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TECTONICS, VOL. 23, TC1007, doi:10.1029/2001TC001329, 2004 Kinematic implications of joint zones and isolated joints in the Navajo Sandstone at Zion National Park, Utah: Evidence for Cordilleran relaxation Christie M. Rogers,1 Douglas A. Myers,2 and Terry Engelder Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA Received 24 September 2001; revised 15 February 2003; accepted 1 August 2003; published 24 January 2004. [1] At Zion National Park (ZNP) the landscape is a consequence of differential weathering of the Navajo Sandstone where closely spaced vertical joints constitute joint zones that erode to form regularly spaced (half kilometer) slot canyons striking 351. Between these joint zones is a set of isolated joints striking 339. Fracture interaction and horsetail/wing crack development indicate that the 339 striking joint set is younger than the 351 striking joint zones, despite the lateral extent of stress reduction shadows in the vicinity of the large-scale joint zones. In addition to an older, less pervasive, 020 joint set, this sequence of jointing records a counterclockwise rotation of the regional extension directed from WNW to WSW in the Navajo Sandstone at ZNP. ZNP is located at the western margin of the Colorado Plateau, 100 km east of the major normal faults of the northeastern central Basin and Range subprovince. Extension within the eastern central Basin and Range initiated during the Miocene and exhibited a WSW extension direction [Anderson, 1971; Wernicke et al., 1988; Snow and Wernicke, 2000]. The correlation between nearby Basin and Range extension and the extension direction for the 351 tending joint zones of ZNP is so close that the jointing at ZNP is interpreted as evidence for modest, yet pervasive Basin and Range extension in the western margin of the Colorado INDEX TERMS: 8010 Structural Geology: Fractures Plateau. and faults; 8020 Structural Geology: Mechanics; 8164 Tectonophysics: Stresses—crust and lithosphere; 9350 Information Related to Geographic Region: North America; 9604 Information Related to Geologic Time: Cenozoic; KEYWORDS: joints, joint zones, stress shadow, Zion National Park, Navajo Sandstone, Cordilleran relaxation. Citation: Rogers, C. M., D. A. Myers, and T. Engelder (2004), Kinematic implications of joint zones and isolated joints in the Navajo Sandstone at Zion National Park, Utah: Evidence for Cordilleran relaxation, Tectonics, 23, TC1007, doi:10.1029/2001TC001329. 1 Now at ExxonMobil Exploration Company, Houston, Texas, USA. Now at Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, The Woodlands, Texas, USA. 2 Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union. 0278-7407/04/2001TC001329 1. Introduction [2] In foreland regions, joint patterns are helpful for the dynamic analyses of tectonic events because the strike of one vertical joint set marks the trajectory of the maximum horizontal stress (SH) at a specific time during tectonic events [e.g., Engelder and Geiser, 1980; Hancock and Engelder, 1989]. The complexity of tectonic events is reflected by multiple jointing episodes that record the reorientation of the regional stress state as the tectonic event progresses [e.g., Gray and Mitra, 1993; Zhao and Jacobi, 1997; Younes and Engelder, 1999]. Joint patterns are also helpful for the kinematic analysis of tectonic events mainly because joints propagate normal to the direction of instantaneous extension [Segall, 1984]. Several studies of regional kinematics have used joints to understand tectonic regimes dominated by extension [i.e., Hancock et al., 1984; Hancock and Bevan, 1987]. The objective of this paper is to present a kinematic analysis of jointing indicative of penecontemporaneous extension in the western Colorado Plateau during tectonic relaxation of the Cordillera. [3] Our interest in the edge of the Colorado Plateau is focused on the region about Zion National Park (ZNP) (Figures 1 and 2), Utah, where pervasive large-scale jointing indicates a modest extension slightly south of west (Figure 3). The relatively undeformed Colorado Plateau has been a distinct tectonic province since the development of block uplifts during Laramide deformation at the end of the Cretaceous [Gries, 1983; Humphreys, 1999]. Extension in the Cordillera of the western United States has occurred from the Paleocene to the present [e.g., Axen et al., 1993], while that of the Basin and Range extension event, in particular, has been occurring since Oligocene [Zoback et al., 1981; Graf et al., 1987; Wernicke, 1992]. Several largescale Basin and Range fault systems affect the Colorado Plateau in the vicinity of ZNP (Figure 4) [Davis, 1999]. The Hurricane Fault is west of ZNP and represents the western margin of the Colorado Plateau tectonic province [Davis, 1999]. Although there may have been a left-lateral component to the fault displacement on the Hurricane Fault prior to the Quaternary [Anderson and Barnhard, 1993], this N10– 20E striking, high-angle, west dipping normal fault has exhibited purely dip-slip displacement from the Quaternary to the present with as much as 2520 m of total stratigraphic separation in SW Utah [Stewart and Taylor, 1996]. The Sevier Fault is east of ZNP, strikes N30E, and is also a high-angle, west dipping, normal fault zone that has exhibited dip-slip displacement ranging TC1007 1 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION Figure 1. Schematic showing the position of the Cordilleran Thrust Front and the Colorado Plateau in the western United States. Arrows signify the three extension directions responsible for regional jointing at Zion National Park in southwest Utah. from 600– 750 m. The area of interest, ZNP, is located within the relatively undeformed fault block bounded by the Hurricane and Sevier Faults. [4] In the study area, the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, an eolian sandstone, constitutes the bulk of the exposures within ZNP (Figure 5). The flat-lying Navajo exhibits large-scale to very large-scale trough, tabular-planar, and wedge-planar cross-stratification [Marzolf, 1983]. Maximum thickness of the Navajo in the Zion region is about 670 m, and on average the formation is about 610 m thick at the Park [Biek et al., 2000]. The Navajo Sandstone hosts a set of widely spaced, long, continuous joint zones [Gregory, 1950; Davis, 1999; Biek et al., 2000], and along these widely spaced joint zones, differential erosion produces the spectacular rounded cliffs and slot canyons of the Park (Figures 3 and 6). 2. Brittle Fracturing in the Navajo Sandstone at Zion National Park [5] Three styles of joint development have been identified at ZNP. Within the Navajo Sandstone, two styles of jointing appear to have distinct scales and orientations [Eardley, TC1007 1965; Hamilton, 1984]. The larger-scale lineaments are weathered joint zones [Gregory, 1950]. West of Zion Canyon, these large-scale lineaments trend 020, whereas, throughout the park, east and west of Zion Canyon, largescale lineaments strike 350. These large-scale lineaments represent the two sets of slot canyons cutting the Navajo Sandstone. West of Zion Canyon the 350 slot canyons terminate against the 020 slot canyons (Figure 3). A second style of jointing, striking 340, appears between the joint zones and consists of large-scale, isolated joints that do not erode into slot canyons [Eardley,1965] (Figure 7). Throughout the park, the 340 joints neither abut against nor cross cut the slot canyons. The third style of jointing at ZNP involves exfoliation along canyon walls [Robinson, 1970; Bahat et al., 1995]. [6] Zion Canyon and its lateral canyons cut the entire Navajo Sandstone section (Figure 3). These cliffs offer views of the NNW trending joint zones in cross section. The NNW trending joint zones cut the entire thickness of the Navajo Sandstone and consist of closely spaced (sub)vertical joints with an average strike of 351. Differential erosion of one or more joint zones produces each of the regularly spaced NNW trending slot canyons that collectively are the major topographic feature of ZNP. These 351 joints are very rarely located outside of the joint zones within the Navajo Sandstone. Rather, in between the slot canyons, the 339 isolated joint set predominates. The largescale, isolated joints are more closely spaced than the slot canyons that have eroded from the joint zones. These isolated joints do not penetrate the entire thickness of the Navajo Sandstone, do not commonly promote differential weathering, and thus do not factor significantly in the shaping of the topography of the park. [7] The slot canyons, which erode from the joint zones within the Navajo Sandstone at ZNP, have a spacing that is approximately equal to the thickness of the sandstone unit [Rogers and Engelder, 2004]. Furthermore, the two sets of joint zones at ZNP are confined to the Navajo Sandstone and traceable within neither the underlying Kayenta and Moenave Formations nor the overlying Temple Cap and Carmel Formations. This joint zone height (equal to bed thickness) to spacing relationship is consistent with other joint sets confined within individual beds [Narr and Suppe, 1991; Gross et al., 1995]. The uniform spacing of joints confined to one bed may be a consequence of stress reduction shadows that prevent infilling between pairs of joints spaced at about the thickness of the bed. The spacing of the ZNP joint zones is consistent with this theory in so far as infilling of additional 350 joints between the joint zones appear to have been inhibited by the presence of stress shadows. This mechanical scenario is also consistent with the hypothesis by Eardley [1965] that the isolated joints should have propagated before the larger-scale 351 joints. [8] Eardley’s [1965] field notes suggested that the largescale, isolated joints are older than the joint zones (W. L. Hamilton, personal communication, 2001). The reason for his interpretation is unclear. A secondary objective of this study is to examine the validity of the 1965 Eardley hypothesis that the isolated joints are older than the joint 2 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 Figure 2. Central Basin and Range subprovince and the relatively undeformed Colorado Plateau and Sierra Nevada to the east and west, respectively. Within the central Basin and Range, two highly extended regions, the Lake Mead and Death Valley extensional belts, differ in extension direction and are separated by the Sheep Range and Spring Mountains Blocks. Zion National Park is located at the western margin of the Colorado Plateau just east of the northern Lake Mead extensional belt (modified from Snow and Wernicke [2000]; reprinted by permission of American Journal of Science). Location given in Figure 1. zones. To accomplish this and the overall objective of understanding how Cordilleran relaxation overprints the Colorado Plateau, we will (1) characterize the joint spacing distribution of the two NNW trending joint sets within outcrops at ZNP and within aerial photographs of the Park, (2) characterize the geometry of the 339 trending isolated joints in relation to the 351 trending joint zones, and (3) infer the age relationship between these two joint sets at ZNP and the resulting stress history they represent, and (4) place these jointing events into a context of Cordilleran relaxation by extension. 2.1. Orientation and Spacing Data [9] Spacing and orientation data were collected from joint-perpendicular scan lines, joint-parallel scan lines, and aerial photograph scan lines mainly along highway 9 within ZNP (Figure 8). The joint zones and the isolated joints are distinguished, first, by orientation with the strike and dip of the plane to the vector mean pole for fractures in several joint zones at 171/87 (right hand rule for the 351 trending joint zones) and isolated joints at 159/90 (the 339 joints) (Figure 9). These two sets of brittle structures are also distinguished by their spacing. Two methods of determining the spacing from aerial photographs were utilized: the standard joint-perpendicular scan line method (D) and the area method (S) of Wu and Pollard [1995]. For the joint zones, the linear scan line spacing, D, is approximately 435 m (line a – a0 in Figure 8), whereas the spacing, S, determined by the area method is approximately 454 m Figure 10a). For the isolated joints, the scan line spacing, D, is approximately 21 m (line b – b0 in Figure 8) and the spacing, S, is approximately 23 m (Figure 10b). 2.2. Descriptive Morphology of Joint Zones [10] In aerial photographs, the slot canyons resemble a large-scale, regularly spaced joint set in the Navajo Sandstone (Figure 6). On the ground, however, each canyon erodes from one or more joint zones composed of closely spaced (sub)vertical joints. Horizontal exposures of joint zones were observed in the eastern half of the Park along Highway 9. Thirty-eight joint perpendicular scan lines were taken in the Navajo Sandstone across these joint zones, and at many stations, the vector mean pole defines a joint strike (i.e., 351) that is consistent with the trend of the associated slot canyons observed in aerial photographs and topographic maps. [11] Exposures of joint zones in cross section occur in cliffs of Navajo Sandstone in the western half of the Park. Here, where the entire Navajo section is exposed, joint zones cut to the base of the Navajo and are associated with deeply eroded slot canyons. No stratigraphic offset was observed on fractures within the zones, and although joint zones cut the entire thickness of the Navajo Sandstone, individual fractures within the zones do not. Individual 3 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 Figure 3. Field area at Zion National Park. The NNW trending slot canyons are labeled A-S, of which R slot joint zone, Court of the Patriarchs, and M slot joint zone, Refrigerator Canyon (asterisks), are described in detail in the text. The orientation of these NNW trending joint zones reflects an average 261 regional extension direction. West of Zion Canyon, note that the NNW joint zones (canyons) terminate against the presumably older NNE joint zones (canyons). Locations of subsequent figures indicated by boxes. fractures are (sub)vertical, and local wing crack growth indicates vertical propagation of joints within these zones. [12] Slot canyon morphology is a function of the number of associated joint zone(s). A single joint zone controlled the erosion of R slot in the Court of the Patriarchs where the canyon tip is observed in the joint zone (Figures 3 and 11). This slot canyon exhibits a tilted ‘‘V’’ shape in cross section and cuts 90% of the thickness of the Navajo Sandstone. In contrast, two joint zones define M slot, Refrigerator Canyon, where it meets Zion Canyon (Figures 3 and 12). The associated slot canyon exhibits a ‘‘box’’ morphology and cuts 480 m of Navajo Sandstone. Fractures within this pair of zones exist symmetrically below and define the box canyon edges at the base of the canyon. 2.3. Descriptive Morphology of 339°° Striking Isolated Joints [13] Although the 339 striking isolated joints are indeed small relative to the height, length, and spacing of the joint zones at ZNP, they are large-scale features by most measures. While these joints may seem tall (>20 m) when viewed in outcrop, none cut through the entire thickness of the Navajo Sandstone. [14] Isolated joints have three important morphological characteristics. First, the plumose structure apparent on the joint face indicates that the joint propagated in the subhorizontal direction (Figure 13), not the vertical direction as in the case for joints in the joint zones. Second, the joint face illustrates that the isolated joints are longer in the horizontal dimension than in the vertical dimension. The ellipticity of the joint face in Figure 13 was calculated at greater than 5:1. Thirdly, larger members of this joint set carry well-developed fringe cracks. Fringe cracks are out of plane en enchelon joints that occur at the margins of the main joint face [e.g., Younes and Engelder, 1999]. Isolated joints in this category have a central surface characteristic of a parent joint and right stepping en echelon fringe cracks (Figure 14). The isolated joints of Figure 14 are exposed on an inclined surface; therefore, the oblique cross section of the joints shows right stepping en echelon fringe cracks both above and below the parent joint. [15] The isolated joints are regularly spaced; however, their spacing is much closer than is expected for typical joints in bedded sedimentary rocks [see Olson, 1993, Figure 14], such that spacing is less than the vertical dimension of the joints. Joints, confined by bed boundaries, often show a one to one relationship between bed thickness and joint spacing. The height to spacing of the isolated joints 4 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 Figure 4. Fault systems of the Colorado Plateau in southwestern Utah. These Basin and Range-style faults, the Hurricane, Sevier, and Paunsaugunt, are large-scale down-to-the west normal faults (modified from Davis [1999]). at ZNP is characterized by fracture spacing ratios (FSRs), i.e., bed thickness/average joint spacing [Gross et al., 1995], much higher than unity (Figure 15). The value of the FSR ranges from 4 to 20, but peaks in the range of 9 to 12. [16] At some places within the Navajo Sandstone isolated joints become so closely spaced that they appear as a joint zone, but at ZNP they do not erode as slot canyons. Not only does this type of zone differ from the large-scale 351 trending joint zones in orientation, but it also differs in zone geometry. The isolated joints are more consistently vertical, paralleling one another across the zone (e.g., Figure 16). In contrast, the steeply dipping subvertical joints of the largescale joint zones have a tendency to dip toward the centerline of the associated slot canyon [Rogers and Engelder, 2004] resulting is a different geometry/distribution of joints within the zone (e.g., Figure 12). 2.4. Age Relationship Between Joint Zones and Isolated Joints [17] In identifying the relative age of joint sets, evidence that older, preexisting, joints have influenced the propagation of younger joints is key to making the determination. Younger joints, generally, do not cross older joints. Additionally, the orientation of tail and horsetail fractures represents a younger joint orientation along requisite older joints. Furthermore, younger joints can curve in the vicinity of older joints. [18] These particular characteristics are used to determine the relative age relationship between the three joint sets, and, in particular, the 351 trending joint zones and the 339 trending isolated joints, at ZNP. Aerial photograph interpretation reveals that the 339 trending isolated joints do not cross the 351 trending slot canyons (Figure 7), and the 351 trending slot canyons do not cross the 020 trending slot canyons (Figure 3) indicating that the isolated joint are the youngest joints of the three. [19] Isolated joints, in the form of tail and horsetail fractures, have been identified along the 351 trending joint zones, also indicating that the isolated joints are the youngest. Both tail and horsetail fractures form when a parent joint is later sheared due to a change in the regional/local stress field. Tail cracks form at the parent crack tip and horsetail fractures initiate at discontinuities along the parent joint [Cruikshank and Aydin, 1995]. For example, a tail fracture has propagated from the termination of I slot joint zone (Figure 17), and horsetail fractures are present along the L slot joint zone (Figure 18). These tail and horsetail fractures have propagated along the tips of the joint zones in the orientation of isolated joints. Since the parent joint must be present before a tail or horsetail fracture can propagate, the isolated joints are inferred to be younger than the joint zones. [20] Finally, isolated joints are also observed to curve parallel to 351 trending joint zones (Figure 17). Isolated joints between slots (joint zones) H and I follow a curved trajectory to parallel the slot canyons. The existence of this curving parallel relationship indicates that 351 trending joints were present before the propagation of the isolated joints [Dyer, 1988]. 5 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION K I-J pair H TC1007 G N hwy 9 L 0 0.5 0 0.5 1 mi Trend of isolated joints 1 km A Figure 5. Stratigraphic column of the units exposed within the Zion National Park area, Utah [Peterson and Pipiringos, 1979; Marzolf, 1983; Hamilton, 1984; Hintze, 1988]. [21] Some isolated joints propagate as a smooth curve when the local stress field of the joint tip begins to be influenced by a local stress field generated in the vicinity of a joint zone. Many isolated joints curving parallel to joint zones have right stepping en echelon fringe cracks (Figures 14 and 19a). Manifestation of this curving parallel Figure 6. Aerial view of the NNW trending slot canyons, eroded joint zones, in the Navajo Sandstone. This view encompasses the field area at Zion National Park (Figure 3) (note that photo distortion exists due to camera tilt). The different slot canyons are labeled with capital letters and cross-referenced to Figure 3. The canyons generally trend 350, and they are spaced approximately a half-kilometer apart. Joint zones/slot canyons Figure 7. Aerial photograph over eastern Zion National Park along Highway 9 (see location, Figure 3). Joint zones of the Navajo Sandstone, labeled with capital letters, have preferentially eroded into slot canyons. In between the joint zones, a set of isolated joints is evident. relationship differs depending on the level at which the isolated joint is observed, i.e., whether the main joint face or its fringe zone is exposed at the surface. [22] The trace of the isolated joints in plan view is dependent on the relative vertical position of the bedrock surface cutting the joint face. For example, if the top fringe of the isolated joint was eroded leaving only the curving portion of the main joint face (Figure 19b, surface B) the trace of the isolated joint would be 339 in the center of the joint with each joint tip curving smoothly parallel to a joint zone. On the other hand, if the fringe of the isolated joint is exposed at the surface (Figure 19b, surface A) the trace would also have a 339 striking middle joint segment, but have similarly striking, right stepping en echelon fringe cracks on either end of the middle joint segment. The series of the right stepping en echelon fringe joints traces a curving path that will eventually parallel the joint zone, while each individual en echelon crack maintains the orientation of the parent joint. [23] Data on right and left stepping en echelon cracks were collected from nine joint-parallel scan lines. The sense of en echelon stepping is used to confirm the nature of curving of the isolated joints as seen in aerial photographs (Figure 17). Seventy-three percent of all measured en echelon joints step to the right with the remainder stepping to the left (Table 1). Right stepping joint segments are consistent with a joint curving in a clockwise direction. Because these en echelon cracks are propagating from a parent joint as visualized in Figure 19, then the distance between adjacent en echelon cracks (i.e., step distance) and overlap distance of these same cracks should correlate in a systematic manner. The overlap distance is about 1 order of 6 of 16 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 I J E G D D2 M K10 K9 K11 M11 N1 I3 I5 b2 H9 G3 H2H3 J4 G2 I4 H4 G1 H5 E3 E4 E1 Hwy 9 A1 C1 C A D3 B 7 Figure 1 L N (F) H H8 K O? TC1007 a' N5 N6 O4 N4 M10 e 18 Figur a L2 b Temple cap and Carmel Fm SCALE 1 0 0.5 1 0.5 0 b' 1 mile N NW trending slot canyon/joint zone, dashed where inferred 1kilometer Navajo Fm. Kayenta Fm, Moenave Fm, and/or alluvium Figure 8. Sites of joint spacing and orientation scan line data collection (i.e., circled field locations and lines a – a0 and b – b0) (this location given in Figure 3). Locations of subsequent figures indicated by boxes. magnitude larger than the distance between adjacent en echelon pairs (Figure 20). This is typical for en echelon joints [i.e., Younes and Engelder, 1999]. [24] The expected angle, q, between the en echelon stepping zone and the main joint trend can be calculated by taking the inverse tangent of the slope of the best fit line. This angle is approximately 3.4. Presumably, this is representative of the misalignment of the zone of en echelon fringe cracks and the parent joint. [Dyer, 1988] and in the Jurassic limestones of the Bristol Channel [Engelder and Peacock, 2001]. Like the rocks at Arches and the Bristol Channel, the regional stress field reaches between the preexisting joint set to control the direction of later propagation. [26] The isolated joint set in the Navajo Sandstone at Zion has in filled to reach a state of closely spaced 3. Mechanical Explanation for Propagation of En Echelon Fringe Cracks From a Curving-Parallel Parent Joint [25] Joint spacing can give clues about boundary conditions leading to joint propagation in bedded sediments. For example, those joint sets displaying a fracture spacing ratio of about unity are considered saturated and appear to have growth restricted within stress shadow zones [Narr and Suppe, 1991; Gross et al., 1995]. The NNW trending slot canyons, which are localized along joint zones, at ZNP have an FSR near unity. However, the isolated joints postdate the joint zones and most have propagated within the stress shadow zone of the joint zones. The exact boundary conditions driving propagation within the stress shadow regions of existing joint zones are not entirely clear at present. It is, however, a common phenomenon as seen in the Jurassic Entrada Sandstone of Arches National Park Figure 9. Lower hemisphere stereonet plots composed of joint-perpendicular scan line data from the joint zones and the set of isolated joints. The strike and dip of the plane to the vector mean pole is given (right-hand rule applies). 7 of 16 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 A) 1200 Spacing (m) 1000 800 600 S = 454m 400 D = 435m 200 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Position (m) B) 60 Spacing (m) 50 40 30 S = 23m 20 D = 21m 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 TC1007 explanation for this behavior is based on the fact that the size and lateral extent of a crack-tip stress field scales with the length of the initial crack. A crack that is 10% as long as another crack will have a crack-tip stress field that reaches 10% as far from the crack tip (Figure 21). [28] The propagation path of a joint is governed by the location of the maximum circumferential stress, which, in turn, is defined by the shape of the crack-tip stress field [Erdogan and Sih, 1963; Lawn, 1993]. As long as the cracktip stress field is symmetrical, the maximum circumferential stress remains in line with a planar crack and in-plane propagation takes place. If the crack-tip stress field is distorted for any of a number of reasons, the maximum circumferential stress is no longer in line with the crack. In this latter case, the crack will propagate out of its plane and toward the maximum circumferential stress. This leads to a curved joint. Isolated joints in the Navajo Sandstone propagate in their plane until the crack-tip stress field contacts a joint zone, becomes asymmetrical, and out-ofplane propagation takes place (Figure 21). [29] Fringe cracks on the isolated joints propagate in the direction of the regional maximum horizontal stress, SH. This indicates that when the fringe cracks propagated, there was a traction across the joint zones and the regional stress was transmitted without being deflected by the joint zones. This situation may differ from the situation during propagation of the parent crack with a curving propagation trajectory. Then traction across the joint zones was small enough to permit the modification of the crack-tip stress field of the parent joint as its tip propagated toward the joint zone. The en echelon fringe cracks continued in-plane propagation, isolated from and lagging behind that of the 800 Position (m) Figure 10. Plot of joint spacing versus position for (a) the 350 trending joint zones and (b) the set of 339 trending isolated joints as determined from the scan line, D, analysis. The dashed line indicates average spacing determined in the scan line analysis. For comparison, the value derived from the area method, S, is plotted as the solid line. fracturing [Bai and Pollard, 2000]. Joints that are more closely spaced than expected for standard saturation are believed to have propagated from flaws near the interface of beds [Bai and Pollard, 2000], but the closely spaced isolated joints within the Navajo Sandstone appear to have propagated from inside the bed. At this point, evidence suggests that the isolated joints are late, but their driving mechanism remains unknown. [27] The behavior of the en echelon fringe cracks of the isolated joints presents a paradox. Despite being near a joint zone, these fringe cracks propagate in the direction of the parent crack before it curved to propagate subparallel to a joint zone. The question is why the fringe cracks continue to propagate toward the joint zones long after the parent crack has been forced to curve parallel to the joint zones. An Figure 11. View of the Navajo Sandstone at R slot as viewed from the Court of the Patriarchs (Figure 3). A single fracture zone and a tilted ‘‘V’’ shaped slot canyon characterize R slot. See color version of this figure in the HTML. 8 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 a counterclockwise rotation of extension in the region. Two sets of joint zones include an early, less developed, NNE (020) trending set and the later NNW (351) set that dominates the landscape (Figures 3 and 6). A set of isolated joints striking NNW (339) occurred later than the NNW set of joint zones as indicated by the geometric characteristics described above. Kinematically, these three fracture sets reflect a regional extension of the Cordilleran foreland that was first north of west and then rotated in a counterclockwise direction to south of west. While the absolute timing of regional extension responsible for the propagation of these fracture sets is uncertain, we can make some inferences focusing on the kinematics of extension in the Cordilleran foreland. Previously, the jointing at ZNP was loosely attributed to Basin and Range extension to the west [Eardley, 1965; Biek et al., 2000]. Here we have presented a detailed account of the jointing at ZNP and attempt to identify a specific regional context. [31] The joints at ZNP are kinematic indicators of past events that have occurred locally in the vicinity of the Figure 12. Oblique view of the Navajo Sandstone at M slot, Refrigerator Canyon, as viewed from Zion Canyon (Figure 3). Two fracture zones, separated by an unfractured volume of rock, and a ‘‘box canyon’’ morphology characterize M slot. See color version of this figure in the HTML. parent joint, and due to their small size, their crack-tip stress field does not come in contact with the joint zone. 4. Discussion: Regional Kinematics [30] At Zion National Park the evolution of brittle fracturing is related to at least a portion of the post-Mesozoic Cordilleran relaxation; the question is which part? Three episodes of brittle fracturing, with clear relative ages, define Figure 13. Face of an isolated joint with plumose structure (note dashed lines) indicating subhorizontal joint propagation illustrates that the isolated joint is longer in the horizontal dimension than in the vertical dimension. See color version of this figure in the HTML. Figure 14. Photograph of isolated joints with en echelon fringe cracks. The location is marked in Figure 8 as b2, between H and I slots. Note the right stepping en echelon joints above and below the parent joint (B2) and that the spacing of the isolated joints (B2 – B5) is much less than the joint height. A geologist is barely visible in the lower left of the picture for scale (arrow). See color version of this figure in the HTML. 9 of 16 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 6 of the regional set of isolated joints and, most notably, that of the NNW trending joint zones. The question is whether the extension at ZNP is penecontemporaneous with the regional Cordilleran extension and, therefore, a manifestation of the same deep-seated process. If so, then the western Colorado Plateau exhibits additional evidence for Basin and Range extension beyond the classic Basin and Range normal faults (i.e., the Hurricane and Sevier Faults) recognized there. In addition, we speculate on the events that 5 Frequency TC1007 4 3 2 1 0 0-3 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 15-18 18-21 21-24 FSR Figure 15. Histogram of the Fracture Spacing Ratio (FSR) range measured from the isolated joints in Figure 16. The peak FSR range is 9 – 12. western edge of the Colorado Plateau. Joints serve as kinematic indicators since they propagate normal to the direction of instantaneous extension [Segall, 1984]. Consequently, the events that led to their development may be recognized in the tectonic events that have affected the region, targeting, specifically, those that share common directions of extension with the joint sets at ZNP. In particular, this discussion narrows to focus on early extension in the central Basin and Range subprovince (CBR), directly west of ZNP (Figure 2), where evidence for WSW directed extension [Anderson, 1971; Wernicke et al., 1988; Snow and Wernicke, 2000] parallels the extension direction Figure 16. Photograph of the closely spaced, isolated joints resembling a joint zone as viewed south across highway 9 between J and K slots (note car in lower left for scale) (Figure 8). This type of joint zone is different in character from the widely spaced, 351 trending, slot canyon forming joint zones. See color version of this figure in the HTML. Figure 17. Aerial photograph tracing of the curvingparallel relationship of the isolated joints relative to the joint zones between H and I slots (location given in Figure 8). The propagation of the younger isolated joints is influenced by the presence of the older 351 trending joint zones. In addition, a tail fracture has been interpreted at the south end of I slot. 10 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION Horsetail Fractures Hwy. 9 L N Scale 300 m Horsetail Fractures Figure 18. Aerial photograph tracing of horsetail fractures propagating in the isolated joint set orientation from L slot joint zones (location given in Figure 8). resulted in the counterclockwise rotation of extension in the western margin of the Colorado Plateau at ZNP. 4.1. Postcompressional Relaxation of the Cordillera [32] The Cordilleran foreland of the western United States exhibits a multistage postcompressional relaxation. Tectonically driven, late Mesozoic compression caused Sevier-style and Laramide-style shortening, each imprinting distinctive structures on the region. Postcompressional relaxation of thickened crust of the Cordilleran thrust front has been proposed as a mechanism for several processes including (1) thickening the crust of the Colorado Plateau TC1007 85– 50 Ma [McQuarrie and Chase, 2000], (2) early collapse of the northern Cordilleran foreland 49– 20 Ma [Constenius, 1996], as well as (3) a component of central Basin and Range extension since 20 Ma [Wernicke et al., 1987; Axen et al., 1993; Zandt et al., 1995]. [33] Two end-member models of Cordilleran gravitational collapse/relaxation are considered: (1) east versus (2) west directed collapse. Eastward flow of crustal material, in conjunction with gravitational collapse of the Cordillera, is proposed in models by Zandt et al. [1995] and McQuarrie and Chase [2000]. These models suggest that eastward flow of thickened Cordilleran crust resulted in compression in the Colorado Plateau [see also Kilty et al., 2000], expressed as Laramide deformation there. Compression within the Colorado Plateau does not favor conditions for generating the regional joint network at ZNP, particularly as it is developed within the flat-lying Navajo Sandstone and unrelated to folding or faulting. [34] Westward directed collapse of the Cordilleran thrust front offers a more favorable mechanism for extension in the western margin of the Colorado Plateau. For example, decreasing convergence rates between the Pacific and North American plates, coupled with slab roll back, 40– 20 Ma is cited as a ‘‘trigger’’ for gravitational collapse of the unsupported Cordilleran thrust belt from SE British Columbia to NE Utah [Constenius, 1996]. Cordilleran-normal deviatoric tension due to reduction in horizontal compression was enough to allow the belt to extend horizontally westward along preexisting thrust faults, an episode distinct from the Basin and Range extensional event [Constenius, 1996]. This is consistent with two distinct extensional episodes proposed for the northern and southern Basin and Range subprovinces and attributed to (1) early Tertiary gravity collapse of thickened crust following slab roll back and (2) late Tertiary extension resulting from plate boundary forces arising from the development of the San Andreas transform boundary [e.g., Coney, 1987; Zandt et al., 1995], of which boundary forces associated with the transform boundary appear to have contributed as a mechanism of extension for the western CBR, demonstrated by the Sierran-Great Valley block extension history [Wernicke and Snow, 1998; Atwater and Stock, 1998]. Although considered distinct events to the north and south, these events converge in time and space at the CBR [Zandt et al., 1995] where early WSW directed extension occurred in the eastern CBR [Wernicke et al., 1988; Snow and Wernicke, 2000]. [35] The CBR exhibits an extensional history distinct from the northern and southern Basin and Range subprovinces in both timing [Wernicke, 1992; Axen et al., 1993] and magnitude [Wernicke et al., 1988]. Two strongly extended belts, the Lake Mead (Las Vegas system of Wernicke et al. [1988]) and the Death Valley belts, separate relatively undeformed crustal blocks of the CBR subprovince [Wernicke et al., 1988; Snow and Wernicke, 2000]. CBR extension closest to ZNP is exhibited in the northern component of the Lake Mead extensional belt between the Colorado Plateau and the Sheep Range block (Figure 2). Predominantly down to the west normal faults in the 11 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 Figure 19. (a) A 3-D visualization of the formation of the isolated joint set with respect to the joint zones. The joint zones are parallel with the page. Along the main joint face, the isolated joint propagates with a curving-parallel relationship to the joint zone. However, along the fringe areas of the isolated joint, the joint propagates as a series of right stepping en echelon fringe cracks that maintain the isolated joint orientation. (b) Plan view of two distinct erosional surfaces through the joint in Figure 19a illustrating the fringe cracks along Surface A and the curving-parallel relationship along Surface B. See color version of this figure in the HTML. Mormon Mountains and Tule Springs Hills region, 80 km west of ZNP, partially reactivated as well as obliquely cut preexisting thrust faults [Axen et al., 1990]. [36] It is the WSW directed extension of the CBR that deserves considerable attention. Relative motion vectors in the CBR near the latitude of Las Vegas show opening directions between 6 and 20 south of west [Wernicke et al., 1988], representative of extension directions between 264 and 250 respectively. There is a remarkable correspondence in extension directions for the 351 trending joint zones and the 339 trending isolated joints, which represent extension directions of 261 and 249, respectively. A total finite displacement grid for the CBR shows an extension of 9 south of west for the area immediately west of the Colorado Plateau at the latitude of ZNP [Snow and Wernicke, 2000] (Figure 2). Correlation between an average 260 extension direction documented in the northern Lake Mead belt and the 261 extension direction of joint zones is so strong that coincidence seems unlikely. 4.2. Extension in the Colorado Plateau [37] The western margin of the Colorado Plateau has been cited as a transition zone to the Basin and Range extensional province [Schramm and Taylor, 1994; Stewart and Taylor, 1996] on the basis of the presence of high-angle normal faults (e.g., the faults of Figure 4) there. In addition to these high-angle normal faults, jointing at ZNP may represent earlier modest, yet pervasive, Basin and Range extension overprinting the western margin of the Colorado Plateau. [38] WSW extension of the Lake Mead extensional belt (Las Vegas system) occurred mainly from 15 to 11 Ma and 12 of 16 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 Table 1. A Listing of Joint Parallel Scan Lines Taken of Isolated Joints Including the Total Measured Length of Each Isolated Joint, and the Right Stepping and Left Stepping Statistics of the Isolated Jointsa Nearest Joint Zone Station Name Joint Length, m R/L Steps I/J E G H I I I K b2 E4a G1 Hra I3a I3b I5 K6 166 45 50 16 55b 42 22b 23b 18/4 13/1 16/5 5/1 9/3 6/4 18/4 17/15 a Joint zone and station designations cross reference to Figure 8. R, right stepping; L, left stepping. b One end of the joint was covered and total length could not be measured. was nearly complete by 10 Ma [Wernicke et al., 1988]. We infer that the joint zones and isolated joints at ZNP had their origin during this period from 15 – 11 Ma. The NNW regional jointing at ZNP may, in fact, be restricted to the western margin of the Colorado Plateau. Continuing west from ZNP 30 km, in the vicinity of Hurricane, Utah each of the three joint trends observed within ZNP appear to persist in varying degrees [Lefebvre, 1961]. However, the 350 joint trend associated here with the CBR extension is notably absent in the Navajo Sandstone of south central Utah’s Lake Powell region (R. A. Nelson, personal communication, 2001), 150 km east of ZNP and conceivably out of the range of CBR influence. TC1007 [39] In the western CBR, the Death Valley belt began extending at approximately the same time as the Lake Mead belt; however, it exhibited a NW extension direction and increased in rate as the Lake Mead belt slowed [Snow and Wernicke, 2000]. Because the NNE trending joint zones are older than the NNW trending joint zones, they are not attributed to concurrent and later NW extension associated with the Death Valley Belt, which appears to be too remote to appear as a fabric of jointing at ZNP. [40] Throughout the Basin and Range, the extension direction rotated clockwise during the last 10 Ma [Zoback et al., 1981]. Clockwise rotation is coincident with the northward change in direction of the Pacific plate relative to the North American plate 8 Ma [Atwater and Stock, 1998] and consistent with an increase in dextral shear along the developing San Andreas transform boundary [Zoback et al., 1981; Zoback, 1989]. This NW extension remains active today within the Colorado Plateau’s ZNP region, demonstrated by recent motion along the Hurricane Fault [Stewart and Taylor, 1996]. However, this clockwise rotation is not consistent with the kinematics at ZNP. 4.3. Context for CCW Rotation of Extension [41] Placing the CCW rotation of extension, as inferred from the sequence of jointing at ZNP, into a proper context of post-Mesozoic Cordilleran relaxation is uncertain. Although the relationship between the NNE and NNW trending joint zones consistently demonstrates that the NNE trend is representative of an older joint set, the origin of these NNE joints is the most uncertain of the three sets at Zion. 100 B 80 A joint Step Distance (cm) joint 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Overlap (cm) Figure 20. Step distance (inset: length A) as a function of segment overlap (inset: length B) for the set of isolated joints. The inverse tangent to the best fit line defines the angle, 3.4, between the zone of en echelon fringe cracks and the main joint face. 13 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION TC1007 for the northern and southern Basin and range subprovinces, the same cannot be said of the CBR where proposed gravitational collapse and boundary force mechanisms for extension may coincide in time [Zandt et al.,1995]. Furthermore, early extension in the CBR appears to represent the NNW jointing at ZNP, excluding the older NNE joints. ZNP, although directly west of the CBR, is also situated just southeast of the northern Basin and Range subprovince (Figure 2). This would suggest that the NNE joints could be related to extension in the northern Basin and Range, prior to the onset of extension in the CBR. Timing there may accommodate an older joint set that developed from WNW extension possibly due to gravity collapse normal to the overall NE trending Cordilleran thrust front across Utah (Figure 1). Consequently, as the area to the north extended and potential energy was relieved, the potential energy contours associated with the thickened Cordilleran crust could have rotated CCW directing extension along gradients, a process that could have continued south as extension progressed (C. H. Jones, personal communication, 2002). 5. Conclusions Figure 21. Scaling of crack-tip stress fields with crack length related to fringe cracks. As the larger main joint face approaches the joint zone, the local crack-tip stress field overlaps the joint zone and the joint curves subparallel to the joint zone. The fringe cracks, however, are much smaller, and their local crack-tip stress fields are not large enough to overlap the joint zone. Therefore the fringe cracks continue to propagate in the original joint orientation. [42] The NNE joints are representative of WNW directed extension. Recent NW extension of the Basin and Range is an obvious candidate for inspection. It is, however, unlikely that the NNE trending joints originated in connection with recent events since (1) NW extension has dominated CBR since the late Miocene [Wernicke and Snow, 1998] and (2) recent earthquake motion along the Hurricane Fault [Stewart and Taylor, 1996] is consistent with NW trending least compressive stress trajectories documented by Zoback and Zoback [1980] in SW Utah. With this evidence for NW extension occurring since the late Miocene, neglecting any CCW rotation of extension, it becomes a challenge to place the NNW jointing into any context of regional extension. Therefore the connection between NNW jointing and WSW extension of the CBR is not discounted by any late Miocene and younger events, and the NNE joints are inferred to have originated prior to WSW extension in the Lake Mead extensional belt of the CBR. [43] Although two periods of extension, associated with post-Mesozoic Cordilleran relaxation, have been proposed [44] This investigation proposes that the large-scale NNW trending joint zones and isolated joints of the Colorado Plateau at Zion National Park have their origins in regional Miocene extension directed WSW, average 260, exhibited in the northern Lake Mead belt of the central Basin and Range subprovince [Anderson, 1971; Wernicke et al., 1988; Snow and Wernicke, 2000]. This direction is remarkably consistent with the 261 extension direction reflected by joint zones at ZNP indicating that they may be a manifestation of the same deep-seated crustal process characterized, overall, by westward directed gravity collapse of the thickened Cordilleran thrust front. [45] The sequence of jointing events indicates that a counterclockwise rotation of extension has affected the western margin of the Colorado Plateau in the vicinity of Zion prior to the cessation of extension in the Northern Lake Mead belt 10 Ma [Wernicke et al., 1988]. CCW rotation of extension is inferred from abutting relationships between the older NNE and younger NNW (351) trending joint zones. In turn, as relatively older features, the large-scale NNW (351) trending joint zones influenced the development of the NNW (339) isolated joints indicated by the curving parallel relationship of the isolated joint set into the joint zones. Furthermore, the relationship between the NNW trending joint zones and isolated joints is characterized by an en echelon stepping analysis and reinforced by the presence of both tail and horsetail fractures propagating in the isolated joint orientation from the NNW joint zone trend. CCW rotation of extension may be rooted in changing potential energy gradients associated with north to south collapse along the Cordilleran thrust belt. [46] The particular sequence of jointing in the Navajo Sandstone of ZNP is, most likely, restricted to the western margin of the Colorado Plateau adjacent to the central Basin and Range. In addition, it is the spectacular joint zone 14 of 16 TC1007 ROGERS ET AL.: JOINTS AT ZNP—EVIDENCE FOR CORDILLERAN RELAXATION development in this portion of the Colorado Plateau that makes Zion National Park unique in its dramatic topography. Although the initial jointing event that established the joint zones is inferred to be >10 Ma in age, the preferential erosion of the joint zones into slot canyons has occurred over the past 2 million years [Biek et al., 2000]. A post 6 Ma phase of uplift of the Colorado Plateau [Morgan and Swanberg, 1985; Parsons and McCarthy, 1995] and concomitant high angle normal faulting (i.e., the Hurricane Fault) [Biek et al., 2000] are responsible for subsequent removal of overburden and headward erosion of rivers required to excavate the slot canyons at ZNP. Much of the secondary fracturing in the joint zones occurred during this stage and is a function of local mechanical conditions [Rogers and Engelder, 2004]. [47] Positioned on the western edge of the Colorado Plateau, the jointing at Zion provides further evidence for TC1007 the narrow transition between the highly extended central Basin and Range province and the stable Colorado Plateau. In respect to the NE trending, classic Basin and Range normal faults (i.e. the Hurricane and Sevier Faults) of this transition zone, the jointing at ZNP is inferred to be older. 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