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Boko Haram seizes Nigeria's northern region

Terrorists hoist flags in Niger State, stay put at Geidam in volatile northeast Yobe State after weekend attack

Olarewaju Kola  | 27.04.2021 - Update : 27.04.2021
Boko Haram seizes Nigeria's northern region

LAGOS, Nigeria

Boko Haram has hoisted its flags in some parts of Nigeria's northern Niger State, an official said.

State Governor Abubakar Bello confirmed the terrorists attacked Kaure, a remote community in the state, and hoisted their flags .

"I am confirming that there are Boko Haram elements here in Niger State, here in Kaure. I am confirming that they have hoisted their flags here," he told reporters on Monday evening.

He said the terrorists also forcefully took the wives of residents.

"They have placed their flags at Kaure, meaning they have taken over the community," the governor said

He warned the terrorists' presence in his state may endanger the security of the nation's capital Abuja, some 140 kilometres (87 miles) away.

A government official from the area told Anadolu Agency on Tuesday on condition of anonymity that the military was yet to deploy troops to clear Boko Haram and its flags from the community. The source said the flags were black with white Arabic inscription.

The military is yet to comment or issue any official statement on the attack.

Terror and armed attacks have been on increase in Nigeria since the weekend.

On Saturday, Boko Haram entered the northeast Geidam town, the hometown of the country's new police chief. Security sources said dozens of the terrorists are still in the town as of Tuesday morning.

As the military battled to push back the terrorists on Sunday evening, its base at Minok, a community along the northeast Borno highway came under the terrorists attack. Military authorities said late Monday an army officer and five soldiers were killed in the attack.

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