Factors affecting abortion, stillbirth and kid mortality in the Goat and Yaez (Goat × ibex)

https://doi.org/10.1016/0921-4488(94)90028-0Get rights and content


Data on abortions, stillbirths and kid mortality from an experimental herd, used for the development of the Yaez, were analyzed. Total number of embryos was 960. Mortality was divided according to kids' age, to early mortality (during first 48 h), mortality before weaning at 70 d (BWA) and after weaning up to 180 d (AWA). There were more abortions among primiparous does (11 %) than among older ones (5.3%). More triplets were aborted (13.4% vs. 6.2%) and/or born dead (15.5% vs. 5.3%) than kids in smaller litters. Season affected mortality of kids before, as well as after, weaning. Rates were 7%, 25.3% and 12.8% BWA for winter, spring and summer born kids, respectively. After weaning 8%, 22.6% and 9.5% died out of winter, spring and summer kids, respectively. Day of birth in season was a significant factor of mortality of kids before and after weaning. Of the kids born during the first 10 d of season, 7.7% died BWA and 8.9% AWA; out of kids that were born from 11 to 20 days, 17.5% died BWA and 16.5% AWA, while 27.2% of the kids that were born after 20 d died BWA and 20.7% died AWA.

Mortality rate before and after weaning increased corresponding to the percentage of ibex genes in the dam, the sire and the kid. Combination of low birth weight with hybridization of goat and ibex resulted in increased mortality in all three ages. During the first 48 h of their life average mortality was 4.5%; of kids born up to 1.5 kg with 10–30% ibex genes, 17.6% died; and from the group with more than 30% ibex genes, 33.3% died.

References (8)

  • C. Devendra et al.

    Goat Production in the Tropics

  • O. Garcia et al.

    Goats in the Dry Tropics

  • C.C. Li

    Introduction to Experimental Statistics

  • P. Morand-Fehr


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