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Editorial policies

Our journals adhere to industry standards for all of our editorial policies, by following the recommendations and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authorship & Affiliations

Authorship of a scholarly article carries responsibility for the integrity of its content, including, but not limited to the data, its analysis and presentation, compliance with research ethics and publication policies, and availability of research materials. 

Submission of a manuscript is taken as an agreement from all authors that the content of the article is true and accurate, including the list of authors and their contributions, and that all authors have approved its submission. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring these conditions have been met and for managing all correspondence about the article, both before and after publication. 

Academia.edu Journals strictly commits to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines on authorship, which state that in order to qualify for authorship, the following criteria should be met for each author:

Based on the authorship guidelines stated above, contributors who do not meet all criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. These may include individuals who provided technical or writing oversight, or a department chair who offered general support.

Any changes in the authorship, including any removal, addition or rearrangement, must be approved by all authors, including any to be removed, and the editors must be informed timely. The journal editors reserve the right to request an explanation and signed statement of agreement for the requested changes from all authors, including any who have been removed. Authors should consider the authorship carefully before submission and necessary changes should be made during the editorial process. Changes in authorship are not allowed after the acceptance of a manuscript.

Authors should use the affiliation at which the majority of the work was conducted. In the event that an author has relocated from the institution where the work occurred, please also provide their current academic institution.

Authors should use the name and/or gender they identify with at the point of submission. If this is different from previous publications, they may wish to make the editors aware of their publication history in their associated cover letter (which should not be more than 400 words). Academia.edu Journals treats issues of discrimination by gender seriously.

Authorship and Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Technologies

Academia.edu Journals follows the COPE position statement regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in manuscript preparation. 

AI tools such as chatbots or Large Language Models (LLMs) cannot meet the criteria for authorship as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work, manage conflicts of interest, or handle copyright and licensing agreements. The use of AI tools in any aspects of manuscript preparation must be disclosed in the Materials and Methods section of the paper. Authors bear full responsibility for all content in their manuscript, including portions generated by AI tools, and are accountable for adhering to publication ethics.

Consortium/Group Authorship

If authorship is retained by a consortium or group, the consortium or group should be listed as the author. Individual members of the consortium/group listed as authors must be eligible for authorship according to ICMJE guidelines.

If a paper is presented by author(s) on behalf of a consortium or group, clarification should be made on the author list, for example, "Author A on behalf of consortium/group XXX." The consortium/group will not retain authorship and will only appear in the list of authors.

Deceased Authors

If a manuscript has been submitted with a deceased author, or if an author passes away during the review process, the corresponding author or co-authors should inform the editorial office. If the deceased author was a corresponding author, the authors' group should nominate a co-author for this role. A note will be added under the author list after publication.

Conflicts of Interest

Author’s Conflicts of Interest

Academia.edu Journals enforces guidelines from the ICMJE which state that “authors should avoid entering into agreements with study sponsors, both for-profit and nonprofit, that interfere with authors’ access to all of the study’s data or that interfere with their ability to analyze and interpret the data and to prepare and publish manuscripts independently when and where they choose.”

Authors are required to disclose any personal situations or associations that may be perceived as unduly influencing the presentation or understanding of research results. This includes a variety of possible conflicts of interest, including, but not limited to, financial and non-financial interests. 

Academia.edu defines the financial competing interests in the following ways:

Non-financial interests may include but are not limited to personal relationships or competing interests directly or indirectly tied to this research, or professional interests or personal beliefs that may influence your research.

All authors should include any involvement of the funding sponsors in shaping the study's design, data collection, analysis, data interpretation, manuscript preparation, or the decision to publish the findings.

If the funding sponsors played no part in any of these aspects, please specify, "The funding sponsors were not involved in the study's design, data collection, analysis, manuscript preparation, or the decision to publish the results."

Authors are advised to disclose any potential conflicts of interest during the submission process via the submission platform. In the manuscript, a separate statement should be included in the “Conflicts of Interests” section placed after the author’s contribution. 


  1. Author(s) declare no conflict of interests


  1. Author A has been a volunteer in Company X. Author B received a research grant from Company Y. Author C has been involved as a consultant in Company Z. 

The editors require all contributors to disclose relevant competing interests. In the event that competing interests are revealed after publication, a correction should be published. A retraction or expression of concern may also be published, if appropriate.

Editorial Conflicts of Interest

Unpublished information disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in any research by the Editor-in-Chief, Academic Editors, reviewers, or any other informed person, unless the authors have given their explicit permission or until the time of publication.

The Editor-in-Chief and Academic Editors should recuse themselves from considering a manuscript in the event of any personal conflicts of interest. These might include conflicts that result from collaborative, competitive, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions that have relevance to the manuscript. Privileged information and opinions obtained during peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal or third party advantage. 

Academia.edu Journals will treat reviewer misconduct seriously and investigate any evidence of confidentiality breach, non-declaration of conflicts of interest (both financial and non-financial), inappropriate use of confidential material, or delays to peer review for competitive advantage. Major allegations of reviewer misconduct (e.g. plagiarism) will be raised with the reviewer’s institution.

During the lifecycle of the editorial process, relationships between editors and authors are considered to be a conflict of interest. Such relationships include current/recent colleagues, recent co-authors, mentor/mentee relationships, and applicant/committee chair connections. 

Authors are strongly encouraged to raise potential conflicts of interest with our editorial team. Academic Editors are expected to inform the Editorial Office of any possible conflicts of interest with authors. 

For more information about Editorial Conflict of Interest, please see the Editor Guidelines.

Publication & Research Ethics

Academia.edu Journals is committed to enriching scholarly literature and will not tolerate cases of ethical malpractice from authors, editors or peer reviewers. All authors must follow industry-standard  guidelines and ethical standards as instructed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). If an author, editor, or reader suspects that there may be ethical concerns present in a manuscript, please contact the journal’s Editorial Office, and we will take immediate action to investigate the concern. 

In addition to our policies, authors must also comply with their institutional and country-specific regulations and guidelines for any research involving humans.

Authors submitting to our journals must ensure that their manuscripts are of ethically sound quality and follow our research and ethics policy. This includes:

Duplicate and Simultaneous Submissions

Manuscripts submitted for publication will be considered with the understanding that no part of the work has been published previously (in print or electronic format) and the paper is not under consideration by another publication. Work published as a conference proceeding or preprint will be considered.

Duplicate submission (also known as redundant publication) is the publication of a paper that is substantially similar to another published by the same author, without acknowledging the source or obtaining permission from the original copyright holder. Republication of a paper without permission and/or acknowledgment may constitute a breach of publishing ethics. 

In exceptional cases, republication may be considered, including:

Following the ICMJE recommendation, Academia.edu Journals may consider secondary publications of materials published in other journals or online, especially when intended to disseminate important information to the widest possible audience (e.g., guidelines produced by government agencies and professional organizations in the same or a different language). Secondary publication for various other reasons may also be justified, as long as the following conditions are met:

Moreover, high-quality content that has been previously published in another language for publication (translations), under the condition that the original research is appropriately cited in the Acknowledgments section may also be considered for publication if the following terms are met:

Simultaneous Submission (also referred to as multiple or dual submission) is the submission of a manuscript that is under consideration at another journal.

Multiple submissions may be allowed in exceptional cases, including when editors of the different journals agree that jointly publishing a paper is in the best interest of the academic field. In such cases, the authors must have notified the editors of all journals involved.

Manuscripts that are deemed to be duplicate and or simultaneous submissions will be reviewed and handled on a case-by-case basis by the relevant Academic Editor, who will be notified of the concern.

Image Integrity

Image files must not undergo any form of manipulation or adjustment that might result in a misinterpretation of the information conveyed by the original image. The data presented must be original and should not be inappropriately selected, manipulated, enhanced, or fabricated. If irregular image manipulation is detected and verified during the peer review process, Academia.edu Journals reserves the right to reject the manuscript. In cases where irregular image manipulation is identified and confirmed after publication, any corrective measures can be taken, including issuing corrections or retracting the paper as necessary. Authors who are found to have misused images will not have their manuscripts considered for publication in any of our journals again.

Research Involving Humans 

If authors have conducted any research using human subjects, material of human origin, human tissues or data, the authors are required to declare that the research was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, updated in 2013. Authors are also obliged to provide the approval from the local institutional review board (IRB) or other appropriate committee, obtained prior to conducting the research. When applicable, authors are required to provide the project identification code, the date of approval and the name of the committee or institutional review board. 

Informed, written consent from all participants is required. In the case of vulnerable populations ( e.g., children), written, informed consent should be provided by a legal guardian, and assent obtained from the participant. If written consent is waived by an ethics committee or not required by local legislation, this must be explicitly stated in the manuscript.

For any non-interventional studies (e.g. surveys) the authors are obliged to inform participants about the purpose of the research being conducted, how it will be used, the risks involved, and ensure the anonymity of the participants. Authors should still obtain ethics approval when required to adhere to regional and institutional regulations. If ethics approval is not required, this should be clearly stated in the manuscript. 

If not relevant to the studies being conducted, patient data must be anonymized if possible. If case details (e.g., personal information and/or photographs of patients) are necessary in the manuscript, signed informed consent is required from such patients for the publication of the data. Informed consent for the publication of potentially identifiable images should be obtained separately.

Research Involving Animals

We encourage authors to follow the International Association of Veterinary Editors (AVMA) guidelines for publication of studies including animal research.

Research involving vertebrates or higher invertebrates must be approved by an appropriate Ethics Committee in advance, in accordance with applicable national regulations. When applicable, authors are required to provide the project identification code, the date of approval and the name of the committee or institutional review board. For experimental studies involving animals owned by a client at a veterinary practice or otherwise, authors must also include a statement of informed consent from the client or owner. 

If ethical approval is not required by national law, authors must provide an exemption from an Ethics Committee, if one exists. If the study obtained an exemption, the name of the ethics committee that granted it should be stated in the “Institutional Review Board Statement” section, along with a full explanation of why ethical approval was not required. If private or client-owned animals were used in research, then written, informed consent from the legal owners is required.

Research Involving Cell Lines

If cell lines are used in research, their origin should be specified in the Materials and Methods section. If an established cell line is used, its origin from a commercial source should be stated. If previously unpublished lines are used, including those obtained from a non-commercial source (laboratory), details of the IRB or ethics committee should be provided. 

Research Involving Plants

Any experimental research on plants (cultivated or wild), including the collection of plant material, must follow institutional, national or international guidelines.

Availability of Data, Materials, Code and Protocols

In line with our commitment to fostering transparency and reproducibility in research, authors are required to ensure that all data, materials, code, and protocols associated with their research are readily available to readers. This commitment aligns with the FAIR Data Principles, which emphasize making digital assets Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

When citing datasets used in their research, authors should follow this structured format to ensure consistency and clarity:

“{Dataset} Authors. Year. Dataset title; Data repository or archive; Version; Persistent identifier.”


Academia.edu Journals upholds a strict policy to promote neutrality with respect to geopolitical disputes. Authors should refer to place names and countries as detailed in the UN convention and use correct nomenclature. We will not rename countries and will remain neutral over issues of country or location.


There are a variety of plagiarism types and all are considered serious violations of academic integrity. The most common forms of plagiarism are defined below:

Content taken from pre-prints or unpublished theses available on institutional webpages are not considered to be plagiarism, however these sources must be clearly cited within the References section.

Academia.edu Journals takes issues of plagiarism seriously and uses iThenticate to determine which manuscripts may contain plagiarized content. Our editors use these reports and work closely with our internal teams to prevent publication of plagiarized content. If plagiarism is detected during the review process, the manuscript may be rejected, and any other author’s work will not be considered for publication in any of our journals again. If plagiarism is detected after publication, an investigation will be conducted and appropriate steps will be taken in accordance with our policies.

Citation Policy

Authors are expected to:

Following COPE guidelines, it is anticipated that “original wording taken directly from publications by other researchers should appear in quotation marks with the appropriate citations”. This requirement applies to the author’s own works.

Allegations of Research Misconduct Policy

We adhere to rigorous ethical standards and handle allegations of research misconduct with the utmost care. Our approach is based on the guidelines of organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

In cases of alleged research misconduct:

Throughout this process, we will maintain confidentiality and keep complainants informed of the resolution. Academia.edu Journals is dedicated to upholding research ethics and the highest standards in scholarly publishing.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

We recognize the value of diversity and inclusion in enriching scientific research and discourse. We are committed to promoting diversity in our Editorial Board, peer reviewers, and authors. This includes ensuring representation from a range of geographical regions, academic institutions, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds. We believe that diverse perspectives enhance the quality and impact of our publications and are essential to advancing knowledge. Our policies and practices are designed to create an inclusive environment where all members of the scientific community feel respected and valued.

Statement on Controversial Articles

Academia.edu Journals is committed to publishing research findings that may include reviews of literature in a specific area, reports of original research, proposals of new or untested theories, negative results, and/or reanalysis of others’ research.

We are committed to enhancing scientific progress which results from the free interchange of ideas. We fully appreciate that other researchers may endorse or disprove published research through their own study, analysis, and theories. Often controversial views are intentionally published to stimulate further debate and advance the field to a stronger understanding of the critical issues, and our Editorial Board is strongly encouraged to consider work at the cutting edge of scientific discovery, which can be controversial in nature.

Despite our commitment to publishing high-quality, ethically sound, and accurate research, it is possible that an individual or group may take issue with or disagree with an item published by our journal, and which they believe requires further investigation. Our Editorial Board will thoroughly assess these matters in question to ensure that issues of political, personal, or corporate agendas do not impact the publication of scientific articles or instances in which an article is being contested.

Furthermore, any allegations that challenge the scientific accuracy of an article, will require the backing of relevant facts when contacting the Editorial Office and will be forwarded to a member of the board to make a final decision on the issues raised. Anyone that wishes to contest an article published in any of Academia.edu’s journals is asked to prepare a well-referenced, scientifically rigorous statement and/or rebuttal to the article in question for submission to the Editors of the journal for editorial review. The authors contesting the work must i) disclose their identity, ii) declare all competing interests, both financial and non-financial, and iii) provide a reference list of their publications relevant to the issue to demonstrate their knowledge in the field. The editorial review of the rebuttal will be judged on scientific merit alone. Authors of the work being contested will be given an opportunity to respond and the Editorial decision will be final.

Please note that articles published in our journals do not represent the personal views of the authors and do not constitute the personal views of the editorial board.

Written comments regarding any publication should be forwarded to the Editorial Office of the relevant journal.

Post-Publication Policy

Under certain circumstances, a published article may contain errors that require correction or, in some cases, retraction of the article. Such errors can be reported by an author, reader, or independent party.


An article may be corrected if significant errors are found after publication. The following cases may warrant an article to be updated: 

Significant errors will be corrected with the publication of a Correction notice and a note added to the updated article page to communicate the change. This notice will be published regardless of whether the error was introduced by the authors or the publisher.

Minor errors that do not influence the scientific understanding or readability of the publication will not be updated. Examples of minor errors may include small typographical or grammatical errors, or minor problems with spacing or formatting. For this reason, we strongly encourage our authors to thoroughly proofread all articles before publication, in order to avoid the presence of minor errors.


Academia.edu Journals follow the COPE recommendations for retractions.

The retraction of an article may be applicable when an entire work is brought into question on substantive problems, for example, due to serious errors within the research process, ethical violations, plagiarism, data fabrication, or other significant reasons.

If a Retraction is published, the retracted article will be marked as retracted in all it’s forms. Retractions are published with the same authorship and authors’ affiliations as the original article, and are linked to the retracted publication.

Prior to retracting an article, an Editorial Expression of Concern may be published.

Decision Process

Any complaints or requests for updating published articles related to scientific errors or misconduct are handled by each journal’s Editorial Office with the support of their Editorial Board and final approval by the Editor-in-Chief.

In cases of ethical concerns, final decisions are made by the Editor-in-Chief or members of the Editorial Board. If necessary, other individuals and institutions, including university authorities or experts in the field, are consulted. If a complaint has legal implications, legal advice may be sought.

All decisions made by the publisher regarding corrections or retractions are final and cannot be disputed.

Terms and Conditions

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Severability. With the exception of any of the provisions in the “Class Action Waiver” paragraph above (“Class Action Waiver”), if an arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction decides that any part of these Terms is invalid or unenforceable, the other parts of these Terms will still apply.


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Academia.edu Journals

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