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A Review on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Technology and its Efficiency Ahmed Hossam Eldin Mostafa Refaey Abdelrahman Farghly a.hossamudn44@yahoo.com moustafa.refaey@alexu.edu.eg abdelrahman.farghly@alexu.edu.eg Department of Electrical Engineering University of Alexandria Alexandria, Egypt Abstract - Energy from sun can be considered the main source of all types of energies. It can be used by various techniques such as making full use of sunlight to directly generate electricity or by using heat from the sun as a thermal energy. Using Photovoltaic (PV) cells is common in solar energy field. The major objective of this review study is to help anyone getting through solar energy field by introducing developments up to date in the field. One can be assisted and will save time of building a literature review about PV by this review that is considered part of a series compares the performance of PV technologies. In this paper, a comparison survey is included which investigates the three generations of PV cells with the latest characteristics. Index Terms - Photovoltaic technologies, Renewable Energy , Solar Energy, solar cells. 1. Introduction Photovoltaic, also called solar cells, are electronic devices that convert sunlight directly into electricity. Photovoltaic power were first discovered by a French scientist Edmond Becquerel in 1839. The first working solar cell was successfully made by Charles fritts in 1882. It was made of thin sheets of selenium and coated with gold. The use of solar panels for generating electricity and heat seems relatively like new development, it has actually been widely used to generate power since early 1900‟s. In 1954 Bell laboratory mass produced the first crystal silicon solar cell. The bell PV converted 4% of the sun’s energy into electricity a rate that was considered the cutting edge in energy technology. heir scientists Daryl M. Chapin et al made a silicon-based solar cell with an efficiency of about 6% reported in [1]. Scientists continued to reinvent and enhanced on the design of the original solar cell and were able to produce a solar cell that was capable of putting 20% return electricity rate. In the late 1900‟s as awareness grew in the science community about the effects of global warming and the need for renewable energy sources, scientists continued to refine the silicon PV and by early 2000 they were able to make a solar cell with 24% electricity return. In just seven years scientists were again able to increase the electricity return of silicon solar cell using space age materials. By 2007, modern silicon PV Solar cells were operating with 28% electricity return. There are a wide range of PV cell technologies on the market today and more applications. 2. Photovoltaic Generation PV cell technologies are usually classified into three generations, depending on the basic material used [2]. 1. Crystalline Silicon 2. Thin Film 3. Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) and Organic Material 2.1 First-Generation: Crystalline Silicon Silicon is a semiconductor material illustrated in suitable for PV applications, with energy band gap of 1.1 eV. Crystalline silicon is the material commonly used in the PV industry, wafer-based C-Si PV cells and modules dominate the current market. Crystalline silicon cells are classified into three types as : • Mono-crystalline (Mono c-Si). • Poly-crystalline(Poly c-Si),or multi-crystalline (mc-Si). • Ribbon silicon Commercial production of C-Si modules began in 1963 when sharp Corporation of Japan started producing commercial PV modules and installed a 242 W PV module on a light house, the world’s largest commercial PV installation at that time [3]. Crystalline silicon technologies accounted for about 87% of global PV sales in 2010 [4]. The efficiency of crystalline silicon modules ranges from 14% to 19%. While a mature technology continued cost reductions through improvements in materials and manufacturing processes. if the market continues to grow, enable a number of high-volume manufacturers to emerge [5]. 2.1.1 Mono-Crystalline silicon Mono – crystalline silicon cells as shown in Fig. 1 have the highest degree of efficiency of the three most common technologies up to 20%. Production: is a type of photovoltaic cell material manufactured from a single crystal silicon structure high purity silicon rods ( ingots ) are extracted from a cast then cutted into thin slices ( wafers ), which are then processed into PV cells. Expected lifespan of these cells is typically 25 ‐ 30 years [6]. 2.1.3 Ribbon Silicon String Ribbon Si wafers are grown by a vertical sheet growth technique that is currently in multi-megawatt Production at Evergreen Solar [8]. This technique produces low cost Si due to the high utilization of the Si feed stock. The high quality of the processed String Ribbon wafers has been previously demonstrated through high minority carrier lifetimes following cell processing. Recent research on processing String Ribbon cells has focused on industrial type processing. The using of screen printing for metallization and the relatively deep junctions necessary for firing the screen printable inks. A few years ago, it has been recorded as high with a percentage of 16.2% efficiency cell. However, recent cells made with screen-printing are now approaching the 16% level . 2.2 Second-Generation: Thin-Film Fig. 1 Mono - Crystalline cell and module [7] 2.1.2 Poly-Crystalline silicon The silicon molecular structure consists of several smaller groups or grains of crystals, which introduce boundaries between them as Shown in Fig. 2. Production:The production of these cells is more economically and more efficient compared to mono crystalline. Making the solar cell to have a lower efficiency. unlike mono-crystalline silicon, the silicon is cast in blocks. When it hardens, it results in crystal structures of different sizes on whose border defects occur. These defects reduce the degree of efficiency [6], Lab efficiency: 18% to 23% , and Production range: 14% to 17%. Advantages: • Well established and tested technology • Stable efficiency • less expensive than single crystal silicon • square cells allow efficient packing density Disadvantages: • Uses expensive material • Waste in slicing wafers • Slightly less efficient than single crystal Thin - film solar cells are beginning to be deployed in significant quantities. Thin - film solar cells could potentially provide lower cost electricity than c-Si wafer based solar cells [9]. Thin - film solar cells are comprised of successive thin layers, just 1 to 4 µm thick, of solar cells deposited into a large inexpensive substrate such as glass, polymer, or metal and Cadmium is a by product of zinc. A potential problem is that tellurium is produced in far lower quantities than cadmium and availability in the long term may depend on whether the copper industry can optimize extraction, refining and recycling yields. Cadmium also has issues around its toxicity that may limit its use. As a consequence, they require a less semiconductor material to manufacture in order to absorb the same amount of sunlight (up to 99% less material than crystalline solar cells). In addition, thin films can be packaged into flexible and light weight structures, which can be easily integrated into building Components building integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV). The three primary types of thin-film solar cells that have been commercially developed are : Amorphous silicon (A-Si and A-Si/µc-Si), Cadmium -Telluride (CdTe), Copper-Indium-Selenide (CIS) and Copper-Indium-GalliumDiselenide (CIGS). 2.2.1 Amorphous silicon solar cells Along with CdTe PV cells are the most developed and widely known thin - film solar cells. Amorphous silicon can be deposited on cheap and very large substrates ( up to 5.7 m² of glass ) based on continuous deposition techniques, thus considerably reducing manufacturing costs. A Companies are also developing light, flexible A-Si modules perfectly suitable for flat and curved surfaces, amorphous silicon module efficiencies are in the range 4% to 8%. Very small cells at laboratory level may reach efficiencies of 12.2% [10],[11]. see cell in Fig . 3. Fig. 2 Poly - Crystalline cell and module [7] The main disadvantage of amorphous silicon solar cells is that they suffer from a significant reduction in power output over time ( 15% to 35% ). As the sun degrades their performance. Even thinner layers could increase the electric field strength across the material and provide stability and less reduction in power output, but this reduces light absorption and hence cell efficiency. A notable variant of amorphous silicon solar cells is the multi-junction thin-film silicon (a Si/µc Si) Which consists of A-Si cell with additional layers of A -Si and micro crystalline silicon ( µc - Si) applied onto the Substrate. The advantage of the µc - Si layer is that it absorbs more light from the red and near infrared part of the light spectrum, thus increasing the efficiency by up to 10%. The thickness of the µc - Si layer is in the order of 3 µm and makes the cells thicker and more stable. The current deposition techniques enable the production of multi-junction thin-films up to 1.4 m². Fig. 4 Illustrating a typical III-V triple junction solar [12] Fig. 3 Amorphous solar cells 2.2.2 Cadmium Telluride and Concept of Multi-junction The abbreviation CdTe stands for the combination of tellurium and cadmium, which are combined to produce cadmium telluride (CdTe) [6]. The material is cheaper than silicon but also less efficient. As it contains the heavy metal cadmium, the take back of the modules after reinstallations is guaranteed. At present, a maximum degree of efficiency of 16 % is achieved. Concept of Multi- Junction PV devices can reach very high efficiencies because they are often based on the multi - junction concept, which means that more than one band gap is used. The maximum theoretical efficiency of single-junction cells is described by the Shockley-Queisser limit. A large fraction of the energy of the energetic photons are lost as heat, while photons with energies below the band gap are lost as they are not absorbed., e.g, if we use a low band gap material, a large fraction of the energy carried by the photons will be not used. However, if we use more band gaps, the same amount of photons can be used but less energy is wasted as heat. Thus, large parts of the solar spectrum and largest part of the energy in the solar spectrum can be utilized at the same time, if more than one p-n junctions are used in Fig. 4 a typical III - V triple junction cell is illustrated. As substrate, a germanium (Ge) wafer is used. From this wafer, the bottom cell is created. Germanium has a band gap of0.67 eV. The middle cell is based on GaAs and has a band gap of about 1.4 eV. The top cell is based on GaInP with a band gap in the order of 1.86 eV. Let us take a closer look on how a multijunction solar cell works. Light will enter the device from the top. As the spectral part with the most energetic photons (like blue light) has the smallest penetration depth in materials, the junction with the highest band gap always acts as the top cell. On the other hand, as the near infrared light outside the visible spectrum has the longest penetration depth, the bottom cell is the lowest band gap.Fig. 5 shows the J-V curve of the three single p-n junctions. We observe p-n junction one has the highest open circuit voltage and the lowest short circuit current density, which means that this p-n junction has the highest band gap. In contrast, p-n junction three has a low open circuit voltage and a high current density, consequently it has the lowest band gap. p-n junction two has a band gap in between. Hence, if we are designing a triple junction cell out of these three junctions, junction one will act as the top cell, junction two will act as the middle cell and junction three will act as the bottom cell. Fig. 7 Multi-junction circuit [12] Fig. 5 The J -V curves of the three junctions [12] For understanding how the J - V curve of the triple junction looks like, we take a look at the equivalent circuit. Every p-n junction in the multi-junction cell can be represented by the circuit of a single – junction cell Fig. 6. As the three junctions are stacked onto each other, they are connected to each other in series, as illustrated in Fig. 7. In a series connection, the voltages of the individual cell add up in the triple junction cell. Further, the current density in a series connection is equal over the entire solar cell. hence the current density is determined by the p-n junction generating the lowest current. The resulting J -V curve is also in Fig. 5. We see that the voltages add up and the current is determined by the cell delivering the lowest current [12]. The development of efficiency in multi-junction as follow From with concentration method will discuss in the Table. 1. Table. 1 Efficiency recent for research of PV and CPV [13] Type Single-Junction ( non concentrator ) Single-Junction ( concentrator ) Double-Junction ( non concentrator ) Double-Junction ( concentrator ) Triple-Junction ( non concentrator ) Triple-Junction ( concentrator ) Four-junction ( non concentrator ) Effeciency 25% 27.6% 31.1% 32.6% 37.7% 44% 37.8% 2.2.3 Copper-Indium-Selenide (CIS) and Copper-Indium Gallium-Diselenide (CIGS) (CIGS) PV cells offer the highest efficiencies of all thin-film PV technologies. CIS solar cell production has been successfully commercialized by many firms as shown in Fig. 8. Current module efficiencies are in the range of 7% to 16%, but efficiencies of up to 20.3% have been achieved in the laboratory, close to that of C-Si cells [14]. The race is now on to Increase the efficiency of commercial modules. CIGS producer Solar Frontier has reached an annual Production capacity of 1 GW (Bank Sarasin, 2010). on the one hand, the CIGS module has the advantage of a low static load thanks to its light cells, while it also has the ability to absorb direct and indirect sunlight and is therefore suitable for use on flat roofs and in winter. Fig. 6 Single junction circuit [12] Fig. 8 Copper-Indium-Selenide (CIS) cells 2.3 Third-Generation PV Technologies Third - generation PV technologies are at the precommercial stage and vary from technologies under Demonstration ( Multi - junction concentrating PV ) to novel concepts still in need of (quantum-structured PV cells). Some third - generation PV technologies are beginning to be commercialized, but it remains to be seen how successful they will be in taking market share from existing technologies. There are four types of third-generation PV technologies: Concentrating PV (CPV), Cooling of concentrating PV system, Organic solar cells and Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC).Responsible for the charge separation (photocurrent) 2.3.1 Concentrating photovoltaic technology The concentrator is an important component for concentrating PV systems. It is classified according to optical principle, concentrator types, and geometric concentration ratio. The line focus solar concentrator includes the lens, parabolic trough, and line focusing parabolic collector. The point focusing concentrator is called the axial concentrator. The concentrator lens or reflectors of this type of concentrator are on the same optical axis of the solar cell [15]. According to the geometric concentration ratio, the concentrator can be divided into a low-concentration system and a high concentration system with a solar tracking. Although the concentration ratio of the low-concentration system is not high, the scattered radiation can be used without a solar tracking and be applied in the area with inadequate direct radiation. Generally, if the concentration ratio is more than 10, the system can only use direct sunlight. As a result, the tracking system must be adopted. Since the mid - 1970s, with a concentration ratio of 50 and efficiency of 12.7%, the first concentrating PV system was developed in Sandia National Laboratories in US. This technology has rapidly developed. In its earlier stage, the Fresnel lens was superior in property to other light concentrating devices. The passive cooling was also feasible with the highconcentration ratio, and the application of the diamond plate and copper heat sink promoted the development of the technology. The schematic diagram of the PV concentrator Fresnel lens is shown in Fig. 9. The solar PV power generation has benefited from the improvement of the Fresnel lens. For instance, the 20 kW point focusing Fresnel lens array was developed by A monix and Sun Power after 15 years of continuous research designed the modularized and micro faceted Fresnel lens with a moderate concentration ratio, bringing about efficient superposition and finally uniform distribution of incident solar flux [16],[17]. They also formulated a mathematical model to solve the distribution of the energy flux on PV panel and the collecting efficiency. The calculation indicates that the non - uniformity of energy distribution remains within 20%. Under the condition of the lower-middle concentration ratios (50 times), the radiation transmittance is more than 70% designed the full glass high concentration ratio PV modular with second concentration lens of small aperture between the Fresnel lens and cells [18], which further improve the light concentration. The concentrating ratio of the concentrator system reaches 1000, and the size of PV is only 1.2 mm. It is convenient to scale up the module and improve its weathering resistance. [19] designed a line focused PV system with Fresnel lens. It was found that heat conduction between solar cells and heat absorber is crucial to the energy efficiency of the whole system.Recently, [20]conducted extensive indoor experimental investigation on the heat loss from a point focus Fresnel lens PV concentrator with a concentration ratio of 100 times under a range of simulated solar radiation intensities between 200 and 1000 W/m at different ambient air temperatures, and natural and forced convection. It was found that the solar cell temperature increased proportionally with the increase in simulated solar radiation for all experimental tests, indicating that conductive and convective heat transfer were significantly larger than the long wave radiative heat transfer within and from the system. Fig. 9 Schematic of PV concentrator Fresnel lens The reflecting concentrator can overcome this weakness. The point focused rotating parabolic concentrators and the line focused trough-type concentrators PV systems are mostly employed in the reflective PV concentrator. A representative 10 m trough concentrator PV with geometric concentration ratio of 30.8 is shown in Fig. 10(a) [21].The trough-type PV system caused the solar cell to be between the sun and the reflecting surface. The solar cell is always below the reflective parabolic focal line where the rays are inevitably sheltered, thus leading to optical non - uniform flux distribution. In recent years, the butterfly – shaped PV concentrator has been developed. A row of plane mirrors is installed at its bottom. A solar cell module is fixed on its top, reducing the shelter of sunlight by the PV devices to a certain extent [22] developed a butterfly - shaped PV concentrator, as shown by the Fig. 10(b). The sunlight reflected through the mirror plane uniformly reaches the solar cell array of the corresponding side, with its concentrations varying between 2 and 12 times. A multidisc parabolic concentrator PV with adual-axis tracking system was developed by NREL of US. This disc type concentrator system includes 16 reflecting surfaces, with each surface containing 76 reflecting blocks. The mirror area of the system covers 113 m with a highly precise tracking system and a concentration ratio of 250 [23]. The well - known Spanish solar energy research institution PSA developed a multidisc PV concentrator demonstration system with a concentration ratio of 2000. It includes the heliostat, optical grating, multidisc concentrator, and PV board and can simultaneously test the PV response to the direct solar radiation and thermal flux distribution [24]. In terms of the low concentration PV system, [25] integrated the monocrystalline silicon solar cell into the V-type reflection trough made of aluminum foil. 2.3.2 Cooling of Concentrating PV System For different types of concentration PV at a fixed temperature, the general tendency of the change in the solar cell efficiency corresponds to the change in the concentration ratio. The cell efficiency increases with the increase in the concentration ratio at the low concentration ratio and decreases with the increase in the concentration ratio at the high-concentration ratio. Under the condition of the given output power, the tandem-type cell may increase the voltage output and reduce the ohmic loss. However, the non uniformity of light intensity distribution and the poor heat dissipation leads to overheat of the cell panel, affecting the current output of the whole cell array. This is called “the current matching problem.” The effective PV cell cooling or the appropriate design of the concentrator may lessen the consumption of the parasitic power [27]. J.Wennerberg, J.Kessler at el [28] demonstrated that the distribution of light intensity produced by the parabolic trough concentrator is similar to a Gaussian curve. Compared to uniform illumination, both the open - circuit voltage and efficiency of the concentrator PV cell would decrease. The decrease could be aggravated when the peak intensity of light distribution is increased. This decrease may lead to a serious non-uniform flux distribution. Currently, tandem type module was adopted by most polycrystalline silicon solar cells and the current output of each cell module is equal in this case. For such type of module, the low light intensity in some areas (corresponding to the smaller light current) greatly limits the general current output of the whole PV system. Therefore, in case one or more cells are shaded, module performance will be limited by the output of these cells [29]. 2.3.3 Organic solar cells (a) (b) Fig. 10 Representative CPV system [26] a) Trough CPV system b) Butterfly-shaped Organic solar cells are composed of organic or polymer materials as shown in Fig. 11. They are inexpensive, but not very efficient. Organic PV module efficiencies are now in the range 4% to 5% for commercial systems and 6% to 8% in the laboratory [30]. In addition to the low efficiency, Suppliers of organic solar cells are moving towards full commercialization and have announced plans to increase production to more than 1 GW [31].Organic cell production uses high speed and low temperature roll-to-roll manufacturing processes and standard printing technologies. As a result, organic solar cells may be able to compete with other PV technologies in some applications, because manufacturing costs are continuing to decline and are expected to reach $ 0.50/W by 2020 [32].Organic cells can be applied to plastic sheets in a manner similar to the printing and coating industries, meaning that organic solar cells are light weight and flexible as shown in Fig. 12, making them ideal for mobile applications and for fitting to a variety of uneven surfaces. This makes them particularly useful for portable applications, Potential uses include battery chargers for mobile phones, laptops, radios, Flash lights, toys and almost any hand held device that uses a battery.They can also be rolled up or folded for storage when not In use. These properties will make organic PV modules attractive for building-integrated applications as it will expand the range of shapes and forms where PV systems can be applied. Another advantage is that the technology uses abundant, non-toxic materials and is based on a very scalable production process with high productivity. Novel and emerging solar cell concepts in addition to the above mentioned third-generation technologies that relay on using quantum dots/wires, quantum wells, or super lattice technologies [33]. These technologies are likely to be used in concentrating PV technologies where they could achieve very high efficiencies by overcoming the thermodynamic limitations of conventional (crystalline) cells. The novel concepts, often incorporating enabling technologies such as nanotechnology, which aim to modify the active layer to better match the solar spectrum [34]. Fig. 11 Organic PV construction [35] Fig. 12 Organic PV sample [35] 2.3.4 Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) Solar cells use photo-electrochemical solar cells, which are based on semiconductor structures formed between a photo - sensitized anode and an electrolyte. In a typical DSSC, the semiconductor nano crystals serve as antenna that harvest the sunlight (photons). the dye molecule is responsible for the charge separation (photocurrent). It is unique in that it mimics natural photosynthesis [36]. These cells are attractive because they use low cost materials and are simple to manufacture, e.g, titanium dioxide covered by a light absorbing pigment. However, their performance can degrade over time with exposure to UV light and the use of a liquid electrolyte can be problematic when there is a risk of freezing. 3. Black silicon solar Cell New nanostructured silicon solar cells coated with a passivating film as shown in Fig. 13, The nanostructuring of silicon surfaces is a promising approach to eliminate frontsurface reflection in photovoltaic devices without the need for a conventional antireflection coating. This might lead to both an increase in efficiency and a reduction in the manufacturing costs of solar cells. However, all previous attempts to integrate black silicon into solar cells have resulted in cell efficiencies well below 20% due to the increased charge carrier recombination at the nanostructured surface. Here, we show that a conformal alumina film can solve the issue of surface recombination in black silicon solar cells by providing excellent chemical and electrical passivation. We demonstrate that efficiencies above 22% can be reached, even in thick interdigitated back-contacted cells, where carrier transport is very sensitive to front surface passivation. This means that the surface recombination issue has truly been solved and black silicon solar cells have real potential for industrial production. Furthermore, we show that the use of black silicon can result in a 3% increase in daily energy production when compared with a reference cell with the same efficiency, due to its better angular acceptance [37]. Fig. 13 Black Silicon Solar Cell 4. Conclusions First-generation solar cells dominate the market with their low costs and the best commercially available efficiency. They are a relatively mature PV technology, with a wide range of well-established manufacturers. Although very significant cost reductions occurred in recent years, the costs of the basic materials are relatively high. It is not clear whether further cost reductions will be sufficient to achieve full economic competitiveness in the wholesale power generation market in areas with modest solar resources. Second-generation Thin-film PV technologies are attractive because of their low material and manufacturing costs, but this has to be balanced by lower efficiencies than those obtained from first-generation technologies. Thin-film technologies are less mature than first generation PV and still have a modest market share, except for utility-scale systems. They are struggling to compete with very low c-Si module prices and also face issues of durability, materials availability and materials toxicity (in the case of Cadmium). Third-generation technologies are yet to be commercialized at any scale. Concentrating PV has the potential to have the highest efficiency of any PV module, Other organic or hybrid organic/conventional (DSSC) PV They offer low efficiency, but also low cost and weight, and free-form shaping. Therefore, they could fill niche markets (e.g. mobile applications) where these features are required. 5. References [1] Chapin, D. M.; Fuller, C. S.; Pearson, G. L. Affiliation. Appled . Phys, vol. 25, 1954, pp. 676. [2] Irena working paper, "Renewable Energy technologies: cost analysis series", IRENA ,vol. 1, 2012, issue 4/5. [3] Green, M. A, " Clean Energy from Photovoltaics ", World Scientific Publishing Co., Hackensack, NJ, 2001. 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