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Honestly not bad
ksgillihan19 February 2024
This film isn't going to win any Oscars or be nominated by any stretch of the imagination but it's a solid action flick. It's an interesting take on a military action movie where the drone operator (Crowe) can be the difference between life and death for an American team behind enemy lines. Of course some Hollywood magic carries the movie through scenes that wouldn't otherwise happen in real life but that's to be expected.

Crowe does a great job as an aging drone operator who should be higher in rank by now but is held back by his own stubbornness. Without Crowe in this role I think the movie would fall far under the radar (pun intended) of most people looking for a decent action movie to watch. Hemsworth does a decent job in his role but it's Crowe that holds the film together. Worth a watch.
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Modern look at classic action flicks
eJay1718 February 2024
This movie is a kind of a blast from the past, when action movies like "Commando" or "Missing in Action" ruled the VHS rental stores. It has absolutely everything that fans of adult cinema appreciate and value - shootouts, swear words in the dialogues, simple motivations and quite good execution.

Liam Hemsworth may not be the king of acting, but he delivers a sufficiently interesting role to follow his fate with excitement on face. For me, it was a pleasant screening, although it lacks some clear and positive argument. It is a solid action movie in a modern edition, but without unnecessary corporate influences. It is worth watching, because such productions are basically not produced today.
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It is actually quite ok
Movie_Reviews16 February 2024
Not as bad as I feared. There is absolutely no nitty-gritty feel to it. Nothing dark or foreboding. Nothing really suspenseful. No, it floats gently on the surface, fairly nice, controlled and polished. But on the other hand it is mostly fairly realistic and surprisingly gory. The enemies cannot aim if their lives depended on it (which it actually does, making it even more surprising that they cannot aim) and hand grenades has huge explosions, tearing down walls and stuff. But overall fairly realistic, still.

So yeah, I would give it a 6.5. Absolutely not a 7 and since 6.5 does not exist I am forced to give it a 6.
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Nothing original, but good action.
paulclaassen17 February 2024
Someone should have warned them 'Land of Bad' is a marketing disaster as a title for a movie. There is no way I'm going to remember the movie by this title.

'Land of Bad' offers nothing original. We've seen this premise so many times before and chances are you're going to watch it for the action and not so much the story. A Delta Force team is sent to the Philippines to extract a CIA agent (whom we never get to see). Kinney (Liam Hemsworth) - also known as Playboy - is mistakenly assigned to the operation, and - as predicted - becomes the protagonist.

When the extraction goes horribly wrong, the team relies on drone operator 'Reaper' (Russell Crowe) to be their eyes and guide them to safety. 'Land of Bad' is a no-holds-barred actioner with action and adventure from beginning to end. There are a few very good action sequences and even well crafted suspense. I do think the film's final moments could have been better, but in general I rather enjoyed 'Land of Bad' - even if just for the action and to see those ripped bodies in action.
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The major reason this movie didn't make waves is from ZERO marketing
sgtmattkind18 February 2024
I don't review many movies but I felt obligated when I saw how poorly this is doing in the box office. It's unfair for how well this movie does while watching it.

When I first saw this film on a list of movies to watch on a...non reputable website for movies...I thought it was a Netflix or Amazon flick because I've never heard of it before, let alone seen a trailer. Here I come to find out that this movie was not only released in theaters but it was released TWO DAYS AGO (2/15). The marketing team completely dropped the ball on this movie. The major reason that I believe it failed is because there was zero reaching out to potential audiences.

This movie has your basic covert jungle style warfare with enemies who can't aim but it kept me entertained and into it the entire time. The acting is decent, and Russell Crowe is great as an 'in your ear drone operator'. The way they used technical equipment in this movie is better than I've seen of late in any modern movie with drone warfare.

If you want to see a jungle shooting movie with American good guys shooting at random bad guys then this movie is for you. It's very entertaining and I felt into it the entire time.

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You want action? You got action! Only let down being some silly and totally uncredible plot turns.
imseeg18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Straight forward action from start till finish, in a story about an inexperienced soldier (Liam Hemsworth) who has to rescue someone in a foreign enemy country, while Russel Crowe is guiding him through this enemy territory via drone cameras above, firing some missiles now and then, killing some bad guys.

The bad: this story has got some incredibly silly plot turns, so it cant be taken seriously. For example: a drone command centre cant be reached because the phone is off the hook, because the guys on duty are having a break and watching football and eating pizza. What the what?!!

The good: the action is okay. It's fast. It's big. It's loud. And it's reasonably realistic, with some nice explosions and lots of chases and attacks and even a few knife fights. It'll do for anyone into straight forward action movies.

What's kinda special about this movie is that they tried (and only partly succeeded) in making the leading actors look human, by letting them chitchat about all sorts of little things, like their favorite (vegan) food or candy and more of that sort of dribble. These supposedly witty dialogues do feel too artificially constructed and do not ring true to life...

Nothing extraordinary, but still enjoyable as a solid action spectacle, despite a few incredibly annoying credibility flaws.
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Enjoyable action movie.
subxerogravity17 February 2024
It seems like the type of movie that will come and go which is too bad because it was decent. Not the best I've ever seen but purely entertaining for what it was. Liam Hemsworth is starting to look more like his brother Chris in his old age. Possibly the one disadvantage to the film because you look at Liam and you think Chris in those Extraction movies but this movie is not on that level.

Russel Crowe was amazing in this film. He did so much with so little. It was a part that felt like anyone could play but Crowe put on the acting muscles for this. I see why he's won an Oscar. He's not going to win one for this but he gave a charming performance that made the non-action parts more interesting Yeah man, truly sorry that this movie seems to be designed to go straight to the streaming services after a courtesy release. Never even heard about it just saw it pop up on my movie theatre app very suddenly when I wanted something to watch.

Well worth the time!
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Russell Crowe is incredible
crbrown2518 February 2024
The Land of Bad follows a.special ops rescue mission to its conclusion. The tone and feel of the movie is reminiscent of Sicario and Top Gun: Maverick. The story is good with some unexpected twists, thrills, and lessons.

All of the actors do a great job but Russell Crowe steals the screen through the character 'Reaper,' a civilian contractor working as a drone operator. Reaper cares deeply about his job and takes the mission seriously. The team in the field is his number one priority and that's what makes Reaper so darn likable.

All in all the action looked and felt great but that's not what makes Land of Bad a good movie. In fact, I wouldn't even call Land of Bad an action flick. At its heart, Land of Bad is drama about the difficulties surrounding modern combat and its effect on our psyche.

Don't get me wrong. It's not an Oscar winner or anything but it's a serious and entertaining movie that I enjoyed enough to write this review.
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The writing was the worst part
latinfineart20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you're a pure action freak and you have absolutely no qualms about believability, feasibility, or realism you might get a kick out of this movie. Hemsworth was given a really lame script and he was asked to pretend that he's some sort of operator with absolutely no experience, yet he manages to be the hero nonetheless. It's a very cliche story, very poorly written by a hack writer who probably got $5,000 for the script. Somehow the project got two big stars, and got green lit. It was a fairly large production but the feasibility aspect of it was just ridiculous.

There are far better action films out there and the only saving grace about this film was Russell Crowe. He was great as usual, other than that better to take a pass.
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It Could Be Better!!!
nightringer-7684019 February 2024
There is something called imbalanced in film. Land of Bad is one with bad balance that prevented the film to be better.

Everything on the premise was good, if not great. The story was promising, and half way it went down the drain. It seemed the writers and director didn't know what to to maximize the first half impact. That's why Land if Bad fell in the B Movie category.

What went wrong?

  • low budget was very apparent with the number of actors involved
  • the bad guy's intro was spectacular, but torture session looked like a street gang trying to look cruel
  • in US Army or any other armed forces, ignoring communication in is still severely punishable, especially in a critical mission. That colonel and his goons would be court-martialed.

  • anyone believe fat Russel Crowe looked like a pilot or a retired pilot? Heck, no for me.

  • sat phone don't work and will never work in a tunnel, not for a well, even more illogical through a concrete air vent.
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Land of Bad, actually Not that Bad.
vikingtales17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't really expecting too much from this movie, from all the negativity and bad reviews, but I thought how bad could it actually be with Liam Hemsworth, Russell Crowe and Milo Ventimiglia in the line up.

And to be honest I was pleasantly surprised that Land of Bad, actually wasn't that Bad, some good solid performances from the actors playing the Delta Force team and from Russell Crowe my oh my, hasn't he put some weight on, need to get down the gym Russ.

Overall I think a pretty decent action movie with to be honest a bit of a duff title, and really does it really matter 3 Aussie actors are playing Americans, probably not.

Ok, so not a great film in the great scheme of films, but certainly an entertaining and a decently shot directed and acted one for a couple of hours,

Not a 10/10 imho, but certainly not a 1-5, I'd give it a solid 7/10.
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A pleasant surprise
Lythas_8518 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Reviwers saying this movie is garbage.. dude, what are doing? Are you comparing it with born on the 4th of jult, platoon or that one with Michael j fox and sean penn (Casualties of war)?

It ain that deep but it sure as hell isnt some movie where the main character goes from rookie to super badass in the course of the whole movie.. he is a man after all, and that mary sue bs is only played out with female characters..

anyway,movie was great. Liked Milo since gilmore girls and heroes and im happy to see him getting major roles.. russel crowe, now old and obese, cant do no more action scenes but he is able to pull his role off perfectly hemsworth is good too as a rookie jtac that got dragged into the mission and is not really on the samel level compared to the delta boys.. but in the end, he makes it..

nicely done entertaining movie.
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It's Decent but Unoriginal!
I-love-Popcorn18 February 2024
Indeed not original but if you are into special operations rescue mission movies this flick will moderately entertain you.

A Delta Force team is out to extract a CIA agent. The mission goes bad and with the help of a drone operator (Russel Crowe), they fight their way into the jungle against a little army of Islamist terrorists (in the Philippines) who luckily can't shoot straight.

If you like the genre and storyline rather watch Rescue Dawn (2006) with Christian Bale who lost 25kg to play this role. It is based on the true story of a US Navy aviator who got shot and captured over Laos, Vietnam.
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An OK way to spend a couple hours
tecems-3157317 February 2024
A fairly decent and engaging action movie, with enough gunfire and explosions to satisfy most action fans. Russell Crowe does a good job here, although he's really too old and overweight to accurately portray a US Air Force Captain. The female SSgt who works beside him seems confused about her branch of service as her tape reads "US AIR FORCE" but her rank insignia is that of a US Army Staff Sergeant. Also, Hellfire missiles are rail launched, not eject launched.

Nitpicks aside, I'd call it entertaining. The actors playing the Special Ops soldiers seem convincing, and look quite fit for their roles.

Check it out.
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Nothing Really New
stevendbeard17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Land of Bad, starring Liam Hemsworth-The Hunger Games movies, Expendables 2; Russell Crowe-Thor: Love and Thunder, The Man With the Iron Fists; Milo Ventimiglia-This is Us_tv, Heroes_tv and Luke Hemsworth-Westworld_tv, the Thor movies.

This is a military thriller about a special ops team on a rescue mission in the Philippines. Liam is the new man on the team led by Milo. Luke is another member of the team-FYI, he is also Liam's real life brother. Russell plays their eyes in the sky that controls any drone hits, keeps an eye on their positions and does any other kinds of surveillance that is needed. It's pretty much by the books from here, as far as these kinds of movies go. Things go wrong on their rescue, some of them get captured, some get killed, etc. There are lots of fighting and torture scenes as the team tries to make it back, and although it is entertaining,there is nothing really new here. Maybe it's because it was filmed in Australia and at least 3 of the actors are Australian so they probably based it on what they watched growing up.

It's rated R for strong bloody violence and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 50 minutes.

It would be alright to stream.
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Strong message presented on modern warfare
malmevik7719 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Land of Bad


I have a very large respect for the United States military. I have several family members that are either active duty or retired. I thank every one who chose to enter military service as the work they do is unparalleled in order to preserve the way of life I am able to choose. This work is dangerous. This work takes an enormous toll on the mental health of those who serve on front lines, or, as the film shows, the communication centers located safely within the continental United States. However, a different spin is introduced which links the teams in the field, with the teams at home.

The film takes on the controversial topic of the use of drones in order to fire ordinance into specific locations provided by, or confirmed by, the men and women in the field. Our main character, code named Playboy, starts out nervous, but hides behind the fact that his work with the drones will help keep everyone out of harm's way. He even goes on to say that if he has to fire his main weapon, then everyone is in trouble. The "reliance on too much technology" theme begins in earnest when Playboy's parachute almost doesn't deploy upon his jump.

Upon approaching the location reported to house an asset, other men arrive and viciously behead a woman in front of a man who clearly loves her. Before these men can also behead their child, the American team risks their lives to save him, thus giving away their presence and position. The use of drone strikes turn out to not be as helpful as promised as it takes too long (30 whole seconds) to reach the target allowing the men to fire RPGs at the team, leaving Playboy all by himself.

Technology continues to fail as he goes through one method of communication after another, as each breaks, to stay in contact with the communications captain in Las Vegas, Ranger, who works to keep him calm while he guides him to an extraction point. This time, the drone strikes become handy as they eliminate those who have pursued him, but it was not enough to allow the helicopter to land to save him.

The film goes on like this, continuing to promote the idea that there is too much reliance on drone warfare, as it takes the human factor out. The team leader still points out that a human being is killing other human beings, regardless of proximity. Another person puts forth the statement that he is better than the Americans because he is willing to look the person in the eye before he makes the decision to harm or kill that person. Yet, with edge of your seat action, the film insists on showing evidence of both sides of the argument.

Ranger represents the idea that the human factor is still essential as he, and his staff sergeant, are the only people Playboy can speak to, while alone in the jungle. But even the Americans on the AFB in Las Vegas don't seem to care much going so far as to inexplicably turn a phone's ringer off so they can watch a basketball game. The amount of anger I felt after watching the base's colonel's behavior cannot be expressed in words without profanity. His callousness paints quite the caricature of a 21st century military leader as he nearly gets people killed.

This review has been all over the place, but so was the movie. Technology is good, technology is bad, where's the human factor, etc. This gave me a lot to think about, especially with the events going on around the globe. War is hell, but making it simulate a video game scares me more.
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Phenomenal Action!
ajith-v-m20 February 2024
Ignore the bad reviews. This movie made me sit at the edge of my seat. Been a while since I saw an action movie this good! The camera angles, sound effects and direction is just top notch! It had a lot of stealth elements as well which really catches my attention; felt more like a Splinter Cell Ops military action movie. If you're into stealth, action, and great effects, then this movie is for you. Find some of the reviews here quite hilarious where they state there wasn't enough emotion. This isn't a love movie for Pete's sake! Look at it as an action flick and you'll dig every moment of it! Totally loved it, must watch!
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Solid action blocks, low on emotions. [+53%]
arungeorge1318 February 2024
When the film gets its action blocks going, you forget what the core mission was. If it were a videogame, you could always press the Esc button to be reminded of it. But given it's a film where you have two protagonists (one on the field, one piloting a drone), the writers David Frigerio and William Eubank (who's directing) have their task cut out for them. We've already seen similar setups in Lone Survivor, Body of Lies (which also had Russell Crowe), and more. A lot was riding on two things here: a) the camaraderie between the characters played by Crowe and Liam Hemsworth, and b) the set pieces.

Eubank handles the action quite ably. The firing of bullets and the drone strikes (and subsequent explosions) look dazzling in slow motion. Since character development is fairly on the lower side, they add random scenes of Crowe's character going vegan grocery shopping for his pregnant wife. The decision to intercut this with Hemsworth's character getting physically tortured by the antagonist was puzzling. The tones were completely distinct and the casual nature of one completely deflated the seriousness of the other. We've seen Hemsworth in similar (rookie) roles, and he's functional here. Crowe seems to be enjoying his nearly 60s phase, not caring much about his ballooning physique.

Land of Bad is ultimately a "watch-and-forget" kind of action thriller that doesn't push your buttons. That has mostly been the deal with all of William Eubank's filmography. Still, it's better than the last Paranormal Activity flick he made.
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A great action/survivial film made for the audience
winstonwolf8117 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Land of Bad is a refreshing action thriller in the vein of Tears of the Sun / Lone Survivor / 13 Hours.

A great cast. All bring their A-game. Great direction takes you in to the heart of the action and doesn't play it safe. The production value is fantastic and really takes you into how tactical warfare can be with with multiple teams in stretegic unison to complete the mission and bring everyone home safely.

As some of the other reviews confrim, there's nothing cheesy about Land of Bad - it respects the audience.

Ignore the silly reviews. You'll be gladly surprised. If you enjoy Seal Team / Special Forces action thrillers. Land of Bad is a 2hr ride you wont regreat. Enjoy!
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I'm the cavalry
martingreen-7183522 February 2024
A surprisingly entertaining and enjoyable movie based on modern warfare.

I'm not usually a fan of war movies, but with a cast including Liam Hemsworth and Russell Crowe I gave it a chance, and I am glad I did.

It's your typical good guys vs bad guys movie, with the obligatory fighting, bombs and action which in general work quite well.

However this movie relies heavily on modern warfare tactics, with drones, eye in the sky, and missiles which adds something a little different.

The acting is quite good, and although some of the characters are somewhat stereotypical and lack imagination, but not enough to spoil the movie.

The plot is a little over the top, unrealistic, has a few unlikely turns, but its an action movie at heart, and this allows the writers free reign over the plot.

It's never going to compete with the likes of Saving Private Ryan, but was likely never intended to do so.

It's a fun movie watch, that doesn't challenge the viewer too much.!
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Acting jobs for the Hemsworths!
allmoviesfan24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Hemsworth Family benefit starring the two less-well-known of the family, Liam and Luke. What - was Chris busy? And if that wasn't enough Australian for you, the great man Russell Crowe also stars as well!

'Land of Bad' reminds me of 'Behind Enemy Lines' and even 'Bat-21', with an operator stuck behind enemy lines after a mission goes wrong - so it's nothing you haven't seen before a time or two. In this case, there's a team of them; Liam Hemsworth is a USAF comms expert who liaises with UAV pilots back at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, and Luke is a Delta Force operator. Russell Crowe plays Eddie Grim, a UAV pilot with a healthy disdain for command authority, which has gotten him into trouble in the past. He does a good job with a role that's largely limited to him sitting in front of a screen, piloting the drone, mostly for overwatch. The two Hemsworth's and one Crowe are all very good in their roles. It's Crowe's performance that sets this movie apart from similar ones.

Spectacular action, but 'Land of Bad' is a very violent movie, including a disturbing beheading scene. No punches are pulled in these kinds of movies anymore, but even so...

The last hour is particularly tense. Obviously, a far-fetched plot, but I'm a firm believer in the adage that you don't watch movies like this for the plot. It's for explosions and gunfights and special operators doing their thing. It works.
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rossmcdee119 February 2024
This film is an utter stinker of cliches, has easily some of the worst dialogue ever written & spoken for a big budget film and nothing about it is at all believable. The acting is all melodramatic 'dialled in' predictability. The direction is a series of scenes we've all seen a hundred times before- ripped off every notable action film of the last 50 years , including the work of John Woo with constant gun -fetish moments.

The worst thing is the wretched story. It's an embarrassment to humanity that such callous psychopaths can be presented as hero's, hilariously homo-erotically obsessed with being 'macho' ,while bleating on about how much they love their families.

The story is a joke of adolescent fantasies regarding the MIIC- none of these people would ever be employed in a 'real' army- only some theatre brigade of over camp poseurs... like Dad's Army?

John Goodman's character ...no , wait it's actually Russel Crowe,.. is a neurotic, foul mouthed insubordinate that is so creepy & repulsive I'm amazed anyone thought his OTT performance was in any way impressive- its just stinky cheese... and he brags hes got 4 ex wife's & 8 children as he merrily blows up 'bad guys' with a missile firing drone.

The bad guys are of course cartoon terrorists, while the USA have of course never committed ANY such acts , nor transgressions EVER in their activities...snoooze.... when the 'bad guys' fight back the US troops act as if its UNFAIR and berate them with a new slew of school yard insults.

Almost everything about this film is unwatchable & unlistenable, apart from some creative cinematography, which sometimes is ruined by amateur editing, and a few 'decent' fights.

I fast-forwarded the last 45 minutes with subtitles on as it became excruciatingly bad . It didn't improve, & at the end I was hoping a meteor would impact their location and wipe all these miserable & unlikeable characters out of any potential fictional sequel.

I actually love so many 'cheesy, b-movie' action films that it's sad to see such a dependable genre now financially 'upgraded' into these bigger budget action films that have none of the CHARM or CREATIVITY of their predecessors.

These films don't need to be realistic or have poetic dialogue , but they do need to to create a compelling world, have characters you can empathise with, and achieve some level of entertainment. This film is not entertaining , it merely wastes time & fills the viewers heads with cruddy 'anally obsessed dialogue, from anally obsessed sadists.
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Stupid name, good movie
stevencayer22 February 2024
For a movie with such a stupid name, LAND OF BAD is actually pretty good. It's a soldier survival story starring the hunkiest hunks who ever hunked. Rookie officer "Playboy" (Liam Hemsworth) joins a Delta Force team on a dangerous rescue mission in southern Philippines. This team includes Abel (Luke Hemsworth), Bishop (Ricky Whittle), and "Sugar" (Milo Ventimiglia). When everything goes wrong, the team is forced to rely on an Air Force drone pilot "Reaper" (Russel Crowe) as their eye in the sky. The farther into this movie I got, the more I enjoyed it. It successfully brought me to the edge of my seat; lucky I had a seatbelt. This has moments of slow-motion, but they feel more earned than normal and not over-used. One of the few movies where I liked the slow-motion is this movie, and 300. The actors did a good job, the highlight being Russel Crowe of course. He's fighting his own kind of war against incompetent dude-bros who care more about watching a basketball game than actually doing their life-or-death jobs. The movie can get pretty violent, but that just added to the realism. My one problem was that I wanted more details about the bad guys. Overall, I feel bad for LAND OF BAD because it had almost no marketing behind it, and I don't think it'll survive the "DUNE-fall" that's coming. If you enjoy this type of movie, I'd say go see it now before it disappears.
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Not Good, Not Even a Little Good
leftbanker-119 February 2024
First, let's address the elephant in the room, and no pun intended. Russel Crow is pushing sixty and he's a USAF captain? I guess that could happen if he were the biggest screw up in military history, in which case he wouldn't be in the same time zone as a top secret mission. And he's as fat as an elephant. USAF fitness standards are a joke, but no way does he make the cut. And he's expecting a newborn? Dude, you aren't a movie star; you're a low-level military officer.

Crow puts in one of the most phoned-in performances you're ever going to see, like he couldn't even be bothered to put down the bag of Doritos for a couple weeks and drop down to a respectable weight.

The AF guy isn't HALO jump qualified? Would never happen. If something went wrong, someone up the chain of command would be crucified. So, we're off to a bad start.
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Technically, this movie is terrible.
cschumacher-1358020 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Decent set of actors. Russell Crowe is pretty good. Hemsworth's character is completely shallow and acts like he's never been in the military.

It's obvious the writers of this movie didn't have any military advisors or they flat ignored them. If bad technical details of movies bug you, then you'll hate this one. Troops in contact and no one is paying attention...they're watching basketball. Troops missing...oh yeah, basketball. Conducting airstrikes...yup, basketball.

You'd think that after spending years making military movies, you wouldn't see this completely disrespectful nod - unfortunately, the drone service is the victim of this one. Ouch.
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