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Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) Poster

Seann William Scott: Chester



  • [Jesse and Chester have tattoos on their backs that say "dude" and "sweet."] 

    Jesse : Dude! You got a tattoo!

    Chester : So do you, dude! Dude, what does my tattoo say?

    Jesse : "Sweet!" What about mine?

    Chester : "Dude!" What does mine say?

    Jesse : "Sweet!" What about mine?

    Chester : "Dude!" What does mine say?

    Jesse : "Sweet!" What about mine?

    Chester : "Dude!" What does mine say?

    Jesse : "Sweet!" What about mine?

    Chester : "Dude!" But what does mine say?

    Jesse : "Sweet!" What about mine?

    Chester : "Dude!" What does mine say?

    Jesse : "S - wee - t!" What about mine?


    Chester : [angry]  "Dude!" What does mine say?

    Jesse : [screaming]  "Sweet!"

  • [repeated line] 

    Jesse : Dude, where's my car?

    [repeated line] 

    Chester : Where's your car, dude?

  • Jesse : Who's Johnny Potsmoker?

    Chester : Oh ,that's my alter ego.

    Jesse : Wait, I thought Johnny Potsmoker was MY alter ego.

    Chester : No. Yours is Smokey McPot.

    Jesse : Oh yeah.

  • Zoltan : You gotta activate the...

    Space Nerds : Photon Accelerator Annihilation Beam!

    Jesse : What?

    Mr. Pizzacoli : They said The Photon Accelerator Annihilation Beam, YOU FOOL!

    Chester : Hurry, activate it, dude!

    [a small panel on the Transfunctioner reads "Photon Accelerator Annihilation Beam"] 

    Chester : I think that's it, dude.

    Jesse : Thank you, Captain Obvious.

  • Chester : A barn?

    Jesse : Is it red?

    Chester : No.

    Jesse : Then it's not a barn!

  • [Jesse attacked a speaker box] 

    Chester : Well, you didn't have to go all aggro on that speaker box, dude.

    Jesse : I'm not the one who called the Dalai Lama a fag!

  • Mr. Pizzacoli : [knocks on the door]  Open up, you 2 slackers!

    Jesse and Chester : [quietly]  Mr. Pizzacoli!

    Mr. Pizzacoli : You guys left work last night with 30 pizzas that didn't get delivered, and I want some answers!

    Jesse and Chester : [notice the undelivered pizzas around the house]  Uh-oh.

    Mr. Pizzacoli : OPEN UP THIS DAMN DOOR!

    Chester : It's open!

    Jesse : OHHH!

    [he hits Chester] 

  • [Jesse & Chester's answering machine message] 

    Jesse : Jesse...

    Chester : ...and Chester are shibby at the moment.

    Jesse : Please your shibby at the beep.

    Jesse & Chester : Shibby.

  • Jesse : You know what we should do?

    Chester : Eat?

    Jesse : No.

    [thinks for a moment] 

    Jesse : Eat!

  • Chester : The full grown male african ostrich or the latin "struthio camelus" can go to an average size of sixty six inches... and weight anywhere from 225 to 350 pounds that can get up to... well an average speed of... 27 miles per hour.

  • Chester : Morphing is cool!

  • [Chester refuses to leave a strip club] 

    Jesse : Dude, this is an *emergency*!

    Chester : So is this, dude. It's a break-dancing stripper emergency!

  • [about the hot chicks] 

    Chester : Those double-crossing, sexy-sexy sluts!

    [starts crying] 

  • Chester : [to Jesse]  It's Mrs. Crabbleman! Maybe she'll give us a ride. Mrs. Crabbleman! Mrs. Crabbleman!

    [runs into the middle of the street] 

    Chester : Mrs. Crabblman!

    Mrs. Crabbleman : [see's Chester] 

    Chester : Mrs. Crabbleman!

    Mrs. Crabbleman : [purposefully swerves to hit Chester with her car]  Fuckin' stoners.

  • Chester : Look, a unicorn!

    [Mr. Pizzacoli looks] 

    Mr. Pizzacoli : A unicorn?

    Chester : Sorry, I guess it was just a regular horse.

  • Jesse : Is it possible that we got so wasted last night that we bought a lifetime supply of pudding and then totally forgot about it?

    Chester : [opens cupboard]  I'd say it's entirely possible.

  • [first lines] 

    Jesse : What's up?

    Chester : Animal Planet!

    Jesse : Man, I just had the craziest dream.

    Chester : About what?

    Jesse : I don't remember.


  • Pierre : Alright, here it is: I am going to ask you a question. If you get it right, I will set you free. If you get it wrong, then, you will be spending a lot of time with the ever popular Mark.

    Mark : I can be very nice.

    [Mark begins to rub his nipples, while Jesse and Chester looks at him with disgust] 

    Pierre : Alright, here it is: What is the average running speed of a full-grown male African Ostrich?

    Mark : [whispers]  Pass. Pass to me, I know it.

    Jesse : Pass to Mark.

    Pierre : [screaming]  You cannot pass! Shut up! What do I have to do to shut you up? Do I have to hose you down again?

    Mark : Don't hose me! Maybe later.

    Jesse : Dude, we're dead.

    Chester : [whispers]  Not so fast.

    Chester : The full-grown male African Ostrich, or the latin "Struthio Camelus," can grow to an average size of six feet-six inches, and weigh anywhere from 225 to 350 pounds, that can get up to, oh, an average speed of 27 miles per hour.

    Pierre : [showing excitement]  This is absolutely correct!

    Chester : Animal Planet.

    Mark : Wow! I said Brown.

  • Jesse : Wait a second. I just got a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

    Chester : Maybe you should go sit on the toilet.

    Jesse : No. No. You know what the feeling is? It's love!

    Chester : Is that what that is?

    Jesse : Yeah, I'm in love with Wanda and you're in love with Wilma.

    Chester : Yeah!

    Jesse : You see. Now that we know that we've been sucky boyfriends... we can change.

    Chester : We can?

    Jesse : Yeah! And you know what else? I'll bet you that we did buy them super cool anniversary gifts. You know why? Coz we love them.

    Chester : And we wrapped them really cool wrapping paper?

    Jesse : Yeah. I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go down the impound lot and get the car...

    Chester : ...which has the gifts in it...

    Jesse : ...and then we're gonna go over to the twins house and beg for them to take us back!

    Chester : Yeah! Let's do it!

    Jesse : Oh, no, hold on. I gotta take a crap.

    Chester : Told you.

    Jesse : I know.

    Chester : I know your body.

  • Chester : [the two have just had trash cans put over their heads]  Dude, you just touched Christie Boner's hoo-hoo.

    Jesse : Shibby!

    Chester : [Reaches out from under the trash can]  Low five.

  • Chester : How wasted were we last night?

    Jesse : Well, I touched Christy Boner's hoo-hoo, were on the hook for two hundred thousand dollars to a transsexual stripper, and my car's gone. I'd say we were pretty wasted.

  • Jesse : Nelson, your dog's a stoner!

    Chester : Can he also bong a beer?

    Nelson : Nah, all he does is pretty much lie around and smoke his pipe.

  • Jesse : [after being arrested]  Chester, I've seen this on Cops! Fight back!

    Chester : [to a policeman]  Can you turn on the siren?

  • Zoltan : Time has come you guys.

    [Zoltan signals to another cult member to turn the music off so he can talk] 

    Zoltan : We are finally going to fulfill our prophecies of outer space travel.

    [the rest of the cult members yells out Zoltan and make the shape of the letter Z with their hands] 

    Zoltan : They laughed at us when we said aliens existed and they mocked us when we started wearing bubble-wrapped jump suits, but who's laughing now? Huh?

    [the rest of the cult members look around confused] 

    Chester : [laughs] 

    Zoltan : I'll tell you who's laughing now, we are!

    [the rest of the cult members yells out Zoltan and make the shape of the letter Z with their hands] 

    Zoltan : Soon we will leave this lame planet and fly through outer space with cool aliens, who like us. It is going to be awesome!

    Jesse , Chester : Zoltan!

    [Jesse and Chester make the shape of the letter Z with their hands] 

  • [a plastic doll has just taken a lot of punishment] 

    Chester : Hang in there buddy!

  • Jumpsuit Chick #1 : If you are Jesse and Chester, maybe we will give you erotic pleasure.

    Jesse : That's us!

    Chester : Right here!

  • [Jesse and Chester are looking up at the Super Hot Giant Alien] 

    Jesse : That is amazing!

    Chester : Yeah! Those are the biggest hoo-hoos I've ever seen!

  • [At the police station] 

    Jesse , Officer Rick : [go to High Five] 

    Jesse : [Pulls back]  Sucker!

    Officer Rick : Oh, whose the goose? Me!

    Chester : You're such a goose!

See also

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