood flow decreased and the value of DHb was seen to increase as the duration of the +Gz plateau increased. Conversely, the value of DHbO2 decreased as the duration of the +Gz plateau increased. When rSO2 decreased to a critical level, the subject was observed to lose consciousness and stay unconscious for more than 10 s as indicated by the ‘‘GLOC Event’’ marker. After the +Gz stress is removed, all three of the signals reversed direction and overshot their baseline values as consciousness returned. Fig. 3 shows a typical run of repeated short duration +9 Gz stimuli. The DHb, DHbO2 and rSO2 parameters behaved in a similar fashion to the +Gz sustained plateau runs. Statistical analyses included ANOVA with a Fisher’s least squares difference post hoc test to determine the source of any detected differences. Subjects were treated as random variables, fixed variables included +Gz level and symptom type (G-LOC, A-LOC, or normal) and dependent variables (factors) included the rSO2 level and ICAP as shown in Fig. 4. After the G-LOC was identified by video monitoring, comparisons using one-way ANOVA (a ¼ 0:05) analyses were performed for normal (asymptomatic), A-LOC (impaired), and G-LOC events. A total of 14 G-LOC episodes during 14 sustained +Gz plateaus and 40 A-LOC episodes and 15 G-LOC episodes resulting from short duration +Gz pulse exposures were analyzed. 5. Results Subjects were monitored directly after the +Gz exposures and the following day. They were also followed during the course of the experiment, which ran for 30 days. No deleterious effects were noted in 748 H.C. Ryoo et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 Fig. 2. Oxyhemoglobin (DHbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (DHb) and oxygenation saturation (rSO2) during a +6 Gz plateau. Fig. 3. Oxyhemoglobin (DHbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (DHb) and oxygenation saturation (rSO2) during repeated +8 Gz pulses. H.C. Ryoo et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 Fig. 4. 749 Example of change in rSO2 and period of incapacitation (ICAP) during +10 Gz G-LOC episode. the subjects as a result of the repeated A-LOC and G-LOC episodes. Relative changes in cerebral oxygen saturations were compared for the repeated short duration +Gz pulse stimuli at each +Gz level and for each symptom type. The results are shown in Fig. 5. Referring to Fig. 5(a), the mean rSO2 drop for normal (asymptomatic) conditions was significantly greater during +8 Gz than during +6 or +10 Gz pulses (F ¼ 6:86, p < 0:002). This was also seen for the ALOC condition (F ¼ 14:98, p < 0:0001). There were no significant differences in the rSO2 levels during G-LOC for different +Gz levels (F ¼ 1:12, p < 0:357). The ALOC and G-LOC symptoms showed significant drops during +6 (F ¼ 7:19, p < 0:002) and +8 Gz (F ¼ 14:45, p < 0:0001) stress, compared to normal state. The difference between normal and A-LOC and GLOC states during +10 Gz was less, though still statistically significant (F ¼ 4:21, p < 0:027). There was no significant difference in the degree in which rSO2 dropped between A-LOC and G-LOC based on +Gz level. If one combines average fall in rSO2 regardless of +Gz level, there was a significant difference (F ¼ 15:64, p < 0:0001) between normal state and both A-LOC and G-LOC conditions (Fig. 5(b)). Fig. 6 shows the relationships between average rSO2 levels and width of the repeated short duration +Gz Fig. 5. Mean change in oxygen saturation (rSO2) for normal, A-LOC, and G-LOC states: (a) by +Gz level, (b) for all +Gz levels. 750 H.C. Ryoo et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 Fig. 6. Linear regression of oxygen saturation vs. pulse duration for normal state at (a) +6, (b) +8, and (c) +10 Gz pulses. pulses at different +Gz levels for the normal state. The rSO2 levels showed a linear relationship with pulse width as shown by a regression analysis (r2 ¼ 0:93, 0.96 and 0.93 at +6, +8 and +10 Gz, respectively). The slopes of the rSO2 drop increase for higher +Gz levels, (slope ¼ 0:57, 0.86 and 1.1 for +6, +8 and +10 Gz, respectively). In Fig. 7, we show the rSO2 levels as a function of the +Gz pulse width for the +6, +8, and +10 Gz stimuli for the symptomatic runs (A-LOC and G-LOC) taken together. There is a weaker relationship between pulse width and rSO2 for +6 and +8 Gz but a stronger one for +10 Gz. Although there exists an outlier with unknown reason in Fig. 7(a), it does not affect the outcome significantly: r2 ¼ 0:39 with the outlier removed. Based on this data set, one could argue that for +6 and +8 Gz pulses once rSO2 drops to a certain level, symptoms occurred. At +10 Gz, however, this was not as clear. The relationship between rSO2 and ICAP after G-LOC for repeated short duration +Gz pulses is shown in Fig. 8. Comparison of ICAP at +6, +8 and +10 Gz indicated that there were no significant differences in ICAP based on +Gz level. For G-LOC episodes occurring during sustained +Gz plateau exposures ICAP times were measured at +6, +8, and +10 Gz. The average rSO2 drops and ICAP times are shown in Fig. 8. There were no significant differences among the rSO2 and ICAP values based on +Gz level for the sustained +Gz plateaus. The results of a comparison of average rSO2 and ICAP between the two stimuli types, i.e. repeated short duration +Gz pulses and sustained +Gz plateaus, indicated that there was no significant difference for rSO2 and ICAP at +6 Gz between two types of G profiles. However, at +8 Gz, the repeated pulse stimuli showed significantly larger drops in rSO2 (F ¼ 8:75, p < 0:021) and shorter ICAP (F ¼ 11:56, p < 0:001) than the sustained plateau stimuli. For +10 Gz, there was no significant difference in the rSO2 level, while the ICAP was significantly longer for sustained stress (F ¼ 11:56, p < 0:015). A comparison of average change in rSO2 and ICAP times for repeated short duration +Gz pulse and sustained +Gz plateau regardless of +Gz level indicated that the fall in rSO2 was significantly greater for repeated pulses than for sustained plateaus (F ¼ 13:63, p < 0:001) and ICAP times were significantly shorter for repeated pulses than for sustained plateaus (F ¼ 29:69, p < 0:0001). H.C. Ryoo et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 Fig. 7. 751 Linear regression of oxygen saturation vs. pulse duration for A-LOC and G-LOC at (a) +6, (b) +8, and (c) +10 Gz pulses. 6. Discussion Fig. 8. Comparison of rSO2 and ICAP for G-LOC between sustained plateau and repeated pulse +Gz exposures. Under the sustained G stress, cerebral blood flow was constantly interrupted and the concentration of DHb was seen to increase as the duration at the plateau increased. Conversely, the concentration of DHbO2 decreased and then rapidly elevated after the end of the plateau. When rSO2 reached a certain critical level, the subject started losing awareness and remained unconscious for more than 16 s on the average. As soon as the G stress was removed, the rSO2 level increased, often to a level greater than baseline, indicating a rapid return of blood to the brain tissue and reactive hyperemia. It is interesting that while the drop in rSO2 was less during sustained +Gz runs, ICAP was longer as compared to greater mean decline in rSO2 level and shorter ICAP during pulse runs. It was reported [14,15] that with the blood flow suppressed, breakdown products of ATP, which are the reduced ATP concentration and the elevation of adenosine concentration affect normal function of several neural membrane enzyme resulting in decreased nerve cell excitability and membrane resistance, which degrades passive membrane conduction. Therefore, it is speculated that accumulated metabolite 752 H.C. Ryoo et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 26 (2004) 745–753 for the longer duration of sustained runs may cause the recovery time to be elongated. Hence, ICAP may be related to the time duration below some critical rSO2 level rather than the amount to which rSO2 falls. The nature of the insult to the cerebrovascular system may also play a role in comparing the differences seen between G-LOC episodes induced by pulse as compared to sustained +Gz exposures. Subjects experienced from two to eight pulse exposures prior to demonstrating symptoms. Repeated exposures and experiencing A-LOC prior to G-LOC (note that during seven sets of pulses, A-LOC did not precede G-LOC) may contribute to a mounting ‘‘G-debt’’. That is that after a number of pulse G exposures, the volunteers experienced mounting fatigue, both physically and mentally, which may have impaired the functionality of cardiovascular reflexes to compensate for the +Gz stress. During these pulses, subjects were allowed a variable amount of time to rest between exposures. It is possible that such a G-debt and rest periods could account for a drop in rSO2 level, even while conscious, that could deviate from the linearly decreasing trend shown in Fig. 6. On the other hand, since short G exposures may not be long enough for metabolites to significantly accumulate in the brain tissues, this might be seen as a cause for faster recovery. 7. Conclusions Oxygen saturation in brain tissues during high +Gz stress exposures was monitored by NIRS and related symptoms of A-LOC and G-LOC. The relationship between the magnitude of the fall in rSO2 and the length of ICAP indicated that the type of +Gz exposure may play a factor in the nature and depth of the G-LOC event. It is assumed that the longer duration under sustained runs provided enough time for compensation by the cardiovascular system to be activated, and thus the drops in rSO2 were smaller than during the relatively short pulse runs. ICAP appeared to be related to the time duration below some critical rSO2 level rather than the level to which rSO2 falls. These results can be incorporated into the design of closed loop control systems for personal protective gear for pilots of high performance aircraft. Acknowledgements This project was supported in part by US Navy, Contract No. N62269-96-C-0081. References [1] Whinnery JE. 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