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Joe Hyrkin

Recent content by this author:

  • Big Tech’s Riddled Relationship with Publishers

    Industry Insights   March 10, 2023  

    The power of Big Tech’s influence skyrocketed to astronomical heights in recent years, with more than 50 percent of digital ad spend filtering through Meta and Google alone, as reported by Harvard Business Review. Despite those numbers, there’s a narrative circulating the publishing industry that’s long been overplayed, and that is: Publishers are losing their power and need to “fight back.” With the question too often being: How can they do that?

  • What Publishers Need to Know About the Metaverse

    Pulse   January 3, 2023  

    The metaverse is being presented as an exciting opportunity for brands and consumers alike, and while some consider it an exciting future, there are likely more challenges ahead than real and sustainable business and content models.
