Nitrogen metabolism and kidney function in the nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana) rights and content


  • 1.

    1. The nitrogen economy of the Nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana), a ruminant that inhabits harsh deserts, was studied in the laboratory when fed three diets of different quality.

  • 2.

    2. Even on the low quality roughage (wheat straw) the ibex was found capable of balancing its nitrogen economy.

  • 3.

    3. On feeds low in protein, recycling of urea played a major role in helping the ibex maintaining a balanced nitrogen metabolism. When on wheat straw, the ibex recycled 71.6% of the urea synthesized in its liver.

  • 4.

    4. When on feeds lower in protein, blood urea concentration dropped (from 11.4mM when on alfalfa hay to 3.2 mM when on wheat straw). GFR that amounted to 44.28 ml/min when on alfalfa hay decreased to 28.97ml/min when on wheat straw.

  • 5.

    5. Reabsorption of urea amounted to 48% of the urea filtered when on alfalfa hay and increased to 78.8% on wheat straw.

References (13)

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