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www.elsevier.nl/locate/poly Polyhedron 19 (2000) 841–847 Structural and spectral studies of a heterocyclic N(4)-substituted bis(thiosemicarbazone), H22,6AcheximPH2O, its heptacoordinated tin(IV) complex [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)], and its binuclear zinc(II) complex [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 ´ F. de Sousa a, Douglas X. West b,*, Christine A. Brown b, John K. Swearingen b, Gerimario c c d ´ ´ ´ A. Toscano c, Simon Hernandez-Ortega ´ ¨ ´ Valdes-Martınez , Ruben , Manfredo Horner , Jesus d ´ Adaılton J. Bortoluzzi a ´ ´ 70919.900 Brasılia, ´ D.F, Brazil Instituto de Quımica, Universidade de Brasılia, Department of Chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4160, USA c ´ ´ ´ ´ 04510, D.F. Mexico ´ Instituto de Quımica, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacan d ´ Departamento de Quımica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 97119.900, Rio Grande do Sul, R.S, Brazil b Received 16 August 1999; accepted 26 January 2000 Abstract The multidentate ligand, 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(3-hexamethyleneiminylthiosemicarbazone) monohydrate, H22,6AcheximPH2O, crystallizes with one thiosemicarbazone moiety in an intramolecular hydrogen bonded, bifurcated E9 form. The other thiosemicarbazone moiety is E and is not involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding, but is involved in hydrogen bonding with the hydrate water molecule. The dianion (loss of N3a and N3b hydrogens) of H22,6Achexim acts as a pentadentate ligand, 2,6Achexim, in a planar conformation to a central tin(IV) ion, and as a bridging tetradentate ligand with the two thiosemicarbazone moieties of 2,6Achexim coordinating to different zinc atoms. The tin(IV) is heptacoordinate in a distorted pentagonal dipyramidal configuration, with the five SNNNS donor atoms of 2,6Achexim in the pentagonal plane and the two n-butyl groups in the axial positions. The binuclear zinc complex has two equivalent tetrahedral zinc centers, with the pyridyl nitrogens of the two ligands not coordinated. q2000 Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved. Keywords: Heterocyclic bis(thiosemicarbazone); Heptacoordinate complexes; Organotin(IV) complexes; Binuclear zinc complexes 1. Introduction Considerable interest has been shown in 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazone), and its metal complexes [1]. Crystal structures have been reported for three different zinc complexes, and two are binuclear [2]. Of the two binuclear complexes, one features distorted octahedral zinc atoms that are nearly equivalent, and the second binuclear complex contains a distorted octahedral and a tetrahedral zinc center. More recently, the former of these binuclear complexes has been prepared under different conditions and a new crystal structure reported [3]. De Sousa et al. reported the crystal structures of heptacoordinate tin(IV) complexes, namely [MeSnCl(H2,6Ac4DH)]ClPMeOH [4] and [Ph2Sn(H2,6* Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-309-438-7019; fax: q1-309-438-5538; e-mail: dxwest@ilstu.edu Ac4DH)]Cl [5], where H22,6Ac4DHs2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazone). Other reports on H22,6Ac4DH complexes include the following: a third tin(IV) heptacoordinate complex [Ph2Sn(2,6Ac4DH)]P 2DMF [6], the structure of a manganese(II) complex [7], and the structures of several indium(III) complexes [8]. Although spectral and biological studies have been carried out on metal complexes of 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(N(4)substituted thiosemicarbazones) [9,10], no structural information has been provided even though the N(4)-substituent in other types of thiosemicarbazones, including bis(thiosemicarbazones), has been shown to affect their biological activity [11]. X-ray studies [12–14] have previously shown that 2-formyl-, 2-acetyl- and 2-benzoylpyridine N(4)-substituted thiosemicarbazones exist in the solid state in at least four different 0277-5387/00/$ - see front matter q2000 Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved. PII S 0 2 7 7 - 5 3 8 7 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 3 2 6 - 0 Thursday Apr 13 09:56 AM StyleTag -- Journal: POLY (Polyhedron) Article: 3402 842 G.F. de Sousa et al. / Polyhedron 19 (2000) 841–847 structural modifications: E isomers without hydrogen bonding by N3H to the pyridine nitrogen, two forms of hydrogen bonding Z isomers, and as a bifurcated hydrogen bonded E9 isomer. The four modifications are shown in Fig. 1 and can be described as follows: (a) E with respect to the imine function of the thiosemicarbazone [12] without hydrogen bonding to the pyridyl nitrogen; (b) hydrogen bonding to the pyridyl nitrogen by N3H, Z with respect to the imine function of the thiosemicarbazone and Z with respect to the N3–C8 bond [12–14]; (c) hydrogen bonding to the pyridyl nitrogen by the N3H, Z with respect to the imine function of the thiosemicarbazone, but E with respect to the N3–C8 bond [13]; (d) the bifurcated E9 tautomer in which the N3 hydrogen has shifted to the imine nitrogen, N2, and is hydrogen bonding to both the pyridyl nitrogen and sulfur of the thiosemicarbazone moiety [12,15]. A representation of H22,6Achexim showing that one thiosemicarbazone moiety is E and the other is E9 is included in Fig. 1. Since tin(IV) [16] and zinc(II) complexes [1,17] have significant pharmacological activity and little research has been done on N-heterocyclic bis(thiosemicarbazones), we report in this work the X-ray crystal structures of H22,6AcheximPH2O, [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)], and [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials Solvents were purified and dried according to standard procedures. 2,6-Diacetylpyridine (Aldrich), di-n-butyltin(IV)dichloride (Aldrich) and zinc acetate were used without further purification. IR spectra were recorded on a Nicolet 5ZDX-FT spectrophotometer in the 4000–400 cmy1 range using KBr pellets. NMR spectra were obtained with a Varian 300 MHz Gemini spectrometer using [2H6]DMSO or CDCl3 as the solvents with chemical shifts reported in parts per million downfield from Me4Si. 2.2. Preparation of H22,6AcheximPH2O, [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] and [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 The bright yellow bis(thiosemicarbazone), H22,6AcheximPH2O, was prepared by refluxing a 2:1 molar mixture of hexamethyleneiminylthiosemicarbazide (1.73 g, 10 mmol) [18] with 2,6-diacetylpyridine (0.82 g, 5 mmol) in absolute EtOH (50 ml). The tin(IV) complex was obtained by mixing H22,6AcheximPH2O (0.10 g, 0.20 mmol) and the acid n-Bu2SnCl2 (0.15 g, 0.21 mmol) in 15 ml of EtOH, and slow evaporation of the solvent led to the appearance of a crystalline product suitable for X-ray structure analysis. The zinc complex was prepared by refluxing zinc acetate dihydrate (0.22 g, 1 mmol) and H22,6AcheximPH2O (0.5 g, 1 mmol) in 40 ml of EtOH for 2 h. The resulting orange solid was filtered, washed with anhydrous Et2O and dried on a Thursday Apr 13 09:56 AM Fig. 1. (a) A representation of an E isomer of 2-acetylpyridine N(4)ethylthiosemicarbazone, HAc4E; (b) a representation of a ZZ isomer of 2-benzoylpyridine 3-piperidylthiosemicarbazone, HBzpip; (c) a representation of a ZE isomer of 2-benzoylpyridine 3-hexamethyleneiminylthiosemicarbazone, HBzhexim; (d) a representation of an E9 isomer of 2-acetylpyridine 3-hexamethylene-iminylthiosemicarbazone, HAchexim; (e) 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(3-hexamethyleneimylthiosemicarbazone), H22,6Achexim. warm plate. H22,6AcheximPH2O, yield 60%; m.p.s167– 1698C. Anal. Found: C, 55.4; H, 7.5; N, 19.4. Calc.: C, 55.6; H, 7.4; N, 19.6%. [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)], yield 74%; m.p.s261–2648C. Anal. Found: C, 52.7; H, 7.3; N, 13.9. Calc.: C, 52.6; H, 7.1; N, 13.7%. [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2, yield, 67%, m.p.s266–2688C (dec.). 2.3. X-ray crystallography Crystals of H22,6AcheximPH2O, [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] and [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 were grown by evaporation of EtOH solutions and mounted on glass fibers. The structures were solved with direct methods and missing atoms were found by difference-Fourier synthesis. All non-hydrogen atoms were refined with anisotropic temperature factors, and all hydrogens were found on the difference Fourier map. The StyleTag -- Journal: POLY (Polyhedron) Article: 3402 G.F. de Sousa et al. / Polyhedron 19 (2000) 841–847 843 Table 1 Crystallographic data for H22,6AcheximPH2O, [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] and [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 Formula Formula weight Crystal system Crystal color, habit Z Space group Crystal dimensions (mm) T (K) ˚ a (A) ˚ b (A) ˚ c (A) b (8) ˚ 3) V (A Dcalc (g cmy3) Index ranges F(000) Diffractometer Absorption coefficient (mmy1) Radiation ˚ Wavelength (A) Reflections collected Observed reflections Goodness-of-fit R (%) Rw (%) ˚ y3) Largest difference peak/hole (e A H22,6AcheximPH2O [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 C23H37N7OS2 491.7 orthorhombic yellow, laminar 8 Pbcn 0.38=0.30=0.18 293 33.071(2) 8.915(2) 17.608(2) 90 5191.3(4) 1.258 0FhF35 0FkF9 0FlF18 2112 Siemens P4/PC 2.088 Cu Ka 1.54178 6274 3361 (F)4.0s(F)) 1.26 6.80 10.05 0.45/y0.48 C31H51N7S2Sn 704.6 orthorhombic red, prism 4 Pnma 0.40=0.25=0.20 193 10.183(2) 15.197(3) 22.509(5) 90 3483.3(12) 1.340 0FhF12 y1FkF18 y1FlFy26 1472 Nonius CAD-4 0.884 Mo Ka 0.71073 3633 2024 (I)2.0s(I)) 1.031 5.40 11.24 0.831/y0.734 C23H33N7S2Zn 537.1 monoclinic orange, prism 4 P2/c 0.40=0.24=0.12 293 10.617(2) 13.443(2) 18.635(2) 106.42(2) 2551.1(5) 1.398 0FhF12 0FkF15 y22FlF21 1128 Siemens P4/PC 1.152 Mo Ka 0.71073 4758 2316 (F)3.0s(F)) 1.02 5.27 5.22 0.40/y0.37 H atoms attached to carbons were allowed to ride on the C atoms and assigned a fixed isotropic temperature factor, ˚ 2 (Us0.08 A ˚ 2 for [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)]). Only Us0.06 A the coordinates of the H atoms attached to nitrogens and oxygen were refined. Both seven-membered rings of H22,6AcheximPH2O display conformational disorder such that atoms C13A and C11B split into two alternative positions with complementary occupancy factors (0.65 and 0.35). Owing to the site symmetry of [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] the atoms N1, C4, Sn and the carbon atoms of the n-butyl groups are located in special crystallographic positions, with y/b s0.25 and site multiplicity 0.50. One of the n-butyl groups is apparently disordered (C31–C34) while the other group (C41–C44) does not show any sign of disorder. The C32 atom is split between two positions related by the mirror plane, and the C31, C33 and C34 atoms show largely elongated displacement ellipsoids perpendicular to the mirror plane also indicating disorder. Attempts to refine C32 with the two positions did not cause any decrease in R values, however. The alternative structure solution involving the space group Pn21a, one maximal non-isomorphic subgroup of Pmna, was also possible and all non-hydrogen atoms were found by subsequent Fourier difference synthesis and refined isotropically. However, the molecule with site symmetry 1 shows one n-butyl group (C31–C34) that is chemically incorrect. The crystallographic experimental details are given Thursday Apr 13 09:56 AM in Table 1 and selected bond lengths and angles for H22,6AcheximPH2O and the complexes are reported in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Table 2 ˚ for H22,6AcheximPH2O, [Bu2Sn(2,6Selected bond distances (A) Achexim)] and [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] H22,6Achexim Sn–N1 Sn–N2a Sn–N2b Sn–S1 Sn–S2 Sn–C31 Sn–C41 S1–C8a S2–C8b N3a–C8a N3b–C8b N4a–C8a N4b–C8b N2a–N3a N2b–N3b N2a–C7a N2b–C7b C7a–C2 C7b–C6 1.716(6) 1.689(7) 1.364(7) 1.359((7) 1.346(7) 1.337(9) 1.347(6) 1.372(7) 1.291(6) 1.313(7) 1.471(7) 1.474(7) 2.415(6) 2.437(5) 2.437(5) 2.6924(16) 2.6924(16) 2.148(10) 2.170(8) 1.744(6) 1.744(6) 1.350(8) 1.350(8) 1.369(7) 1.369(7) 1.375(6) 1.375(6) 1.330(7) 1.330(7) 1.491(8) 1.491(8) [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 Zn1–N2a Zn1–N2b Zn1–S1 Zn1–S2 StyleTag -- Journal: POLY (Polyhedron) 2.053(5) 2.050(6) 2.352(2) 2.363(2) 1.732(7) 1.728(7) 1.348(9) 1.349(12) 1.345(9) 1.348(11) 1.378(8) 1.358(9) 1.299(8) 1.306(10) 1.454(10) 1.456(10) Article: 3402 844 G.F. de Sousa et al. / Polyhedron 19 (2000) 841–847 Table 3 Selected bond angles (8) for H22,6AcheximPH2O, [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] and [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] a H22,6Achexim C2–C7a–N2a C6–C7b–N2b N3a–N2a–C7a N3b–N2b–C7b N2a–N3a–C8a N2b–N3b–C8b N3a–C8A–N4a N3b–C8b–N4b N3a–C8a–S1 N3b–C8b–S2 N4a–C8a–S1 N4b–C8b–S2 a [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 N2a–Sn–S1 N2a–Sn–S2 N2a–Sn–N2b N2a–Sn–N1 N2a–Sn–C31 N2a–Sn–C41 N2b–Sn–S1 N2b–Sn–S2 N2b–Sn–N1 N2b–Sn–C31 N2b–Sn–C41 N1–Sn–S1 N1–Sn–S2 N1–Sn–C31 N1–Sn–C41 S1–Sn–S2 S1–Sn–C31 S1–Sn–C41 C31–Sn–C41 Sn–S1–C8a 71.62(11) 154.5(7) 133.3(2) 66.88(10) 87.36(18) 89.31(15) 154.5(7) 71.62(11) 66.88(10) 87.36(18) 89.31(15) 138.19(4) 138.19(4) 90.7(4) 80.9(3) 83.34(7) 92.4(3) 93.91(16) 171.6(4) 98.6(2) Sn–N2a–N3a 124.03(3) Sn–N2a–C7a 123.0(2) 117.0(5) 113.6(5) 123.0(4) 117.1(5) 112.4(4) 126.6(5) 113.1(5) 121.5(6) 124.1(4) 115.1(5) 122.7(4) 123.4(5) 115.3(5) 115.1(5) 114.8(5) 114.4(5) 128.4(5) 117.3(5) N2a–Zn1–S1 N2a–Zn1–S2 N2a–Zn1–N2b 83.6(2) 105.5(2) 159.2(2) N2b–Zn1–S1 N2b–Zn1–S2 110.6(2) 82.9(2) S1–Zn1–S2 114.6(1) Zn1–S1–C8a Zn1–S2–C8b Zn1–N2a–N3a Zn1–N2b–N3b Zn1–N2a–C7a Zn1–N2b–C7b 94.7(2) 94.8(3) 120.8(4) 121.7(5) 122.9(5) 122.9(5) 115.5(6) 116.0(6) 115.6(3) 115.3(6) 114.4(5) 114.7(6) 115.2(6) 114.9(6) 126.2(5) 125.7(6) 118.6(5) 119.4(6) The two thiosemicarbazone moieties of [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] are equivalent. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Molecular structure of H22,6AcheximPH2O The molecular structure of H22,6AcheximPH2O is shown in Fig. 2. Much of H22,6AcheximPH2O is planar, except for the hexamethyleneimine rings, which are tilted in opposite directions from the plane of the molecule and make dihedral angles of 8.2(1) and 8.0(1)8 with the pyridine ring (Fig. 3 is a stereoview of H22,6AcheximPH2O). H22,6AcheximP H2O, like its tin(IV) complex [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)], crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, in contrast to 2acetylpyridine 3-hexamethyleneiminylthiosemicarbazone, HAchexim [12], which is monoclinic. However, both ligands possess the bifurcated E9 structure with the N1 atom of the pyridyl ring and the S1 atom of the moiety hydrogen bonded intramolecularly to the N2a hydrogen (Fig. 1(d,e)). Intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the H2O molecule Thursday Apr 13 09:56 AM and the N3b hydrogen and S2 atoms helps to cause differences in bond distances and angles between the two thiosemicarbazone moieties of H22,6AcheximPH2O (Tables 2 and 3). Fig. 2. Perspective view of H22,6AcheximPH2O showing the atom numbering scheme. StyleTag -- Journal: POLY (Polyhedron) Article: 3402 G.F. de Sousa et al. / Polyhedron 19 (2000) 841–847 845 3.2. Molecular structure of [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] Fig. 3. Stereoview of the unit cell packing of H22,6AcheximPH2O. ˚ and is The E arm has a S2–C8b distance of 1.689(7) A intermediate between typical C–S single- and double-bond lengths [5]. This agrees well with the N3b–C8b (1.359(7) ˚ and N4b–C8b (1.337(9) A) ˚ bond distances, which indiA) cate partial double-bond character for both bonds. The N2b– ˚ is significantly shorter than a N–C C7b bond, 1.313(7) A, single bond, as expected for a thiosemicarbazone. The E9 arm ˚ is longer than S2–C8b of the S1–C8a distance, 1.716(6) A, ˚ E arm, 1.689(7) A, which is consistent with its involvement in the bifurcated hydrogen bonding resulting in a formal single C–S bond, and similar to that found for HAchexim, ˚ [12]. Other bonds in the E9 thiosemicarbazone 1.70(1) A moiety of H22,6AcheximPH2O and HAchexim are as fol˚ N2a–N3a, lows: N2a–C7a, 1.291(6) and 1.29(1) A; ˚ 1.347(6) and 1.37(1) A; N3a–C8a, 1.364(7) and 1.36(2) ˚ N4a–C8a, 1.346(7) and 1.36(1) A. ˚ The similarity in bond A; distances of the two E9 forms of the two compounds is also true for their bond angles. In summary, the bonding in H22,6AheximPH2O has considerable delocalization of the electron density along both moieties, and although conventional bonding theory makes the two thiosemicarbazone moieties appear different, the bond distances between the two do not differ greatly. Far greater differences occur in the bond angles with the greatest differences being N2a–N3a–C8a, 112.4(4) and N2b–N3b–C8b, 126.6(5)8; N3a–C8a–S1, 124.1(4) and N3b–C8b–S2, 115.1(5)8; N3a–N2a–C7a, 123.0(4) and N3b–N2b and C7b, 117.1(5)8. This difference in bond angles may be due to the requirements of the thiolato/ thione sulfur’s difference in hydrogen bonding interactions; ˚ and the intramolecular H2a∆S1 has a distance of 2.38(6) A the hydrogen bond involving the water molecule, H1a∆S2, ˚ (Fig. 2). has a distance of 2.29(6) A Thursday Apr 13 09:57 AM The heptacoordinate neutral complex, [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)], has approximately pentagonal dipyramid stereochemistry, with the bis(thiosemicarbazone) ligand lying in the equatorial plane as shown in Fig. 4. As a result of chelation to the metal center, both five-membered rings and therefore also their symmetry related counterparts, are almost planar ˚ and Sn– Sn–S1–C8–N3–N2 (RMS plane deviation 0.093 A) ˚ respecN2–C7–C2–N1 (RMS plane deviation 0.0548 A), tively. As a consequence, the sums of the respective internal angles, 537.4 and 538.48, are in good agreement with the ideal value of 5408. The observed angle of 8.0(6)8 between these rings and the angle between the ring Sn–N2–C7–C2– N1 and its symmetry related ring Sn–N29–C79–C29–N19 of 6.14(16) underline the planarity of the pentagonal ring S– ˚ from which the N2–N1–N29–S9 (RMS deviation 0.0751 A) tin(IV) ion is moved away by 0.008(3)8. Owing to the geometric requirements of the thiosemicarbazonato moieties, the pentagon is not regular; the angle subtended at tin(IV) by the two sulfur atoms is significantly enlarged to 83.31(7)8 from that in an idealized pentagonal bipyramid (728), while the other equatorial angles range from 66.86(11) to 71.65(11)8. The axial butyl groups also contribute to the observed distortion since they have a C–Sn– C angle of 171.6(4)8. The bond distances Sn–S1 2.6921(17), Sn–N2a 2.436(5), Sn–N1 2.417(6), Sn–C31 2.145(11), ˚ are in good agreement with the bond and Sn–C41 2.171(8) A distances Sn–S 2.593(1) and 2.603(1), Sn–N(imine) 2.427(4) and 2.421(4), Sn–N(py) 2.368(3), and Sn–C ˚ found in [Ph2Sn(2,62.178(4) and 2.179(4) A, Ac4DH)]P2DMF (2,6Ac4DH is the dianion of 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazone)), another heptacoordinated pentagonal dipyramidal diorganotin(IV) deriva- Fig. 4. ORTEP plot with atom-labeling scheme of [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)], displacement ellipsoids at the 30% probability level. Atoms labeled with a and b are related by the symmetry operation x, yyq1/2, z. StyleTag -- Journal: POLY (Polyhedron) Article: 3402 846 G.F. de Sousa et al. / Polyhedron 19 (2000) 841–847 tive containing a quinquedentate thiosemicarbazone ligand in the pentagonal girdle [6]. Coordination to the tin(IV) center by the imine nitrogen and the thiolato sulfur lengthens ˚ as well as S1–C8a N2a–C7a and N2b–C7b to 1.331(7) A, ˚ from an average of 1.302(7) and and S2–C8b to 1.746(7) A, ˚ respectively, in H22,6AcheximPH2O. Therefore, 1.703(7) A, as a result of their coordination, both bonds lose substantial p-character. The bond angles of the entire thiosemicarbazone moiety, which lose the amide hydrogen on coordination, show substantial changes compared to the angles in H22,6AcheximPH2O, and the changes are greater for [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] than for [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2, Table 3. The butyl group bonded to Sn by C31 shows considerable disorder and contributes to the relatively high R value for [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)]. 3.3. Molecular structure of [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 The bonding in [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2, Fig. 5, is best described as distorted tetrahedral stereochemistry about the two zinc centers, which are equivalent. As expected, the Zn– ˚ are longer than the Zn– S bonds, 2.352(2) and 2.363(2) A, ˚ In the N2a (and Zn–N2b) bonds, 2.053(5) and 2.050(6) A. octahedral-tetrahedral binuclear zinc complex of 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazone), H22,6Ac4DH, the tetrahedral Zn center has Zn–S bond distances of 2.317(3) ˚ shorter than in [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2, and and 2.327(4) A, ˚ [2]. The longer Zn– both Zn–N bond distances of 2.07(1) A S bond distances, which likely contribute to the shorter Zn– N distances for [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2, probably result from the bulkiness of the hexamethyleneiminyl rings. The distortion from tetrahedral symmetry is substantial; the largest bond angle is N(imine)–Zn–N(imine), 159.2(2)8, the S–Zn–S angle with the two largest donor atoms is 114.6(1)8, and the smallest is a chelating S–Zn– N(imine), 82.9(2)8. The smallness of the latter angle is due to the requirements of the chelating thiosemicarbazonato moiety. For the octahedral-tetrahedral binuclear complex [Zn(2,6Ac4DH)]2, the angles around the tetrahedral zinc center are as follows: N(imine)–Zn–N(imine), 140.8(4)8, the S–Zn–S angle is 118.3(2)8 and the smallest is a chelating S–Zn–N(imine), 83.8(4)8. The chelating S–Zn–N(imine) angles are essentially the same, but the other two angles show significant differences. Differences are not surprising since in [Zn(2,6Ac4DH)]2 the two arms are from different 2,6Ac4DH ligands, as is the case for 2,6Achexim, but both ligands in [Zn(2,6Ac4DH)]2 coordinate their pyridyl nitrogens to the octahedral zinc center while the pyridyl nitrogens are uncoordinated in [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2. 3.4. IR spectra The most significant difference which emerges from a comparison of the vibrational spectra of H22,6AcheximPH2O and its complexes is the disappearance of the band n(N–H) at 3221 cmy1 as a consequence of the dianionic nature it Thursday Apr 13 09:57 AM Fig. 5. Perspective view of [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 showing the atom numbering scheme. assumes upon coordination. Assignment of n(C_N) is complicated by the differences in the thiosemicarbazone moieties (i.e. the bifurcated E9 and the E arm, which is involved in hydrogen bonding to the hydrate water molecule), as well as the partial double bond character possessed by all of the C– N bonds of the molecule. In the bifurcated E9 arm N3a–C8a is formally a double bond and the bond distances C8a–N4a and C8b–N4b suggest considerable double bond character. The spectrum of H22,6AcheximPH2O has bands at 1574 and 1561 cmy1 that are likely due to n(C_N). When two bands are present in the spectra of coordinated anionic thiosemicarbazones that are assignable to n(C_N), one is usually at lower energy, e.g. C7_N2, and one at higher energy, e.g. N3_C8, compared to n(C_N) of the uncoordinated neutral thiosemicarbazone [12–15]. The spectrum of [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 has bands at 1591 and 1564 cmy1 that we suggest are due to n(C_N) for N3_C8 and C7_N2, respectively. Although the bands at ca. 1272, 1100 and 836 cmy1 in the spectrum of H22,6AcheximPH2O have a significant contribution from n(C_S), only the first absorption is shifted to lower frequency (1213 cmy1) in the spectrum of [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] and the third absorption to lower frequency (739 cmy1) in the spectrum of [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2. 3.5. NMR spectra The 1H NMR spectrum (CDCl3) of H22,6AcheximPH2O shows the two different thiosemicarbazone arms with the E9 arm having NH3a at 15.18 ppm and NH3b for the E arm at 8.52 ppm. Its 13C NMR spectrum shows two peaks for thione carbons, C8a and C8b, at 184.3 and 180.9 ppm, and for imine carbons, C7a and C7b, 147.6 and 147.4 ppm, but we are not able to assign these to a specific carbon atom with certainty. The 1H NMR spectrum (CDCl3) of [Bu2Sn(2,6Achexim)] shows no peaks assignable to N3aH (or N3bH), but shows a triplet at 8.17 and a doublet at 7.85 ppm for pyridyl protons, StyleTag -- Journal: POLY (Polyhedron) Article: 3402 G.F. de Sousa et al. / Polyhedron 19 (2000) 841–847 two singlets for N_C–CH3 protons at 2.83 and 2.57 ppm, two doublets at 3.86, 1.54 ppm and a singlet at 1.79 ppm for the magnetically non-equivalent hexamethyleneiminyl protons. The Sn–CH2–CH2–CH2– protons appear as a complicated multiplet centered at about 0.99 ppm, while the n-bu– CH3 protons appear as a triplet at 0.60 ppm. In CDCl3 [Zn(2,6Achexim)]2 shows a triplet centered at 7.93 ppm and a doublet at 7.30 ppm for the pyridyl protons, a singlet at 2.53 ppm for N_C–CH3, and a multiplet centered at 3.69 ppm and broads singlets at 1.85 and 1.59 ppm for the hexametheneiminyl protons. 3.6. Biological activity Although other bis(thiosemicarbazones) derived from 2acetylpyridine have shown antitumor activity when tested by the National Cancer Institute, H22,6AcheximPH2O showed insufficient activity against 60 tumor lines and showed no activity in the HIV test. In antifungal tests H22,6AcheximPH2O shows no activity against Aspergillus niger and modest activity at a concentration of 103 mg mly1 against Paecilomyces variotii. Supplementary data Crystallographic data (excluding structure factors), a complete listing of the atomic positions, bond distances, bond angles and anisotropic thermal parameters, for the structures reported in this paper have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center as supplementary publication CCDC 118877. Copies of available material can be obtained, free of charge, on application to the Director, CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK (fax: q44-1223-336033; e-mail: deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk). Thursday Apr 13 09:57 AM 847 Acknowledgements The authors thank the CNPq, CAPES/PROBRAL for financial support, and Professor Ademir Neves and Professor ´ Ivo Vencato (UFSC, Florianopolis, Brazil) and Professor ¨ ¨ Joachim Strahle (University of Tubingen, Germany) for the diffractometer facilities. References [1] M. Mohan, P. Sharma, M. Kumar, N.K. Jha, Inorg. Chim. Acta 9 (1986) 9. [2] A. Bino, N. Cohen, Inorg. Chim. Acta 210 (1993) 11. [3] M.C. 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