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CQ Press Library - the place to search or browse resources on American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for the social sciences.

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Congress Collection

A data-rich research and reference tool that provides historical analysis of members of Congress, their legislative voting behavior, interest groups, and their interactions in crafting public policy.

CQ Almanac

Authoritative analysis on the major legislation and actions of congress for each year since 1945. Unique data on the voting patterns of Congress members provide insight into the legislative process and history of the institution. Users can follow the history of a policy issue with the Policy Tracker tool which links reports on the same issue for almost 70 years.

CQ Researcher

A database of in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923. Each report is footnoted and includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debate-style pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.

CQ Magazine

A news magazine featuring in-depth reporting on public policy, politics, congressional legislation, and elections extending back to 1983, including: a complete wrap-up of news on Congress, the status of bills in play, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, committee and floor activity, debates, and all roll-call votes.

Encyclopedia of American Government

A comprehensive introduction to American government. This collection of thousands of concise, expert, explanations of the who, how and why of American democracy cover contemporary and historical topics.

Politics in America

The ultimate insider's guide to politics with authoritative information on each member of Congress and the district he or she represents.

Public Affairs Collection

A one-stop source for public policy content with primary source documents, statistical overviews, and the best in-depth reporting on current affairs.

Supreme Court Collection

A blend of historical analysis, timely updates and expert commentary of Supreme Court decisions, biographies of justices, institutional history, and the U.S. Constitution. This database also contains extensive data on Court opinions and justice voting behavior that allows for easy quantitative analysis of the Court.

Supreme Court Yearbook

A collection of annual reporting on the actions and opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court with clear, in-depth analysis of every decision made by the nation's highest court since the 1989-1990 term and the justices who ruled on them.

Voting and Elections Collection

A database of elections data, authoritative analyses, concise explanations, and historical materials to help researchers investigate and understand voting and elections in America from 1789-present.